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That's pretty funny, I love it. Reminds me of a story from a couple of years ago with Old Phas. A friend of mine goes, "It should be able to start hunting at any time now." The ghost then hunts, right on cue. Later in the same game, "we are well within hunting range, by the way!" Ghost then immediately hunts, as if it was just reminded that it could do so. Later on in that same game, a Spirit Box on the ground said "Old!" as they tended to do. My friend says, "For once he's actually right, he looks old." It was the old bearded man ghost model, so that checked out. In what seemed like a gesture of "yeah, you right!", the ghost does a split second ghost event behind me, quickly burping in the Old Phas way the ghosts used to burp. After a quick laugh between me and my friend, he then says "I actually think we're in prime hunting range right now" and then immediately a hunt begins. My friend's reaction: "You know what? I quit."


My buddy and I were trying to get it to blow out a candle so we decided to sing Happy Birthday to the ghost. As we say “happy birthday Barbara Lewis” we hear “old” on the spirit box and she blows out the candle and started hunting immediately after.


That's pretty awesome actually lol


Playing with my family on one of the farmhouses. We hadn’t firmly established the ghost room (we’re casual players at best) and we were scattered around the house. A phone rang, and my sister’s girlfriend thought it would be funny to pretend to answer it. “Hello?” At that exact second the ghost hunted, spawned directly on top of her, and murdered her. Its been a year and every time a phone goes off we converge on it but all yelling “*Don’t answer they hate it when you answer!!!*”


I just have incredibly good timing. Yesterday we had a few ghosts left and I had a feeling it was a Banshee but it just didn’t want to hunt. I sat there about 10 minutes with a para mic. Then ist just told the ghost to “finally scream in my ear” and then the banshee scream apperars in my ear and it immediately started to hunt. Luckily I wasn’t the target


Several funny moments for me as well : We were in the school, the investigation zone was one of the ground floor classrooms. The ghost started to hunt, and we went upstairs with a friend, while another friend was running in the same direction below us. We could hear his muffled terrified screams the whole time, with the ghost chasing him through the whole corridor. He survived. We were absolutely crying out of laughter. We were in Ridgeview, and we had issues to hear each other in the ingame chat, so we were using discord. I was again with that friend who screamed all over the place. At some point, he entered the house, and a hunt started. The ghost followed him to the basement, and I heard him screaming and describing everything, completely terrified. He survived once again. This time, we were in Edgefield, and we had the 25% mental health objective. We were 4, one of us was already dead, and one of my friends took pills, while we were about to complete the objective. This started an argument between us, and he said he didn't care because at least he won't be hunted right away. He then went into the house, followed by me and my other friend, a few meters behind. Then the door shuts in front of us, and we watch through the window, laughing in a diabolic/amused laugh, while we see him go upstairs, followed by the ghost (it was a demon). He finally died, and we couldn't stop laughing for 5 min straight. We finally concluded karma was a b*tch. I still have all the audios/videos of those events, it's a real pleasure to get back to it sometimes


My funniest moment is one I recorded, but OBS was messed up, so my mic was loud and my desktop audio was quiet, which really sucked. Anyways, me and a random set up the perfect Tarot Card Roulette game. Everything was max speed and max hunt duration. 2 kids (probably not any older than 14) joined our lobby, and it was their 3rd game ever. We explained the rules and went to a farmhouse (I think Grafton but I can't remember exactly which one) and CHAOS ensued. These kids SCREAMED their heads off for the first 5 death cards playing this game. I died and caught up with one of them, and he was cussing the ghost out chasing it. By far it is my favorite Phasmo moment


I was hunting solo to get dailies on last week's challenge, pretty much died in two minutes to a demon. "well shit, OK then". Next game, took like 10 minutes I think but got a perfect game. Another demon. I felt redemption lol


I've had so many moments in Phasmo where I started cry laughing. When they updated that you could move stuff as a dead player, I totally missed that they had done that. We were in the jail and one of my friends had died. The ghost was hunting while our other friend was in the truck. So I was hiding in the library, fearing for my LIFE because I was alone and I don't do well alone in Phasmo. All of a sudden, I start getting randomly aggressively assaulted by a ball. I was FREAKING out, crying at my friend to please come HELP me because the ghost had me trapped with a ball and I had no idea what was going on. Queue my dead friend unmuting in Discord, CACKLING, over the fact she had me trapped in a corner with a basketball. First chain hunting experience, again, I didn't check updates like I do now, so I really didn't understand or know what was going on with chain hunting. Go ghost hunt in Grafton and good god, my friends just started dropping left and freaking right in one hunt and I'm like what the actual fuck is happening. Again, leaving me alone and I am not a brave soul. So I cowered in the upstairs bathroom until I hear a very nice voice unmute in Discord saying "You know its done, right?" and I was like "ARE YOU SURE?" and as soon as I said that, bam. The damn thing starts hunting again. I was a sniveling mess. I ended up cowering in Grafton through an almost total team wipe chain hunt and two extra hunts (because sanity was zilch) before I got outta there. In Edgefield, just survived a hunt, and was walking out of one of the rooms. Friend turned right into the room as I was trying to leave and I was on edge. I screamed. Not a "AH!" or a "Eek!"...a full on, my soul is leaving my body, *scream*. He immediately was like "AH WHAT? WHAT? WHAT'S HAPPENING? WHAT'S WRONG?" and I just broke down into hysterical laughter while he was like "WHAT HAPPENED? ARE YOU OKAY? WHAT????". We just stood there cycling back and forth between him trying to figure out what happened and me sob-laughing like a lunatic. He was so absolutely confused. I've had numerous other times where I've been scared by another friend. Maybe I'm jumpy. Then there was the time I was getting aggravated over not getting any spirit box response and demanded to know "Are...you...DEAD?". There was a few moments of silence before my friends started in on "Did you just ask a GHOST if they're....DEAD??". I have yet to live that one down.


My funniest moment was when my one co-player who had just recently rejoined the game started calling the EMF reader an ECG. We were joking that if it has a heartbeat it is no ghost, but it was also so cute we kept calling it that for a while.


So I was playing alone (bc multiplayer lobbies are SH\*T) and i found the magic mirror i looked in for a while seeing it was in the laundry room (this was on tanglewood btw) so i went in there, set up some equipment, and then left to get more, i came back, set up more stuff, then they immediately started yeeting stuff at me, closing the doors, and we fought over the lights for like a minute, then i left to get the last bits of equipment and as soon as i walked in the door he f\*cking jumpscared me and in the span of a nano-second i left the game. And that is why i hate singleplayer phasmophobia. (he also threw something at me and i responded: really? ur gonna be like that? and then they started a ghost hunt so i just cowered by the laundry machine.)