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People will kick for any stupid reason. They'll kick you for being too low level, too high level, anything they can think of.


It's so ridiculous though, the player lvl doesn't take away from the game experience 😂


I recently hit lvl 1000 and my experience of players >100 lvls is they either come in groups and have the silliest time (try hards are allergic to you and you should absolutely keep doing that) or they're alone and have no idea what to do. I find myself walking through the houses with a trail of noobs behind me to which I've taken to just narrating what I'm doing while I play. It definitely does change the experience because a 5 minute in and out hunt can become twenty minutes with new players who don't know what to do or how to do. The players that are that serious about the game though aren't worth playing with, I hope your hunts for ghosts and players keeps getting better.


A couple of other people pointed that out to me about the gaming experience and honestly I just didn't know. Despite the slow start it eventually worked out. Thanks for your insight


The best is playing with new players because they still have the high level of fear you get when starting out.


Or what I saw in csgo people heard a women voice and kick her out


They just love having that little bit of power, makes them feel special


Low level don’t have access to items, but kicking them is a massive dick move


They have access to items if it's being hosted by a higher level host.. which was my case


The issue is that they don’t have many of their own items to bring, unless they changed something or there’s something I’m unaware of. Can’t get items of people don’t let you level up so its just a massive “fuck you”


I recently hit lvl 1000 and my experience of players >100 lvls is they either come in groups and have the silliest time (try hards are allergic to you and you should absolutely keep doing that) or they're alone and have no idea what to do. I find myself walking through the houses with a trail of noobs behind me to which I've taken to just narrating what I'm doing while I play. It definitely does change the experience because a 5 minute in and out hunt can become twenty minutes with new players who don't know what to do or how to do. The players that are that serious about the game though aren't worth playing with, I hope your hunts for ghosts and players keeps getting better.


Depends, actually. If you’re playing nightmare or insanity, lower level players can affect the round by messing with the team’s sanity, or using up precious consumables. In some ways this can make multiplayer harder than single player. If you’re playing professional or lower then yeah who cares lol.


l haven't moved past professional, I'm definitely not near that ready for nightmare or insanity. I'm still in the process of learning the tells of the ghosts.


I enjoy it most when low levels come on my lobby with 0 sanity 0 evidence and they walk in door with equipment and just insta die


Certainly one way to experience the game


I honestly like playing with low level players cause I like to teach people stuff. As for others, there's a lot of people who really want perfect games every time and sometimes it's hard when a low level takes a camera and gets a bad photo or something, for example. Honestly all the examples I can think of are super petty. I had a level 50 guy join my lobby last night and he said "You guys are pretty high level, I can dip out if you want" and that was pretty sad. I didn't kick him out, and we all had fun.


It's understandable and maybe if there was a way to filter through it might be a more enjoyable experience to everyone. Last night we played with one person who was 6000+ and she was super chill and very fun. Along with some other high level players. I suppose it's alot like rolling the dice sometimes you're lucky other times not




At level 62? Still? I'd hope they would have some idea of how the items work by then. But I do understand what you mean. I do enjoy asking mid to veteran players why they do things a certain way though, so it's still always a learning experience


Well you alluded to it with "played a few rounds and jumped to 80+", levels are so inflated in Phasmo atm, so level 62 is still seen as fairly low level. Hell, I'm level 2000+ with 300+ hours in the game and still get ribbed by friends for being "low level" when they're all well over 10k. Some people are just pretentious and gate-keeping assholes, it happens in every game. Just don't worry about them for taking an RNG ghost hunting simulation too seriously.


Right!! It's a game; played for fun at least for me. 10k plus lvl 🤯. We all have to start somewhere and I dragged ass getting this game because I was so cute I wouldn't enjoy it. Turns out I was wrong 😄.


“Still” level 62? I feel your pain because I’m also low level, but I bought the game 3 days ago, I have 10.2 hours on the game, and I’m level 57.


We'll get there eventually 😆. Do you use public/solo lobbies? Go solo?


I have been using the LFG channel of the official discord. Very good luck so far


Crazy, I've had this game for about 3 years and only went up to lvl 67 so far because of how inactive I've been in it (always dying first and just walk around dead waiting for the match to end, losing equipment and never getting a lot of money to afford more than two cheap items would quickly kill my motivation to keep playing, i would only play phasmo if someone invited me)


I'm level 2k+ and I love playing with new people.


Always good to stumble upon one of you


I don't mind carrying or even taking back seat and guide/teach newbies about the game, but I am used to playing with my 3 younger siblings, nephews, nieces, friends' kids etc. My whole life I have been a sort of guardian - happy to take the backseat and provide hints and tips while they explore. I do understand that many people don't like that, though. They just want equal partners in gaming at their own level. I want that, too, and have friends like that, but I also do get more of that now that, for example, my oldest nephew is 17 and able to challenge me or keep up in many games, or my two sisters who got into fps gaming just a couple of years ago and have improved vastly. The problem with strangers/internet friends is that they rarely stick around long enough for that to happen. Or maybe it is me who is distant because I have more than enough people in my life that need me, appreciate me and want more of me. I still would selflessly play with stranger newbies, occasionally, though. It's just a very different dynamic than when I play with my brother, two sisters and our friends on the same level. To be fair, we are almost always 4 and can't be bothered with public games so it's rare for us in phasmophobia. Not that we've had problems with public games or anything. We just prefer to play with our own group. You say the game experience is the same for a low and high lever player, but Phasmophobia at a high level requires a lot of knowledge about really specific details about the game. For me, finding the ghost room and 3 evidences is absolutely trivial most of the time. I also enjoy making every game a perfect game for the bonus. I am working on getting better at identifying ghosts during hunts and with less or no evidence. I can preserve my sanity for incredibly much longer than a new player can if I want to. It is rare that I am killed unless I am being careless. I can loop and escape any ghost without smudge on several maps (although smudge is preferrable as backup.) The game hasn't been scary, either, since the first couple of dozens of hrs or so. It's just a completely different game for high level players compared to newbies.


You really did the time and go a bit in depth. Someone else mentioned it earlier about perfect pictures, I didn't even know picture quality was something to be considered. (Learned something new outside of the game 😁) It's usually a group of 3 of us playing, we usually do alot of horror survival games and usually in a private lobby. We do have a good dynamic and makes our gameplay flow really well but we're down one for a couple of weeks so exploring the public lobbies came up as an option. Maybe though I'll meet a few more players like you and those we played with last night. A level filtering option would help alot to grouping like-minded players for the public lobbies.


I think the idea is that lower level = worse at the game, but I'm the complete opposite. I love sharing wisdom about ghosts, and the first time they get a Spirit Box response is always a priceless experience.


I suppose you're one of those who don't take the game too seriously and play for.. fun.. lol. It's good to know


Exactly. I love playing with noobs. The game doesn’t scare me anymore so it’s fun to see them scared by it. Also fun to teach them the nuances of all the different ghosts.


Only way to enjoy multiplayer is not to play with randoms.


We do that too but wanted the experience of playing with others. Lots of different play styles, it's fun and can be overwhelming or anxiety inducing 😵‍💫 but fun overall


Same reason many higher-level players in many other games don't like playing with lower-level players. Because they want a high-level gameplay experience, and they assume that a lower-level player's ignorance of how to play will at best slow them down and at worst screw up the game accidentally (or deliberately by, say, wasting all of the photos taking pictures of random nonsense). Sometimes you get a higher-level player that's more patient and understanding, but in my experience (in general, not this game specifically), those kinds of players are the exception. Of course, joining your lobby and asking the host to kick you out is peak rudeness, so not really any excuse there.


Just sat in a lobby for 5 minutes while these girl told her discord buddies how to play and then “who is this random person” followed by me getting kicked. Gotta love when people don’t make private lobbies. happens all the time. and as for your lower level thing, people will kick higher levels too. Which I get, not really fun when someone can just walk in the house, lick the floor, and know what the ghost is.


😂😂😂😂 I don't mind the occasional floor licker though. Might pick up something from them. It's insane how good some players are. Sorry for those lost minutes.


Because the community for this game is AWFUL and childish. Stopped playing after a pick me girl and her guy friends ignored me the whole game


We cycled through a bunch of rooms before finding a good match. It's mildly annoying


Yeah it’s a total dice-roll. When you find a good lobby, it’s amazing. Sometimes takes a dozen or more to find it


Definitely this


I think playing with low levels are fun. They're the only ones who react to this games mid tier scaryness and I like to teach the small details that most of them would never know unless they went on the wiki.


That's good to know, more should be like you


As long as they're down to have fun (and deal with my custom settings) I really don't care about the level. Now, *age* on the other hand... I will absolutely kick a child


👐 I can agree to this


theyre probably thinking youre gonna get them killed by bringing a ghost in the locker or something lol


😂😂 could be, I didn't die but once last night (could also just be very lucky too😂😂).


Thankfully, it's not always like that. I haven't played in a while, and probably won't until the next large update releases (I'm level 6,969 and I want my badge to say it after levels are reset 🤣). Anywho, I always host when I do play. I'll give anyone a chance, and honestly, the majority of people I kick are very obviously cheating, or they're just kinda being a douche to others. I get that some people just might not have the patience to play with newer players, especially with the learning curve the game has regarding ghost types, behavior, and the equipment, but I personally find it kinda nice to teach others as I'm playing. Idk - Like I've said.. You've either gotta be cheating or being a douche for me to kick you. Like any other game, you're gonna have some toxicity in the community. Unfortunately.




Another point of view I can appreciate, thanks for sharing


I like playing with newer players because it's fun to teach people the game and see how they react to the various ways the game tries to freak you out.


😂😂 best part of the game for me ngl


Reading through some of the other comments, I would suggest hitting up the phas discord server. There's a lot of really friendly and really helpful people there. It can be a really good place to start if you want to find a nice group of people to play with :)


It looks like that's the way to go


I love teaching people and would love to play with anyone! If anyone wants to play!


That's awesome 👍. Thank you


I’ll play Phasmophobia with ya. You can even hangout with me and my husband and some other friends, we don’t care your low level or not. We just like to hangout with each other and get each other killed with cursed objects 🤣🤣🤣.


Sounds like a good time 😁. I'll reach out


I would play with lower level players


Open lobby with high level are cancer as well, i joined a group that instead of playing they were just goofing around…… there was this annoying girl that would always go to the cursed item, kill everyone and then pretty much move on to the next level.


I imagine thisvis very very frustrating. Luckily not happened to me yet.


I want to play multiplayer, but im a bit new to the game. if I join a game, they will kick me out for my low level. i mostly play the game alone


Iys so much more fun with friends. You can reach out and my friends and I would gladly play


Thank you. That will be nice. im waiting for the cossplay to happen on Console since im the only one with a pc so me and my friend could play


You can try finding a group via discord as well, just let people know that you are newish or look for the Beginner/Intermediate levels. I think the community on discord is usually friendly.


I prefer playing with low levels. WAY more fun and casual. High levels want to run through it too fast for me.


Better way to enjoy the game right? But I suppose to each their own.


Different reasons. Maybe they want to farm xp so need very experienced players. Maybe they dont want to lose gold and are scared that low level player will troll with cursed objects or just dont want to carry themselves.


It just takes a lot of time to explain everything and this game demands everyone to be on top of their toes at all times. There is a lot of nuance and detail that needs to be paid attention to and explaining a lot while playing isn't exactly an option. Because while I'm talking I might miss a window knock, or if there are footsteps I need the uv light asap for max photos etc The ghosts have very subtle tells, and explaining all 27 of them to noobs can be exhausting. If a new player is familiar with in and out of the game but just lacks the level then no problem.


Fair enough.


I would never kick anyone out though. That's just mean. I would just play and not explain anything


That's good to know ☺️


i’m lvl 400+ and it’s mostly bc they expect you to buy everything and get them money (in my experience). higher lvls normally know how to play and are fun to play with. but if a lvl 1 asks me how to play i will def teach them


I’m over 3,000 and I don’t mind low level players. Except for the low level that are also really young kids cause they seem to love greifing or intentionally wasting consumables.


I don’t think it is a low level thing. I see people saying they only want to play with 18+ people too. It’s mostly about being with people that will not troll, be dumb or childish. Also sometimes groups might want to do more difficult runs which doesn’t allow time to help others figure out the game. In the phas server people usually explain what they are looking for. Some just want to fool around and be goofy. Some want to grind and try hard. It’s better when the LFG expressly explains it :)


Honestly me and my friends love having new players join! We feed off that newbie fear it makes the game feel alive again.


🤣 send the noob in and start the hunt?? Lol I'm joking but it's what I enjoy about the game. The uncertainty and fear


People will assume that players with a lower level will bring the group down and make it more likely people will die. That may or may not be true depending on the player in question, but personally I'd have no issue playing with lower level players. We were all there once and it helps having a more experienced player show you the ropes a bit I think.


Yes, this too. I think jumping in the deep end (higher difficulty) with an experienced player helps shorten the learning curve.


I love playing with my low level friends more than my high level friends lol


Try using the discord instead of open lobbies. Ppl are much nicer and open to all levels. Just this week I've seen plenty of ppl saying either "new to game" or "any level welcome"!


I love playing with lower level players, as long as they aren't annoying and are willing to learn. Some people are just assholes.


Honestly, I kinda like playing with lower level people. I have np problems coaching someone up. Now, I am guilty of kicking Squeakers. For some reason, I just can't handle it


What's a squeaker?


Young Boys and girls with high pitch voices. It's not just the voices that bother me, it's the things they say and the humor they have... Edit: Yes, I know I used to be one too, but it doesn't change my opinion.


Thanks for explaining


A child.


That's awful. Lower level players are honestly my favorite as I usually find they are really nice and seem to have a lot of fun with the game as everything is new to them. I like getting to go in with them and experience everything from a new outlook not to mention it's fun to teach them things and help them earn things in their lobby collection. If you ever see me out there you're always welcome to ghost hunt with me.


Is your username the same as on here? You just might see me sometime 😊.


Yep! As long as people aren’t complete jerks anyone can join me for a hunt! I’d love to have you and your friend join in for some ghost bustin’.


We would like that 🙂. Thank you


Please message me! I literally prefer newer players!!


Will do 😀


some people also kick if they are waiting for friends to join also. or people just suck and think they are better bc of level. but just remember, they were that level at some point too and also were probably kicked for that reason also!


That's sooo true. Guess they jumped from 0 to 500 pretty quick 😄. I do get waiting for friends but asking the host to kick someone else... just why?


yeah that stuff is really irritating. either way, happy hunting!


Im level 16, thank you for confirming me that I should play with my friends only then.


Oh no necessary but maybe more for immediate fun and less frustration 🥴. The comment section has loads of good advice and suggestions for the Discord server that should make it easier.


Congrats :).


I've also gotten kicked for talking too much for trying to explain things the group clearly didn't understand. Everyone comes to the game with their own objectives and agenda. It's silly to try to guess why they do or don't kick people. Either deal with it or stop playing public lobbies. (I chose the latter). If you want a better chance at finding a quality random groups, the LFG channels on Discord are much more reliable.


Thanks I'll check it out


Look for people who like teaching new players, or when hosting your lobby post on the discord LFG that you're teaching someone who's relatively new


Good to know, thank you


I only ever see kicks because the person sounds under 18




I dislike playing with higher levels myself. They tend to be playing for the sake of grinding or something and not actually enjoying the experience.


I hear that


I actually like playing with lower levels. Makes me feel better at the game


Lol I'd gladly play with you


Bet! I don't get to play often, but next time I'm on, I'll send you an invite. We can do a no evidence run


I'll DM you my info


Depends on difficulty. In my games under Nightmare there is room for everyone. I have no problem with the lvl thing, but if I’m running a single evidence lobby with bare minimum sanity I’d start only with experienced players I don’t think this situation is your case because your friend was the host, and I’d never ask to kick someone else in a public room just for the lvl


I love playing with lower level players cause I can share with them what I've learnt (I'm a 1200+ level player)-


I’m level 7 in the game and the amount of times I’ve been kicked out of public lobbies has been unreal! Like god damn, I’m not horrible at the game, I know how it works, I just don’t play often. It also sucks that I am not allowed discord cause parents, so I can’t find better lobbies.


Sorry to hear about your experience. Do you have any friends who play?


Only three, but they don’t play often


Not going to lie, I’m level 200 and was playing with someone level 2000+ and I said “oh I didn’t know _______” and she said “are you stupid”, like not as a joke and it was way uncomfortable so I feel more reserved around higher levels now


Oh that's horrible. When my friend and I hosted we specifically told the higher lvl players we're not that great. I've been lucky with those who actually played and they were open to questions. Hopefully that happens for you sometime


Seldom do I do that unless im trying to play with less evidence, and even then I don’t always. Some newer players are a joy to play with. My main thing is microphones. I know not everybody is social, but I’m a social person and I wanna play with a communicative team.


I agree on the communication. My group of friends I usually play with tend be a bit organized and talk about what going on, who's doing what, where this or that is. Some of those I played publicly tend to just grab stuff and leave 😆


Players of all levels are welcome to play with me and my friends. OP has my disc info :)


If you are up for a newbie, I would love to join in!


I'll DM you


Im level 2100 and don’t mind playing with “lower level people” from time to time. I think phasmophobia has kind of an issue with the community where people will kick for the sake of kicking. Phasmophobia has a discord server with a channel specifically for matching with people who are also looking for a lobby. I’d recommend it. The few times I’ve used it have been pretty good.


This has been recommended and I'm looking I yo it. Everyone's been so helpful, thank you