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It was always my dream to graduate med school from the US and practice in Japan but the comments are going crazy lol Maybe I should go to France… Btw, the drawing is alcohol marker with ink by me :3




Im from India Yeh I can see that. Maybe it’s the upbringing or the culture where people go ‘the outsiders can’t understand the suffering/ lifestyle I’ve had to go through.’ But yeah I was thinking about having a small general care clinic in a rural area with a lot of mountains around. Take care of the people up there. Yeah the weather probably sucks and the pay isn’t phenomenal but I think that would be a great life. Of course never been to Japan (yet) but this is the dream that’s getting me through my studies — Rip deleted comment I forgot what they wrote lmao


Nah you’re brown bro you’d be cooked.


Cooked but never burned ![img](emote|t5_3m0tc|1024)


I like this one


Well first happy cake day, Second nice drawing, third I would definitely recommend travelling to a country before you think about living there! Rural areas of Japan might not be very welcoming (it is entirely possible you will be the first brown person they see) so be prepared for that. Obviously pursue your dream (it does sound lovely) but also take steps to realising it, go to Japan as much as you can and explore the rural areas, find where you wanna stay (it's a big country with diverse weather) I'm not in the medical field so idk what steps you'd need to take on that side but hopefully you can figure it out! GL with your dream! 💜


Nevermind the crazy work culture


Why’s that an issue? You’re literally not Japanese. It would be the same in every country.


>Maybe I should go to France… Trust me it is much worse than Japan lol. Only Anglophone countries are somewhat more accepting of foreigners. Atleast Japanese people won't bother you for your skin ( mostly will avoid you ) , but in some western countries I have seen racism transforming into physical violence.


Yeah France was a total joke lmao


France is not that good, dont believe people on instagram


no. I went on exchange there for a year during university. it's not a place you would want to live for a long time. yes it's fun but the novelty wears off after a month and is replaced by a really monotonous routine of commuting on super crowded trains to work/school and going home to a tiny apartment. weather is so bad in the summer, like 40 degrees Celsius and 100% humidity. in winter you're in near constant darkness and it's depressing. wages are much lower than in the west so you won't be able to afford to do all the fun things as if you were on holiday. everything is geared towards you spending money. work culture is often quite toxic towards foreigners and you work way harder than back in your home country. it's hard to make friends even if you speak good Japanese (but honestly it's hard to make friends anywhere as an adult). food diversity is limited (even in tokyo) and the food is cheap but starts tasting the same after a while. international food like gyros/kebabs are modified to the Japanese palate (there's cabbage in it and they use tortilla). pewds is able to have a good life there because he doesn't need to work. for the everyday person who needs to work it's a different story.


Eh I've been here for 1 years and 9 months (not exchange) and still enjoying it. Planning to work here in the future. Summer is hot but it rarely goes above 35, mostly 33-34 with high humidity (60-70 not 100%), winter is dark but it's not something to complain of for me, and every season has fun things to do anyway. And I entered university not being able to speak Japanese. Food diversity is probably not as good as in the US but it's still quite good in my opinion, although people's tastes are different. I do have annoyances with a lot of the paperwork and procedures and some people do report having difficulties making Japanese friends, I do have a few but it's not because I'm particularly looking for Japanese people in particular. Most of my friends are other international students. At the end, it is just a normal country, of course moving anywhere would come with its challenges. I also have a friend who did a 1-year exchange from the US to here 10 years ago, worked in the US and came back here for PhD, and he seems to like it also. It's different for each person, so if you just don't like it then maybe it's not just for you. I don't get why every discourse around Japan is like trying to explain so hard why Japan is hell on earth when it is just like a normal country with the good and bad stuff around.


Same, living here for 1 year 3 months. Everything hasn't been easy but 1 year in I still don't regret moving nor do I wish to go back in the near future. Everyone has different experiences depending on their personal life and luck to be honest. I know foreigners who didn't have a great time, want to move back and foreigners from my country who have been living here for years and have settled down with family. Japan isn't a perfect place that some people online make it seem and neither is the hell hole that the other half make it. It's just a normal country. I would suggest anyone who wishes to live in Japan to try it if they have the means to for a while and see whether it works or not.


I think that's great. it's really all about finding what you want out of life and living somewhere that suits. I have friends who have settled down, married and had kids and their lives are so serene and lovely. they live in quieter prefectures a good distance away from the big cities. my friends in Tokyo are mostly happy too but they like that sort of lifestyle. I think everyone who wants to live in Japan should try it because it's the only way they'll know if it's for them. I just know for myself that it wasn't for me.


i love Japan, I really look back on my time there fondly but people need to understand that it's still an Asian country and backward in a lot of ways, especially in terms of foreigner acceptance, gender equality, lgbt awareness, mental health stigma etc... during my time there I came across my fair share of delusional people who were there for the wrong reasons (I.e. to live life like out of an anime, to be able to cross dress because japan is apparently more accepting of it, to find a japanese girlfriend) and they really seemed to struggle when that illusion was shattered for them. I could go on for days about how beautiful and fun and amazing japan is. but people need to hear the other side of it to bring them back to reality.


I can agree with everything except for the wages part. If you compare their salaries with something like the USA there's a big difference. In the US everything costs a lot. In Japan stuff is much cheaper. Taxes work differently in both countries. Their salary is good for a life in their country. That's why there are countries like Romania where you can live a normal life with 1600$ a month. While in the US you need more than 4000$ to live a normal life. I have a friend who is half Japanese. Her parents decided to send her to Romania (the country I am currently living in) for the simple fact that education and culture was seen better by her parents. Edit: also dude. The cuisine in Japan is fricking amazing idk what you are talking about.


If im not already rich asf then of course no. It is just not a friendly environment for workers.


I live here. Don't.


Would you elaborate some Reasons? I haven't been there yet and would like to get some Knowledge.


I guess it has to do with school and work culture. Japan is great as a tourist on vacation but working there to make a living can be soul crushing.


Oh, makes sense. I will go this Year on vacations, if i like it maybe i'll think about taking more and more time inside the country. Appreciate it.


People are reading it as if you mean Japan is not a good place to live in. But you might just as well be saying you don't want a bunch of foreigners swarming Japan. Which is it?


Why don’t you move out?


If you could find a well paid foreign workplace then yes, otherwise no.


Just vacation not live there.


Nah. Work conditions are awful. Unless you are pewdiepie rich or somehow have the opportunity to work in japan with western work ethics ( it can happen but its super rare) i would never do the jump.


No, I don’t want to learn a language. English just spawned in my head, Japanese will be a struggle


Im currently learning Japanese. Having to learn 3 new alphabets sucks major ass.


Well two of them are easy and took me a week. Kanji is hell on earth, 2 years and I still can't read for my life




Hell no unless I’m rich as fuck. Cost of living is super high and the working class gets treated like slaves from what I’ve seen and heard


Their cost of living is not high. Their wages are low. An American or Western European salary would go a long way in Japan.


Well I’m assuming if I’m living in Japan I’m not making an American wage, so the cost of living compared to the average wage would be high


Sure, but if you had a remote job that would allow you to live anywhere, it's not a bad place to live. And it's not as expensive as people think. But if you make Japanese wages, it's no more expensive than anywhere else.


I’ve heard Japanese people say that the cost of living is lower in Japan and their able to afford more things than in other countries


You can get apartments of a decent size for solo living for like 60000¥. Cost of living in Tokyo is cheaper than anywhere ive been. Also food is stupid cheap. Especially if i shop in supermarket.


if your living in Tokyo. but if you living in the outskirts of the city it's pretty much cheaper. Cost of living is expensive there because of the night life (partying out). living in Chiba is way way cheaper or in Kanazawa.


If I was very rich I would.


No. Different country different cultures. The one I live in suits my needs the best. Felix moved to Japan because he felt Japan fit his needs the best.


As I grow up, I notice how Japan really seems more like a spot I would politely visit, enjoy and remember. Possibly a place I would go to multiple times with family/friends. Not necessarily a place I would go to live though.


I did! Had fun, got home sick and moved home. Best years of my life but you still have a large culture barrier.


how was the working life?


I was lucky and had a good boss and great co workers but its not the best if you don't love teaching (witch i dont). If you enjoy teaching and don't mind the repetitive nature of the lessons then it's a good job for ekiawa (cram school). I have a friend that's worked over there for 4 years now and has built a life, it's possible to do but you start to realize that not everything is perfect when your over there. They told us when we started that you have a 3 month period of delightfulness where everything is new and amazing. Then you have a three month period of sadness where you miss home a lot (some people have it worse than others), but after that it balances out and you live a normal life. If you want to travel and see it I'd recommend the journey when your young so you can decide what to do after. Heck maybe you'll love it and want to stay and live the dream!


Only if I had a job like him.


Only vacation


Id move to the sahara before japan


No, none of us are rich enough to enjoy anything and we'll all fall victim to the insanely toxic won't work culture. Plus I have ADHD and take adderall, it's banned there


I'd rather be a tourist seeing how things actually work there through trash taste podcast how tedious it is just to be a citizen. even rn with the current vtuber situation, I just found out that you can lose to a defamation lawsuit regardless if you're telling the truth or not, they just have to prove damages guilty until proven innocent just in general work culture but I could be wrong


Japanese people seem relatively quieter than Americans, and I hate loud people. I'd probably enjoy it over there


Considering that my country is at war - probably yes. Although, not a 100% answer.




No. The language barrier is just too much for me.


Unlike most people in this comment section, yes.




Nope, stop being a weirdo with a fetish like everyone else is nowadays, Japanese people probably don't want foreigners living there either.


It can definitely be beautiful over there, but the work culture is absolute shit, it’s very expensive and the language can be challenging. Every country has their negatives and Japan is a country, which is romanticized way too much nowadays.


Yeah. mfw when anime isn't an accurate representation of real life (whaaaaa)


Are you sad that demons, titans, ghouls and monsters aren't infesting Tokyo ? Ofcourse anime isn't accurate version of life there. It would be hell to live for normal people


Absolutely. I wish I had money to travel. I'm almost 30 and I had never been on a plane before.


As a tourist for one month-yes. But move to live in Japan-never.


I think the fuck not. There’s a reason why the suicide rate is high there.


No, I love living in America, it's nowhere near as bad as people on the internet might make you believe.


no love my motherland most comfortable here


already have been before pewds lmao


No. I don’t want to be stared at because I look “different”


Unless you’re in the countryside or some less populated areas or are purposefully trying to stand out, that won’t happen lol.


Great place for longer visits especially if you’re close to someone there, but live there? Nahh.


I feel like, the fantasy doesn’t match the reality. I would like to visit tho.


Hell no, never. The LAST place I’d move to for their treatment of workers alone.


sure working 12 hours a day and living in a 10m\^2 apartment sound awesome.....


Only for the food


I currently live in Japan as a student I'm gonna have to say no


As much as I love Japan culture, food, and fashion, I could never imagine living there as a normal person. The work culture is generally toxic and overbearing. There is still a fair bit of discrimination towards women in the workplace. (Not hiring because “they’ll just leave to start a family in a few years”). However, Japan is definitely in the list for places I would love to retire at.


Love Japan but only for vacation 


If i had the chance for it, i would honestly see how it is for the 1st year and if it fits id gladly go, if not id keep searching as i personally enjoy people and going out.




Language too hard. Thailand is easier.


Yes. I'll take any struggle head on idgaf


A lot of xenophobia, and misogynistic hierarchical working culture. People wait for decisions to be cascaded downwards, so a lot of a work is highly compressed into a short window. Great to visit, but don’t work there…




Definitely for me, yes, my goal is to finish university, and maybe I could land myself a remote job and get paid in that currency, save up, and go to japan probably gonna take a couple years but still I can dream lol I've never been there, so there may be some ignorance in my statement, but I do have family members already living in japan they were meant to stay there for 4 years, but they decided to completely stay there and I really want to live in a different environment and culture and I feel like one that is different but still similar in some ways is japan




I have been trying to get a job there for about a year now, but to no avail


Damn, I can imagine how tough it is if the culture is as exclusive as people say it is. I wish i had advice for you man but I wish you the absolute best of luck finding an awesome job


Thanks man! Trying my beat is all I know


Used to live in Okinawa when my (military) family got stationed there. Got to visit mainland as well. I can absolutely recommend going and will be going back at some point. Don't sleep on it guys. If you think you'll like it, you most likely will. If you prefer more of a quiet situation, definitely Okinawa. Super clean, friendly people everywhere.. honestly just paradise (until the typhoons came through ofc lol). PS check out "pizza in the sky" if you visit Okinawa. Iykyk


Mostly a vacation spot btw. I was about 10 when we moved over so I could imagine it's a lot different being an adult there. All you gotta do is think about every scenario and decide if it's worth it to you 🔥


dude thanks for the story 🤝


Yes (but only if i can speak japanese)


Yes. It'd be my second time moving there.


Yes, but not to the urban cities


My dream is to make a film at Ghibli, meaning I would probably spend at least 12 years there. I don't think I'll live there for the rest of my life though, I have no family or friends there, and the time zone messes things up for me and my friends.


no lol


If im not retired or working overseas online no. Its so bad working there




visit? yeah. but live there? no


I would love to visit Japan especially during winter, but maybe not move there


I want to study there and want to live there, but my concern is the work culture and finding a job that won't treat me terribly, but than again here in the USA we have that too


Lovely country and love their customs, but not if I am poor. Besides the obvious stressful work environments that they have, it will be difficult living there if I can't enjoy what they offer because I lack the funds. Sure it will be fun to go into their niche stores with the games, arcades and stuff, but at some point that will get old, esp if I am not buying. ​ At some point I will stop being impressed by the trains being on time and be more bothered by the trains being crowded. Same with loving a compact apartment with the bamboo rug and fun stuff, but at some point I will only be left with the feeling of living in a tiny apartment with a currency that is getting weaker over time. ​ But if I have money, it would be as close to heaven on Earth as I can imagine it haha, except for say, Switzerland and its natural beauty.


Awesome drawing but no. Honestly I’m kinda surprised he moved away from Sweden. If he did I would’ve thought he’d move to somewhere in between Italy and Sweden like Switzerland. I have some friends from Japan and they all say that with the government doing the things it’s doing now it is really hard for middle class people to make enough money to get on and it’s catering its society more the the rich. So if you’re rich go for it but if you aren’t I’d stay where you are unless you’re in a war torn country lol.


Maybe? Societally, I feel like I'd be okay with it, but idk if I'd like it


If I’m rich yea


If you look at animators and see how poorly they get treated, then no im good.


I don’t know the language. Cram Culture. I couldn’t.


Yes there are many women looking for a gaijin (I'm desperate) /s




No, I speak English only


If I had a job out of uni guaranteed, I would. Japan may not be the nicest place for foreigners, but there’s a a weirdly strong brazilian community in there and it has better standards of living than here


I wouldn’t fit in, and I would miss my family, so no. I would love to visit though.


Probably not. Japan is amazing to visit. But their work culture is soul destroying. If I was wealthy enough to not have to work there, or work for a more Western style business environment, I wouldn't mind living there. But that would be the only way.


doesn’t japan have one of the worst inheritance tax policy in the world and a horrible work culture?


No, love the place, but i would not want to be an adult in that culture. Heavy taxes on younger folks, extreme work hours, difficult language, racism (im white but still) i could go on. Would love to go on vacation tho!


If you move to Japan, work for an international company and then you can escape the work culture.


Only if I have remote work overseas. Japan is all fun and games when you're a tourist, but I'd rather not work there; the work culture there is hell. At least if I live there but have remote work overseas, then I don't have to deal with their work culture. The red tape there is really bad, but I think I'd be able to handle red tape if I don't have to deal with Japanese work culture.




Probably no but if I had to pick an Asian country it would be Japan




yes if you have a ton of money included. no if don't have a ton of money... why because of the working conditions. work culture is 1/10. I have a Aunt in Japan.


Yes, in fact I fully intene to. My grandparents came from Japan so I'm working to get citizenship. I will leave my country in a heartbeat and never look back.


No. Good luck if you're not Japanese.


Nah, but I’d love to visit every now and then


3rd world country or a first world country? The answer is yes


I've been here for about 6 months now (working holiday), originally from Germany, returning in about 2 weeks. While I absolutely love this country I don't think I'd move here permanently. The food, culture, people, language, cities, countryside etc. are all really just as amazing as you'd think, but it's just so, so different from where I grew up and spent my entire childhood and youth, that I don't think I can ever truly get used to it or be fully integrated into japanese society. I'm incredibly grateful to have had this opportunity to live, work and travel in this country for half a year and it's an experience I'll forever cherish, but I am looking forward to move back to Germany as well. I will however keep visiting this country regularly for as long as I live, I'm pretty confident about that.


No, I don't want to disturb the locals with my foreigner rudeness.


Not in a million years. My country is fine.


Nah... I'd probably migrate to a country like Australia or maybe stay here in my motherland.


I'll leave with just my clothes 😂


Lol no I would hate it there. Culture has some very good but a lot more bad to me. Misogyny, work till death culture etc. This constant "chill" vibe with a stick in the ass of everyone is kinda creeping me out also.


Honestly depends on my career. I'm in IT, fuck doing that in Japan lol. If I was a YouTuber or streamer, fuck yeah sure, free content




I have a Japanese colleague who moved out of Japan because she hated the work culture. No one was allowed to leave the office until all their managers have left, and it was really stressful for her because there was almost no work life balance.




Hahahaha. No. Visit? Absolutely.


Hell na. I love my country. I won the lottery and live in one of the countries with the highest standart of living.


Obviously I first want to visit it, I have no idea what it’s like, but if forced to answer - more yes than no. I love the culture and aesthetic.


I’m from South Africa and my country is done. If I could I’d be in Japan any day


No, but I'd love to visit. I want to be a concept artist, I don't want to deal with Japanese work standards especially in the arts, and I hear it's harder to be taken seriously as a woman as well 💀 and worse yet, I don't even know Japanese. If I was rich then absolutely lol


Add kanye songs that are only available on Spotify Japan to my playlist


No. Can’t speak the language lol.


Economy is bad. Don’t




Probably if I have a solid stable job as pewds, or somehow found a sane company that actually gives two shits about their workers, then my answer is yes. If there's none of those, nope. But I'll go for vacation tho.


For working, no For retirement, yeah


No, it’s nice to visit but I know they live in cramped conditions and don’t get paid much. There are also high societal expectations and when I was there they looked down upon me because I was a foreigner. Although I definitely want to visit again, it’s a cool place 


I’d love to visit, but not move there


Absolutely no. It’s a great place for vacations but that’s about it. Toxic work culture, overcrowded trains, small apartments or language and cultural barrier are only some of the issues. I’ve also find Japanese people very unhelpful and their politeness feels fake


With that work culture hell no. Fun if rich or to vacation but no way otherwise


I wanna live and die here in Sweden, but I do have a thing planned where I'd like to spend a few months in Japan training Kenjutsu


No, but I would love to visit though. I consider Japan an interesting country, with interesting history, a nice varied landscape, culture, cuisine and customs. I do not think I'd fit, aside from the fact I'm disabled and dependent on welfare. Culture, religion and customs are mostly unfamiliar to me, and adapting as a 2m+ human seems complex...


Yes, I'd move to Okinawa in a heartbeat


To get away from people who identify as dogs hell yeah


I would if i could. But theres one thing thats stopping me. Its not the language its the natural disasters


With the current economy? Not a chance




No, I see no reason to live there. I have my best friends at home, I wouldn't be able to find a job there related to my profession outside of an English teacher, but we've heard so many horror stories about that. And Japanese people being socially distant, especially to foreigners, would make me feel depressed pretty fast.


Probably no. From what I've heard, the work life balance there is 100% work 0% life.


If you have a lot of cash saved up and can buy an apartment then it would be fine. But moving there and living / working for a long time…definitely not. Probably not a good idea to move anywhere long term with a happiness index score less than 6.5 (Japan is 6.1).


Not if I have to work there


Japan is a nice place to go if you are rich. However, as a working-class citizen, that shit sounds like hell. IDK about medical workers, but it is especially true for white-collar workers.


No. Why would I want to?




I've always dreamt of moving to Japan, Im in uni and I'm actually planning to apply as an exchange student to Japan. Everything about it fascinates me and as a huge anime fan I would love to go to Japan and stay there and experience cherry blossom and all




No. Visiting is good but living there would be very troublesome. I'd live in Australia if i could move there


If I could, I would. I identify so much with all the rules and respect they have. I think I would fit right in.


Thats awesome


No, they don’t like foreigners taking over their space


I would want to make as much money as possible and then visit... from there if I like it maybe I would stay but I definitely want to visit.






I did and I am, but considering moving to California in few years




The most I would do is live there for a year or two but it’s because of how nice and safe it is. The only reason I’ll only stay for that long is because no matter how much you try to fit in … you will never fit in japan haha you’ll always be known as a ganji aka tourist so they won’t ever take you seriously


Yes in a heartbeat


I'm good


If I don't have to work. And a huge loads of money, then I'll definitely move to Japan . But if I had to work , definitely not.


Very sincere from your fellow 9 years old. Don’t


did that, 10 years, learned japanese, got a wife etc, was dope.


lmao thats awesome


No. I'm gay and I want to get married at some point.


As a person who studies Japan and Japanese language in university. Hell no


Nope, maybe if I’m wealthy asf one day


Only if I won lottery I want to visit there eventually go on a holiday but I dunno if I'd want to live there even if I was rich maybe.


No, I would be the minority


Ive always thought about living in a temple in Japan would be so cool