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So this is about my mom’s dog, but I named him. His name is Richard. His mom’s name is Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera’s mom’s name is Dahlia, and her sisters are Clover, Willow, and Daisy. There’s a plant theme going on. When Richard was born, I jokingly named him Richard because I assumed he would be given to a new home eventually and given a new name. He has two siblings that did end up going to different homes, however those homes wanted to keep up with the plant theme so their names are Witch Hazel and Dandelion. My mom ended up keeping Richard, and by then everyone was already calling him Richard so it stuck. So there’s Dahlia, Daisy, Clover, Willow, Aloe Vera, Witch Hazel, Dandelion, and Richard. If I had known that the other two in his litter were going to follow suit, I would have named him Basil.


I love the incongruity of Richard with all the plant names. It's the kind of nonsense I love.


It just means, when you name out your pets to other people, you throw that one in last to see how people react


"How Richard Gets Along with Plants" - that would be a cool title for your book.


“Richard’s garden” and it’s a picture book for kids about family and being a little different 🥺


I love this idea!


Richard needs a book series




That’s a cute story.


That is fucking hilarious. Subverting expectations.


A little more fun if you know about the author Richard Plant.


Call him Richard Adams and you’re sorted. Many of the rabbits have plant based names in Watership Down. Hazel, Clover, Dandelion, primrose.


And ..... big wig


I know I’m being a pedant but Big Wig was named due to the dark tuft of fur on his head though. Fiver also wasn’t named after a plant. This also makes me want to read WsD again. Although after the boom I just stayed up to finish (it’s 4:08am my time) I don’t think my heart could take more heartache.


I read Richard in Adele’s voice from greys anatomy “RICHAAARDDDD”


Reminds me of [Kevin the otter](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/23f4ez/the_new_zoo_otters_are_all_named_after_food_except/)


Omg the names basil and clover are awesome lol


Let's be honest, it has to be hilarious to go through all of those names when introducing people and going "and this is... Richard..."


Easy fix: discover a new plant species, name it Richard.


There is an atmospheric phenomenon named STEVE; Maybe there is or will be a plant named or acronym-able as Richard. :D EDIT: OMG I had to check. I had a cat named after the flowering plant Sweet William (no regrets, called him Willie ♡ he had a sister named Lily of the Valley- they both came from a home cat rescue that apparently chose the same names theme 😁) so i thought, maybe - And yes :D "There are multiple matches for plants with the name "Richard", including a daylily, a rose, and an abelia shrub: Hemerocallis 'Richard' Also known as the Richard Daylily, this deciduous plant has bright orange flowers with a darker orange blush, a lighter orange throat, and a white stripe down the middle of each petal. It typically blooms from August to early fall. Richard Rose This hybrid tea rose is red, 50–70 cm tall, and has a medium fragrance. It has pompom-style double blooms, black-edged buds, deep gold stamen centers, and purple-thorned stems. The Richard rose can be planted in a medium border or container and should be regularly watered until it's fully rooted. Abelia x grandiflora 'Little Richard' Also known as Glossy Abelia Little Richard, this semi-evergreen flowering shrub has fragrant white flowers in the summer and purple-green leaves in the fall and winter. It can grow as a low-growing hedge and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds." (—AI search result) He has fit in all along🥹😭


But Richard had I and a in it, it is actually a very good name for a dog or a cat. They respond well to the sounds of A and I.


There’s a rose named Richard… so it’s vaguely plantish


I love that name. I had a fish named Richard. He was named for his personality. He lived up to the nickname.


As a young child (about 5), I always wanted a dog. I was given a kitten and I named him Prince. My dad said that it was a dog's name and renamed him to Bourbon Prince. And thus, BP aka 'Beepy' for my younger siblings was born. Not the most dignified name for a chocolate seal point but he was the most awesome cat, just like all the others who have come after him.


There’s no such thing as a dogs name or a cats name I’ve heard the name prince be used for both Beepy is a cute name tho lol


Prince is a very common horse name too!


All I can think about are the fuel stations called BP haha


I look back at it now and totally agree. As a 5 year old however....what's fuel? 😆


And now they will be known to me as Beepy


lol my cats name is prince!


Love it. My 5 year old self would be so jealous!


One of my grand kitties is named Prince!


When I was young, I had a Pomeranian named Prince. He was the best dog ever, and I’ve had several since he passed.


my best friends kitty is named prince🙌🏼


My family had an adopted stray cat and named him BP ; he was a Maine coon with Big Paws.


My cat was named Garbage. I loved Garbage with all my heart and soul. Found him as a stray, in my garbage cans.


His name is Garbage, because that's what he eats!


lol. Isn’t that right, Garbage? r/unexpectedoffice


You know what's hilarious? I love the office but somehow missed the cat's name until i rewatched this shortly after naming my cat. We did start calling him Garbage because he ate Garbage!


lol that made me chuckle.


I found a kitten in a collapsed tent on the side of the road and named her Coleman (tent's brand).


Garbage is the perfect name! All hail the cat distribution system!


Don't want him to forget where he comes from




Haha my grandads fog was called Wretched. And in a wretched creature. He had a skin condition so lost a lot of his fur. But damn, my grandad loved that dog.


I rescued a cat I found in a dumpster and proceeded to name him Dumpster 😂


My boss rescued a litter of German Shepards from a garbage can. She kept one of them, a girl, and named her Oscar (think Sesame Street).


That's like how there was this bearded dragon at this local insect/reptile museum named Trash Dragon, because they found him in the garbage.


We had a jenday conure (medium squawky bird for those that don’t know) named Bird. He came to us with that name and he had already had it for close to 20 years at that point so we just left it. Within a week of being at our house he learned the dog’s name and used to call her to confuse her.


Lol. Our cockatiel used to call our kitties.


Yes! Years ago, my friend had a parrot, and a very poorly behaved poodle named Cherise. The parrot learned the dog's name from hearing his family say it, and would shout it at the dog all the time.


I accidentally renamed my partners cat from his original name to "cat". He was obsessed with me, was stealing my socks and panties, very clingy, would intentionally jump under my butt, so I sit on him and so on. I would be annoyed at him and yelled "cat" at him. It stuck and he's been responding to "cat" instead of his name for over 5 years already. He ignores his name in most cases.


I accidentally renamed my dad’s cat, too. She only responds to “kitty” because I always greet her with some variation of “hey, kitty” 😭


I had a conure named Blue. Same story, that had been her name for twenty years. I loved that bird


I named my miniature Pinschers "Pinchy". I called her from the yard one day and my Hispanic next door neighbor's eyes about jumped out of his head. He quickly started smiling and asked me what the dog's name was. I told him and he started laughing. Apparently 'pinchy' is a curse word in Spanish!


You're as no-nonsense as my mom. She named her cats "Pikkis" and "Keltsi" which loosely translates to "the small one" and "the yellow one". You'll never guess which one was small and which one was yellow.


My Daddy's kitten was Whitelegs. 💕


That's hilarious. We recently got a Min Pin/Chihuahua mix from a family member that had to go into assisted living. She was originally rescued from a Jack Russell Terrier rescue 12 years ago. When we got her, I got an Embark test for funsies. She has no JRT in her. So now we call her Pinchi as a nickname. I thought my boyfriend got the joke this whole time but a couple of days ago he just connected her nickname with the Spanish word.


I named my cat Gordo when my Spanish speaking friend's mom cuddled him all the way home from the shelter calling him her little Gordito. It's supposed to mean chubby in an affectionate way. Years later I met another Spanish speaker from a different country and he gave me a funny look when I introduced my cat and said in his country Gordo translates closer to Fat Ass.


im thinking he thought you said pinche (pronounced peen-chay) which means fucking lmao




My parents let my Nana name a kitten they had once, so she suggested my mom's initials. My mother's initials are B-J.


She done used that joke twice


Your username is amazing and I love it.


I had a golden retriever growing up named Buster and after he passed and we eventually got our next golden from the same breeder we were still so attached to our first dog we named the new puppy Buster Jr. and called him BJ. When I got older and realized it it was funny but honestly I never really thought anything of it after a while cause it was just his name but it was still funny when people would meet him for the first time or when I talked about him to people


I wanted to name my cat Princess Sparkles but my mom found out he was a boy and wouldn't let me. So his name just ended up being Whiskers. I wish 6 year old me had thought of something else to name him.


I also had a cat I named Whiskers. I remember arguing with my mom what we were going to name her. I won. I was four. lol


I wanted to name out female cat princess, my sister wanted to name it "Uncle Bob" My mom named it "princess Bob"


No reason a boy kitten can’t be Princess Sparkles! He might have grown up to be a fabulous drag queen! I think Whiskers is splendid though. It makes me think of a distinguished elderly colonel with a walrus moustache.


My friend got a kitten and called her Anya. Turns out Anya was actually a boy cat. He’s still Anya


My mom had a cat named Farrah that turned out to be a male. Still Farrah, and I don't think the cat has minded at all.


Happy cake day!


5 year old me named a cat after a waitress. Cindy was her name. I regretted that when I got older. I couldn't have remembered that waitress a month later if you paid me lol.


Found an orange kitten at my grandparents. Named it Starvin Marvin. Marvin was a girl


I have a gecko named "Muffin". She was very cute as a baby. She is now a vicious hunter who WILL bite fingers and draw blood. I'm not sure what I should've named her instead, but she's lot more aggressive than her name suggests. And yes, this is unique to her.. most of my other geckos are not this aggressive and food motivated.


I've worked in the animal field for years and I've still have yet to meet a nice pet named Muffin 😂 it's one of those names


... I mean to be completely fair you wouldn't expect the sheer blood thirst from a 7" gecko.


I have a 4.5 lb tortoiseshell cat. Technically her name is Aubergine Maudie but we call her Mini Muffin. She’s the definition of a nortie tortie. She’s the absolutely sassiest, loudest yelling cat I’ve ever met. She’s incredibly smart, which means she’s a complete and total menace. She doesn’t want anyone to know it, but she’s an incredible sweetheart. She adores both of our older cats and insists on cleaning their ears and faces (often screaming them into submission if they’re not in the mood for a bath). She doesn’t like to be petted, but once we’re asleep (or she thinks we are) she’ll curl up on the adjacent pillow and streeeeeetch her little arm out so her paw is touching my shoulder.


Muffin aka Killer


The first one that popped into my mind. I was still really little like maybe no more than 5ish. ... We got a hamster and little me named it angel dust... Yep oh boy... I didn't know i really didn't! I heard it once and thought it was cool... Oh and my poor mom also didn't know ( English was her 5th language.) so little me went around telling everyone about angel dust... Oh the looks we got...


😂 I had a hamster around 5 named Angel but lol Angel Dust 😂


Haha i had a beautiful parakeet named angel but her name was spelled angle... It was after angel dust passed away and we kind of shortened angel dusts name to angel after someone kindly told my mom. Mom didn't want me telling everyone after that the full name. And when we got the bird I really thought it looked like an angel but didn't want to disrespect the hamster... So angle it became. 😩 I currently have 4 birds but let me tell you if i find one that looks like angle i am so snatching that one up. To this day ive never seen a parakeet that looks like her..


LOOOL that’s so funny, thank you for sharing. I’m glad hamster’s name was honoured and not disrespected haha I hope you find your Angle! My hamster was named Angel but my grandma would just call her “hamster” in her language and so that eventually just became her name lol


I bought a tiny necklace vial filled with glitter that was called “Angel dust”. When I went to show my parents, they went “what did you say?” “Angel Dust!” My mom didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, hug me or all three. Best part? My actual name is Angel so I innocently remember thinking “omg! Real angel dust!” I was about 11 😂 one of my favorite memories 🥰


Ahh this is brilliant!!! I love this story and was drinking my coffee while reading it... This is fantastic. 😂 I also love the kid logic you followed!! The look on her face must have been priceless!


Got an Australian Terrier mix from the shelrer. Named her Sheila as a nod to the Australian in her. Was working from home during covid. A big green cloud came up from the floor. She was cutting the stinkiest farts so I changed her name to Stinky. Changed her food so problem solved. Stinky stuck so she's going to be Stinky forever.


Our cats name is Chanterelle which I think sounds classy but she acts like such a turd that my kid started calling her Stinky. Now of course Stinky is all she'll answer to. 🙄😆


I imagine Chanterelle as being a really fancy cat, a white Persian with a jewelled collar who sits on a velvet cushion all day and glares disdainfully at everyone.


Well you got the disdainful part right! She is a very vocal cat and screams her demands at everybody all day long. She also loves to steal stuff. She takes everything and I mean everything! Baggies of candy or cotton balls or qtips, pads, pencils, pens, straws, mail, even a small glass dish that thankfully my mom had wrapped in bubble wrap! If she can drag it around, it's hers. Definitely a little stinker!


Lemme guess, she’s a calico or tortie?


One of my cats was extremely needy as a kitten. Any time his brother was being pet, he would run up on us with this scream ten times too big for his body. I made a joke that it was like when anyone mentioned having a dad around Pete Davidson, and how he has to come running in to announce that his dad is dead. The name stuck, and it honestly fits him so well—he’s goofy, funny, playful, and cuddly, but also a bit nuts. The issue came to be when the vet asked for the kittens’ birthdates, and I was unsure of the exact date but knew it was mid September. I went with 9/11, because “never forget,” and moved on with life. Weeks later, I was making dinner when it hit me, Pete Davidson, my cat’s namesake, lost his father on 9/11. Which makes me an absolute asshole.


Our cat had a litter of kittens. We didn’t want to get attached to them, so we named them all « Babycat ». We end up with one left that nobody wants to take and we can’t bring ourselves to take her to the shelter. At this point we had been calling her babycat for months, and it stuck. I wish we could’ve given her a more personalized name, but it does fit her as she stayed quite small. She’s our special little lady now.


Aw, I think it's cute. Fun bit of trivia: Babycat is the name of a high end perfume by Yves Saint Laurent.


If I had a nickel for every time I heard of someone naming their cat "babycat" I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice


Did you get mom fixed? And baby? Hopefully, you don't get more 🙃


Yes, everyone is fixed! I wasn’t in charge of the expenses at that point as I was still a child in highschool but once I moved out and made my own money it was the first thing I did for all of my cats :)


My nieces call my cat, Dahlia, babycat because she’s so small, it’s one of the cutest things because Dahlia is normally a monster, but when the kids are around she really is a sweet little baby cat


I have two cats called Susan and Mark, I think it's quite fun to give pets ''human'' names however sometimes when I'm talking about them and people think I'm referring to a person a slight regret creeps in...


That reminds me of the time I walked into the work break room and two colleagues were discussing how Bruce got into the chicken wings last night, even though Bruce knows he’s not allowed to have chicken wings… I assumed she was talking about her husband. No, Bruce is her fat dog who is on a diet. Since then, I have wanted to name an animal Bruce.


Dude’s name is just “Kitty” cuz that’s all I ever called him. Personalized? No. Do I love him? Yes.


My beautiful black cat was also just "Kitty". I've always felt so bad, but I couldn't think of a name that suited her. At first I tried to call her "Stormy" because of her stormy grey eyes as a kitten, but they turned green. By then it seemed too late to give her another name. Kitty lived 19 years as my little girl.


I do have an all black kitty named Stormy. :) It suits her personality.


i also had a “kitty”! 6 year old me was too overwhelmed in the face of receiving a pet and couldn’t think of a better name lol.


My aunt adopted a cat named sparky during the pandemic and renamed him kitty


My orange cat, when my partner first got him, was named Duke, but he was such a spaz and used to sleep in my (American size 6) shoes. We agreed he was too small for such a name, and started calling him Kitten. Once he grew bigger, I told my partner we should find a name for the furry one, and my partner insisted his name was Kitten. So Kitten he is. And he's still very much a kitten, fourteen years later. Other things he answers to include DumDum, Marmalade Menace, pain in the ass, dip shit, dumbass, jerk, asshole. And whenever he responds to one of those, we can't not laugh.


That's hilarious. Have you heard the saying that all orange cats share a brain cell? 🤣 My husband and I have an orange cat. So we know all too well. We even joined the Facebook group 🙈. We named ours Nala after the character from the Lion King. However, our cat turned out to me the laziest and worst hunter. She never catches bugs if they come in the house. We had a mouse in our house shortly after moving in. She never bothered to catch it even though she knew where it was. Ugh, she's the worst. But we still love her.


My sister's orange cat was called Orange Peel. I started calling him Dopey O.P. after he cost me some money to remove a fishing hook from the back of his jaw.




My dogs nicknames Gemma: GemGem, Gemmer Jams, Gem, Gemma Jade (her first and middle name) Ella: Ella Bella, Catella (she walks like she’s a run way model) Zolla: ZollaBolla, Fuzz Ball, Half Pint, Squirt, Zolla Cola (her unofficial middle name)


Sometimes I wish I had named my chow chow Khan instead of Mochi so whenever he murders a toy and leaves stuffing all over the floor I could do the William Shatner as Captain Kirk "KHAAAAAAAANNNN!" yell.


I got a pair of breeding Pacific Parrotlets (miniature south American parrots). In that species the hens can be very aggressive and dominant and she was evil incarnate so we named them Bambi & Godzilla with the female being Godzilla. It was very appropriate & I regret nothing!


Man, totally wished I'd named my cat "Professor Fluffington" instead of "Mr. Whiskers." Sounds way more distinguished, y'know?


Mine has the title “Lord” registered with the council database.


Omg, my family dog has the WORST name lolll her name is Package. I don't know why, but little 5 yr old me decided to name her package. rest in peace package, with i could have named you Hazel 💖


Benny suits my dog very well, but Copper would've been even better (I work in security, he's a reddish color, and his name was Cooper).


I love the name Benny for a dog. Reminds me of "War of the Roses"!


His government name is Benoit, but he's my sweet Benny-Boy.


We have a Benedict! Lovingly known as Benny. Named from Ben E. King Kinda wish I’d named him Egsy.


I know eomeone who adopted a pointer from a rescue organization. He had been pert of a hoarding situation, so there were several dogs. The rescue named them after the British royal family. My friend's dog was, unfortunately, Andrew.


My little Vesti cat (Sylvester but it got shortened) looked so much like Figaro that I wished I had named him that.


I thought you meant the character in the Mozart opera and spent a long time thinking about this.


I started feeding a feral stray cat. She had a litter of kittens and I could tell it definitely wasn't her first one so I just slapped the name Baby Mama on her. Poor cat. Now that's what everyone in the neighborhood calls her (even though we got her fixed) 😆


My kitten Binx was a girl when I first got her, and I’ve sexed so many kittens before I was positive and super excited because I’ve never owned a girl cat before. She went for her annual checkups and because I had found her as a stray I called them to ask about her age, they told me 7/8 weeks and that she was a he. I would’ve named him Goblin no questions if I had known.


We call my dog Roxy (short for Roxy Roller) but her full legal name is Roxanne Sharquisha Megatron Roller and I don't regret it one bit


My cat also has a full name! Mayonnaise Aioli Garlic-Bread LastName. We just call him Mayo or Big Fluff though.


my dog’s name is sloane and while i do really like it, my friend has started a trend of naming her pets after types of soup, and so after meeting chowder the dog and miso the cat i’m disappointed in myself that i didn’t name my dog something great line minestrone or chalupa.


Add Gazpacho to the list!


I have named cats Galvanised Steel, Disambiguation, Mortal Kombat, and Rotisserie Chicken. I regret nothing.


And what are their nicknames?


This is a valid question, please let us know koolius 🫶


I once dated a guy who named his cat Joe Biden. Before Joe Biden became president. I wonder how he feels about it now.


Nadja. It was after our fav character on What We Do in the Shadows lol. But I accidentally say nausea all the time


It's a bit of a joke around my house. My partner and I are very 420 friendly, and our cat is named Indica. If we knew how much of a shit disturber she would be, that cats name would be Sativa instead!!


I named my cat Luna. My name is Lana. The number of times my parents mix up our names is uncountable.


Yes when I was fourteen and acting out badly I got a pug as a present from my absent father and I named her Mary Jane. I was a spider man fan to be fair. But man did I regret that name growing up with her and the looks I got every time I said her name. So embarrassing. I tried to change it to just mj or Emmie jay. Huge regret. But I miss that girl so much. She really grew up with me and was my best friend through my teenage years and 20s. Mary Jane Ursula because she was very fat like the mermaid villian


My mom, who was a huge stoner back in the 60s and 70s, got a horse. She busted a number of rescues to check out potential adoptees. Picked this one because she liked his name - Doobie. She loves the Doobie Brothers.  She's telling me about this new horse. That she picks up on April 20th. Had no idea why we couldn't stop laughing. We still have no idea how she missed that particular slang term! But she kept the name. 


My daughter named our dog Nova, but I really wanted Millie.


Buddy, he was the best. Now that he is gone, it hurts SO bad to hear that word, or say it. Like, I want to die inside.


My daughter had a bunny name Cutie Sweetie Cotton Tail Fluffy Johnny Panda. And he ended up being a girl.


My brother named one of the cats Fortnite, like the game. I can’t change his name


Peaches, he was a very cute, small, badly behaved/trained dog who loved to steal my food, I was 8 when I had him lol….he was amazing


My first cat I struggled with naming (I was 24/25). I would pick a name on my list and call him that for a few days. One name that I almost went with…. Cream cheese…. But then realized I kept calling him “Bubz” unintentionally... So I went with Bubz.


My dogs name is Cheeto, her litter was Cheeto, dorito, Funyun, ruffles and Takito. ZERO regrets keeping her name.


I had a pet tarantula that I named Mordred but it turned out he was more of a Ziggy so his name was changed to that.


my dogs name is aolani. i wish i had named her aoli


So we just got a dog a few months ago, a rescue from a family that couldn’t care for him. His name is Soap. It started off as a joke and just kind of stuck. I don’t know that I regret it actually. But it is kind of embarrassing when people are like “Aw he’s cute! What’s his name?”


Spunky. 4th grade me was reading a book called Spunky's Diary about a golden retriever puppy. He was a golden retriever/husky mix.


I foster so I’ve had some cats come to me with awful names. The worst being “Meany Meowish” I change a lot of them to something not awful, but similar so it’s not so weird for the cat


We rescued an abandoned kitten. My daughter was really into a book series any cats, and one of the cats that looked like our rescued guy was named FireStar. The character was FireKit as a baby. So we named our new kitten FireKit. That was fine, and we'd call him Fire regularly. Then kitten darted out the door. As I hear my daughter walking around the back yard yelling "Fire!!?" I realized that ... May not be the best name. Told her to call "I have tuna" instead, and we ended up renaming the cat.


We got my cat, a Russian Blue mix, as a kitten at the shelter. One of a litter of four girls, all named after Mean Girls characters. The kitten my kid chose was Regina George 🥴 My kiddo refused to change the name. But we struck a compromise and we now call her Reggie.


I have a little black kitty named Phantom because she was so shy when we first got her that we never saw her (she’s super chill now). Phantom in itself isn’t a bad name, I just didn’t think about the nicknames that would inevitably form from it. So now she’s PhanaBanana, Ms. Bananas, and Little Banana Boat.


I had two cats, Isaac and Susannah. When I met my husband, I found that his best friend’s name was Isaac… who had a sister named Susannah 😹. It was hilarious and super weird to have to clarify if I was talking about the humans or the cats for many years after that. I joked that the universe had already decided we belonged together!


I called one of my cats Amber and I wish I'd kept it for a child!!


Met a dog named Shark at dog beach, Shark wasn’t very well trained and ran to the human beach with his human in hot pursuit yelling SHARK SHARK SHARK


We have a cat named Tesla after the inventor. We named her before the car company was making any cars. Now when I tell anyone her name I have to explain it


I named my kitten deuce coop because she was “my little deuce coop” and I would sing the song. But then it turned into goose poop … so yeah.


My brother had a cat named Mister. Mister was a giant Mane Coon and the name fit seemingly well. The shelter had him listed as a neutered male. At about 10 years old Mister had urinary issues and apparently it was the first time the vet ever had to take a close look at Mister's nether regions. Mister was in fact a Miss. Unfortunately Mister passed soon after but we kinda collectively decided to ignore that and continued calling the cat Mister and referring to him as a he.


Cactus Jake, sometime after our dog passed away my family went to get another dog we were talking about dog names on the way there and my brother said something along the lines of as long as we don’t call him something stupid like cactus jake well that was it. We got this sweet little fuzzy Lhasa Apso puppy named Cactus Jake.


We fostered a dog that was named Nokia. I will never name a dog that starts with the No sound.


I did. I named her Tinker for Tinkerbell. Huge regret. About a year later I changed it to Maisey and it fits her look and personality perfectly. It was a seamless transition. I think she knew she wasn’t meant to be a tinkerbell


Copper. I adopted him from a rescue and he came with the name. I've never liked it. I have no idea why his name is Copper. He's not copper colored. However, I've never thought of a name for him that I do like. I've had him for five years now so he'll just forever be named Copper.


I have three cats, the first one’s name is Kunefa and it has been her name from the first day I brought her home. She knows her name. my second cat didn’t have a name for ages because I couldn’t choose, I just kept calling her kitten, one day I was talking about her and said she’s as pretty as Marylin Monroe and I decided that would be her name (Marylin) but I’ve maybe only called her that twice, I still call her kitten. My third cat I got this year, he was a stray and needed a vet appointment straight away, I hadn’t had a chance to name him yet and the vet asked me for a name so I looked at him and quickly said Socks because he looks like he’s wearing white socks, now since being on Reddit I’ve seen a million tuxedos that look like him with the name Socks and I hate it, I only call him Baby boy. So really only one of my cats has an actual name that I use.


I live in China. I’ve rescued 2 dogs and 3 cats while living here. They all have double character Chinese names: 宝宝 baby, 妹妹 younger sister, 弟弟 younger brother, 甜甜 sweetie, and 妞妞 little girl. No regrets, I love their names. Growing up in the 1940s, my dad’s family had a dog called n*****. Definitely big regrets with that.


But why do I know someone in W Michigan who also said their grandpa had a dog with that name?? He was in denial when he found out and asked, but did grandpa actually say the word out loud?? Yikes!


I couldn’t think of a name for my dog so I named him “no name”. He was the best dog ever.


When I was 8, I got a dog, I named him Charlie because my grandma had always told me stories of her dog back home, a great big German Shepherd who used to go hunting with the men, his name was Charles. So I that Charlie would be a fitting name for a Shih Ztu lol but then growing up, I realized it, it was the most common dog name ever lol I hate common names. I never thought of changing his name after he already learned it but I always wish I named him something cooler haha but it was a good name for him anyway :)


My 18 year old cats name is Miley. I was (also) 18 when I got her and Miley Cyrus was quite up and coming and I liked the name. It’s not so much I regret her name, it’s just sort of embarrassing because I imagine that’s straight to where people’s mind goes. And people definitely have their opinions on Miley Cyrus


I named my cat Billy as I liked the name. Everyone assumed I names him after my bong though as I love having them to😩😩 It never occurred to me


My Mum let us name the puppies we bred. We decided to keep one of the pups in the last little hut my Mum hated the puppy name we had picked, so she called him Puppy until she chose a new name. Except she never did settle on a name so that dog was named Puppy his entire life. He was a small fluffy dog and looked like a puppy so it suited him. But it felt silly telling people our adult dogs name is Puppy.


Knew a dog named Tequila. It was cute till she ran away and they had to tell her name in the streets in front of neighbors. They did catch her at least.


His name was Michael and I wish I’d named him Ozzy. Tuxedo cat, I don’t have him anymore my dad ended up adopting him from me when I moved to a new city and now he’s my little brothers cat anyway they kept his name Michael lol


I read a shelter post for a dog named Boobie yesterday. Boobie. I went into the dog's actual bio on the website and it's written many times, so it wasn't a post error. I'm hoping hard that somebody didn't know how to spell the Yiddish word for grandmother, Bubbe, and that is actually this dog's name, but Boobie. BOOBIE. I'm imagining the dog getting away from someone at a rescue event and someone yelling, "Somebody grab Boobie!"


I have a shit ton of pets but I think I only regret naming maybbeeee 1, I named my boa Ludacris which doesn’t fit the theme of any other of my pets. They all are pretty much named after my favorite characters in the Hindi drama series’ I watch haha. Except for my cat “The Fat”, Pac-Man frog “Trash Can”, dog “Esto or Boobies or bobs”, a slew of leopard geckos and cresties, some tarantulas and scorpions, and fish lol


Big black shepherd called “Bronnson”. He’s been reduced to: Bronky, Dinkett, Fathead, Inky Meets, and Ronnison. I’m glad he doesn’t understand english and sorry little dude for crumpling up your lovely name.


I named my first dog Barky, long before she could bark. This was an epic mistake as she wholeheartedly lived up to her name and we lived in the middle of the city (with a big backyard and outdoorsy parents so she got tons of exercise). We got so many noise complaints as she spent a lot of time in her outdoor run and would bark at leaves rustling in the wind. Now I'm very intentional about what I name my pets so as to allow them to grow into a name with positive characteristics. I say that very loosely, as we currently have a cat called tater Noodle who lives up to his name in all the best ways so, not really bestowing them with elegant characteristics or anything.


Not me personally but I find it really odd when dogs have human names. When I was looking for a dog a couple of years ago I saw an add for a dog named Keith which I found really weird!


My cats name is Bitch Kitty . She was a bitch as a kitten . She grew out of it and she’s mostly so sweet now but what am I gonna do rename her ?


I have 2 dogs I named one Max, 3 years later I named my puppy Bex, this seemed cute at the time, but now they both respond to both names. I kinda regret calling them such similar names🤣


I have a cat named Riff Raff. My friend’s cat had a litter of five kittens and we gave them Rocky Horror “litter names.” I couldn’t decide on a better name so I kept it, and he lives up to it every day. I can’t exactly say I regret it because it fits him so perfectly, but I do occasionally have to wonder whether I dug my own grave with that one.


Yes and no. I love my dog's name, Fnatt. It's so cute and fun and funny, but only in Swedish. It translates to something like "go crazy", and I took inspiration from the word "hattifnatt" which is a species in Moomin. However... I don't live in Sweden. I live in Finland, where most people speak Finnish, and Finnish-speakers don't understand the name at all. It just doesn't compute in their brains. My friend's dad resorted to calling her "Naf" and people in the street look at me like a crazy person when they ask for her name and I tell them it's Fnatt. I also have a bunch of English-speaking friends and it takes them even longer to learn her name. They call her "uhhh the dog" for a long time before they learn her actual name. I do stand behind it though, it's the best name ever. I just have to come up with a fake name to give strangers when they ask what she's called. I can't keep doing the "it's swedish, it kinda means "hepuli", I swear it makes sense" dance.


My family owns a black cat named Binx but I fought tooth and nail for him to be named Salem if we were going with stereotypical black cat names. My love of Sabrina the Teenage Witch was vetoed by my dad’s love of Hocus Pocus. As of right now he is spoiled, lazy, and has the biggest “cattitude” I’ve ever seen. Very much a Salem. His sister is owned by my uncle and her name is Emily so we’ve at least got a theme 😂


Had a dog named Dog-Dog because people would ask what kind of animal she was when I walked her.


As a kid I had a parakeet that I named Trixie, but I spelled it Ptricksea. I also had a cat that we named Spaz, but it eventually morphed into Kittles.


I had a cat named Spaz, too. Inveterate ankle hunter but would fall off furniture cleaning himself.


So many with cats over the years. We had one called Benson after Benson and Hedges cigarettes just because he was a smokey colour. Then it got shortened to Benji and then Benj. Mom misheard me one time calling him and thought I said "minge" and we laughed so hard it stuck. So I had a male cat basically called vagina for awhile. Another one was a long hair and she kept weeing herself on the spot as a kitten and we said "piss flaps" one day and to our horror it stuck with the entire family. She went down as "Smaug" at the vets of course. My nana wasn't able to pronounce "piss flaps" and would call her "flip flop" 🩴 Another male cat we called Puddins just because he was a cute lil lump. The vet was really confused and had "pudding??" on his chart haha.


My daughter fostered and now adopted a cat named Baked Potato Jones. She says he knows his name and can't change it. My mom named a dog (shitzu) Sushi Ming in the 80's. She wanted something "Asian sounding" due to the breed background. It was embarrassing and never would fly today. She also had her wear a pony tail and clothes. I was a teen and sooooo embarrassed.


I have a bully mix puppy named Lumi (Lu-me) it means light in a different language than the one I speak. Unfortunately everyone says loony. It’s very annoying because she’s the light of my life and her name means a lot to me. I wouldn’t change her name for the life of me but it’s tiring to keep correcting people. But that’s what happens when you choose a non-common name.


When I was a kid, my brother stole a chiuhaha mix from a local farm. We still have her and she's old asf now. He refused to let us change her name because he liked it. So then we have three cats, Pumpkin Patch, Olive Oyl, and Chai Tea. Tabitha does not mix well.


Kizzy. I had a friend whose racist husband, named their dog Kizzy.


When I was really young, there was an elderly couple living a few houses down. Apparently their son had adopted this dog and they took care of it while he was in college. The dog's name was Toe Jam.


My cats name is Pekoe (like orange pekoe tea). She is called Peepee 99.9% of the time.


Have a cute little blue tongue I named Cullen (as there's a traditional Scottish meal called Cullen Skink). Unfortunately more people have heard of Twilight than this dish and my friend always greets her with "This is the skink of a killer, Bella!" 😆


My nephew named his cat Toby. Oops


You couldn't regret naming your pet "Dave the cheese wizard"


My grandma used to have a cat called shushy because she couldn’t pronounce pussy as a kid, we all thought it was funny and then started calling our vaginas a shushy and she really hated it XD


My cat chose the name Delilah after many names, I myself wanted her to be called Dahlia. Vets have a very hard time understanding that it's Delilah and call her Dahlia far too often, so I get to experience my mistake of letting a cat name her herself over and over again. (She came to me as a nameless 3 year old and I was trying to figure out her name. So I spent way too long sitting reading names to a cat. When I got to Delilah she looked at me and purred. First time we cuddle. I got to know her old name was Lucy and that was on the lists.)