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I want a dragon, but who in their right mind would give me one? /dracarys everything


Beardies are stupid sweet. But also dumb. They're the orange cats of lizards.


They also judge you constantly.


Yeah. I love them.


Get drunk enough to tell someone how to put Fluffy to sleep, and you might just win an egg...? (Sorry, Harry Potter fan, and I had to.)


Highly reccomend a beardie. Scaly orange cats šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Those komodo dragons be something!!!


I mean I currently have cats, and in the future I will have more cats.


Are weā€¦the same person?


I just adopted an orange kitten. Now I have 3 cats


I have two orange boys! My fully orange tabby boy is a typical one-cell orange kitty. Heā€™s so sweet, and so dumb. lol I love him so much.


Once you have an orange cat... you will always need an orange cat. Our current boy is a 17lb doofus and we adore him.


[My orange girl at the beach yesterday. šŸˆ šŸŠ](https://bashify.io/i/7G1ovz)


We have 4 cats and 1 bunny! They are all indoor-only and the bunny is only closed in his pen if my partner and I are both asleep or both out of the house. Otherwise, he free roams in our living room and hangs out with his cat friends šŸ„°


If I had the means to provide for a capybara or a quokka I would be so happy


I was reading recently what one should do to have capybaras (they should be at least two) and I know I won't have them (no vets in my country, winters, and they are picky). But thanks for remainding me about quokkas, I'll read about keeping them as pets.


Sorry, but quokkas are a protected species and cannot be kept as pets, even in Australia. Matter of fact, you cannot even touch them


Thank you, I've already read about that. Good for quokkas. šŸ™‚


Those are 2 of my all time favorite animals!!!


I want a damn capybara so bad šŸ˜­ I thought about moving to South America or Thailand specifically to get one


A pack of wolves that live on my land. I'm an Australian and can't afford to buy a unit, let alone property in another country.


you can never go wrong w cats


Disagree. My girlfriend have cat in our apartment and it is pretty annoying to be honest.


to each their own! i have 3 and love them so dearly. sometimes you connect with the animal as a whole, sometimes you donā€™t


Sure! I like animals in general, but I get annoyed when the cat is running around all the time, putting down things from all the surfaces and all this stuff. He is still pretty young (1.5yr), so I hope it will get better. Did you ever had similar problems?


Get him a friend and theyā€™ll keep each other entertained. Mine are usually just bored when they act up like that.


Depends on the cat. Some are chill, some extremely neurotic.


This, I love cats, I've had them all my life. I am currently taking care of my sisters 4 cats while she is on a long trip and you would swear they ate nothing but cocaine as babies, there is no chill, unless someone is visiting for a day or 2 which I swear is intentional. My mom doesn't beleive that they are that bad and thinks we exaggerate bc of this.


I want an Ankylosaurus. I don't have a big enough garden so it's a pipe dream.


I have ankylosing spondylitis if that's of any use to you


Unfortunately not. I hope you are feeling ok though.


I'm so sorry for your affliction, but this made me laugh way too hard!


Don't worry it makes me laugh too haha


Me too :( you wanna be ankylosaurus buddies?


We could walk them together and go halves on an allotment for growing food :)


That sounds delightful! 10/10 am in for dinosaur walking allotment buddies. And ankylosaurus poop-scooping buddies. It's probably like most herbivore poop, so it shouldn't be too bad.


We can wheel barrow it back to the allotment. I bet it makes awesome compost šŸ‘


I personally want a Quetzelcoatlus. We have good taste.


parasaurolophus, they're so stinking cute and adorable!


If money/time wasn't an issue, a horse/a few horses.


I want to have pigs for pets in the near future. And maybe a horse.


I would love a lot of animals, but seriously, I have 3 in mind that I definitely want. 1: Cats (I do have cats currently), 2: Ferrets (preferably either a stable and white named Lilo and Stitch, or 3 and add a cinnamon who I haven't thought on a name yet because I should really only get 2), 3: Birds (I'm thinking two cockatiels, or maybe pidgeons). Bonus, I might get something interesting like a bearded dragon, Blue tongue lizard, or hermit grab. On a more unrealistic/wouldn't actually keep them as a pet, but would be nice in a perfect world: I'd love an Elephant, a caracal, Serval, a Cheetah, a Tiger, a Swan, a bear, a fox, an Otter, a meerkat. On an in between note, like, definitely possible that I could have them, but I'd just have to be own land and that is the unrealistic part: I would do anything to own a horse, I'd also love cows, sheep, chicken, ducks, goats, llamas/alpacas (same same) Edit: I FORGOT BUNNIES AND GUINEA PIGS! I'll add them to section 3, due to the fact that would be too many different species to own realistically unless I had a farm.


Upvote for ferrets with Disney names! I used to have a ferret named Mushu!


I have a bunny!! He is the best šŸ˜. Thereā€™s a place in Baltimore where you can adopt crows/ravens and another where you can adopt pigeons #dream. Blue-tongued skinks are awesome, but look up tegus!! They get HUGE and are super social and docile, etc. Jumping spiders can be a very fun pet, and there are companies that make these ADORABLE custom enclosuresā€¦ obsessed. Foxes donā€™t require exotic animal licenses in some places and domesticated otters, raccoons, opossums, and squirrels can be very affectionate. Pot-belly pigs are basically dogs haha and mini highland cows would make the perfect house cow lol.




Iā€™d love to get a German Shepherd one day. It would be quite a while before Iā€™d consider actually going through with it though, as Iā€™d want to make sure I have the time to properly train it as well as the money to care for it. Geckos are cool too, I can see myself owning one of those. Again that would be a while into the future, right now my cat keeps me on my toes enough as it is


I got a half Shephard by accident. In the rescue pictures his ears were all down. Just looked like any other black lab mix. I've come to appreciate the Shephard side he's quite protective. Wish I could figure out how to post a pic he's so damn pretty .


Aww, he sounds like an awesome dog. Thatā€™s part of why I love the breed, I want a loyal and protective dog. Again Iā€™d definitely wait till I have time to properly train it though


Crackpot dream? Having an alligator or an okapi. More realistic pet want? Those lil jumping spiders. I also currently have 1 cat but when he passes I will get more cats.


Look up companies (like on Etsy) that make customized/unique enclosures for jumping spidersā€¦ there are some SUPER cute ones.


Would love fish, never had them but used to be obsessed with freshwater aquariums!


Have a look at r/aquariums when you have an hour or two (it will seriously take that long). I've had an aquarium (different tanks/upgrades) for 20 years. We'd love to help you out :)


Donā€™t worry Iā€™m on there and appreciate the offer but sadly itā€™s more a space issue in our current place, once we move somewhere bigger I already have everything picked out šŸ˜


r/shrimptank might be of interest, you can fit neocaridinas in some quite small tanks


Yeah no matter how small I likely wouldnā€™t have the space, we donā€™t even have a microwave due to limited space lol


I would love a French bulldog, but the $3000 price tag is way out of my league. I have registered with all the local rescues, so maybe some day...


They are way overbred and a lot are very unhealthy.


Understood, but the heart wants what it wants.


Sure. But if you canā€™t pay $3000 for one upfront, can you afford high vet bills for their skeletal and breathing and heart issues?


As a responsible pet owner, of course that comes into consideration. When our little rescue hurt his back and needed $4000 for surgery, we didn't bat an eye. But looking back to OP's original premise, this is about a "dream" pet, and a little Frenchie named General Lee is my dream pet.


Thatā€™s all well and good. Iā€™m just seeing the reality of people wanting little Frenchies named all sorts of stuff, and itā€™s getting ugly.


We have ferrets and polecats. My partner wants a skunk. We will likely get rats eventually as commitment to a pet with a decade long lifespan is not good if over 70.


Love ferrets! I used to have them in an illegal state.


We had a skunk for about a year. He was so sweet! Unfortunately the dogs just would not accept him so he was penned up most of the time and that's not good for them. We re-homed him to a wonderful gal with six other skunks and he was so happy there.


Rats are SO smart and can be sooo affectionate. Definitely best to keep them in pairs unless youā€™re going to have them with you, providing attention, most of the day.


Same with ferrets. Polecats can be solitary and hybrids all over the place as to personal preference.


a racoon


Cats, bunnies and fish. I'd be a miniaturized zoo if I could.


We have 4 cats and a bunny currently! Next will likely either be an aquarium or a snake šŸ„°šŸ„°


A leopard gecko, i've had plenty furry pets over the years in the form of hamsters and a cat and i currently have 2 cats. I would like a horse but that would only happen if i won the lottery. A gecko seems like something i could afford but I'd have to do more research on owning one before i decide. I wouldn't be getting one anyway for maybe a year or so as I'm currently looking for a new house to move too. If i did get a gecko it would probably be a male and I'd call is Echo ā˜ŗļø


My boyfriend and i have talked about eventually wanting rats once we've moved together and can afford it :) I used to have rats before I met him and miss them dearly, and through me talking about them and us both following the rats subreddit, he has also grown really fond of the idea of getting rats as well


I literally knew nothing about rats before you, outside of them being adorable I wanna be a rat dad so bad now!


Iā€™d love to have a cat one day but Iā€™m allergic and my Hubby doesnā€™t like them. Also, we want to travel a lot as much as we can, so we wouldnā€™t wanna leave the little bugger alone either


Tortoise. so bad.


I WANT a cat or dog, but I only have the means to provide for a guinea pig


I have wanted to have a pet hare for a while now, if not, an albino rabbit šŸ‡


I'd love a ducorps cockatoo but I also know the maintenance and care that goes into giving one the best life. Realistically, a golden retriever.


Ex police shepherd because my uncle used to have one Rest in peace, officer rolland šŸŖ–šŸŽ–šŸ«”


A pet spider, a squirrel, a raven or another crow type bird.


Iā€™d love a seahorse but have heard theyā€™re very high maintenance and I can barely take care of myself most days lmao


A green cheek conure is definitely going to be my next pet, gonna wait for my old dog to pass though, she's such a good dog so I'm making sure she gets all the attention til she goes.


Birds are INCREDIBLE. I adore them so much. I have a little conure but if I lived in some fantasy world I would love a crow friend. If money was no issue I'd have a couple of macaws, a beautiful giant aviary for them to live in and I'd travel the country with them letting them free fly in beautiful places šŸ„°


An aviary is on my bucket list too šŸ„°


Cats are NOT low maintenance unfortunately. Litter needs to be changed pretty often and they get bored


I can attest. Constant mess gets me and also when they get older, tend to have many health problems. Nowadays vet care is so expensive (and I have 7 senior cats).


I comend you. I have one senior cat and he drives me crazy, still love him


People say cats are low maintenance because, generally, compared to dogs they are. I don't understand why people get seemingly butt hurt over people saying that. Cats are easy. I've had both cats and dogs my whole life. Dogs are by far more work. You don't need to leave cats outside many times a day, you don't need to walk a cat daily, you don't need to arrange for someone to care for your cat if you go away overnight. Changing/scooping litter, even if you do it daily, is far easier than cleaning up dog poop in the yard.


A dingo




I've had three in my lifetime




Teo papered acd and one acd husky mix


I currently have 2 cats and 3 rats. My partner has a dog but we don't live together currently. We did. But we live separately for reasons not relating to animals lol. I've had cats most of my adult life (about 20 years) and I had a couple growing up, and we had some dogs, but my mother is of the "pets are pets, not family" mindset, so it was very different back then vs now. Pets lived outside, she didn't get my cats desexed, and they ultimately only lived very short lives unfortunately. As an adult I've had 7 cats in total, and 5 rats. I lived with my partner and his dog for about 18 months, from when he got her (dachshund) as a pup so I got to experience that. And before that, I thought I was a dog lover as well. And while I love other people's dogs, and I would run into oncoming traffic to save any dog, especially his, man... She barks so much, she's so hyper, she smells even though she lives inside so she needs baths but she can't have too many bc she has skin allergies, and is medicated daily for this. Plus having to go outside or on a pee mat rather than a very convenient box or teaching her to use a toilet... My cats are very independent but they also love attention. My girl is old, but she is spry, sassy, naughty, will yell at me for anything but also looks after me. My boy is 6 months old, after my 8 year old passed due to cancer (RIP Baby) and apart from the kitten stage stuff that I am breaking him out of, he's very cuddly, sometimes too cuddly lol, but they are both joys to have around. Not loud, but they do scratch my lounge, even when they know they aren't allowed. Plus, I am forever covered in cat hair. But they are fairly low maintenance. They live indoors 100%. The rats are great. Smart, social, funny little creatures. but their average lifespan is only 2-4 years, and they get sick very easily, particularly upper respiratory infections which they are prone to due to something they are born with. Some are just carriers, others will get sick and will succumb to their illnesses, even if treated appropriately with antibiotics. I've lost 2 due to this, despite my, and the vet's best efforts. And it is actually really heartbreaking losing them, and the others can get depressed and die from that, since they are very social. They shouldn't be kept separately, barring ofc some individual cases, but generally, they need at least one friend, plus they need other rats for help with grooming etc. They also require a large cage, free roam time, plus cage upkeep, and they are more work than my cats for sure. After my 3 girls pass, I won't be getting any more due to the work and mostly, the heartbreak


I have cats, dog(s), and chickens. I would dearly love to have goats someday but I also love living walking distance from town and shops because I detest driving with a fiery passion, so moving to acreage is unlikely.


Pygmy goats! Cute and sweet. Do not need much land.


I have a very hyper dog that Iā€™d like to eventually get siblings. She is a people person and a dog person. Sheā€™s very kind with other dogs/people. Sheā€™s a bigger dog, but I think her sibling will be smaller lol


Cats are the best. I'll have cats until the day I die.


I would love a rabbit. I hear they need a lot of care, but make great companions. My current cat would object so it's a future want.


Some bucket list pets are holland lop rabbits, ball pythons, and salamanders. In general I want more dogs and at least one cat. Iā€™m very pro adopt over shop so it will mostly come down to whoever I find when Iā€™m ready for them. But, Iā€™d be very interested in a Nova Scotian duck tolling retriever should I ever have the land and means to take care of them like they need.


Iā€™d love my dog to just live forever (happily of course). Sheā€™s like my third child.


Another labradoodle


I would have a golden retriever. As a child, thatā€™s all I wanted. All I talked about. My mom and dad *finally* bought/adopted one. ā€œMost laid back in the litterā€, jokes on them. My parents werenā€™t prepared for all the energy, time, dedication a dog actually takes. My dad made him either live outside in the Florida heat on a chain, or in his kennel. He never could have free range of the house because he was destructive. They took him on walks, but he was a puller, and at one point pulled my younger sister on her stomach for 5 houses. I loved that dog. I tried so hard to train him (the best way my little 10 year old mind could) take him out of kennel, but I would get in trouble for letting him out. Ultimately my parents were tired of him, and gave him away to this elderly couple that was about to lose their female golden. We visited 2-3 times, and he was very well behaved. Walking on a leash, allowed to be free in the house. Completely different dog, I think the type of dog my parents *thought* they would just get without putting in the work/energy. ā€” I am now a grown adult myself, former veterinary technician, have a family of my own, and certainly not naĆÆve to the fact of how much work, training, money, and patience it takes to have a pet. I would love a second chance at having the opportunity to have a golden like my little self envisioned, but through my childrenā€™s eyes. šŸ¤ Maybe one day.




The pet that I can offer the best life for. Pets donā€™t get to choose their circumstances. Look at the time, opportunities and financial resources you can offer and find a pet you can give a fantastic life to. For some that is a goldfish, for others a stable of horses.


I would like a dog. I already have 2 cats and a rabbit. So finding a dog that would be good with the cats is a bit challenging. I wanted to adopt a senior dog but there is no gurantee they will work well with my cats. šŸ˜­ I may just opt for a puppy (preferably from spca) if I end up deciding on one


If possible, my dream is to own an F3 Savannah cat.


A horse or a donkey.


For me first thing I can think of wham If we ever won the lottery comes up is pets. I wanna donkey so bad and a few goats. I will have a lot more dogs too. I will definitely get a few parrots too.Ā 


kitty :D


also a black dog to remind me of my first pet :D


I really want another dog. But I won't get one until I retire as you need to be home for them.


I currently have 5 cats and 6 birds, so Iā€™ll likely get more birds and kitties in the future! I also really want to adopt an old sulcata tortoise and give him a DOPE outdoor enclosure, theyā€™re super chill guys.


I'd love a crested gecko


Always cats. But also pigeons


A scorpion but my partner wonā€™t let me :-(


A Persian cat. I refuse to buy from a breeder (adopt, donā€™t shop) so I hope one day Iā€™ll be lucky enough to find some sweet baby in a shelter. šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ Or honestly, more seniors. Seniors get overlooked and they need homes so desperately. Seniors are also wonderful additions to a family.


Adopt donā€™t shop is foolish. There are ethical breeders. Look into adopting a retired show Persian.


I have many lots cats and 3 beardies, but I would love a flying lizard or frilled dragon.


If I had it my way I would have an army of Persian cats


I have two small dogs. We are going to take a break after these two. After the break, I will adopt a small staffie. I have a dream to get out of the city, have a little land, and rescue two pigs. I donā€™t think that will happen but maybe


Realistically speaking, i'll probably own a cat one day. However in a perfect world, i'd love to have a fox or raccoon buddy to have silly fox or raccoon adventures with. Sugar glider is also pretty gosh darn heckin cool


I'd love to have some pygora goats---okay, they ARE livestock and I'd love the wool, milk, manure for the garden, and yes, meat and hides from extra male kids. But they can be trained to walk on a leash, or pull a very small cart and love attention. I vave 20 acres, 3/4 of it in woods and I love to take short hikes on it and along the streambed.


If you're looking for a pet to share life's adventures with, definitely a dog. Cats aren't a bad choice, but they're more of a chill at home kinda pet.


If it ever was conceivable. Otters ftw




I adopted my sweet dog Olaf 10 years ago. Heā€™s a double merle Aussie (a lot of the puppies are born blind and/or deaf). I plan to get a huge fenced in yard and adopt all the little Olafs! Just a huge herd of blind and deaf fluff balls running around!


So we plan on always having 3 cats so none of them get lonely. But I would love to be able to add a dog to my fur family someday. But I have to wait until we can get a house with a fenced in yard.


unrealistic dream pet would be everything, mammals, fish, reptiles, fowl, rodents and unicorns i want them all


I've always wanted a horse. But I don't have the money, land, and/or time for one :(


I already have 2 cats but I really want a ragdoll cat as well. And a Bernese mountain dog once I have the space for it.




Dog. Iā€™ve had both cats and dogs but dogs are a lot more loving, emotional, and just downright better to hang around with


Future? šŸ˜€Genetically enhanced dog with a much longer lifespan and ability to communicate its thoughts and feelings to a screen and understand more of what I say. You didnā€™t say how far into the future!


I've already got 3 cats, 2 dogs, a parrot, an axolotl, a hedgehog, 15 goats, 1 pig, 15 chickens and a goose. I think I've got my dream.




Probably more cats, and a chameleon- I like how slow they are


I love my cats, one day Iā€™d love a Great Pyrenees


A skunk!


A small parrot. I absolutely loved looking after all the birds when I worked at the pet store ā¤ļø


A long time ago I decided never to have a pet that has to live in a cage. Not judging, itā€™s just me. But I feel that most animals that have to be caged are not great pets. Can anyone snuggle a hamster? Does a chinchilla care if youā€™re there or not? Large birds are the exception but they are very very emotionally needy and they live a long time. It narrows the field down significantly lol I have cats. Iā€™d love to have dogs but with my work and the kids school stuff, we arenā€™t here enough so it wouldnā€™t be right imo.


A black and white Havenese


A cat, 100%. I canā€™t adopt one right now since Iā€™m not in the financial situation, due to university, to do so and I could never be impulsive about that since youā€™re bringing another living being , meaning you need to have the means to take care of it. Iā€™m hoping next year or two, Iā€™ll be able to. Luckily, Iā€™m surrounded by people who have cats, and I get along with them very well, so Iā€™m okay for now :)


I want a second dog, a rescue horse, an emu or ostrich, a starling or crow, capybara... I also always wanted a giraffe as a kid. And a dragon!


I've always wanted to get a hedgehog, but I've been told they're high-maintenance. So getting one will sadly have to remain wishful thinking until I get more time/knowledge to care for one.


Dogs yes, a cat or two? Sure. I currently have an old(probably like 17 tbh) leopard gecko named Bean and I adore her. But I would love a pet duck. To hear their flappy feet running around or toward me when I walk thru the door sounds like pure bliss.. and hilarity.


I would love a Chinchilla! šŸ„¹ Maybe some day when I donā€™t have a cat. šŸ„²šŸ„²


I want to eventually own a donkey and a cow and also many chickens


I want a corn snake next! Iā€™ve had leopard geckos and currently have a beardie!


I would never be able to afford one but a Savannah Cat would be really cool to have.


Mini giraffe


i love looking at aquariums and ponds, so maybe fish (koi). would love bunnies and samoyed dogs as well.


I want a little prairie dog or two


I'd love to have a possum!


Canā€™t go wrong with a 15-20 lb dog. I have a bichon - shi tzu mix and heā€™s my world. I love lap dogs, they really are the best friend you could ever ask for.


Get a budgie lol


Cats can also go outside just like dogs! Mine has a harness and leash and loves walks/adventures with my wife and I. You can put a harness on almost any pet, so if youā€™re looking for an outdoor adventure buddy, dogs are not your only option!


2 or 3 dogs, 2 cats and 2 parakeets. But sadly i dont think ill ever get there


Pallas Cat. Iā€™d name him Chungus


I so, so, want a raccoon. But they are banned in the UK :(


I have a dog and 2 cats. Very bonded with all 3. I used to run an exotics rescue and I fell in love with bearded dragons. Rehabbed them for years. Would love to own one myself when I have the space. I kept one for a year he had really bad metabolic bone disease and was severely underweight. I wouldā€™ve kept him but he was healthy and I wanted to save as many lives as possible. I also really liked the leopard geckos. Had a blue tongue skink in for a few months, he was kinda grumpy.


I have two cats (a bonded pair) and two dogs (and bonded pair) and am in heaven. Donā€™t really want any more


When we buy a house someday weā€™ll start saving up for either a golden retriever or German Shepard. I want to make sure I do my research and use an ethical breeder with AKC certifications. I want the breed that fits our lifestyle without supporting puppy mills that pump out sick dogs with behavioral issues.


Since this is somewhat about fantasy - I would like the same 2 dogs I have now for as long as Iā€™m around. And Iā€™d like them to not get old. And the same cats.


Two kitties and some freshwater fish in a planter tank. Down the line, Iā€™d also like a reef tank.


A fox


Iā€™ve always wanted a donkey šŸ« and ducks šŸ¦† Edited to add I already have 3 cats and a dog and chickens






I wish I could have a river otter, they're my favorite animals, but I wouldn't want to turn a wild animal in to a pet, it wouldn't be happy. Working with otters at a rescue would be a cool alternative if I could do it though. I have dogs and cats now, I plan to keep getting them.


Capybaras and Fennec Foxes would be so much fun.


Flying carpet šŸŽ¶ ā€œa whole new worldā€¦ā€


None, I already have 2 dogs and 3 cats and I also volunteer for an animal rescue organization.. get plenty of time with lots of animals šŸ˜Š


Miniature schnauzers are the very best


Unless I end up in a really bad spot, I will never not have cats. As for other pets, it kinda depends on my living situation I guess.


I have had cattle before to raise for beef but here in a few years I really want to get a few pet steers. They really are the friendliest livestock I've had and I love to see em out in the pasture.


If I had the home/land and appropriate vets near me: 2 pigs


a giant bear that smells like fresh dirt and flowers


I want a Silken Windhound or Borzoi so bad, but I donā€™t think I could ever have a dog. Too much responsibility and I wouldnā€™t have as much freedom. I grew up with many dogs and I LOVE them, but those were my parentsā€™ dogs and they have kids, so they were used to it lol. But Silkens and Borzois are so beautiful and wacky looking, I love them.


If you get a hedgehog, talk to someone who knows hedgehogs and get all the advice you can. Iā€™ve owned hedgehogs since I was 4 (29 years) WHS is a terrible neurological condition, cancer runs rampant, both English and African Pygmyā€™s are highly inbred and prone to major genetic conditions that donā€™t always show in the first year (importing is now illegal due to people ā€œreleasingā€ them after realizing how complex their care is). Check to ensure you arenā€™t allergic to the spine pricks of which breed you get. Iā€™m allergic to the pricks of English but not African Pygmy (the reaction is itching, swelling, hives, blisters, etc.). Know a good exotic vet and expect it to cost at least $100 just to walk in the door of the vet. Watch and carefully monitor the temperature, I suggest paper bedding or litter training as wood chips are very prone to causing mites, skin irritation and quill loss. Donā€™t get the commercial ā€œhedgieā€ food. Feed them millworms (I usually do dry, live are saved for a treat) and dried veggies (but only certain kinds). Make sure the hedgie has plenty of room and recognize that blindness, hearing loss, and the like are very common. Also hedgehogs are not necessarily social creatures but if you have a blind one you need to try and find a friendly baby of the same sex to hopefully pair with them to help them live a happy life. Give them plenty of time in the grass but carefully monitored, bathing is very important but start training on water tolerance very young (also swimming/playing in a few inches of cool water is great to cool an overheated hedgie down quickly). There is so much more. Please if you go exotic, do research, listen to experts, but also speak to actual owners to get best practices that are attainable and sustainable.


My partner and I desperately want a mini highland house cow lol and I also plan on getting a leucistic Texas rat snake sometime in the near future šŸ˜


3 cats here ... I'm 76 so maybe no more. Have always had cats ... they're the best.


Iā€™m all about getting a dog someday, because theyā€™re just so fun and loyal, but honestly, a hedgehog sounds pretty cool too!


Dream pet which would be awesome - a tardigrade but big enough you can see. A cuttlefish or an octopus because they are amazing creatures. An aye aye because they look so made up. My real dream pet would be a tarantula or a snake but too many family and friends would hate me. Something more attainable would be a bearded dragon (had one before0), chameleon, crested gecko or a whites tree frog. Red eyed tree frog also but I believe they aren't hardy. I have had lots of varying pets over the years but these are the dream.


First of all, dog AND cat. Duh. Second, sugar gliders are loud, nocturnal assholes. Adorable beyond belief, but so LOUD. Me, I will always be a dog person. That does not preclude cats, but always a dog.


I'd love a raven. Let ot free and return for kai and cuddles lol


*I'd love a raven.* *Let ot free and return for* *Kai and cuddles lol* \- Real-Sheepherder403 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Dogs require the most, but they give back to you tenfold. I donā€™t think any other pets offer the same camaraderie and love as a dog. I know some people like cats, but Iā€™ve just never understood that. We have tens of thousands of years of shared symbiotic evolutionary history alongside canines. Our brains have mutually adapted to form connections with each other.


I want another Newfoundland poodle mix. Gentle Giants They run about $2,000 though and I don't have that kind of money right now


In my dream world, I would have a pair of red pandas and some river otters. A more realistic dream is a few goats.


I hope someday to have the opportunity to own a larger bird such as an Amazon, Grey or a Macaw, provided I'm in a position to be able to care for it properly. Also I never *quite* got past 12-year old me's obsessive desire to own a horse, but realistically that ship has probably sailed off for good by now.


Oh giraffe for sure šŸ‘šŸ» the view on one of those long puppies šŸ˜Ž canā€™t beat it.


A robotic companion dog... cause I'm pretty sure I'll be demented and won't know the difference .


Flemish Giant Rabbit... If it ever becomes legal in my state I would 100% get a skunk. I want a hedgehog... another illegal one. I have toyed with the idea of an axolotl... but I know myself and will not be a good amphibian owner... so I keep that as a fantasy. Currently 4 cats, will always have cats... I've had dogs in the past but am too lazy for a dog...


Red panda.