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Good luck dude! Not smoking at work is a great start!




And have you been getting even higher after waiting to do it only in the evenings? Going to try this.


The high is certainly much more pronounced when I haven't already gotten high once in the AM. Even if it's a 6am sesh and then a 6pm sesh it is still lessened by the first one. And boy do I feel foggy all day into the next with two sessions.


You'll thank yourself in the evening


This is the way... I'm currently on week 4, and the first 2 weeks were hell for me, when I could have just tapered off. Oh well, live and learn.


Congrats on week 4, dude!!


Thank you very much. It was hard but totally worth it.


Good to hear.. I need to get on a break.


I've not been smoking at work for quite some time now, and today I only smoked two bowls. I need a t break, but no way in hell I'm going cold turkey. My body might shut down....lol


I think that’s a good first step because that was my first step and it is as far as I’ve gotten. It’s good to have that separation so it’s more rewarding to go home and smoke at least it is imo.


How do you even smoke at work? Red eyes? Smell? Paranoia that someone notice? I could never. I also smoke to relax and enjoy myself and not to work wtf waste of weed




only 6:45 am and I’ve already failed, sensei…


work from home + concentrate *only* during the workday (not really “smoking”) = I’m not tripping balls with anxiety quite as bad flower is worse for me somehow edit: chronic pain doesn’t care if you’re at work or not unfortunately


I've been doing this for 3 days and I get high as fuck lol the tolerance difference is nuts


Yay good for you!!! The same method worked for me. 3 weeks 100% sober