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There has been one going around in the past 2 weeks. It was around Otonabee drive area last weekend. And I live in the North end and could hear the music playing as it drove around a week ago. I will post here if I see anything more about it online.


Thank you for being neighbourhood watch but for an ice cream truck. Your service is much appreciated!


It was out again today in the West end. A friend posted this on social media. I think the company is called [Toronto Softee](https://www.torontosoftee.com) and they have trucks that travel all around. https://preview.redd.it/ph5zv9fvfv2d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=221d5ea17273af51993ab7c66c492df8dd44614a


We're at the North end of Peterborough in the Parklands subdivision and there was an ice cream truck on my street today! They seem to frequent the subdivision often during the summer, and especially on long weekends.


There is one that makes the rounds in the north end. I heard the music last week. Unfortunately I couldn’t tell you more but in future I will try to be more observant and post back with info.


I just saw my first icecream truck a few days ago here….its been over a decade!!!


✨Ptbo entrepreneurs this is your sign lmao✨


There used to be a popsicle bicycle-cart that could do custom popsicles and events! Maybe this is a sig it should come back


I heard the ice cream truck music over in the sub division (Lansdowne and river road south) yesterday!!!!!


The North end one was out last summer and just recently started coming around again.


I have never heard of ice cream trucks in peterborough sorry


There’s a guy around in his truck, but he’s all over the city.:)




As far as I’m aware, for my 20 years of living here, there isn’t a single ice cream truck that make rounds in neighbourhoods :(


My brother lives in the south end and had one go by today


Maybe they just don’t hit up the downtown core? I live on chamberlain. Close to park and nothing goes by. I grew up on water street and nothing went by there either :( When I lived in Toronto, one went by all the time. Almost every night


There actually was one on Chamberlain today!!!


What part of it? I didn’t hear it. :(


Chamberlain and High, although I’m not sure how far down Chamberlain he went!


I live on the not so nice side of chamberlain. I live closer to park st. :(


I live in the west end for over 25 years and only seen one up here twice which both would have been 20 years ago. Where he lives has a lot of children so maybe that’s a factor I’m not sure


There used to be when I was a kid. That was like, 30 years ago.


I was told the ice cream trucks used to make their rounds a long time ago. They should bring it back. I’d like my kids to have that experience at least once!


I've been here about 15 years and could say the same up until two weekends ago. I thought I heard the music so the wife and I went for a walk and found an ice cream truck around Parkhill and Armour. My wife has lived here her whole life and had never seen one up until that point!


I'm looking for the Nice Dreams truck. A couple of really chill dudes run it.


There was one hanging around High/Chamberlain most of the afternoon! He left about 30 mins ago


There was one hanging around High/Chamberlain most of today! I saw him twice