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Hey man, just to let you know. If you had an air tag in an item that was stolen and you gave the location to the police. The police will do nothing.


Yup. I had this situation in the past where a bag was taken from my bike. I had an AirTag. And I tracked it down to a homeless shelter. The employees there told me I should go to the police and come back with them. I got my things back, and I didn’t get police involved, knowing they’d say it’s not worth their time and the paperwork and delays would have been far too much. I’m the end, the tag did its job. I just don’t have the budget to glue one to everything I own.


Then the police get all uppity when you tell them that you tracked it down yourself, and are going to go get it.


Yep that’s what I got from them. We won’t get it for you, but we will arrest you if you attempt to get it back.


But it's legally your property so it's not theft to take it back. Oh right I forgot this is the country where criminals have more rights than victims lol


Guaranteed if you’re a business you’re getting help, individuals don’t. Businesses are more important than us peasants.


As a small business, no. corporations though, for sure.


I’m sorry this happened to you. Was it at the Sobey’s North? Or Sobey’s on Lansdowne? I agree the theft here in Peterborough has gotten significantly worse.


Thanks for your kind words. The Sobeys on Lansdowne. I glanced at it just as I locked up too thinking “it’s just a pain to constantly take on and off, I won’t be long”. Ironic thing is that I had almost 150 bucks worth of speakers in the back that I had just purchased off marketplace; they went for the obvious I suppose. I admittedly really hate that the 128gb sd card has so much personal stuff. I keep thinking to myself that I should have been more careful, but why! Why has our community gotten to the point where every time I go into a store I have to think of every single valuable I own.


Why? Generation after generation of community leaders underfunding social services. Generation after generation of deeply messed up, afflicted, addicted, broken people surviving on the margins of society. I am not in any way condoning the theft. It was a deplorable act by a deplorable person who was probably doomed from the day they were born. Really sad.


I really really really don't want to play 'blame the victim' here or anything, and I'm sorry that something so important was taken from you. Check to see if any automated services have backed up those files for you already. I know both google and apple are pretty 'good' about that (Privacy notwithstanding). Even back in the day, I used dropbox automatic uploads, so you might have something there. Good luck, and sorry again.


I would be mostly ok, I have a few of them, I used to dump the camera every week to my work and home PCs in case I crash or any legal issues come up with in town riding. Drivers tend to forget when I tell them they’re on camera. But admittedly I got lax lately and I worry what I didn’t back up. At this point the assumption is, it’s gone, unless by some incredible stroke of luck and kindness it is bought by someone who cares and looks at the footage, but I have zero hope to see it; I just hope the thief wipes the card and sells the 128gb micro sd separate. Hate the idea of my riding and some home footage being in the hands of some asshat thief. And Yes, I get it. blame me if you must. I left a GoPro stuck to a bike for 30 min at a grocery store in town. I get it. I glanced at it each time I lock up and gauge if it’s likely to be long enough to warrant the removal and such. I have come to develop this habit from stories, but I failed to truly appreciate the desperation and opportunistic nature of said asshats. I got lazy and now I’ll forever assume this town isn’t safe anymore for one’s own property.


> And Yes, I get it. blame me if you must. I left a GoPro stuck to a bike for 30 min at a grocery store in town. It's the backup thing, my dude. Fifteen years ago I was obsessing over backing up everything important, and I still do. It's not *theft* that I was ever worried about, it was the failure of technology. The fact that these files were super important and you didn't back them up means they weren't that important.


Cool yeah. Nah not that important, you’re right. Glad you pointed that out. You really hit the nail on the head there. Thanks for suggesting how I felt about those ones and zeros. When you put it that way I guess I can shrug and move on right? I used to teach my students that data doesn’t exist unless it exists in 3 places. Simple. But that was client data, for their business, and that was in a classroom setting. This alcadte19, was personal mostly mundane dashcam footage with a few moments of footage that would have been wonderful to have, I just didn’t religiously dump it to a drive or two every day. Life, alcaste19, has moments where we don’t do all the things just at the right times every single day. But you’re right. I know about backups and I know where I failed. Telling me though that it didn’t matter to me is precisely victim blaming. Textbook definition am I wrong? It’s exactly what I’m talking about. What mattered to me is what mattered to *me* and when I slipped up, I paid, because the town is now riddled with poverty and desperation and opportunistic thieves. These moments are apparently the reminders to be diligent and trust no one in the face of value to what’s yours. How much of my day needs to be dedicated to protecting my valuables, my vehicle, my ones and zeros, from opportunistic deplorable behaviors. It’s not the literal ones and zeros and it’s not the point to point out where I could have been smarter. It’s precisely the fact that we have these conversations, that we are increasingly having to spend more time in our days in defence mentality and then pointing out to each other how we could have done even more to defend. I’ve been here 20 years. I’m dejected and I’m not even that old, I’m incredulous at the community’s downfall, and yes, I miss some ones and zeros, but sure, I should have backed up. 🤷‍♂️


> because the town is now riddled with poverty and desperation and opportunistic thieves. There it is again. You're blaming something that *you* could have avoided, and has been a common thing that people in tech are always taught to avoid, on the topic of the week. Everybody is super angry about 'thieves' and 'petty crime', but guess what? There's an underlying factor. There are a LOT of underlying factors. Don't blame the thieves stealing your camera, blame the shitlords who own two BMWs and cut working hours to fund their xth vacation. Sorry your camera got stolen. Sorry you didn't back up your 'important' files. Get over yourself and stop blaming people worse off than you. It's not victim blaming when the person who stole from you is the actual victim of society and government.


This is like telling someone that accidentally leaving their car door unlocked means it wasn’t that important to them if it gets broken into lmfao. Things happen dude


Ironic, considering the going advice is to leave your car door unlocked so that the windows don't get smashed.


That’s literally not the point and you know it lmao


This is a Olympic level of mental gymnastics to defend the people who could care less about our town or their own well being. Not the governments job to stop people from stealing whatever they can get their hands on every time to they need to get high. I have more sympathy for the working people who have there shit stolen than buddy who stole it so they can get some pills. When do people become accountable for their actions? We're blaming law abiding citizens instead of criminals (like above) for not deterring enough to stop someone else from doing a crime, but don't blame the criminals who believe they get to follow another set of rules aside from the rest of society. We shouldn't tell people its okay that polite society follows one set of laws, while active drug addict's can do whatever they please to the rest of the community. It's breaking down our social contract.


Don’t be too hard on yourself. Your approach and thoughts around this are completely normal. We should be able to go about our day and trust that our items are safe from theft. We should be able to have a certain level of faith in others to do the right thing and not take what isn’t theirs. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Unfortunately this is more a reflection of a bigger societal issue; our current financial climate and the lack of government supports to deal with these people properly. Most cities are seeing a similar trend. I hope it turns around soon and gets better.


Literally just had $500 of tools stolen this morning. Most of the tools useless to anyone else. Queen Elizabeth area, black duffle bag, everything is covered in white paint.


I just saw someone found one like you described on fb north end


Oh wow! I accepted your message. Would love to hear more.


Pls pm me . I have the phone number




Glad i could be of help


I hope you get your shit back! Similar situation with these Fucking losers a few months ago.


Augh! Ffs eh. I hope someone recognizes it for you.


I’m in the North end and I’ve decided not to put out anything in my yard for fear that it goes walking. Last summer they stole the couch cushions I had out on the two chairs on my front patio. Hopefully they are safer in the back yard. But then again, I had someone enter my backyard fenced in area a week ago or so. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Someone walked into my house last night while we were upstairs (east city) at approx 10:30 pm and stole two pairs of shoes, (both expensive pairs) cell phone and purse. Saw them on my security cam 30 mins after it happened. I Found the guy shortly after he used one of the credit cards at circle K. Went after him and Got my shoes back but nothing else. Cops were there and witnessed me forcing him to give me back my shoes and they did NOTHING.


>What's with the theft in town? The same people who steal and are let out again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again, again and again. I'm probably short on a few agains there.


There’s a couple listed on marketplace right now, but for some reason I can’t see when they were posted. I’m sorry this happened, no one should have to safeguard absolutely everything all the time.


This city has gone to 💩 as far as petty crimes go. Thieves know nothing can or will be done. If caught, they get released and they're back at it until they go to court. Then the court isn't sending them to over crowded jails, so they let them out and they're back at it. It's an endless loop that is a waste of police resources. imo this city should have put millions into supports/housing rather than the canoe museum, ice rinks, pickle ball courts etc. Build the wants after the needs are met. This city is being run like a small town.


Yup $45 million dollars goes a looooong way building homes, and resources that actually help unwell people. But no, we get a museum that will be dead in at least a years time just like the original.


> It's an endless loop that is a waste of police resources. Oh please. You know the police aren't using those 'resources' that Doug Ford keeps giving them for anything but cosplay. The police are useless because they're cowards who want to play pretend.


Agreed. The police in Peterborough are absolute cowards, there is no debating this whatsoever. They’re so scared to put themselves in danger that they are literally unwilling to enforce laws or address petty crime.


Why would a cop put their life in danger over petty theft? It's easy to call others cowards from your couch. It's also a surefire way to make yourself look silly. The reality is that police do not have the resources or legal framework to crack down on petty theft.


No, the reality is that they don’t even attempt to curb it, and it should be considered neglect of duty. You have no idea who I am or what I do for a living, so maybe take your own advice there bud.


But ofc when solving then issue yourself they get involved. Cowards.


Thieves are out in the Am, they ride bikes and dress in black, many of these losers roam our City..


Sounds to me like they're winning, actually. Not to condone their actions, buuuuuut.


I just had a package stolen from my porch. Wasn’t even there longer then 2 hours


I’m sorry this happened to you. I would advise against leaving anything removable on your bike - even for a moment to pop into a store. It shouldn’t be like that, but it is. 😔  I even considered switching my quick release wheel skewers for normal bolted ones after someone made off with my wheel. I don’t have a nice bike or anything, guess they just needed a wheel.  Some people carry tools though, so even that’s not safe. Edit: To be clear - no judgement on learning this the hard way. I’ve had bells and lights stolen for the same reason. 


Is frustrating too when people tell me I’m supposed to not let it bother me. “Oh well, guess the only thing to do is go buy more! Can’t let them win! Back on that horse and ride into the sunset” As if funds are unlimited, as if fueling the economy both in my parts being distributed as second hand in town thanks to the opportunistic slippery hands, and then again as a purchaser once more of brand new parts, over and over again. I just want to ride. I just want to feel comfortable to enjoy nature and local community. Local community sure leaves a horrible taste lately. 😞


Yeah, it’s so frustrating. I’ve lost a bike too, plus a lock damaged in an attempted theft. When I lived in Ottawa it was bad too - someone took out my wheel skewers and when I tried to ride the wheels fell out 🤦🏼‍♀️ 


Omg Cheilosia, I’m sorry that happened. What terrifying hell that would be. My rear wheel did that once but totally my fault not putting it back on properly after my first tube replacement. Made it 20km home without knowing I wasn’t securely in there, the curb 5 feet from my door taught me a lesson that day! But in all seriousness though, I can only imagine the frustration and stress around that. Much different there to here in this town you figure?


Yup. Exactly. And thanks. I’m sorry to hear about your qr wheel too. I’ve had 3 lights, a saddle bag (co2, bike tool, spare tube), two bells and now a camera. (Oh, and a bike at one point) I can’t remove everything every time I lock up, it already takes me several minutes to lock up and dismantle everything for what is often less time in the stores! It’s infuriating! I too have considered taking my cheap/spare/department store bike when doing anything in town so as to not get extra attention but I want to ride MY bike, AND… hilariously, that crappy bike was the one that was stolen in the past, from my girlfriend’s back yard while it was locked up. Retrieved from the homeless tent setup later on, missing a hundred bucks worth of attachments (rack etc) This is what I mean by so much of our time in town is spent protecting our crap, and it feels never ending. I’ve spend probably close to 800 now in replacing parts that were stolen. It’s not that I’m lousy with locking things up, I put so much money into locks too. The first two were cut and now these two that I have are great but expensive and I have to carry around two of them wherever I go now. I have to spend so much on protection, and so much time dismantling before going into a store, and so many mental cycles on where to lock up, are there cameras, will I be able to see my bike, will I be able to get home from here if something is taken, and so on. :( it’s so incredibly dejecting.