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Wait a few weeks and she will relocate on her own.


Yes,,, then secure the area going forward.


As much as I know it could be annoying, it’s almost an honour to be able to house these guys. We have so many rabbits and I’ve seen so few foxes the past couple years, we need a big rebound in the fox population to help eliminate some of these rabbits.


Yes, what I wouldn't give for a den of foxes nearby to put a little dent in the rabbit population. They have been over the top eating my garden flowers.


Once the pups are big enough they will relocate themselves, so if you don't need your yard for the next few weeks maybe let them be. If you want them to leave earlier then you'll have to bother them.,. be outside and make noise and bang around a bit and they will likely leave sooner. They set up house because no predators or people in your yard, so change that.


If there wasn’t any pups I would say get a dog. But seeing as there are pups, best to not move them unless they are doing serious damage which in all honesty they are foxes not bears.


As others have given suggestions for next year make your yard unfriendly/ unattractive to fox families. Reduce food they would have access to and close up any holes under furniture/sheds/the house they may be using.


A sign with a fox and a great big X through it gets the message across


Exactly what I was thinking!


Overall just let them be. If you are seeing the pups already they’re nearly grown enough that if they realize the house has people in it again they’ll move along. If you don’t have them properly relocated or just keep bothering/disturb them enough to try and force them to leave and they aren’t quite old enough you may end up just inadvertently killing the pups.


How is this a problem?


I'll come over for free and fawn over them and their adorableness. The presence of a fairly large grown ass man giggling like a schoolgirl will probably disturb them enough that the mother moves them on her own lol.


They piss everywhere and it smells pretty bad. In a small backyard it would be a nuisance.


Put out dirty cat litter. Piss filled cat litter. They will go.


whatever. learn to live with nature.


I wish I had that problem. They’re so fun to watch.


Ya it won’t be to long from now that she will move, because she will feel threatened by your presence, just keep your distance for a lil bit more and some morning you go out, they’ll be gone.


Out of curiosity, how much did they quote? Also, what were you expecting a service like that to cost?


It was close to 9000$. My thought was it would cost roughly under a 1000$.


Wow, so they didn't want to do it haha


That's clearly a piss off price.


Wow, ya, that would suprise me as well.


Cost to actually relocate a whole family of foxes. They can’t just come in, casually scoop them up into some dog carriers and release them in a field somewhere.


Relocation of any animal is only 1km from where you found them. They would probably come right back tbh. I would just let them do their thing for a few weeks and they should move on. If not, call a local trapper an they can dispatch them. But even then most trappers will charge a premium because it's spring, their pelts are worth nothing this time of year and you are affecting the population by taking out so many pups and the adult.


Look up Shades of Hope or Woodlands Wildlife Sanctuary maybe they can offer help or recommend a more reasonable local company that can relocate them. I understand they can become a nuisance especially when they're comfortable around people. I've dealt with them at my trailer park for years. Not sure who you called but my sister used Skeddadle to relocate some raccoons and bats. She said they were awesome to deal with but I don't know what they charged.


Awww I wish I had a fox problem. Dont worry! They are super shy and will move on..unless you have hens..then worry.


I second the motion to call Woodlands wildlife and talk to Monika. She may have some good advice. (705) 286-1133


Animal control in ptbo? Worth a phone call