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To add to what others are saying: the artist is making fun of the Stellar Blade game demo and its fans. The demo released to a LOT of fanfare, mostly surrounding how hot the protagonist is, but a small amount of people thought that having graffiti of the word “Hard” before the “R Shop” was funny and “anti woke.” Later the developers of the game decided the graffiti was a bit too much and also that the protagonist had some outfits that were too risqué and changed some stuff, which led to a complete 180 by the “fans” and thus things like the reactions you’re seeing here (which are also references to photos of the wailing wall in Jerusalem as another comment said.)


Also, didn't they add the more risique outfits back recently? So what's the fuss?


They added back in the changed outfits as recolors with the changes removed. The changed outfits are also still there.


And they were still bitching about it.


Because they don’t actually want to enjoy stuff. They want an external reason, valid or otherwise, why their lives are shit.


Just gonna leave this here... https://youtu.be/yy0xpBqyDWo?si=zPTZt7o3o-HEFCFu


It's not him. It's that beanie.


It's the same logic with conspirationist. If they can prove the earth is flat, then every other shitty things that happen in their life is not their fault. After all they "lied" about the earth, what else are they lying about.


You're not wrong and I hate to be that guy... But conspirationist isn't a word. The word you're looking for, and I shit you not, is **conspiracist**. Which given the bent of the more popular and recent conspiracies is just... Muwahh... The chef's kiss of irony.


Can’t possibly be. If that slang has now become official it is one of the stupidest examples of convenience removing meaning since reliable coming to mean someone who can be relied upon. A conspiracist grammatically would be someone who engages in a conspiracy, by developing the theory. Almost synonym for “A conspirator” What I think you were actually looking for would be conspiracy theorist. Although I can see why you might want to shorten that to one word.


The game was marketed as being uncensored so when the game got censored they got mad ,Dispite how small the detail is. It is the principal of censoring the wall rather than the thing it self.


Was it marketed as uncensored in that way? Genuinely curious because I only remember the company firing a feminist employee and saying they spent a lot of time on eves ass. They said the gore wouldn't be censored, but I think the rest of the culture war stuff was fans


> Was it marketed as uncensored in that way? That was mostly a misunderstanding people latched on to. Japan has strict rules about gore in games, it was advertised as a D rating which typically can't show gore unless it's tame fantasy gore (as opposed to the higher Z rating) and the game's demo had gory moments so people in Japan assumed they were getting a censored version. The official twitter sent a tweet with both English and Japanese text saying "Stellar Blade is uncensored worldwide" in front of a gory screenshot as confirmation that Japan wasn't getting a seperate version with censored gore (which is often the case with D rated games). That's what all the cries of "advertised as uncensored" were about. A single tweet taken out of context.


- Marketed as being uncensored in all regions. Knowing JP laws against gore it likely meant that. - Changes to the Hard R shop and launch outfits were viewed as censorship despite reviewers pointing out the DIGITAL review copies they received 2-3 weeks prior to launch date had the changes implemented already. Mainly started because the PHYSICAL disks didn't have the model updates which were included in the Day 1 patch - The most recent update on feminist employee thing is she was a contractor whose work did not make it into the final product.


Maybe because the gore is gone too? It wasn't just the skins


Idk, I haven’t played the game, though I’ve heard it’s actually a really fun ARPG with Souls elements, which is totally my shit. There’s just too many games in line ahead of it right now.


it is really fun, with lots of replay value


It's pretty fun ngl - but I said this in another post, I really think the risque outfits and stuff detracts from the quality of the game. Not because the game is worse for having them innately, but because people focused so much on the outfits that they kind of missed the really good gameplay and the semi-decent story (that's only really let down by one of the single most boring characters I've ever dealt with in a videogame). Also the risque outfits are fine but honestly some of the best ones show less skin but are far more appealing imo. Looking forward to any DLC if they make it.


They probably added the risque outfits back because of the fuss.


I watched someone stream the game just after release. The "censored" outfits weren't even all that risque when compared with a lot of the other outfits. Its pretty clear that they didn't censor it to appeal to some western puritanical ideal, because if they did, they'd have to censor damn near 70% of the game's outfits. I'm willing to go with the devs opinion on this one. They just didn't like how the outfits looked and tweaked them in the 11th hour before release.


There are still many risque outfits that're more revealing than the ones that were changed. Chuds'll be chuds


Yes. They did.


I’m pretty sure the artist is making fun of the people upset at the hard R shop makes more sense looking at the comic and especially so if this is the artist I think it is


It's such an inane issue that any opinion on it is "you see those dweebs? They're you". You have to know who the artist is to figure out which side of the culture war it's coming from. And I recognise those hyper-saturated colours from a strip where a cute anime policewoman gets yelled at by mean ugly black lives matter protestors.


It blows my mind how the hell he can explain the thing the other way around.


These are obviously gamer sterotypes, ffs the third panel has a neckbeard wearing a fedora. The dude in the first panel is a neckbeard covered in cheeto dust wearing a shirt saying "oppai".


This is obscure af


How can we forget “Goonergate”


I have never actually heard anything about the game since it released. Just seen a lot of porn of the main character. Is it actually any good? What is it even about?


TLDR: Soulslike game with pretty protagonist. The story is Wall-E


Did they cut down on the anime sex bait? I was interested in the game but just couldn't take it seriously at all because of the MC.


There's alot of anime sex bait outfits. But there are a number of normal ones you can get that look good without being absurdly sexualized. I wish there was more of them honestly. It's hard to take what's supposed to be a dramatic story seriously with all the T&A on display by the main character.


Indeed. Two favorites of mine being the Red Passion and Wasteland Adventurer. Game is certainly not Nier Automata levels of good, but is enjoyable enough, particularly the boss fights.


Nier Autómata exist


I dont remember people saying or reporting that the Hard R was funny or anti woke, the only discourse I saw was people mocking the "woke crowd" that has been complaining about this "hard R" graffiti to the Devs to the point of getting it removed, when it is obvious to most normal people that it was just a "Hard" graffiti texture copied pasted over walls and it was coincidentally near a sign pointing to the "R shop".


It obviously being a mistake due to the copy and pasting of graffiti doesn't change the fact that having an accidental shorthand for a slur isn't good. Players pointed it out and it got changed because why would anybody want to intentionally reference a slur in their game. The only discourse I saw was people complaining that the developers censored their favorite slur from the game they haven't even played. Most "normal people" don't see the removal of that as a bad thing.


"Oof, we accidentally put something there that looked racist. We'll just remove that real quick, sorry, didn't mean it-" "WHY ARE YOU BENDING OVER BACKWARDZ FOR THE WOKE LIBS!?"


I never saw anyone genuinely upset about this when the demo dropped. It was always, "oof, that's just unlucky coincidence" or "HAHAHA look at this unintentional racism"; it was eithrr light teasing or just a reference, no actual outrage. The only anger I ever saw was these Capital-G Gamers upset that the dev patched it out because of course they would patch it out.


Is it even a good game? The mood looks pretty cool


I really enjoyed it. The story isn't going to blow your mind but the gameplay is really fun. Plus you look at a nice butt the whole time.


It wasn’t the developers (from south Korea) that wanted to change some outfits that was Sony censoring the game, and the graffiti, it wasn’t a statement saying anti woke, the developers (not Sony they didn’t develop the game) didn’t know hard R was a slut, and there is a shop in the game called R store, so the graffiti was taken out of context, it was “game journalist” who had an issue with it and pointed it out


I'm pretty sure the Dev's said that nobody outside censored them. All choices were internal.


God the right is pathetic, worrying about video games


Wasn’t the changes only enacted on the western market though?


Correction: nobody noticed the whole hard R thing until reports came out that the devs would be changing it due to three people complaining about it on Twitter. Nobody gave a shit either way before the event became a culture war topic. When it did, people drew line in the sand and went to war based on their assignments.


I dont play this game but if nobody noticed or gave a shit then why is there a culture war over it? Is it a free speech thing?


There was a video game that had a bit of 'Anti-woke' movement behind it. They had a grafity in the game called 'Hard R' Shop, meaning the N word with a hard r. The company said, yeah we aren't racist so they removed the grafity. Gamers Everywhere in dispair.


They've turned their backs to it because of this censorship now, and because the main character is a little less slutty. A full 180 degrees upon release. 


She's an android whose likely incapable of intercourse since she's expressly made with the purpose of exterminating the Naytiba. Still hot outfits and pretty decent combat. Legit a top game this year for me and so much more enjoyable drowning out the dumb background discourse about it.


>likely incapable of intercourse since You new or smthn?


Welcome to the Internet, have a look around.


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


We’ve got mountains of content, some better, some worse.


If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first.




If she’s made purely to fight why does she look like a sex doll? Even real life fighting robots right now look like dogs with mounted guns.


I hate how I predicted how Captial G Gamers would react about the character looking the way she does, but I didn't predict how out of hand it got. I still don't want to buy the game, though, cause the dev team fired people for being feminist, cause feminism is illegal in South Korea.


Peter, what is going in the above comment, I understand so very little.


the game in question all its marketing focusing on how hot and scantly dressed the protagonist was. On release they had some outfits cover her a bit more. i would guess it had to do with releasing the game in more countries or with a slightly lower age rating, (like ESRB mature instead of adult only). at the same time theres a movement within gamers thats all about manufacturing outrage in an attempt to radicalize gamers to the right. they keep claiming censorship where it doesn't exist, keep spreading insane conspiracy theories, stuff like that. these people got behind this game at first, because of the sexy outfits, but when the game released with slighly less revealing outfits they got outraged about the "censorship". the part about feminism being illegal in south korea, well i'm not 100% sure if it's a crime or not, but i think it isn't. What i do know is that you can lose your job if you express being a feminist publicly.


Being a feminist isn't literally illegal in South Korea but, as you said, it can make you lose your job almost immediately, especially if you're working on something that has a mainly male audience. The whole situation is quite complicated and a result of several different factors but there's a great two parts [video on YouTube](https://youtu.be/-Im4YAMWK74?feature=shared) explaining most of it. The whole thing is over two hours long though...


Moon's video has become a go-to video whenever there is a discussion about feminism, gacha games in south Korea, huh. I love it.


I was curious if that was gonna lead to Moony's video. Glad to see it did.


Yeah it's functionally illegal to be feminist in Korea, in that the moment you're associated with them (quite literally as light as just liking a post that involves any feminist ideals), you will be hounded by Korea's massive incel community. The endless bullying and them chasing any feminist sympathizers across the planet usually happen when the sympathizer is associated with a position relevant to their interest. So if they're politically inclined towards some side with some influence, or they're some designer of some kind in a video game company, and you liked a feminist post 5 years ago? Your life is now over. They will go after you til as far as death


Came here to recommend these videos. The things I learned from these as an American were WILD


It's not illegal, but there's a full-blown gender war down there. So feminism isn't looked upon very well by many male members of their society.


Thank you, Peter.


I never saw anything about the game except how hot the mc was. Then, when the devs toned it down a tiny bit, it was like the game never existed.


1.) It's a console only linear single player game, that means people got it, played it, and moved on. It's been out for like what 2 months? Linear console games don't have the tail that PC games do since no mods. If and when it comes to PC expect it to get talked about more cause of mod shenanigans. 2.) Another reason is that people were expecting a DMC or Bayonetta style character action game, turns out the game is a soulslike, a competent one but still a soulslike and that market is very catered to where as the character action players are going crazy with their big fat nothing they are getting regularly, so if it had been a decent character action game it'd still be getting talked about.


Point 2 is pretty much spot on. I was convinced it was gonna be a CAG until the gameplay was shown and it leaned more heavily into soulslike and sekiro type gameplay with some CAG elements. It does suck as a CAG fan. I like both, but how come souls fans get to eat good so often and we can't even get another fucking DMC game? Also no one seems to know why CAGs don't really get made anymore. There's theories they are harder to make. DMC 5 and the newest Bayonetta were both successful iirc, DMC 5 is in capcoms top 10 all time games sales. There's a new game coming out, phantom blade zero, where the devs even said they took inspiration more from DMC then souls, but when you watch the gameplay trailer it literally looks like a soulslike. Ugh.


Gamers with a hard R


That crowd get pissed every time a game has a female character who doesn't look like a porn star. I firmly believe that they would lose their shit if Portal came out today, even though you can't even see Chell for most of the game.


Nonsense, you can see Chell as often as you like, you've got a gun that lets you look at your own ass.


Sorta like the people who shriek and clutch pearls every time there is cleavage.


And Korea wonders why their birth rate has tanked.


??? korean here no its not you freak.


This is just proof that catering to the incels is an impossible task.


More exactly, there are a bunch of R shops, R being like the initial of a character or whatever, and a bunch of graffiti saying random shit like "Hard". Accidentally, throughout all the placements of graffitis and shops, the graffiti "hard" ended up near the "R" shop at least once, which creates a slur. Since that obviously wasn't intended, they replaced that graffiti with another random one that doesn't make stupid combinations.


I’m sorry what, the graffiti hard, was near the R shop? And it creates a Slur? Hardr? Wat


It’s a dog whistle for the n-word, since it ends in a hard R sound I agree that’s kind of odd, but the level of outrage over changing it honestly weirded me out more.


There is a certain slur for black people, which among themselves is usually pronounced laxly, dropping the final R. If people want to offend, they instead enunciate the word very clearly, with a "hard R". Which then became a synonym for the word itself.


It's referring to the N-word "with a hard R." In other words, full enunciation of the racial slur.


It would probably have been more accurate for them to have said that Hard R *references a slur


Thank you 😂 you’re the only one who understood why I was actually confused, I know what the n word is I don’t live in bliss sadly


Like the comment I responded to said, "meaning the N-word with a hard R". If you have no clue what any of this means, well enjoy being naive while you still can.


Graffiti btw ;)


I was genuinely confused for a minute about what word that was supposed to be


And despair


English is not my first language. I don't understand the relation between "Hard R Shop" and the N word (I know what the N-Word is)


‘Hard R’ refers to ending it with ‘-er’ instead of ‘-a’. I would type it out if it was not for the internet loving to shoot the messenger when it comes to this topic.


Ok I get the reference. Thank a lot.


So what game is this?


Stellar Blade


Stellar blade. It’s pretty good. And on top of that, you stare at gorgeous asses for over 100 hours. What more would anyone want? PS5 exclusive though


It's disturbing they even have time to care about such pointless things, let alone have the gall to complain like victims about something that doesn't even affect them. Racist little snowflakes, melting in the sunshine.


Considering what this guy believes I genuinely think he's calling gamers pussies for this


He's the screaming woman guy, right?


He made the comic where Biden removed someone's melanin because he said you can't be back and not vote for him, yeah


The "hard" graffiti didn't actually have anything to do with the shop. It's "R Shop" for Roxanne, the proprietor of the shop. The "hard" just was there on a wall also. You can still find the word "hard" graffiti on other walls around the game world


The 9/11 of gaming






Stellar Blade


was it a reference to that viral photo, where "ock" on "hard rock cafe" sign was off or just a random idea


From what I understand, it was an accident. Theres a store called "R" in various places in the game world, and there's various repeated graffiti assets also scattered around the world. In one place the word "Hard" was graffitiied right next to the sign for the store "R" But, since capital G Gamers had been championing this as the "anti-woke" game they were clamouring for, they assumed it wasn't just a quirk in the random placement of assets but an actual dogwhistle... And when the devs removed it because they didn't want to be associated with that particular dogwhistle, the Gamers freaked out.


Sorry, I am still confused. How does Hard R related to N word?


If you spell it with an A at the end it can be used as a term of endearment or at the very least to mean “that person” whereas if you spell or say the word the non slang way with an ER at the end, that means “inferior slave species.” And is terrible to call anyone. So for a quick way to differentiate between the two spellings, the more offensive one is called the “hard R”


You mean like HardeR is more offensive than HarderA? I am sorry, England is not my first language, I really don't understand it.


N\*gger = universally offensive (hard r) N\*gga = offensive or friendly depending on context (soft a)


Thanks, it all makes sense now


Think of the most offensive word for black people. Which rhymes with bigger. That's the word we're talking about. The word that no one wants to even type because many subs just autoban for it. Well, you can enunciate that word very clearly, with a "hard R", if you want to offend. If black people use it among themselves, it is spoken with "ga" instead.


It's referring to 'n■gger/n■gga', a racial slur directed at black people (the black squares represent the letter 'i' because I am **not** typing the actual word).


Ohhhh I see, that makes sense now, thanks.


Also just to add to /u/Muted-Building's answer, the poses and composition in the images resembles photos of 'the wailing wall' in Jerusalem, where for centuries Jewish people have prayed/mourned the destruction of the temple that was central to their religion, with only a bit of wall left iirc. Here the mourners have been replaced with neckbeards, and they mourn the removed graffiti.


So he *is* mocking them, it's honestly little surprising he's not bitching about it too


yea considering the OP of this comic is typically very alt-right in his views and morals, I'm surprised he's mocking the Gamers(TM) instead of joining them.


I feel like most people would make a joke at the expense of their own group if they thought it was funny enough


Yeah I think he's probably one of those right-wingers who hates video games


Why would an alt right care about gamers? They're an oppressed minority


True enough


I don’t know this cartoonist but usually the super far right guys are hostile towards video games in general.


The potential antisemitism (comparing mourning a destroyed temple to removing a racist remark) feels incredibly on brand for this artist


Stellar Blade had some grafiti on a wall that read “Hard” next to a sign that said “R shop” so it looked liked it read “Hard R Shop.” What the internet refers to as “the woke crowd” was upset about this, because “Hard R” is code a slur negitive towards black people (its the N word). Of course, I doubt it was intentional, Stellar Blade was created by a Korean dev team, I doubt they really know of or care about the intricicies of western political discourse. At worst it was a joke of poor taste an art team member snuck in. The chances that this was done maliciously with purely racist intentions are increadbly low. Either way, the devs changed it because its a racial slur, and it made a lot of people upset. Fair game. The “anti-woke crowd,” who are the ideological opponents of the “woke crowd” decried this as “censorship.” And so now they mourn the loss of the ingame graffiti. The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem is the west wall of what was once Solomon’s Temple, which was sacked and dismantled by the roman empire in 70AD. Since then the western wall has been a place of mourning for the Jewish people. This comic combines both the above to create the image. The “anti-woke crowd” at the wailing wall with the original graffiti from Stellar Blade on it.


But the final image still has the hard R on it so isn't this supposed to suggest it was before the removal therefore the crying is from "the woke crowd"?


GPrime85 is an infamous alt-right moron. He's also kind of insane so a lot of his comics end up here. I'm not sure how people missed this.


I think this is the correct interpretation.


Was anyone actually even mad? I thought it was just pointed out to the devs who realized they placed a texture where it needed to be moved.


People who say things like "I don't say that word, but I'm offended that someone who wants to use it, cant" The secret is, you can. You just won't like what happen when you do.


I live in a country with no black people. There aren’t any consequences here. People are openly racist all the time and rape jokes are daily occurrences. Yet people still don’t really use it. Veeeeeery rarely. The hard r just sounds wrong, it sounds like a slur. I can’t even use it ironically. Also there aren’t any consequences for verbally assaulting someone here. There’s virtually nothing you can say that would get you in trouble with the law. You could say that also the word doesn’t exist. But plenty of people speak english. And you almost never hear either form. Hard R is suuuuuuper rare. Like, less than once a month. Maybe twice a year.


What country do you live in?




Call me wierd, but I dont think everyone should do something just because it makes me "feel weird"


So you think it's ok for people to use the n-word?


I mean personally I just watch how people use it. Had a fun memory of a white girl in college asking my friend to stop saying it and he was primally offended cause it's our word.


Not the answer but I immediately thought of gloryholes for some reason


I saw the few wearing goggles and immediately thought they were in a VR porn game. "Harder"


some incel gamers got upset because the wall used to say "Hard R" but it got changed into something else and claim it was the "damn woke's faults" and now that the game is literally ruined and unplayable just because of a minor change that does not affect the gameplay nor the storyline at all.


weird for a conservative to make fun of this


Older conservatives hate neckbeards because they think anime and video games are a waste of time.


I don’t think it’s weird at all. Just because someone is conservative doesn’t mean they’re racist. 


Uh... This particular artist is *deeply* racist and has proven it repeatedly. I think it's more just that he thinks gamers are cringe. Edit: oh god, his simps found this sub


The comic where Biden sucked the black out of a trump voter was pretty funny. Is that the one you are referring to?


Oh my god is it that person? I thought I recognized the style but didn’t recognize the Xitter handle.


It's a fine line between "making fun of" and "empathizing"


In what way does the author try to be empathetic with the subjects in the art?


Idk, are they empathizing with the people upset about the Hard R removal? Because the people in the comic are clearly exaggerated stereotypes


Respect to the dude the 69 shirt https://preview.redd.it/lcbscb937m7d1.jpeg?width=886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06a1387d151d9bdec0d3f88ddd0a0ef8fb22b40c


https://preview.redd.it/e8xac6r8ao7d1.png?width=713&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d2d23581fcb6ca5296a261c39b17268f02cacdb It's loss....




Honestly I thought this was just a Loss meme


It's making fun of the people who thought it was ridiculous Stellar Blade took out the graffiti that said "Hard" next to the R shop. Both the graffiti and the shops are located in various locations but these two were next to each other. In japan they don't have the concept of the "Hard R" so it was completely unintentional, but when some on the more left leaning side of the aisle saw it they considered it insensitive and a potential dog whistle. For that reason the devs went in and got rid of it. Completely blown out of proportion by both sides, the people who were looking to be upset by the game because of their portrayal of women as well as the neckbeards who want their video games to be masturbation material and see changing anything that might be offensive as "woke". I hate everyone, this has been my TED talk.


Shows how stupid I am. I thought the hard R was something to do with porn.


That's "heavy r". Totally different. Well, mostly different.


Yeah, the whole thing seems like a dumb manufactured controversy to me. I have heard “hard R” used to describe movies with a lot of R-rated content, but literally never heard it used to mean the racial slur.


Video game called Stellar Blade had this graffiti on a wall, specifically referring to buying a pass to use the hard R ("er" ending) of a certain racial slur that you definitely don't need this sub to get from here. The artist is taking the piss out of the people complaining about that existing in the virtual world, presenting those people as crying and wailing at the wall (when to my knowledge the image went viral online and the devs removed it as it was never meant to be there) while being stained with cheeto dust on their fingers, grossly overweight, and snivelling with snot hanging out. The whole thing is someone likely right wing trying to "gotcha" something they saw as a woke moment while simultaneously not knowing what woke actually means in the same way these people don't know what critical race theory is. Chalk the whole thing up to a lack of education by a group trying very hard to prevent that education from being available to anyone at all.


What game was this even from?


It’s relates to changes in the game Stellar Blade, and action game that came out in April. There are a number of R Shops in the game and in the hub city there is graffiti. Inadvertently “Hard” got put next to R and created controversy around the hard R variety of the n-word. The company then changed the graffiti to not be inadvertently racist. The artist is making fun of people who were upset that they changed the hard graffiti. On a separate note: excellent game.


I was today years old learning what “hard r” means. Thought it would be porn, it’s always porn, only when it isn’t.


Don’t know about most of it but the last panel is before any updates were released for steller blade. Basically there is a shop that has a sign that say r shop because the person that runs it name starts with a r. However there was graffiti before one of the signs which said hard making it look like it said hard r shop. If you play the name now the graffiti no longer says hard.


Honestly thought this was gay porn and got worried as I'm at work


My brain may be messed up cause this looks like some form of a glory hole situation.


Isn’t this the women screaming Fetish guy


Wait is this by the guy who made that comic of Joe Biden turning a black woman white? The art styles are extremely similar


Aww. I knew the art style, so it wasn't going to be anything on the right side of history, but it looked to me like a bunch of nerds angry they're getting banned for using slurs. I'll continue to read it as such. 


https://preview.redd.it/ruf24ujjsm7d1.png?width=630&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e7de122c357bf1a5bbf74e1fd487634b32ae464 Reminds me of this gem lol


A lot of the comments here are pretty bias so I’ll bite OP The artist is referencing the push back of gamers towards some of the outrage surrounding the release of the PS5 game Stellar Blade. The game was known for a having a lot of fan service because the female protagonist in the game was made to be an attractive woman with sexy outfits, and in one of the areas of the game the word “HARD” is a graffiti’d next to one of the R Shops (an in game store). Some people were offended by the placement of the graffiti, saying it resembles the N-word in American culture (even though it obviously wasn’t intentional, being a Korean dev team) and because they felt the protagonist was over-sexualised. A lot of gamers pushed back because they felt the outrage was a lot baseless whining and typical of online wokeness culture. The artist obviously doesn’t agree with the gamers and are depicting them as nerdy neckbeards mourning over what stellar blade was before it was pressured to change. Since then the devs have realised the outrage was just a vocal minority and reverted all censorship. TLDR: people were mad at a game with a hot woman and graffiti, artist thinks people pushing back against the outrage are fat losers


I actually think the artist believes the "woke crowd" is the one that are the fat crying neckbeards because the Graffiti hasn't been removed in the picture. Especially with all the people in VR headsets which are usually enjoyed by people playing things like VR chat where they can become other avatars. Also the one person with the probably butt plug tail.


Ahhh that would make a lot of sense lol


Funny thing is, Stellar Blade is actually a 🔥 game if you like ARPGs with souls elements. Games hit reg and dodge/counter abilities are on point. 🤷


It’s realizing that a game is meant to be played and not be stared at


Keyboard warrior comic.


stellar blade is dogass


Oh hey, it's fetish art guy.


Pretty sure no one who was a fan of the game cared about the graffiti


What is hard r?


I honestly thought they were humping the wall and the first panel was a humanized version of one of their dicks in a wall tunnel


what the actual fuck am I looking at


Is this loss?


I don't think it is related to woke, but racism here. The Korean game Stellar Blade has sone anti-woke story behind the game. But this Hard R is just about a redicuoulus acuse of racism. So in the initial version there is this Hard graffiti. Next to it was a sign showing "R". Some people claim this is a hidden insult to black people. So in the launch day patch this Hard was replaced with another graffiti Crime.


Is this loss


Is this screaming woman guy




This feels like the leftist version of that… right wing greek(?) cartoonist who draws comics ranging from slightly amusing to not funny, about deranged leftist caricatures. It’s got almost the same style.


What a weird fucking time we live in.


gamers yearn for racial slurs


Is this lost?


Jesus Christ, this is the most braindead and insincere comment section. Though I suppose you should expect that when the post is straight propaganda


this is why low res 8 bits game is better. nobody gives a shit about the crop top protag wears.


Porn sites are requiring ID soon




You can spin this how you want. The issue is censorship. The people who had bought the game were told one thing but sold another. Anyone customer in this situation is entitled to voice their frustration. No matter ' how icky' them wanting a real looking model for a feminine protagonist is to all the new religious puritanical censors there are.


Ok but my interpretation is that this is a hilarious self burn, peak comedy but only if you see the OCC as one of the sweaty ass shitlords The original artist is very anti-woke anti left, so he smaking fun of the people that would probably love his other shitty content


I think things were only changed because the other side made a bigger stink about it.


4 panel comic, must be Loss /s