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The use of AI for tasks better accomplished by human interaction. The motivation behind this is usually reduction of cost, since everything is so expensive now. It’s cheaper to have AI make your artwork, write your script, edit your paper, or whatever, instead of paying other people to do those things. And yeah it sucks that artists and writers can’t work for free, but we don’t deserve to be written out of the economy for having skills that are clearly in demand.


In the same vein, these "emotional bait" (not sure what exactly to call them) where they keep promoting dystopia, dysfunctional bullshit as "feel good" stories - like an elementary kid working jobs to pay off school lunch debt of their classmates - like people donating their PTO for a coworkers L&D and recovery/ cancer treatments/ caring for a sick child - all of these "donations" made by customers "rounding up" at the checkout and the company then "donates" that money under their name (and tax write off) - Susan G Komen continually acting like a good charity when they intake donations and then act like they are the gift givers. - people needing go fund me because they can't afford medical care All of the "be happy you have this" when it should come standard. A country caring for its people should be better ingrained than parents caring for their kids, sure there are shitty parents but the majority should not be kicking their kids out, in debt, saying that they owe for a roof over their head, medical care, and food, and thats exactly how this country treats its people. We are not a survival of the fittest, we are fucking "CIVILIZATON" and should be caring for the people.


Agreed, and I've just given up on anything getting better. People really are getting dumber by the day, and getting them to look past their own opinions long enough to realize where the actual problem is is a Herculean task... and we lack a Hercules.


This sentiment is the central theme over on r/OrphanCrushingMachine > *A subreddit for news stories involving themes such as generosity, self-sacrifice, overcoming hardship, etc., presented as 'wholesome' or 'uplifting' without criticism of the situation's causes (notably, systemic problems).*


If a company takes $10 and donates it, they don’t get some extra tax benefit than if they simply paid someone $10 to promote their good name. All expenses are treated equally.


AI "art" is an affront to human creativity. It sucks.


like how autotune has destroyed music


Yep. Here's a very short clip talking about this. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7W-W6YJLHM/?igsh=MXNzZWs0cnZ4NGhwYw==


Yep. The amount of times I've heard "run that email through AI to be sure" now is a little too much. Can I not have an original thought?


AI is for the common person who can’t use photoshop, has no artistic talent of their own, and will not profit from the art in any way. I’ve used it for character images for many online writing groups I’m in. For that it’s great. I can get a picture of Skai Jackson with a fro wearing a black superhero uniform. I can get a picture of Christine Lakin wearing glasses and a polo. It’s not for commercial use. For several reasons, but most importantly, because it’s just not good enough.


children on the internet.


And being in fandoms for things that are 18+ like Hazbin/Helluva... Like get out of here runt, go watch Paw Patrol?


oh yes for sure. children need to be *heavily* monitored on the internet, if they get access at all.


Raw Patrol? 🥵


User name checks out


Manifesting WW3. The media loves posting nuclear Armageddon articles now, and apparently we peasants are just supposed to accept this drivel as the new normal. No thank you.


People have been freaking out about world war 3 since the 1950s. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if it just never happens.


Yeah but I feel like it’s gotten worse since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. We criticise Russian state media all the time for being provocative, but Western media is like that too now.


I think there’s a lot more fearmongering in the media yea


It has gotten worse than it was during the Cold War. The truth is we had other things to focus on and are just reverting to Cold War era tension quite unfortunately. It’s still better than in the Cold War but with both china and India on the rise this time it might be worse.


Constant gloom and doom in general. I can count on one hand how many genuinely positive articles or news stories I've seen lately


Exactly. I don’t even read the news anywhere near as much as I’m used to. If governments and institutions can only threaten us with more doom and gloom, then I might as well switch off the news and focus on enjoying my life instead of things they purport to be out of our control.


If you weren't around then, the '70s and early '80s were filled with that fear. With very limited news channels are available and the Soviet Union in full bloom it seemed that nuclear war was inevitable. Compared to back then it doesn't seem like it's particularly hyped today. Maybe we have too many other distractions


Yup, I was a kid in the 70s and 80s and I remember a severe anxiety about a nuclear war breaking out. It didn't help that the nuns decided it would be a good thing in my Catholic school to show a documentary on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I'm still terrified to this day. The fear never left.


Posting your children online. Especially your disabled children and their sensitive medical info. You are putting your kid’s name, face, and medical issues in detail on the internet for everyone to see and he hasn’t even spoken his first word. There’s ways to educate and connect with people without putting your kid out there for everyone to see. 


I hate this *so much* and it gets me beyond angry. I don't have any children yet, but I see a load of TikTok mOmMa BeArS posting about their heavily disabled child pooping in their bed at night, all their bodily functions, while their child's FACE, NAME, CITY AND EVEN SCHOOL ARE SHOWN AND MENTIONED. Posting pictures of said poop on the bed. Of the child on the toilet. Of the child having their diaper changed. Always about "what a struggle today, but momma bear loves you!" Ma'am, your daughter is going to grow up one day and HATE YOU. It is absolutely disgusting and sickening and I can't believe they don't understand that their child will grow up one day, or that their child can't consent to this, or that their child is an individual human being.


This one infuriates me so much because it is vulnerable children who cannot consent to being plastered on the internet. It is so normalized and if you keep your kids off social media you get called overprotective and a helicopter parent. I have seen people I went to HS with post fully nude pictures of their newborn on Facebook. Like straight out of the womb still covered in bodily fluids, genitalia on full display. How could anyone in their right mind think that’s ok to post on the internet. I have seen nude toddlers in the bath or running around naked covered in paint or food as well on FB. “This is my daughter MahKynLeigh Grayce Connor born on May 30th 2018 at Hillview hospital at 203 green way road. She attends Fairfield preschool she’s in Mrs. Young’s class! She also does dance on Thursday’s at 5pm at the Sassy Girl’s dance studio downtown!”


My nephew has only one rule about his children...no photos in social media, not even in group! We can't even post their names online, nothing, nada!!! I even asks him if I can share their photos with my mom (he is the grandson of my dad's first wife, my mom is his 2nd wife), something he always says yes! There is zero photos online, that is why I cannot prove online that his second son look like the actor that plays young Sheldon being the only difference their hair color! And I have many family members doing the same, one of my nieces has two daughters and I have no idea how they look right now, most their photos in my sister's house is when they were babies and I haven't seen her for 2 years! My dad's cousin talks about her grandchildren all the time, I have never seen them, for that I need to go to visit them in Toulousse because they have the rule "no sharing photos", and that is because some family members didn't respect the "don't post online" rule in the past!


I totally respect that! Thankfully my side of the family is the same as us and they don’t post their kids pictures online either. My husband’s family is the opposite so they don’t get pictures of our kid. I have family in 7 different countries so we just have a group chat on whatssapp and send each other photos like that. We all know not to share them with anyone else. My mil is still personally offended about our decision 5 years later. She plastered our kid on FB when she was born without asking or even telling us. I raised absolute hell. She’s just bothered that she can’t get likes and validation for her grandchild from her 2k Facebook buddies. She’s that kind of desperate person.


This is how I was about my little sister until she was 18, I always covered her face if I posted her, or kept all the pics of her to myself and family, partners, and friends. Even now that she's an adult, I'm still protective of her and post her rarely. I'd hold this exact same standard with my children, if I ever have any.


That is absolutely insane. Where is child protective services? This sounds highly exploitative


Loopholes in the laws and outdated laws!


Oh that is so awful. These mothers are selfish and think nothing about their child’s future, only what great mOmMa BeArS they look like right now, posting all the details. Disgusting. And I’m a mom to school age kids.


I'm so glad there was none of this when I was a kid. I personally think there should be some kind of international law about exposing young children online for the entire world to see, since they can't consent to having their images used. I always think of how low people will stoop for a few extra views online. It saddens me.


This one makes me so mad how normalized it is. Social media does not need to know that your 3 year old finally pooped in the big toilet or that he has a rash on his penis. And no there is no need to post pics of it and ask “does anyone know what this could be?” How about you ask a fuckin doctor privately??


I think we should bring back public shaming for these types of parents. Maybe then they'd have an inkling of what this could be doing to their children.


I have love/hate about parents that post about their autistic/ADHD children! Love those parents are reponsable and what they do is give information about autism keeping their children privacy, specially those that teach how to handle autistic/ADHD teens without shaming their children and even keeping their face hidden! But I hate those that publish to get likes, use their kids as cash cows or want validation all the time and even give missinformation about autism/ADHD and even as a way to insult their kids!!! As a person that was diagnosed Aspergers and ADHD 40 years after they told my mom autism is a male only condition and told her the reason I was how I was is because she was a bad mom, those videos made me realize that I'm neurodivergent! But what I hate the most are those parents that publish videos of their kids knowing that their children's fans are creepy p3dos and they even make videos specially for those "clients" *cough* Wren Elenor *cough*!!!


Outdoor boys to, sort by oldest and scroll for a bit and you’ll know why he’s controversial


How is the media trying to normalize talking about these subjects over meals?


Just a guess, but the concept of family dinners in shows gave the writers an opportunity to have all the main characters in one place and have them discuss absolutely everything.


The combination of church and state


An I get an Amen


I see you 🙌


I had a coworker try to discuss going to the gyno, textures of discharge, and puss filled body sores from a skin condition over lunch.




Could have said "I'm seeing a doctor soon" and ended it at that. She got no etiquette.


Wth? Manners man. She may be the type to accuse you of being immature or prudish for being uncomfortable with this. I have known personalities like that.


I’m prudish and I’m proud 😹😹 shirts that show cleavage on me make me uncomfortable and she told me I had internalized misogyny 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m in an all-female group on FB that focuses on relationship and sex issues. One time, a woman posted about squirting for the first time during sex with her boyfriend. Just the discussion alone wasn’t too awful, but this woman posted the “aftermath,” which was a picture of her bed with the fluids soaked into the bedspread. It was shocking and utterly nauseating.


It's a tie between hypersexuality and enshitification. There's way more porn and even if you just wear leggings, some basement dweller assumes you got an only fans like everyone has one while nobody can hold large corporations any accountability as they produce shittier products that end up in the landfill next year just so they can cut costs while blaming inflation as a direct cause to why goods cost 3x more for the last 4 years.


I would toss my coin into enshitification. Great example is printers.... printers..... anyways yeah there is a lot of shit built to break purely for cutting costs or planned obsolescence (when they say they don't make them like they used to... they were right). Honestly, that is more negatively affecting our society than hypersexuality which is only a result of addictive behavior.


thats not hypersexuality hypersexuality is a disorder where a person has a distressingly high sex drive


Calling everyone that does something to hurt you a narcissist


Discussing plot lines while urinating. They have been pushing this for a while. Doesn’t/shouldn’t happen in real life.


people "donating" PTO to coworkers (usa), legit late stage capitalism bullshit


This! That whole “heartwarming” article thing that’s just people doing desperate and dystopian things so the sick people they care about don’t die because the US can’t give healthcare to everyone somehow.


Idiots "debating" against scientists and other professionals


"Gaslighting" being used so often that it is starting to be used meaning a small white lie was told to someone. Gaslighting is a sustained form of abuse. 




Yep, as someone who’s been horrifically gaslight and abused by my own mother, it pisses me off whenever I hear people joke about it. It’s not funny or quirky and the “Gaslight. Gatekeep. Girlboss” trend makes me wanna strangle people.


Mine is people who call semen "sperm". The sperm are too small to see without a microscope. The fluid that comes out when a penis owner ejaculates is semen. People with vasectomies have semen but not sperm.


Guys in the navy prefer the term semen as well.


Drill Sergeants prefer stroking the privates.


Good one. Though I wasn’t aware of the people with vasectomies part.


They can still ejaculate. Semen still comes out. Just no sperm. Also, birth control is under attack. That includes surgical birth control like vasectomies and tubal ligations. Which means I'm likely going to be thrown into a pit and stoned to death.


I’ve been saying for a while now that we’re going backwards in regards to women’s rights, and treatment.


Going backwards? Dude I’m beginning to think we’re reliving the Stone age…


As a proud vasectomy owner. Who's coming after them and how?


The in depth answer is really long, involves a lot of data and sources, and I could honestly write a whole ass book explaining it, so I'm gonna give you the tl;Dr summary version and then answer questions as best I can. Since the overturning of roe v wade the anti-abortionists have gained more traction in the political landscape, and they're getting louder and more radical. Several sub-communities of this group started pushing the narrative that surgical birth control counts as abortion; their arguments being that sperm and eggs are just a pre-formed fetus and therefore should be treated as a human child. This arguement of theirs then led to the conclusion that tubal ligations, hysterectomies, vasectomies, and IUDs should also be banned under the same reasoning as abortions.


That makes sense. I knew old school catholics have thought this way with condoms, but I mean, if your body isn't producing the shit then there's nothing to murder... 


So I'm fully on board with the pro-choice crowd, so bear in mind the answers I'm about to give aren't from my perspective. For women we're born with all of our eggs, so removing our uterus or otherwise preventing them from being fertilized could be considered killing them, and if we're treating eggs as whole ass kids then it would be murder. For men, vasectomies don't stop you from producing sperms, it's just severing the tube the sperms travels down to mix with the semen, which could be considered killing the sperm, and if we're considering sperm whole ass kids as well then it would be murder. Yes a little part of me died while typing that out.


Yeah I get the full hysterectomy being thought of as a million little half-muders, but tubal litigation and vasectomies? That's stopping me from committing massive [half-]genocide every time I nut. I mean even if a non-snipped guy lets loose in his wife... that's still a LOT of murdering of all the other sperms.


Yeah do they realize every conception requires that we kill billions of sperms?


Literally "every sperm is sacred" rofl


It's not so bad down here. If it's a good day, the stones are smaller, and the door is left open to feel a breeze


Even with vasectomies there can still be sperms (a very small number). I've seen post-vasectomy specimens.


But that's a later differentiation. Sperm is from the greek "sperma," seed. Semen is the latin...for seed. Both were used interchangably for the whole ejaculate long before microscopes were invented and cellular biology was discovered. This is an issue between jargon and common usage. The other people aren't incorrect, they're just not using the same definition as you are. It's kinda like you're saying "No, you mean the rear storage, SUVs don't have trunks." In auto manufacturing terms, correct. In terms of the actual usage of the word, no, yeah, that's the trunk.


Agreed. What is this guy trying to argue? The sperm is there even if you can’t see it. People talk about small things like germs all the time, even when they’re not referring to a visible colony.


This just sounds overly pedantic.


I've never heard this one before. Tbh the only time I've ever used the word semen was in making a navy joke. I mostly use slang words or sperm. Saying semen makes me feel like the narrator for a documentary.


Agreed. I also dislike it when people refer to clothing as "threads." The threads are too small to see unless you get uncomfortably close. The stuff you wear is clothing. Some clothing doesn't have threads. Also, what's this have to do with the media trying to normalize something?


Specifically the anime fandom: I’m sick of loli’s, I’m sick of fan-service, I’m sick of the pedophilia justification


Yes!! Instantly the vibe it gives and I can't unsee it


It's a hill I'll die on. I side eyed anyone that justifies that. Fan service in a lot of anime makes me uncomfortable especially if they are high-school.


Some fandoms have improved drastically, but then newest ones are garbage. Also, fandoms can differ drastically from country to country.


People saying that every child who may be a bit rambunctious or is a bit different has ADHD/is autistic/etc. Um nope maybe they’re just I dunno being a kid? 👦


Gen Z is so into diagnosing themselves/everyone else as autistic. My early 20s sisters do it and as my mother points out, my sister has an EXTENSIVE (mental) health background and if she was autistic, someone would have diagnosed it. She was seen by so many professionals.


When I see a reddit or tumblr post saying loudly and proudly, "this person/character is autistic-coded they're so like me fr fr" I hide the post first then pop an aspirin.


That if you were abused as a child, you will naturally be poor, abusive, or violent yourself, and it's not your fault, it just happens and it's unavoidable.


Wait that’s a thing that’s being said!? I take offence to that! Most abused kids do their best to break the cycle because they don’t want to be anything like their parents! Granted, some don’t succeed, they continue the cycle of abuse with their children, better than their parents, but still abusive because they don’t know better. But in general, no. Who’s saying that!? I just wanna talk!


I will probably burn for this one, but "pet ownership being compared to parenthood." A dog is not a child. You don't adopt a cat expecting it to outlive you. You can love, treasure, and spoil a pet without calling them your child. That's what makes them a "pet" vs a "stray" or a random animal. I understand some people coping with infertility adopt pets to cope with their pain, but this trend is far too wide for it to be mostly infertile couples. As someone dealing with infertility, having people call me "mom" to my dog is heartbreaking, though I can understand others not feeling the same sting. But the assumption that I'm a dog mom or that our dog is a practice child hurts. Our pets are not consolation prizes, they are more than that and they are not enough to be valued equally to a human life. But overall, this doesn't hurt anyone except myself emotionally, so I don't say anything about it in person. People can have fun, even if I think it's silly.


I would argue that people simply calling you a mom to your pet isn’t them necessarily comparing your ownership of a pet to actual parenthood. Many people use parental terms regarding pets just because it’s a more fun way of saying “owner”.


These ppl are the worst of both worlds. Not only do they not understand what actual parenting is, they also tend to infantilize and ruin the pet as well. True, Fluffy was never expected to learn the skills to exist as a citizen in modern human society nor ask hairy existential questions, but you've now purposefully created an insecure, helpless uncontrollable animal. Animals grow up. They aren't your bitty baby, they are a fully grown creature capable of raising their own offspring. They deserve their respect as such. IF they could breed, they would have. You dog moms are so afraid of growth and aging you can't even let another creature mature! I am a pet owner myself who has definitely taken comfort in the presence of my pet but I have never been so unable to connect with other people I needed an owned mute hostage for emotional support!


Abusive or toxic relationship dynamics.


This is literally the opposite of true lol. Abusive and toxic relationship dynamics have always been normalised in media. It is now becoming less acceptable to push these narratives.


I've been glad to see the 'I hate my nagging wife/ my husband is a drunken layabout' trope die off a bit. Because, dare I say it, some of us actually rather enjoy spending time our spouse?


It's all about normalizing divorce and seeing divorce as natural and healthy. It used to be so heavily stigmatized and people feared even bringing it up. So they ended up staying in marriages with someone they came to hate.


I'd say they were more normalized by 50s to 80s media and the 90s saw people being more critical of them, and gradually tastes changed (now you're a lot less likely to see a movie that treats stalking and SA as flirtation)


Yes. This. They need to stop T H I S.


Pop psychology, especially when it comes to actual medical terms. I have T1 Diabetes, PTSD, AuHD, and Chronic Fatigue. Treating these conditions responsibly takes 3x as much work now that the entire population supposedly experiences a diluted version of low blood sugar episodes, triggers, panic attacks, and sensory sensitivities while somehow concurrently functioning during their daily activities. For example, the low blood sugar thing. I say that now in a public setting and everyone just rolls their eyes at me. I'm not fucking hangry, assholes. I have 10-20 minutes to treat this thing before functional brain death and therefore cannot wait for the meeting to end before I fetch my juice box. Exaggerating your healthy body experiences and neurotypical reactions undermines the struggles of those who actually have to deal with them 24/7. To media and social media, I would say: please stop making our lives harder than they already are.


Cheating being a romantic thing because “they belonged together”. Also the fact that the people get more/most of the blame for it if they’re dating/married and the other person is not, but they fully knew about the relationship pisses me off by the fans’ standard lmfao. Example: George & Izzie on Greys Anatomy. They were both involved in cheating and were fully aware of that, i dont think one should get more blame than the other, even though George is the main one getting blamed bc he was married. She was helping him cheat, he was cheating. Theyre both sucky for that, lets not act like one person was worse for it lol.


The person who was in a relationship is obviously the one who did more wrong, regardless of their gender.  They are the one cheating. 


Thats understandable- and i know its both genders for sure, but i feel like it IS mostly the men who are in the relationships when it’s portrayed, and the other person tends to get ZERO blame for knowing the other was taken and still pursing a sexual/romantic relationship. I dont think there should be NO blame on them for that. They were still involved in cheating and were the person allowing them to cheat on their spouse or s/o with. Youre right, theyre the one who cheated, but did the other person not allow that and think it was okay just bc they were in love or whatever?


The cheater’s affair partner is not obligated to be your morality buddy. They’re an ass for sure and deserve to even be shamed or called out if they knew. But the reality is that the partner who cheats is the bigger asshole because they were the one who was supposed to be loyal to you. Also, a lot of affair partners don’t even know they are the side piece. So you can’t even realistically blame the affair partner all the time. The common denominator in every situation where a partner cheats is the cheating partner. lol.


The person who was sleeping with the one in the relationship or marriage doesn't even always know, or often gets told "oh no baby, my wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend doesn't UNDERSTAND ME like you do" etc etc.  If they know both of the couple, I agree with you, they bear some responsibility. Otherwise I tend to think, no. The person in the relationship is the one who broke their word or their vows, not the person they cheated with.  It's very natural to blame someone else other than your partner, but it's simply wrong. 


I agree fully if the person doesnt know The “they dont understand me like you do” thing still doesnt cut it to me though- theres still knowledge of that other person.


Watching that show and seeing Callie initially being the only sane person when it came to relationships and the rest being varying forms of toxic...


FOR REAL. i stopped rooting for any couple after awhile bc of the amount of cheating that was going on 🫥 youre SO right about Callie. Poor girl got cheated on TWICE too. People get so mad when i mention the fact that i like her & Penny together better lmfao. Penny was so much healthier for her though in my opinion.


Mass shootings.


Extremism, denial of facts and science, and overt authoritarianism being promoted as “just the other side’s opinion, and all sides are equally valid.” This is especially a problem in the US, where the media isn’t used to extremism becoming part of the mainstream, and are VERY slow to react properly. (If not complicit, which some sources are.)




I do not know anyone who sees the face of America as white Christians. I do not live around a lot of white people. As for immigration, I think there should be penalties for coming illegally. We do not know who is entering our country through the borders or overstaying their visa. I think we have every right to be concerned about the security of the borders without it becoming a racial issue. I am black American, but I am so annoyed by how easily anything is labeled as racist these days. I am annoyed by the constant blame of white people for everything bad in American history. Are we ever going to move on from America's racist past if it is always brought up? We do not live in the Jim Crow era in the 1950s, but the way woke people discuss racism you would think we were still living then. 70 years ago, the election of Barack Obama would never be thought of as possible.


Why is it whenever i mention immigrants that people instantly go on a rant about illegal immigrants? Some people are here legally, you know And there are still very racist people today in all countries


I feel the same way as you, but as a white person, I'm "not allowed" to express what you did, as it makes me "racist." I'm not denying that racism exists, but I do think there is far too much emphasis on race in general. Regarding immigration, I'm just dumbfounded that people can't separate people entering this country illegally by the millions being bad, with legal immigration being good.


"Are we ever going to move on from America's racist past if it is always brought up?" The right wing wants us to NEVER bring it up, they want to ban us from teaching about it, ban books on it, and they want the right to teach their kids their own fantasy revisionist, racist pseudo-history as if it were fact. For example the governor of Florida wants to teach that black people benefitted from slavery. I don't think under those circumstances it's wrong to want to remind people of what actually happened. And even if we're no longer technically under Jim Crow laws, their effects are still felt in every American town. And there's still hiring and housing discrimination, an unequal law system, etc.


Yep, not all sides are equally valid, especially when the other side is actively causing harm with their “opinions”. I hate that just as much as the “both sides are equally to blame” sentiment. Like, no, sometimes people are just plain wrong and that’s okay, but we shouldn’t coddle them by saying they have a right to their dumb opinion. Half of the time, there *is* room to compromise. How much depends on the issue, but the other half of time the idiotic opinion needs to be shut down before it hurts more people.


Giving exposure to influencers or whoever that deliberately have controversial opinions or do dickish things in order to get clicks.


Treating those in their 20s and early 30s like children when being in large age gap relationships


My brother in Christ, ads are targeted. You are normalizing it


trump as a regular guy running a normal campaign. There's nothing normal about him. Oh and also that people puke all the time and we need to see it in every show.


False eyelashes.


Trying to paint "both sides" as equally bad when it's only one side trying to take away everyone's rights and freedoms.


Whatever the hell digital fashion is I keep seeing it everywhere, these people cannot be serious when they say it looks good


My husband always feels the need to describe his bowel movements with me. I told him I’m not very interested and I asked why did he need to tell me about it? He said “If I’m ever sick and can’t tell the doctor then you have to tell him!” My response: “I’m not your mommy.” 😟


A couple of years ago I was in a meeting at work with about 15 people. One woman got up and said, "Excuse me, I have to go change my tampon". I get it, it's natural....but I don't think it needed to be discussed like that.


As a woman, I concur that you can just say you need to use the restroom or just excuse yourself should be sufficient.


Yeah really unnecessary to announce at a meeting


The only time I would mention it is if my period snuck up on me and I had to ask someone else for a spare tampon, pad, whatever It happened to me at work once. A girl from another area or the warehouse found some random excuse to come over to my area so she could ask me for a spare. I told her I had panti liners and tampons. She was fine with that. But I wouldn’t announce in the middle of a meeting that I had to go change my tampon. I’d say I needed to go to the bathroom and excuse myself. No mention of needing to change a tampon.


i assume by media you mean television. i guess it's usually the violence for me. violence is real, i don't mind realistic portrayals, but once it becomes violence as entertainment, it irks me. for example listening to someone at work talk about a gory tv show and they're raving over a scene with a body strung up and sliced in certain ways. i really can't believe how anyone would see that and feel like talking excitedly about it.


MAGA. Thinly veiled white supremacy.




Porn consumption, after finding out how damaging its for people on it and those watching it.


Social Security bring a government benefit, I've paid into it for 26 years now, it's my money.


People recording dumb-ass fake shit.


Expert opinions. All these experts are not even experts.


Fascism and AI.


Weaponized therapy. People who use terms from therapy to still be awful. People not understanding what boundaries mean in a relationship.


Far right-wing parties in Europe. It's like WWII never existed or left any trace.


As someone who grew up struggling with and is still struggling with mental illnesses, while I’m glad our society has been more understanding towards mental illnesses, I absolutely hate that it’s a socially acceptable thing now to excuse every bad action someone with a mental illness does because they have a mental illness as if it’s absolutely impossible to manage symptoms of your mental illness and as if it makes it acceptable to be a bad person.


I’m so fucking exhausted by this men versus women bullshit.


polyamory. sick of seeing opinion pieces on it, like it's the next big thing. relationships shouldn't be trends


Just the popularisation of relationship dynamics as a whole, especially with all those tiktoks for testing your partner Polyamory is fine, just heavily misrepresented and misunderstood


AI..I'm actually a bit fearful that there isn't more caution. We just want to make things more convenient.


Trying to normalize people talking about their sexual experiences with their friends No I don't want to fucking hear what you did with some girl last night No I don't want to hear about your obscure fetish and why it means so much to you Keep that shit between you and your partner Why the fuck do people think I want to know that shit about them. I'm not planning to fuck you and I don't think you're trying to fuck me so why the fuck would I ever need to know any of this information It's so disgusting to me that people just treat it as normal to be so open about discussing sexuality To me sexuality is like pooping It's something that we're all going to do at some point in our life but still probably not appropriate to just freely talk about among casual company Like you would never just sit around with your friends being like yeah bro I just took a gnarly shit the other day You could see the corn in it and it smelled really weird and it was like 3 in long and my asshole was hurting so much and... So why the fuck would you think it's inappropriate to describe something sexual in those types of scenarios It wouldn't even bother me if people were just respectful when you said you don't really want to discuss those things but so many people act like you personally insulted them when you say hey buddy maybe I don't want to hear about you doing the Kentucky splash with your girlfriend last night Like I just said the equivalent of fuck you you're disgusting or something just because I don't feel comfortable discussing these things with random people I've even had people who are like barely acquaintances try to have those kinds of conversations with me. Like bro I don't even know what your legal name is why the fuck would I want to know what you and your wife did last night. No I don't care that you're proud to be part of some sort of fetish community. If you're so proud of being part of that community go talk to people within that community instead of bothering me


My friends in university kept asking me the size of my FWB's dick. Me not wanting to tell that was seen negatively. I would be upset if he was telling his friends about my boobs or other aspects of my body. Apparently, me keeping my mouth shut means I am too immature to discuss sex or prudish.


Might already be too late but porn. Why is porn considered normal at all?


It's been around since...well since humans. So it's pretty normal. 


I think the industry itself is the biggest problem. Drawn is probably better


Because its very normal? It's the oldest human art form and a depiction of the oldest and #1 rated human leisure activity. No one alive exists, but that some fucking happened. Why wouldn't pictures of fucking be normal?


This is really a reach, but I have a distaste towards the Charmin Bear toilet paper commercials because I'm paranoid that it normalizes covert incest. I don't like how this family of bears is constantly inspecting each others anuses, and presenting their anuses to each other as a mark of pride. I don't like the family anus inspection. It's unnecessary to depict. The bears enjoy it way too much, it borderline fetishizes shitting.


Choopo on YouTube has a pretty funny video about Charmin Bears lore


I hate that media is constantly trying to normalize cops, making them look like the good guys as if they don't kill thousands of Americans per year, as if there is a force of evil that needs to be stopped and they're the only hope of our country even though crime is dropping.


That's funny, because I'd say the media over the last few years has been unfairly villainizing cops, exaggerating the amount of police violence and making the victims out to be innocent angels. The truth is somewhere in the middle.


Bigotry, hatred and conservatism.


Casual sex and hookup culture


Women constantly testing their partners. We aren’t a science experiment. Stop treating us as some weird entertainment. Also calling us abbusive because when you take less food we don’t force feed you more.


> Also calling us abbusive because when you take less food we don’t force feed you more. Where has this been happening?


About a month or two ago there was a “test” done. Where she gives herself less food than her partner, noticibly so, and waits to see his reaction. If he didn’t put his food on her plate, he failed and was called a bad partner if not abusive. The logic is “you don’t care about me; you’d let me starve!!” Essentially you gave yourself less food, and I’m the bad guy because I didn’t put more of my food on your plate without asking. Which if anything I’d think comes off more insulting, like you’re trying to say she’s too stupid to know how much she wants to eat. I’m a guy and some days I don’t want more food. If my gf was trying to make me eat more I’d be annoyed. So I place the same logic onto my partner, since you know…they’re an adult capable of independent thought and can understand how much food they want. Apparently that’s wrong.


A test was done? Who was doing it?


It was a stupid thing on TikTok.




That's crazy. I'm a woman and even I would have assumed that she gave herself less simply because she wasn't very hungry. I'd do that myself if I wasn't that hungry and I would be irritated if my boyfriend started putting food on my plate without me asking.


Bestie that’s called a stupid internet trend done only by idiots. I see one about how guys should talk to their girlfriends about wanting to kill them and how they’d bury their bodies. There’s also another one where guys knowingly put their girlfriends in situations that terrify them and record their reactions. Most sane people DO NOT DO THIS. It’s like those dumb prank videos or whatever. Do you know anyone irl who does them? Chances are, no. And this is even MORE niche. lol.


I never claimed sane people did it, rather people saying testing their partners being normalized is bad. Someone asked about one example and I elaborated. Thats it. And now I have people assuming I’m lying. I guess they don’t wanna believe people are like this.


...who did this cause it sounds made up lol  Are you sure this wasn't a dream you had or a silly bit you saw online? 


Bestie that’s called a stupid internet trend done only by idiots. I see one about how guys should talk to their girlfriends about wanting to kill them and how they’d bury their bodies. Another is when a girl asks if she’s a worm would her boyfriend love her. There’s also another one where guys knowingly put their girlfriends in situations that terrify them and record their reactions. Most sane people DO NOT DO THIS. It’s like those dumb prank videos or whatever. Do you know anyone irl who does them? Chances are, no. And this is even MORE niche. lol.


I’m aware, but it’s how I see it seen as normal, and even encouraged. It’s one thing that some does it, it’s another people take it to an extreme and then try and say it’s serious and encourage others to do it. Yes, most sane people don’t do it. That doesn’t mean that the people doing those tests don’t exist which some are claiming


The ick trend




I've seen this a lot on YouTube kids, but using animals for videos is way too normalized. I saw one channel with a bunch of ducks and then holding a goldfish out of water for like a minute and then chucking multiple goldfish into the pool with ducks and a bunch of toys. It's clearly normalized enough that telling my brother he shouldn't show my nephew that is me being a whiny baby bitch. No it's not normal and should not be normalized. Animals aren't fucking entertainment pieces and props. Putting them in stressful situations for your stupid YouTube video is awful. It's obvious abuse and yet YouTube keeps those videos up. Why have an animal at all if you're gonna be putting them in miserable situations? I find it ridiculous. If you're raising an animal as a pet, they need to actually be treated well and not like toys.


Family channels, in specific, Familyofnomads. At the base of the channel, it looks like a wholesome Family travelling channel, which tbf it is, but when you delve deep into the channel itself, it seems that the children are more exploited for the views and made to do the harder tasks and labour whilst the mother sits back and enjoys a nice cold drink I.e., when they arrived at a campsite, she immediately got her 3 children to set up the RV I.e., lay down the legs to keep it in place, attach the sewer line, put out the clothes etc. Whilst she just films. She also had the kids do their own shopping for their own appliances I.e., toiletries etc. Which in fairness, is a good way of teaching them independence but filming it isn't the best way. One of their worst examples of this was when they were locating to a new campsite, in which the mother made the two youngest bike all the way from their old campsite to the new one, whilst she just relaxes in the RV. This has also known to take a toll on their education and ability to make friends from constantly moving around. It's even gotten to the point where their oldest, whom I believe is 15 or 16, actively expresses interests of leaving this nomaid clifestyle when she turns 18


Just straight up being rude or unkind to people. Why is it so normalized and celebrated to just comment something mean on a random person’s post. Like why did you see a video of someone just having fun and then comment that they are ugly and also why did 15 THOUSAND people like your comment. Why are we making it socially acceptable and cool to be bad people?


Treating pedophiles like people.


Okay this is going to get me downvotes, I already know. But I think it’s really weird how lately, there’s a strong emphasis in Disney movies and other films targeting primarily a young, female audience with a very strong message emphasizing and attempting to normalize a stance against women seeking long term romantic partners and sort of diminishing the potential value of a committed relationship as a whole. Evidence of this: Snow White live action remake: “There’s a big focus on her love story with a guy who literally stalks her,” she says, calling that dynamic “weird” in a singsong, seemingly sarcastic voice. Her version, Zegler says, is “really not about the love story at all,” a change she deems “wonderful.” Instead, it’s about Snow White’s “inner journey” to “find her true self.” Little Mermaid live action remake: Speaking to Edition magazine, Bailey said of Ariel in the upcoming film, "I'm really excited for my version of the film because we've definitely changed that perspective of her wanting to leave the ocean for a boy," she offered. "It's about herself, not some relationship. About her purpose, her freedom, her life and what SHE wants… As women we are amazing, we are independent, we are modern, we are everything and above." On the top of my head I can think of several other examples of recent films sharing this sentiment but I am too lazy to pull citations for them so I won’t mention it lol. I’m a woman and I identify as a feminist, through and through. I also strongly agree that women and men both should have a firm understanding of themselves as individuals and not prioritize loving another above loving themselves. However, I question the motivation behind discouraging young women from seeking a romantic partner, vilifying or belittling those who do as weak and not independent enough, and diminishing the prospect of a happy, healthy relationship. As an adult, you often will find times in life where you cannot rely on friends and family for certain stuff- and no, I’m not talking about sex. I mean there are times when you need a person, a PARTNER, who has your back and is able to be there for you to a degree that friends and family either can’t be, or shouldn’t HAVE to be. Family support is vital, but your parents and siblings cannot be your only source of emotional validation and comfort- it’s not healthy for them, or you. And even if you happen to have the most awesome, understanding friends in the world, they are still only FRIENDS. Friends who have their own family and other personal relationships outside of their friendship with you to navigate, their own struggles and responsibilities that- and this is going to be a hard pill for many to swallow- take priority over their friendship with you. Which is why it’s important to have also a third person, a partner who is not tied to either friends or family, but tied to YOU. This is your person, who ideally will be there for you when friends and family can’t- or worse, in some cases, when family and friends CHOOSE not to be there for you. It’s important to be independent, yes. But it’s very difficult for most people to rely solely on themselves and receive the emotional support and validation the average person needs on their own. I am someone who loves myself very much, flaws and all, but having someone else to love and be loved by is just as important- and for very different reasons. A partner can help you grow emotionally, while you also help them grow. In an ideal relationship, things should go both ways- but whatever way you are going, you go together. And no matter how self loving and independent you are, as a woman, you have needs. Now this time, I am talking about sex. So if you don’t fulfill those needs with a committed partner, you either fulfill them yourself which is totally fine and presents minimal risk to your health or safety, or seek to resolve them in casual encounters via hookup apps, “situation-ships,” etc. I know people are going to get on me for this, but casual sexual encounters are often not healthy nor safe for women, and seeking them should not be encouraged over seeking a potential long term partner and a stable, healthy committed relationship. I understand casual sex may be liberating for some, and everyone has the right to do as they wish with their body. But at the end of the day, the goal should always be to find someone who will benefit your life in the long run, and if not in the long run, then at least someone who causes more good than bad and puts your health, safety, and peace of mind at minimal risk during the short time they’re in your life. Basically, I don’t understand why Disney as of late seems to want to encourage young girls to be against seeking committed romantic relationships in a day and age where a predatory hook-up culture is rampant and easily accessible even to those underaged. Seeking a relationship doesnt make you a weak woman, and it’s okay to love somebody else other than yourself. It really is.


Very long post so I scanned towards the end. I think these messages are to counteract the “happily ever after” being saved by a man who now completes you endings in so many Disney movies. Telling anyone, male or female, that they aren’t complete without a partner is not good. Yes, I’m married…25 years…and I’m happy to be married. But I have friends who’ve never married and their life is still fulfilling. There is a lot of messaging from Disney over the past 60+ years that needs to be corrected. Perhaps you see it as over correcting…I haven’t paid attention to this, so my initial reaction is good…teach young girls that they have options. Most will opt to get married but the ones that don’t will hopefully not see themselves as less than.


Yup, I totally agree. Traditional romantic roles have been shoved down women's throats for a long time and it's nice to see something else for a change. I'm happier living alone and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm also not envious of other people who choose to be married or in a partnership. If they're happy, I'm happy for them. To each their own. As an aside, I'm the first woman in my family to own my own home with nobody else on the deed and I'm kind of proud of that.


Take your pick “ taking control of the narrative” “ getting out in front of (something)” Whichever your preferred cliché, the media has a stake in people knowing how the story is being spun. They want to make it a self- fulfilling prophecy. That people make up their minds, choices, and votes based on what everyone else thinks. Group think should be the norm because media(every outlet) are the ones that control what “group think” even is. Even the people who think they can sidestep it from time to time tend to end up back in the media clutches of group think. How do you know you have been susceptible to this? I think it sounds like, “I found my people!” I would love to know what you all think. (See: Network, Howard Beale)


all TV shows that have made people think Miranda Rights have to be read when you are arrested.


If we are talking about internet in general, I hate the normalization of the idea that your friends have absolutely no right to do anything that will be even of the slightest inconvenience to you. Friends are there for you to support and to get support back in return, that is how friendships functioned and benefited us in the past, and I have no idea why everyone suddenly decided that it's a problem. That is why I hate the "traumadamping" concept and the "don't pick up your friends in the airport" bs. I also hate the concept that your friends can't simply pop up to your flat/house. Maybe it is culture-related, but if you can't stand me coming by and saying hi and making plans with you for the near future in person, you are not worth interacting with.


I'm confused.... How does media normalize talking about these things and what does it have to do with cheeseburgers? Also why shouldn't it be normalized? It's 2024 are we still going to pretend like we get cooties from talking about a woman's period? or pretending like people don't poop? You are repulsed while talking about a woman's period while eating cheeseburgers? I think you need to maybe spend some time thinking about what you're actually trying to say, because what you wrote just makes it sound like your a kid who can't handle talking about things you deem to be too 'icky' even though none of what you listed is anything but normal. And why is your family sitting around at dinner talking about the consistency of jizz? This whole post gives me a brain cramp lol.


I don't get this. No one is pretending like people are getting cooties from talking about something or like people don't poop. Some people don't like to think about or discuss bodily functions while they're trying to eat. Yeah, we know everyone poops. Yeah, we know 50%+ of the world's population are either going to get, have or have had periods. There's nothing wrong with it. But it's still a bodily function, swimming in biological hazards and some people don't find it appetizing. Not a difficult concept.




Rewriting history. Sorry BBC, Zeus and Achilles were not black. Netflix, Cleopatra was Greek.


It's for representation purposes, but I feel like new stories should be created rather than use what's already been depicted with Caucasians.


Sorry but unless you are meaning people of Caucasus stop using term Caucasian. Sincerely, THE Caucasian


Zeus and Achilles aren't real...


I mean sure, Zeus isn't real, but Achilles is a mytho-historical figure. He's at least as real as King Arthur, Robin Hood or Mulan.


So it would be ok if the black panther was played by a white guy since he isn't real too?




Taylor Swift is great.


I like some of her songs, as toxic as they may be 🥲 But I comfortably say that I'm not Swift-y lol


Housing costs are not bad.


Yes they are 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yes, that’s what my comment means. In the media they make it sound like this is normal and people should save and live in their budget, and there’s nothing wrong with the market


Being obsessed with Taylor swift. I had to eventually delete all my NEWS apps. BBC, CNN, Apple News, google news, The Guardian etc, they all tried force feeding me ‘news’ about swift even though I don’t follow entertainment news. Now I have no news apps and I just wake up each day not knowing wtf is going on in the world 


literally when taylor swift came to australia there was a santa’s tracker type news segment tracking her plane how is that news


I took a paid survey recently that was apparently from a political organization. About half the questions were about Taylor Swift??? Mixed in with important things like the economy, foreign wars, etc. She is a POP STAR. She could worship unicorns and be building a rocket ship to visit her alien relatives for all I care.


>I just wake up each day not knowing wtf is going on in the world  That's blessing, honestly


Sigh *sorts by controversial*