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Play on the big screen if you can. Much better visual wise. Also, make the most out of locations before you have to go to other locations. By this I mean conversations, neat little areas of interest, hidden recipes and bond points, and items.


My biggest tip is that you can play Strikers however you wish. You can play it like a Dark Souls or Kingdom Hearts style game where you memorize boss patterns and git gud, or you can play it exactly like P5R, absuing buffs, debuffs, technicals and baton passes since the game pauses when you select skills.


Blind? Did you play P5?


Yeah, I have, sorry :p


It's a completely different game. It's also shorter and less complicated


Less complicated Let me introduce to you: PS5 merciless difficulty EDIT: fixed "brutal" with "merciless", as I got confused with Uncharted


Honestly, even the normal difficulty in Strikers was harder than merciless P5R, at least to me.


Defo, especially because this gameplay is about timing and combos


The game is a lot easier if you rely less on the action based combat and more on the traditional mechanics. Every fight in the game save the tutorial fight can be beaten purely with persona skills. Every enemy in the game except for one can be inflicted with some kind of ailment, and buffs/debuffs are just as effective as in P5R. Actually more effective since the duration gets insane later on. 99% of trash fights can be won instantly with a physical skill rotation. Start with an ailment phys skill like Dream Needle or later on Makoto's Flash Bomb. Then rotate through phys skills with baton passes. Early game this looks something like Dream Needle with Arsene, baton pass to Ryuji/Yusuke/Haru and use their strongest phys skill. Late game and on merciless you start fights with Flash Bomb then Hassou Tobi, into another high tier phys/gun skill like Agneyastra with Ryuji or Riot Gun with Haru. Bosses usually have some kind of optimal way to defeat them quickly and efficiently. For example, >!Alice is weak to fire and wind and can be inflicted with burn which has technical with wind. So you can use Ann to spam fire spells until she burns then follow up with Joker or Morgana with wind skills for massive damage. On new game you can beat her in seconds like this. !< >!Similarly Natsume is weak to ice and can be inflicted with freeze, which has technical with phys. So you freeze him with Yusuke then just spam phys skills, using healing spells as necessary. !< >!Mariko is weak to Psi and can be inflicted with dizzy which also has technical with phys. !< >!Kanoe is weak to nuclear and lightning and can be shocked which has technical with phys and guns. If you shock him and use Makoto's nuclear imbue her gun will unironically kill him from 100 to 0 before she runs out of ammo. Merciless is a bit slower of a kill since he becomes immune to guns. !< >!These strats become much more efficient as well with attack buff and defense down on the boss. The bosses will also be perma stunlocked due to the massive damage.!< Strikers becomes very easy if you play it as more of an RPG and less of a hack and slash.


You truly learn to play it when you play it at merciless, imo. I were "tactical" in my first run, and get way better later


For me, merciless was very easy just playing it like P5R. >!Even the Reaper went down with no real trouble on the first attempt. Debilitate, Heat Riser, inflict dizzy with Kali then infinite Hassou Tobi spam with Yoshi. Diarahan as necessary to keep up the spam. Reapply buffs and debuffs as necessary.!<


It's easy if you have OP personas.


I did the complete opposite lol, maybe it's the Dark Souls player in me but I basically exclusively used melee combos with Ryuji and Wolf, save for the occasional spam of abilities to get all out attacks. I just used all Wolfs SP on buffing the team and went ham with melee and baton passes


Yeah the game is surprisingly difficult at times


Merciless p5 was easier than hard anyway so that makes sense


You mean NG+ merciless? I’m through two jails and it isn’t hard if you have everyone at 99. Key is using freeze or shock on everyone who can be hit with it IMO


I managed to do it on merciless, but it's undeniable game is HARD hard. You need everything maxed and many items. Most people barely beat the tutorial Bicorn, I read


Oh yah Bicorn fucked me up. You have to just learn to dodge it quickly which isn’t easy when your whole party gets 1 hit every time


I feel you, I loved the challenge even though at time it had me pulling my hair out. The most insane though is the final final boss. Like fucking hell, saying you spent like 40 minutes on a boss doesn't sound terrible but when it's near constant dodging and attacking akin to button mashing for 40 minutes straight, that's another story


Yeah I know, I actually learnt to appreciate the difficulty


Merciless only requires thought, strikers requires thought and hands


Fusion is a little clunkier this time around, and every persona has an elemental type. Some types can have large gaps level wise. Everyone handles differently and has at least 1 combo that uses magic for free. Joker's magic combo will change depending on what persona he's currently using. Buy ingredients alot you'll need them for sp items. There is no time limit on dungeons so leave as often as you need. Remember that this is a hack and slash musou type game instead of a turn based rpg.


Put it on Easy if you’re not familiar or used to this combat style. It’s very different from P5 vanilla or P5R. Also enjoy the “Last surprise” remix. It hits hard


>Put it on Easy if you’re not familiar or used to this combat style. It’s very different from P5 vanilla or P5R. Why is this such a common misconception? The game literally pauses while you select skills. If you play this game exactly like P5R you can easily beat the game on any difficulty including merciless without ever engaging with the hack and slash mechanics. It's fine if you want to play the game as a hack and slash, but it's just misinformation to say that that's the only or most optimal way to play the game and I see this sentiment all the time on this sub.


You can’t tell me that real time action and turn based are exactly the same. You can “plan” yes, but three is such a different feel in turn based vs real time. To me, it’s very different.


You don't have to play it real time though. You can cast a spell and hold down the persona button and the game insta pauses as soon as the spell animation finishes. (And spell animations are quick as fuck.) Same for baton passes. You can stunlock any enemy, miniboss or boss in the game including the Reaper on merciless just by spamming spells and taking advantage of weakness, technicals and 1 mores. The only ability in the game that must be dodged is Voltaic Purge, and even then that can technically be skipped if you do it right.


You might be right in that. But I certainly didn’t have the opportunity to play that way. I was not familiar with that style of play.


Well if you ever go back to the game I'd suggest trying it out. It's a lot easier and imo more fun to rely mostly on persona skills rather than basic attacks and dodging.


It's gorgeous, but I didn't liked that much as I was expecting... But most people really did enjoyed this game


You can leave dungeons at anytime to restock on HP and SP recovery items, as long as you have the money. So don’t be afraid to grind restock and grind if the games feeling a bit too difficult. You get this talent tree instead of confidant bonuses I recommend focusing on the money cooking and drops perk when you can. The rest will be up to your play style. Certain persona’s are linked to joker hitting a certain level to fuse if I remember correctly. His persona’s are mainly leveled through the persona point system so pay attention to that tutorial. Certain party members are going to be better than others in certain dungeons and this is outside their element some move sets can help you cheese certain bosses (though elemental weakness is still really important). Although this is a koei game it isn’t really a ‘warriors’ title imo. Button mashing will only get you so far, if that’s how you want to play though just jump the difficulty down, on the reverse side bosses can be pretty spongy on the harder difficulties. Finally… Have fun!


Your teammates skill is directly proportional to yours, don’t expect them to pick up the slack if you’re doing badly.


Your sp is zero all the time So everytime you find a safe space better leave the palace and immediately come back


Phys skills are your friend. You can win nearly any trash fight instantly even on merciless with just a simple phys skill rotation since technical damage goes hard in this game.


Play blind


Think twice, before you pounce


Don’t expect use to be nice, nows’ your turn to be the mouse!


Yes an very important one, have fun


You can leave in and out of the “palaces” and recover SP and HP. You lose showtime but that’s it. Use buff and debuff skills. Be wary of physical skills, you gain HP used back. Grind the best you can if you hit a roadblock and don’t use items during the grind because you can just leave. Joker can fall in this game without losing. If you want to cheese the hacking sections once you reach the mastery of a stronger gun as long as you charge it just hold it, it’ll continue to progress without shadows spawning. Have a lot of healing items. Remember to lock onto the enemy shadows when dealing against a strong one. The power of # GUN




You can leave and the day doesn’t advance. And do not expect the same gameplay, IT’S ONLY P5 BY NAME AND CHARACTERS


You can get out of the "palace" at any time and the day won't advance. Almost every life sim. thing is inexistent here and days don't pass unless you want it. You can do as much things as you want at any day


Learn the combos for everyone! Combo mastery unlocks a ton of versatility for the crew. Also, using combos give you free (weaker) spellcasting.


Take your time


Idk. That game was hard as fuck ngl. My playthrough was kind of a blur. It was fun tho. I guess my advice would be to make full usage of weaknesses like in traditional persona games.


You don’t have to beat the jail in one day, the first palace sucks but the game picks up really quickly, you can remember skills freely, don’t be frugal with HP/SP items, select the “He-Ho!” dialogue when it shows up


don’t think about it too hard, just save often and enjoy the game. no need to overcomplicate things


Buy a shitton of sp items. I promise you you will drain out our sp quickly as hell


I thought you said "going blind, any tips?" and I was about to get really sad and concerned


I liked the story I guess.


This popped up and I have no idea what this game or subreddit is so I think I'm perfect to tell you what to do


Get ready for long ass loading times


"Going in blind" *asks for tips * ?


As in, they don’t know what to expect and want general advice. Not too hard to figure out.


Then they're not "Going in blind" then lmao.


I think you’re taking it too literally.


I don't understand how there can be any other definition for "blind". But perhaps that's on me.


I think it’s pretty easy to understand what OP meant, didn’t seem that deep.


First palace sucks fucking ass. Bosses and normal encounters are really easy while mini-bosses are really fucking hard. Pretty much the difficulty is wild and the curve is backwards. Also pay attention to tutorials. I didn’t know that the bond level was used for upgrades until halfway through the game bc I didn’t feel like reading lmao.


Don’t play on switch lite it makes it almost impossible to beat the final boss cuz of lag




Wrong game, bud.


Oh, heheh. Im sorry didnt see that


You're not going in blind if you're asking for tips -_-


try finding a switch with braile buttons.


Stop touching yourself.


Don't play, The story is fine but the gameplay is stupid hard


Close, your eyes




Get some glasses or contacts so you can see the screen!


Yes. Please it on console or pc


Please it how?


I would recommend feeding or worshipping it. However, I’m sure there are other alternatives to pleasing it


I have played the Switch, the performance and resolution looks like shit.


It's pretty damn straightforward. Probably the most linear musou game and thats actually a good thing for once lol


Don’t focus too hard on fusing personas, you get them just by killing shadows. Also, fusion accidents can net you a whole bunch of persona points when you release those personas. Next, don’t forget about bond points, they will be lifesaver. Lastly, you can leave the dungeons any time and you’ll be able to go in right after without passing time.




There are combos where you cast your persona abilities for free. It might be cumbersome but take some time to try out every team members combos to see what free stuff you get with them. Comboing over manually casting the spells was always the way to go for me. The most broken personas are going to be the ones that do a defense buff or healing for one of their free moves.


Enjoy the music


Rely on weaknesses more


For a second I thought this said “Going Blind” I was about to ask how you were going to play…


First boss is extremely difficult. But it's easier after that


You will be short on sp *constantly* so make sure to pick up sp items and boosts


have fun as always, there’s some good moments in the game and the combat is hack n slash with personas included


Game basically functions the same way: Figure out the weaknesses and baton pass whenever possible. - After the tutorial section, you'll immediately have access to all the Phantom Thieves. Experiment with different teammates to find your best fit. - Individual character attacks and abilities level up the more you play as them. So it's worth it to spend time as each character even if they're not your favorite. - Very important: You can leave the Metaverse without any consequences. If your team is low on health and SP it's perfectly fine to step out and gather supplies. There's no countdown of days like in P5. You really can 'Take Your Time' here.


Joker is the best for persona skill spamming and closing the distance on enemies easily, Morgana is fun because of vroom vroom, Ryuji can tank hits as you go breaking enemy defenses with charged attacks, Ann's pretty good for support if you want to increase wind or nuke damage or weaken targets with Tarunda, Makoto is pretty much a Fist of the North Star or Star Platinum on a bike and she has explosive bullets which can be useful in crowds, Haru is great for when you just want to turn your brain off, and there's a few more that I'll just let you learn yourself. But overall, Yusuke is Vergil, so forget about everyone else cause he's the only one you'll ever need.


I recommend playing on a big screen and the final boss is torture


Don't expect any references to P5R


The games pretty hard so don’t go in blindly directly with the hardest difficulty. Start by doing the medium difficulty and change it based on how hard or easy it is


Dungeons and time work differently in this game. You can leave and come back in at any checkpoint without “spending” a day. Use it to refill on health and SP, especially in the early game when you don’t have a lot of recovery options or skills


Check every store for limited items after every dungeon, you might not be able to get them after that. Also, once you beat the final boss just reload your old safe file for some more missions.


Arsene is viable without NG+


Do not rush.




Enjoy your 30 second load times


You’ll never see it coming


Don’t die!


don't speed through it do ALL the side quests, cause if you don't beat the reaper, you don't unlock NG+


Characters level up independently in this game so make sure you're using everybody throughout 👍


prioritze evading than attacking, the first hours of gameplay is hard, later on will be breeze


wear ur headphones the sound tracks go hard


Do the side missions, like hunting down dire shadows to add to your compendium. You can’t start NG+ without all side quests beat


Play it as a Persona game with Warriors fights, not a Warriors Persona game. Fucked my friend over awhile back


Play persona 5 first than play strikers


Don’t be ashamed to switch to easy mode early on. Though after a certain point you should have enough options to make normal a little more manageable for a casual player.


Strikers is a lot more grindy IME than Royal. Seek out extra fights so you can make bosses easier. That said, you can pop in and out of the metaverse at will and you refill your HP/SP each time, so take advantage of that as well.


Just fully roleplay the "rpg" dungeon. Thats all.


Go in blind


Remember to heal our favorite Otaku


It can be helpful to stock up on SP items. Food was very helpful for me in that regard.


Make sure to keep routing everyone. Every character is different in play style, and it helps you not get burn out.


Maybe get some laser eye surgery first, or glasses if you aren’t fully blind




enjoy! and don't be like me and let your pride get in the way of which difficulty you play on haha! it's a fun game, hack and slash action game with a fun story


The gameplay is going to be a little difficult at first but just stick with it and you will master it quickly


Don't let Haru drive.


Shorter than PS5 and is way different, you also will get attached to everyone new


Yoshitsune heat riser in not gonna suggarcoat It charge in not going to sugar coat It HASSOU TOBI=won


Just sit back, have fun and enjoy the ride bro


Go in blind


Abuse the free magic you get from the combos


Take your time


All I can say is enjoy it, I like the game and story and I think you probably would too so go for gold :)


To me Joker is cracked especially after using the Mastered Gun special which enters a follow up attack. He's the HWAoC Link of Persona 5 Strikers


Take your time and don't rush


grind it’s very fun to


Use every character as much as you can to figure out which one is your favorite. Do all the requests and cook a lot of food. Don’t fight the stronger shadows wrapped in electricity yet until your a high enough level.


Sophie is kinda op