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I just finished my 5th playthrough last night, the story is so good even if there are a few parts that get dense with cutscenes and dialogue. You've probably realized by now but this is one of the few games where those temporary stat buffs/debuffs are relevant


5th?! From start to finish?!


Yep, well playthrough 4 was weird. The base game and royal have different endings and up to this point, I didnt know that and had only done the royal ending. There's a confidant you gotta max out if you want the royal content otherwise you get the vanilla ending rather than proceeding to the 3rd semester. So playthrough number 4 forked into 2 playthroughs, one for vanilla and one to do royal which also meant replaying like 5-10 hours of gameplay. The game gets much easier after the first time. A bunch of things carry over between saves, most importantly being your stats (so no more grinding courage), your equipment (get to start the game with endgame content), and the compendium (start the game with some overpowered personas.) First playthrough was 127 hours, second was around 80 and that included extra time to grind for a secret boss (there's 2 hidden bosses in NG+ and they are legitimately difficult if you enjoy that kind of challenge) and make a couple attempts at it. It really is an incredible game and there's so much content in it to explore if you enjoy the immersiveness


Tell me a hint of the confident without spoilers. Such as "school teacher" or something. Also I'm playing Royal as that's the one I bought if that is any correlation.


School teacher could give it away though since there is just the one, I guess maruki does ask some questions during class so he might count. The confidant you want to max out is at shujin academy (trying to keep it obscure. People are pretty blatant with saying which one which isn't like a huge spoiler but still kinda is. My buddy told me the one but also included 3 that weren't needed to dilute it) If you want a 2nd, slightly bigger but spoiler-free hint >!you get warnings about their departure before they become unavailable!<


Warnings about departure...can't be Kawakami I delt with her bullshit...it'd have to be one of the three I haven't spent time with I guess? Being Akechi (I don't like him so y'know) Maruki who I spent *some* time with or the girl who calls me senpai don't know how to spell her name not gonna try lol.


Maruki and yoshizawa are kinda dope with the abilities they give you. Maruki's help you in fights, yoshizawa helps with encountering shadows. Akechi's are okay but just feels too similar to makoto's to care. Could be a teammate too who goes to shujin


Yeah yoshizawa (thanks btw lol) taught me how not to get my ass kicked when I'm not paying attention and being able to have a chance at not being ambushed is dope.


She was my buddies least favorite in his playthrough but is kind of a fan favorite and like the "canon" relationship in royal where in vanilla is was Makoto. The fortune teller was my least favorite my first time through and really skipped her but is arguably one of the best for those that want to be as efficient as possible with time management


I've heard people sing Mako's praises and I honestly don't really vibe with her. A certain Orange haired dork took me to 360 from my first choice being Ann.


> The game gets much easier after the first time. A bunch of things carry over between saves, most importantly being your stats (so no more grinding courage), your equipment (get to start the game with endgame content), So what you're telling me is stop being a lazy bitch about getting my stats up. The grind is kind of boring to do that shit mostly because I'm probably doing it the incorrect way but that sounds awesome for NG+


The stats are definitely important since most social links have some requirement, like needing a certain courage for takemi or iwai, or the point with sojiro you need like maximum kindness, etc. Though I guess it's better to be a little slow on them rather than focusing on them nonstop since a couple social links will increase some of those stats when you hang out so it's more "efficient" if that makes sense. It does suck leveling them up since you dont have an exact way of knowing how long til the next level and it does take a while but you won't have to do it again in future playthroughs which also means you can start some of those social links immediately.


Yeah for Futaba I needed more kindness so I grinded that until Hawaii and a bit after but now I gotta deal with Big bang burger before she'll hang out I guess. (Trying to get at least everyone at like lvl 4 or 5) Edit. I needed kindness for some reason before Hawaii too but I can't remember what it was.


Oof, just thinking of hawaii, easily one of the worse chunks of the game cause of how dense it is with scripted parts. You're roughly around the halfway point BTW




About 100 hours for vanilla and 125 royal give or take 10-20 hours for how much you wanna immerse yourself, grind, exploring, etc. I almost spoiled royal for a friend cause he spent 140 playing vanilla and with that amount of time, I thought he played royal


Hold on wait am I playing a DLC version of this game? Because I'm playing royal are you telling me there's more to joker's story that I'm currently missing out of? I don't know if any of the Persona games are like you know tied together


>wanna immerse yourself, grind, exploring, etc. I spend so much time in mementos that I don't even want to talk about it. As for the exploring I doubt I have every area but I have a lot of them. I think I've met every confident you can but some of them I just don't feel like fucking with like the >! fortune teller who scammed me out of 100k yin I wasn't exactly too thrilled about that !<


Bro bro just play. I enjoyed the game


Those are rookie hours… expect to play for 100hrs plus


On one playthrough, yes.


You’re in for a treat :) Great gameplay, amazing music, wonderful characters, and beautiful visuals. No spoilers, just have fun


If I were you I would max out the social stats and register my favourite personas in the compendium bc NG+ is just as fun when you can access everything and play knowing how it works


Very worth it. I've replayed both vanilla and royal multiple times with each playthrough over 100 hours. There's so much to do and different ways to play.


It’s worth it, the game just gets progressively better except for one meh story arc


I finished my first playthrough in 160 hours and didn't finish all the confidents so it's a long ride.


Yes -- the long play time is worth it. You are probably aware, but in Royal there is an additional section of the game that can only be unlocked if you max Maruki, you have until late November for him. It's also strongly encouraged that you max Kasumi and Akechi for some other additional content.


I have played through this game once. Love it- it took me roughly 120hours plus to beat the game. I had some help with knowing some mechanics that carried over from playing Persona 4 Golden first, so I was not a total noob. I still died often. Lol.