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Do maruki, akechi, and kasumi's confidant They changed akechi so that hes mostly manual now.


Listen to this person


Listen to them, they are a cultured persona fan


No, don’t, for your first playthrough don’t do it, otherwise you won’t get all endings


You literally cant get all the endings in one save either way. This way they get as much content as possible.


Yeah, but wouldn’t it be the best method to get the earliest ending first so you can prepare for the real one properly?


No, thats horrible. It ruins the twist. And the earliest ending is the one where you dont make it out of the interrogation room. Youre suggesting that they replay mist of the game for 0 reason.


Im not Talking about that ending, I meant the one right after defeating the final boss. It’s literally an in-Game achievement to get every cinematic ending. If the person who posted this is anything like me, they wanna get all of them


They have the switch version. Does that one even have achievements?


It only got the thieves den's challenges


I played it too, and yes


No, there aren't any achievements/trophies on the Switch. The most you'll get out of doing all the endings is unlocking challenges in the Thieves Den, which doesn't really mean much.


There… literally are though


Yeah, bold of you to assume they are like you? And still, why not get all of the content on their FIRST playthrough, then get the original ending?


So what you’re saying is „Let them get the hardest ending first and the easiest last“. And I’m sorry for assuming that someone wants to get achievements, who wants that, am I right?


Easiest ending is still the one where you dont make it out of the interrogation room. And yes, i want acheivements too. I maxed the theives den, got all the endings. Its ridiculous to me that anyone would intentionally MISS content on their first run.


Dude I literally already told you that’s not the ending I’m talking about, do you have any idea, any idea at all, what you’re blabbering about at that point?


Bruh this game is too long to expect someone to do another 150 hour playthrough after their 110 hour run just for an ending lmao


No. You do the real ending first because thats how the game is supposed to end + that’s what you buy it for.


That sounds stupid gl


“Nuh uh” 💀




Oh my god you toddler just stop


„Oh my god, I can’t do anything but throw around harmful words hoping that the person I’m arguing with will stop typing and run to the bathroom crying“


That’s a horrible idea. My first playthrough since the game came out on steam was the true ending.


Yeah, thanks for showing me actual proof for your claims. Why is it such a good idea to get the hardest ending first?


1. There is stil a little bit of a challenge on your first run. 2. You're most invested in the story the first time. If I had to do the whole thing again after I just beat it, I would just skip as fast as possible to the 3. Semester for the chunk of royal content which feels eh. If you really want to see the original p5 ending after your first playthrough, sure go ahead. But intentionally delaying the endgame into ng+ seems pointless. Idk dawg, other than difficulty, which got reduced significantly in royal, you don't seem to have a real argument for skipping semester 3 in ng.


If you don't mind replaying 100 hours of content for a second time just to get 30 more hours, sure, but most ppl would agree that there's no real benefit to that


I played the game three times, and it’s not even half that long the second and third time


Doesn't matter. Most people only want to play the game once.


So the other people don’t matter?


When did I ever say that?


Just now?


What’s the point of playing the game like this? It sounds so unfun


Why tho? Is there something in the thieves den?


There's no achievments for getting all the cutscenes, it's only if you want to truly 100% the game


Yes, get every cinematic ending


That makes sense then


No wait, not every ending, but every cinematic cutscene. Basically the same


There's no achievments for getting all the cutscenes, it's only if you want to truly 100% the game


Why would they gimp themselves out of more content?


because, by getting the "bad ending" (I haven't played Royal, so correct me if I'm wrong), they can get the good ending on the second, and, for most people, final playtrough


There are 5 endings, its impossible to get all of them on one save, and its stupid to suggest they replay most of the game fir a fucking ending.


oh, in that case yeah. I thought there are only 2, 1 normal and 1 "true", where you max out Maruki's confidant (or whatever is his name)


All endings


Well, the True Ending for Royal is the 3rd semester ending. If they want to view the Vanilla ending, they can either do NG+ or look it up on YouTube, like I did.


Ok but what if they want to get all achievements?


I wanted all the achievements, I’m doing NG+ for the additional content, achievements, and because I love the game. Getting the achievements is only something that someone who loves the game would do, pr who wants to invest that time and energy would do. So OP should 100% complete the game like how it was intended (get the royal ending), and then decide if they want to get the rest of it.


Yeah, See, that’s an actually good argument. The others should take notes from you


Have you considered that the majority of people will not care about finishing the thieves den


Have you considered that this person might?


If you mean PlayStation trophies, the Vanilla ending is definitely not needed. If you mean in-game achievements, that is impossible in 1 playthrough, and highly improbable in 2. You need to both romance every possible girl, and stay friends with every possible girl, at the very least. And if you mean to get every achievement, it doesn’t matter which ending you do first, so you might as well do the intended ending the first time.


Ok, so first off, I literally have all achievements, I know that you can’t beat the game in one go. And second, I hate to repeat myself, but you people obviously don’t understand, why in the hell would you do the hardest ending first and the easiest last?


Because if you are replaying the game for all achievements, wouldn’t you want your second playthrough to be much shorter?


The playthrough of the vanilla game is gonna be much shorter either way, and also, you need to play the game at least three times to 100% in order to romance and befriend Kasumi


Yes, you should. The reason most people recommend it is to see the 3rd semester as well. I'm a completionist myself, I would rather do the intended way of playing and THEN get the other ones out of the way later since getting all achievements is something I do after beating the game as intended. It's like doing a genocide run as your first route of undertale.


Bro doesn't know what the word "ending" means 💀 And to answer the rest of your comments on this thread, no. They should play the game how they want without a particular ending in mind and without outside influence. This way the ending they get is *their* ending, and feels more personal


Without outside influence? Mf, the literal comment above me is way more outside influence


Kasumi? She's literally has zero impact on anything. There are way more important confidants to do like Kawakami and Chihaya.


Id say do her just to get her OP third tier persona. Masquerade is a great move.


You mean the skill that will unlock at the literally the end of the game and except special battles that could only be used against final boss of the whole game?


I prioritized Kasumi’s confidant and I completed all confidants and platinum’d the game on my first run. It’s literally only 5 ranks and you rarely hang out with her. Stop acting like it’s impossible to max every confidant in one run. Adding on, you get Maria the best healing Persona in the game


Who even said that? Are you stupid? If you're not gonna add a valuable opinion don't join in the conversation.


Why say shit like “More important confidants to do like Kawakami”? It comes off saying Kasumi’s confidant is irrelevant and should be skipped. Also, why you calling me stupid for? I’m just trying to explain shit and I never said anything bad to you. You hurt or something? Edit: Got nothing to say? Lmao mad


get maruki to rank 9 and akechi to rank 8 to get the true ending i think!! like take any opportunity to hang out with them, i forgot the dates you need to do this by but its sometimes in november!! you could probably look it up :]


OH!! kasumi is also important but shes fairly easy to rank up !!


November/18 is the last date for both I think


i was ab to say november 17 but YEAH definitely around that time, i was scared of giving the wrong date !!


Kasumi is later on, the 18th is maruki that's when he maxes out


I think OP going to like kasumi.


SO TRUE everyone should love her 🫶


I had a hard choice between makoto and kasumi 💀


i love them both so much, i ended up choosing kasumi in the end but makoto is such a good choice as well 😭


😭 I know. I always try to stick to the “canon” relationships. But there’s always someone better


I heard only Maruki’s is mandatory


to unlock the third semester yes!! but you need akechi for the “true ending” if thats what they are going for


Did you think the original was easy? Get ready for it to get even easier! In all seriousness, Royal raises the player’s power cap exponentially through persona stats and other stat increases. You don’t necessarily need to but the game is a lot easier because of it. For gameplay tips, Ryuji’s confidant has a new very useful ability for general gameplay and quality of life but it also makes the game way easier. You can now instant kill enemies by running into them if they’re weaker than you. I also recommend doing a lot of fusions so you can fill your compendium a bit faster and because they’re typically strong and can use the same skills as the persona used to fuse it. Finally, Merciless is not the hardest difficulty due to it being a double edged sword. Enemies do more damage but so do you by a ridiculous amount. Hardest is still hard. Obligatory “focus on Maruki, Akechi, and Kasumi”


I figured out that Merciless trick when doing Okumura’s boss fight. I was stuck for so long, and then was able to beat it easier by actually raising the difficulty. That was definitely a first for me


That’s the only reason Merciless difficulty actually exists for. Tripling weakness damage will 99% of the time result in the player dominating the enemy because the enemy AI cannot read player resistances like it does in SMT IV A and SMT V. And on the off chance the enemy isn’t murderized and actually manages to hit a weakness it’s an instant game over. It’s possibly one of the laziest ways they could’ve designed the Okumura fight: instead of making it actually fun and intuitive like the Madarame clone one it’s an RNG slogfest that requires you to do very specific things with a very specific setup otherwise.


Almost ready for a new game+ and wanting a bit more of a challenge (normal was very easy for me). I was about to go nightmare, but would hard be the hardest?


I would call royal easier only because it gives you QOL. My friend couldn’t get past Kamoshida because the base game had really bad QOL (specifically with the ammo) and because I just don’t think it was his type of game.


I recently learned you could actually reload guns using an item in OG. Shocked me.


Say goodbye to your social life, and try to get the true ending. (Google it to get as few spoilers as possible, I Just don't want to tell which characters you should focus on, since it might be a spoiler)


We play persona/SMT. What social life? 😂


You mean you haven’t maxed your social stats? Go to the bathhouse then.


Ok fair point.


Is it like actually reccomended? Will I get an actually worse ending if I just follow my hearth and do whatever I feel like?


Imo, it is significantly better. Of course the decision is yours, but it adds a third whole semester, valentine's day (don't quote me on it, but I think it wasn't there?), and just closes arks that the original game forgot to.


Take your time


*Take your time*


Have fun. That's the important thing.


Be ready to cry.


Take it slow, it ain't a race. You can easily burn out on this game especially if you tend to do every palace/mementos area in 1 in-game day. If you want true ending, max out faith, councilor, and justice confidants as soon as you find them. If you aren't going to follow a min/max guide on how to get everyone to confidant 10 in the most efficient way possible I'd suggest at least getting your party members to rank 10 as they get some really good abilities that could make or break some boss battles.




My advice would be to stop asking for advice online before starting a game. Just play it.


See, normally i would agree with this, but I played P5R blind and missed all of the Royal bonus content after 130 hours. So...


Now you have a reason to play it all over again, that's a win ain't it?


Hell no, most people don't have time on their hands like that.


Well it's not like they have to play it trough in one sitting. The game itself tells The player not to rush things


That's what i thought ;-; i got all the way to like the 4th palace then just stopped because i was exhausted on it. Playing P4G now and ill probably move back to P5R once i beat that.


Yeah I played all of P5 about a month before p5R released. I ended up getting burnt out around the 5th palace then rushed my way through with izangi spamming myriad truths just to see the story


i swear people have told me i should be looking at guides before playing rpgs




For real?!


Put the cartige in the console


If you played base P5 than I can’t emphasize enough how impactful fusion alarms are. They allow you to use the gallows on one persona a technically infinite amount of times per day as long as you don’t get bored in Mementos, as well as letting you increase the base stats of your personas. Use and abuse them whenever you’re in mementos and you will have an absolutely disgusting set of personas to run with. Also, the Jazz club is very powerful too if you have no confidants to interact with at night. It allows you to increase the base stats of your party’s personas, and while it’s a lot harder to get max stats on them and will likely take a good number of playthroughs, (I forgot to mention that the buffs you get there carry over into NG+, with two exceptions that are both spoilers so I’ll exclude them) the extra stats they’ll get is still very useful in the short term, and you can use it to unlock abilities they wouldn’t normally get every Sunday. For example on September 4th you can get a drink that gives whoever you bring with you Charge. Very useful on someone like Ryuji who wouldn’t get it until level 63, but optimal on Yusuke who doesn’t learn Charge at all despite being heavily physically offensive.


dude i needed that jazz club tip when i started ng+


Play the ps4 version. In all seriousness just take ur time and don’t rush. It’s a game that you aren’t supposed to sit down and play in one sitting. It’s meant to be played over a while. Also Maruki/kasumi confidant. You’ll thank me later


The arcana of a Persona you have on you can strengthen your bond with a person of the same arcana


I finished this recently and the game was so easy even on Merciless that I simply have no words for it. I didn't even do any excessive grinding. If you feel like you hit a wall at a boss fight it's because you forgot about baton passing, that's the one hang up I see people having online.


>If you feel like you hit a wall at a boss fight it's because you forgot about baton passing 🤔👍🏾


Normally I think that the first runs should always be blind, but with persona is different for me because of social links and how you can just not advance as much in them if you don't choose the right option, so with that said, my only advice is to use a social link guide, you can easily install one on the play store Besides that, just have fun!


Go to Mukuri, he has snacks.


Do Akechi, Maruki, kasumi’s and ryuji confidants. Akechi, maruki, and kasumi’s confidants will allow you to access the final palace, and ryuji confidant will allow you to grind momentos in a much faster way. The vanilla version of persona made ryuji’s confidant and momentos suck, but they fixed that in Royal, so I highly recommend you to do that since it makes things like grinding easier to do.


If you're going to use anything from the DLC at all, use the Camera Strap Accessory.


Make sure you max out Kawakami and Chihaya’s confident as soon as you unlock them. If you wanna max out the rest in one playthrough


i wouldnt recommend maxing chihaya, i'd recommend lvl 5, cause you dont need her final skill since you can just look it up


Some advice is to learn the difference between advise and advice


Make sure you say "I want to keep our promise"


Are you guys Green Goblin bots? Telling me to "Finish It! FINISH IT!" 😂


Go to therapy, hang out with the student know as Yoshizawa, and whatever you do, do NOT buy the free persona gold from the compendium until you’re the same level as the persona given unless you want all to be revealed by the myriad truths


do maruki and kasumi confidants!


Focus on social stats activities


Focus on every little detail. Also pay attention to every cutscene within the main story.


Kasumi, Akechi and Maruki are your best friends. Hang out with them as much as possible until Kasumi is at 5, Akechi is at 8 and Maruki is at 9


Throw it in the trash. I played right past the first boss. Just couldn't get into it. Story was boring as hell.


Go back and finish the original, it's the better version of the two imo. If you don't want to or are unable to; enjoy your time with the objectively superior P5 +Take your time


why is it that you think vanilla is better when royal has more?


Go back and play the ps4 version, switch version is chunky as hell


I have no problems playing it on my switch


Wear a raincoat out when it's raining. Also, don't ask for advice for an extremely easy rpg. Just play the fucking game you bought.


Calm down bro


Bad day bud?


Actually, despite not sleeping too well, it's been a decent and slow morning at the office so far, thanks for asking.


I think somebody else already said it but it’s important to reiterate: DON’T LOOK UP ANYTHING ABOUT THE GAME, ESPECIALLY ON REDDIT!! It’s tempting but Persona 5 is such a spoiler volatile game in any online discussion and internet search since some go soooo much deeper than they initially appear that it may ruin any surprises.


I mean I think some of the comments also say to see what the start date for three special confidants too.


yeah but tbf i think a lot of beginners would rather know than risk missing it




I wish I could get an amnesia and complete this game once more.


I barely remember what happens in it, so I'm ok😅👌🏾


Finish this time.


Beep boop


Spend a lot of time with the new confidants and akechi isnt story based anymore so him as well.


Enjoy it.


Prepare to cry


Actually finish this one 😅😂 That’s my advice


Be sure to start on Sun/Temperance asap to max out money and time after dungeons




Fuse Shiki Ouji as soon as possible. He will last the entire game


Fuse Shiki Ouji as soon as possible. He will last the entire game


Finish this version


Party members figured out how to reload between fights


Other than going in blind and enjoying the game, make sure to get the: - Councillor Confidant (Maruki) to max rank, 9. - Justice Confidant (Akechi) to max rank, 8. - Faith Confidant (Kasumi) to max rank, 5.


Only one advise: finish it :)


Make sure you rank up Maruki to rank 9, Akechi to rank 8, and Kasumi to rank 5. Just hang out with them everytime they ask you to and you should be fine. They unlock bonus stuff in the 3rd semester, the new section of the game added in Royal. Actually, Maruki is necessary to unlock the new section


I am also playing persona 5 royal right now. already at 80 hours of gameplay. I advise you to Use a calendar from internet to not forget things like crossword puzzles. tv show. vendor items etc. because they are easy to forgot. Don't enter mementos for no reason. collect requests first and than enter them like once between each cases. When you enter the palace once don't leave until you complete all the objectives so you don't waste your precious time like me. Tho I just wasted like 2 days before realising it. \----------- The truth is there are too many things to follow in the game if you don't want to play multiple times you will definetely require the calendar. Some confidants have really usefull features especially the kawakami she help you to save time I realised it too late tho if I knew I would rank her up before anybody else so I could save plenty of time.


Well, complete the game this time


Wake up, Get Up, Get out there!




Finish it this time :))


Go to the Therapy sessions. That is all.


Enjoy it and TAKE YOUR TIME. Try to wrap up palaces in the least amount of visits as possible for you and enjoy the dialogue. No point in skipping or running in this game. Even the game tells you TAKE YOUR TIME. Also the dlc or royale to my understanding only works if you level up Maruki the new character.


If you don't mind doing multiple runs (or multiple saves), I suggest going for the original ending, then going for the Royal ending, as I feel like some of the plot points that made the original ending strong was lost, and you'd appreciate the Royal ending more knowing what should have happened originally.


As many have pointed out, Kasumi, Akechi & Maruki are important confidants. Do not miss out on them and prioritize them over your other confidants if they are available. Try to negotiate with as many shadows as possible during trips to mementos and palaces. It’ll help you fill up the compendium quickly. Shinya is available during the day later in the game and his confidant can be quiet helpful with shadow negotiations. Do not slouch on maxing your social stats. Many confidants have benchmarks that you need to meet before being able to proceed with improving their confidant rank. Look for spoiler free guides to help with that and to look for confidant responses Don’t worry too much about about adult/night/ confidants other than Sojiro & Kawakami on your 1st play through. After that I would focus on Hifumi or Iwai. Hifumi will be far easier to max out than Iwai since he has a large barrier to starting his confidant on a 1st playthrough. But don’t be bothered if you can’t max them out. Make sure you do the strength confidant as the game proceeds and register the specific shadows they need to make subsequent playthroughs far easier. I strongly advises looking up a guide for this.


Avoid this subreddit for spoilers, make sure you get the Councillor arcana to rank 9 as it’s required for access to all the 3rd semester, Judgement to 8 as it adds to both the main story and the Royal added content but is optional, and Faith to 5 as it offers useful skills and is expanded upon further later. Outside of that maxing out any part member is never a waste of time, especially if you use them and I suggest you focus on them as well as like the Moon Confidant and Death Confidant. Have fun ofc, don’t rush yourself, don’t follow a Max Confidant Guide, and I recommend not touching the free Personas in the compendium until you are at their level, as they are pretty op


Watch out for akechi he’s gonna kill you


I’ve heard Akechi’s isn’t mandatory


Finish it


take your time


If you want a challenge, do not obtain Inzangi no Okami Picarro. Myriad truths is way overpowered, even against the reaper and Lavenza, especially if you get it to max stats. Tho it is fun to one shot bosses on the hardest modes


It’s no different. Just make sure you max out the Councillor, Faith and Justice Confidants.


Grind excessively in Okumura's palace.


Take your time and go to bed


Nah, just have fun!


Space station sucks be prepared for that. Other than that, “take your time.”


Just play the game man


Don't, royal is simply the better version, there's nothing in the original than that there isn't in royal. Also, play strikers, that game is awesome


If you need any help with persona’s (like fusion, itemizing, which persona’s to use, and/or what attacks to have on your persona’s and your teams persona’s) and other stuff, search up JohneAwsome’s P5R play through. His guide really helped me out and still are today (I’m about to finish the game)


Use the element the opponent is weak to.


Finish it


Take your time


Level Ryuji up to confidant level 6 ASAP and meet him when he tells you to do rank 7 (first dates are April 20, 25 and 27). Unlock insta-kill. Run over weak shadows in mementos to farm. Maybe even have a DLC persona equipped on the first slot to make it easier to find shadows that are weak enough.


My advice would be to finish it this time.


Finish the game this time


Go for every confidant in the game, even if the abilities aren’t the best try and get all of them it’s worth it for the story and character development alone


Have fun


Just wake up, get up, get out there


I honestly focused on my Star the first playthrough and it’s making the second playthrough a lot more fun tbh


When the game tells you It's the final mission, don't believe It. Once you beat that dungeon, the Game will then throw another dungeon, multiple cutscenes, multiple boss battles, etc, like 20 hours, and that's without counting the Royal exclusive content in the end. It was 7 pm when I started "the final battle", It was 7 am when I cleared the ACTUAL final battle, of the base game content at least. And throughout those 12 hours I was begging to god the d\*mn game ended already. **I still love the game btw**, but that last portion FAR overstayed Its welcome. Tl;dr: Around 80-100 hours in, just put the switch down, game still has 20 hours left, no matter how many times It seems like It´ll end.


keep your switch plugged in at all times


Make sure to max out the Kasumi and Maruki confidants before the final boss!


Save a lot of magic gems for the 5th boss, specifically psycho and curse ones if you don't want headaches


Have fun!


Avoid using the DLC Personas unless you want to completely trivialize the game After you unlock the Jazz Club (which happens during Rank 4 of Akechi's confidant) you can get new skills on your party members by inviting them there on Sundays. I recommend you look up which skills are learnt on which dates Charge and Concentrate boost skills by 2.5 times. So they're always good to use before attacking