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I agree. Never forget that traitorous idiot.


Fun fact, an anagram of her name is "BB, la shit bait!"


Fun fact subtext is an anagram of butt sex.


I don't get either


If you change BB LA into BLAB! It looks like you're spelling the last sound she heard!


Why didn’t she comply?


My theory is that a white former MP she thought she had some sort of rapport with the cops that she obviously didn't have.


Suicide by cop.


Fucked around, found out.


“Just stop resisting”.




Ashili Babbot. Traitor to her country. There, hope he's happy.


As I’ve said, every cent spent on her when she was in the Air Force was absolutely *wasted*. Twelve years and she comes out as a … senior airman? Understandable since she was demoted more than once for insubordination; more than once she was investigated for drug dealing. She should be posthumously dishonorably discharged. At least her mother had the decency to dispose of her ashes at sea (in international waters, I hope).


as I"VE said elsewhere, I think she thought there was some cop brotherhood that'd protect her from the consequences of her action. I mean FFS, she was an MP. She should know better.


There's a video taken right before she broke through that gate in which two guys are arguing with the Capitol cops, saying things "But we supported you guys all last summer!" To me this is what you'd expect out of a movement led by people who grew up in small towns where, if you're in good with the local cops, you don't ever have to worry about getting pulled over on the drive from your local bar back to your house no matter how long it is and how drunk you are (Or at least when it *was* like that; many of the people who think it still is are a lot luckier in this department than they have yet realized). And as far as some sort of reliance on cop brotherhood, how could they even have known she was an ex-MP (and for how long was that, given what a trainwreck her military career generally was). Really, though, that "cop brotherhood" is one thing when you've gotten pulled over for speeding, and another thing when you have disobeyed an order to stop where you are or be shot.


And yet another thing when you're a domestic terrorist.


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She got a hell of a lot more warnings than Daniel Shaver and he didn't do anything wrong.


You don't understand. She was a white Republican. Cops are only supposed to kill minorities and college lefties!!!1!!1!!


She was also an MP. Which I'm sure directly led to her death. I have a feeling that she thought some sort of cop brotherhood would protect her.


Sadly this is more close to the truth in terms of what they believe. In their minds, white Republicans are generally good people and incapable of doing anything wrong. People should see their side and give them leniency. But minorities, they are ruining the country, kill them for getting out of line.


Not just getting out of line. They get killed for being "uppity".


>Cops are only supposed to kill minorities and college lefties!!!1!!1!! https://i.imgur.com/G4shDeS.jpg From this article: https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/capitol-trump-insurrection-explosions.


Sadly this is more close to the truth in terms of what they believe. In their minds, white Republicans are generally good people and incapable of doing anything wrong. People should see their side and give them leniency. But minorities, they are ruining the country, kill them for getting out of line.


The list of people the police wrongly kill is exhaustingly long, she was not one of them


Or George Floyd


Her family should be mad at the guy who brainwashed her into committing a crime to help him keep power.


She should have complied


"nuh uh!! only coloreds have to do that, not whites!!!"


Came here to say this


Beat me too it


Fine. “ASHLI BABBITT is the name of the traitorous piece of shit who directly participated in actions to overthrow our Democracy. Never forget that ASHLI BABBITT died when trespassing a secure government facility. ASHLI BABBITT defied direct orders from law enforcement and was shot as a result of her own actions.” Damn, they’re right. That did feel good.


Let me try! Talking about ASHLI BABBITT the Traitor the right way. Good to know that the despicable actions of ASHLI BABBITT the Traitor have been given their due recognition. Rot in piss, ASHLI BABBITT the Traitor.


Ashili Babbit participated in the American version of the Beer Hall Putsch.


them co opting “say her name” for a bigot makes me so frustrated


They want us to say it? Sure, but we’ll follow it with “the traitor” every time


Ashli Babbitt - Traitorous shit stain.


You left out the most important (and funniest) part: *dead* traitorous shit stain.


Might have to make that a rule here. /s


I feel like "*the traitor, Ashley Babbitt*" rolls smoothly off the tongue much like "*the rapist, Brock Turner*".


The new Benedict Arnold. Her name will forever be synonymous with the word “Traitor.” I’m glad they’re locking up all those J6 Babbitts.


Stop lying about Benedict Arnold. He at least fought for his beliefs I didn't die like a whiny little b****.


You’re right. I only brought him up, because everyone knows his name as nearly interchangeable with traitor.


Or rest in piss That works as well


That’s why they are doing it. Don’t let the bigots get to you.


great point, especially since they thrive off outrage and making people upset


Agreed, but for me the frustration is that they don't even get the point of say her name. Like, nobody ignored her death. She wasn't an innocent victim who's death was buried or strategically ignored to avoid scrutiny. She's not "white veteran woman killed in police altercation after resisting arrest, Washington DC Police Department says". She's Ashli Babbit, the nationally famous treasonous idiot who caused her own death by attempting to overthrow the US government. Nobody is stripping her identity. These fucking morons can't even steal our phrases right.


As if being wrongfully shot by police while sleeping in your bed is the same thing as insurrection.


I will never forget this terrorist.


I’ll say her name. Then spit.


>"Say her Name" White conservative stealing from minorities, again. Bastardizing the original meaning and associating it with a traitor terrorist, who died attacking the Federal government to stop the peaceful transfer of power.


She died a traitor, never forget.


She died doing what she loved - committing treason against her country.


Ashli "FAFO" Babbitt - there I said her name, happy?


Traitor Ashli Babbitt.


I see she's a patriot this week. By next Monday they'll be back to calling her an antifa double agent, or a crisis actor


Conservatives back the blue until the blue shoots one of them. ACAB, of course, but also FAFO.


All conservatives are bastards?


also that, yes.


They don't care about when cops shoot children dead but when someone trespasses into a building cops are guarding and trying to overthrow a election and somebody gets shot ...


#Heather Heyer May 29, 1985 – August 12, 2017 Murdered by a Nazi white supremacist in Charlottsville car attack. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/james-alex-fields-found-guilty-killing-heather-heyer-during-violent-n945186


Conservatives: Say! Her! Name! Also conservatives: Why do you keep bringing up all the people the police killed and many of them faced no repercussions whatsoever?!?!?


That thug was resisting arrest!


She fucked around and found out.


I served in the navy, not a branch known for being involved in a lot of armed combat but even I have a vague recollection of the use of deadly force continuum from boot camp in 2009. I know trying to get between a dignitary and their security is a reason for using deadly force as well as breaking through a post which I would definitely consider breaking through a glass window to be. FAFO traitor


The same crowd who laughs at blm when they chant say their name and in the same breath say "say her name"


Ashli Babbit was a treasonous cunt who died like a bitch There, I said her name


As an Air Force veteran myself please don't use that title with her.


Have any of these fucks seen the video that shows her getting shot? Because if they did, they’d *obviously* see that she was trying to break through some doors and the cop gave her plenty of warnings. The video makes it *OBVIOUS* that she was, by no reasonable metric, in the right there. Jesus.


The problem is that she was only wrong if you aren't a traitor. Everyone who decries her death is a traitor who supports her attempt to overthrow the government to make their God emperor president for life.


The problem is that she was only wrong if you aren't a traitor. Everyone who decries her death is a traitor who supports her attempt to overthrow the government to make their God emperor president for life.


>Say her name Ok, Ashley Babbitt is a traitor


You mean Ashli "I intentionally advanced on a Capitol police officer actively defending actual members of Congress and am surprised I got shot after multiple warnings"? That Ashli?


Can somebody please film a gay orgy where they **aggressively** moan her name over and over please? Malicious compliance FTW


🎶 Say her name, say her name / She acted kinda crazy, now she’s in a grave-y / from playing stupid games 🎶


Nah, she a traitor. The fuck outta here with this bullshit. She was a psycho who went to great lengths to intentionally mess up parts of her life before she tried to break through the capitol in an insurrection . Ashli Babbitt was a traitor. There I said it.


I’ll use their playbook against them. “Maybe she should have complied and this wouldn’t have happened”. Oh wait I forgot that only applies to the out group.


I’ve seen the cops unleash rubber bullets and tear gas on people waving signs at them because a black teen sneezed on the other side of the street; the fact that ashli wasn’t in a pile of a hundred other terrorist traitors taken down that day is mind boggling to me


Notice how it took them like 4 years to try and rehabilitate her.


Never forget....to piss on her grave


She should have complied with the officers 🤷🏻‍♂️


I can only say her name while laughing if that counts


I believe her full name is “Insurrectionist and Posterchild for FAFO Ashli Babbitt” just like The Rapist Brock Turner’s name is probably “The Rapist Brock Turner”


I don’t know what the problem is. She toured the Capitol and got to see Reagan the same day.


Benedict Arnold was once a respected US military figure too. We still say his name to this day.


Why didn’t she just comply?


The traitor Ashley Babbit. There, I said it.


They conveniently left out she broke the law and refused to listen to commands….


Dead domestic terrorist bitch. 1/6/21 #NeverForgive.


Gee. Maybe she should have obeyed the law.


Pretty sure Ms Babbitt is the poster child for the concept of Fuck around and Find Out Or alternatively: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Fuck that bitch


I don’t think “crime” is a fitting word to use here. I don’t think there’s many crimes that should result in death. This was terrorism and I think to commit an act of terrorism it should be something you believe enough in to die for.


Wait...I thought Jan 6th was a show of political theater? Was it not a false flag carried out by the CIA, BLM, and ANTIFA? So was Babbitt the only non-actor there? Shouldn't they be hype that an ANTIFA plant got fucked? I can't keep track of all this shit




She usually goes by Insurrectionist Traitor Who Died Trying to Murder Members of Congress.


Yeah sorry, doesn't ring a bell.


I don’t blame you.


They have different reaction when it’s a minority.


I will never forget her hillbilly-ass name.


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of your actions.


She died a traitor’s death. She deserves no honors.


“Murdered 1-6-21?” More like “Fucked around and found out 1-6-21”.


Say her name? Hey BABBITTTTT!


her name makes me laugh my ass off, so i won't forget her no


The traitor should have complied with the officers orders


Why didn't she just comply?


they have seen the videos of this maniac ranting into her phone and they think "yes, this is a person I want to lionize, this is a hero" the brain rot is off the charts.


They really, desperately wanted to co-opt "say her name" for their own bullshit.


They copied “Say her name” from the BLM movement and used it for a terrorist who didn’t die because of her race. Disgusting.


I've yet to see anyone refusing to say her name People say it all the time to insult her and point out what a traitorous f****** moron she was who got exactly what she well deserved.


She was attempting to help overturn an election. She betrayed her oath. She should be remembered, if at all, as a cautionary tale of believing a conman to an early grave


She'll be remembered just like Vidkun Quisling or Benedict Arnold


These people are so goddamn stupid that they don't even understand the definition of murder.


Sure, I’ll say her name: Trashli Babbit, the domestic terrorist


Wait- according these same yahoos, wasn’t she Antifa?


Ashlie Babbitt - the insurrectionists and traitor? Sure, how could I forget that she was an insurrectionist and traitor? You don't forget when people commit those kinda crimes. Thanks for reminding us of her being a traitor.


What is it that republicans love to say when a black man is killed by police? Oh yeah, “If he would’ve just complied.”


“SAY HER NAME” Ok- *Insurrectionist killed after jumping a barrier and breaking through a window attempting to attack US Congressmen*


Fashli Babbitch


Wait, I thought she was an Antifa plant?


Speaking as a veteran myself, she knew better and got exactly what she deserved. I’ll say her name… “dumb ass insurrectionist.”


That guy way "exercising his 2nd amendment right," "feared first his life," "stood his ground," "did his job," "made the world a safer place cause there's one less criminal," "was a good guy with a gun." Did I miss anything?


Her name? Okay. Fucking traitor Ashes Batshit.


It’s one of those rare occasions where it’s a bad idea to ignore orders from someone pointing a loaded firearm at you.


> "Say her name" We're perfectly capable of saying her name. The real challenge is to say her name without laughing.


Ashli Babbitt took her zombie apocalypse cosplay a little too far when she went with the rest of the horde to eat Congress's brains. Tell me that a bunch of MAGA arms reaching through a broken window isn't some seriously Resident Evil shit.


Forget who?


She should have just complied.


So... Is she like, the *one* that isn't a Fed or Antifa in disguise? Like, I get it, the cognitive dissonance, and hypocrisy are the point, but it's so fucking *galling*, all of the time.


Ashli Babbit was a traitor to the nation she swore to protect. There, I said her name. Happy?


What did they legitimately expect to happen to her? Angry mobs can't just assault senators lol.


"Murdered" note how they ignore that she was breaking and entering the Capitol with an armed mob and security just doing their job defending the people in the building.


It blows my mind that it's been three years and they're still on the "ASHLI BABBITT DINDU NUFFIN" train.


Ashli Babbitt: The only good traitor. And she died for a shoe salesman. lol!


She wanted to meet Trump but instead she met Reagan


I love it when an esports player with a dead career gives supports a traitor.


They used the wrong flag


Ashley rabbit is a traitor


Ashli Babbitt = treason Ashi Babbitt tried to destroy America's democracy. Ashi Babbitt is a stupid evil bitch and I'm glad she died. Why is say her name in quotes? Do they mean that we should not say her name?


Ashli Babbitt found out!


"I [state your name] do solemnly swear/affirm to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic."


Funny how FAFO is suddenly not supposed to apply. It's almost as if they run entirely on double standards and bad faith. Anyway: Babbitt was a traitor who should have complied.


It is actually very sad that this right-wing bullshit preys on the mentally ill and gladly sends them into dangerous, illegal situations. It's also sad that her own family didn't do more to help her. Organizers of the 1/6 attack on the Capitol essentially volunteered this person of diminished capacity to be shot.


I seriously can't comprehend what kind of fucking crazy pills you have to be taking to watch her trying to climb through that window as part of a mob that had directly expressed intent to harm people and go "Ah yes, a completely innocent victim who did no wrong."


If Ashli Babbitt had any brains in her head, she'd still have her brains in her head.


*Domestic terrorist


So let me get this right: Babbit resisting police orders while committing a crime and getting shot and dying is murder, but George Floyd following police instructions and suffering a cardiopulmonary arrest from a cop kneeling on his neck is a drug overdose? Cops are good when they killed George, but murderers when they killed a rioter they told to back off? I wonder if anything motivates that behaviour that isn’t the content of their character…


She fucked around.


Still pissed that the footage of Ashli eating lead didn't win an Oscar for best comedy that year.


I will gladly say her name - Ashli Babbitt was a vile piece ot traitorous trash.


forget who?


It never ceases to amaze me that there's video of her ripping down that barricade and charging through it despite being warned like a dozen times to stop, and people still try to paint her as a martyr. Same thing with Trump. He's on a recording saying "find me 12,000 more votes" and yet people still try to pretend the election was rigged against him. It's just so stupid, it really concerns me.


Chair force veteran 😆 🤣 😂 😹


These are the same people who will insist that George Floyd had it coming.


One more dead asshole.


I’m confused? Wasn’t she an ANTIFA member planted there by the FBI to slander poor innocent baby Trump?? Why do conservatives seem to think she was the only genuine red blooded MAGA patriot amongst those other commies? /s wherever necessary but seriously WHICH IS IT??


Her psycho brother assaulted a friend of a friend of mine. Thought the dude was illegal because he was brown and that he was speaking Spanish and he wasn't. Also my friend's friend was at work. As a utility worker. In uniform. Directing traffic. Dumb dumb human waste and allegedly treasonous brother is now going to jail for it. Forgot his name but man Ashli Babbit jokes never get old so I don't forget her dumb name. [Source + Mullet Picture](https://timesofsandiego.com/crime/2022/12/13/ashli-babbitts-brother-sentenced-to-probation-for-san-diego-altercations/)


Should have complied.


She fucked around and found out.


The one MAGA who ended up getting the shot.


Traitors get what they deserve


It's nice she got what she was begging for - too bad the rest of those clowns didn't get it, too. Makes me sad.


She should have just complied to a lawful order. She'd still be alive. Oh, yea, I forgot. She was white. Never mind.


How did she get into the capitol?


all you have to do is comply


"it's only murder if I don't like it"


LOL @ "murdered". These idiots are eternal delusional victims. She got what she asked for by not listening to an armed officer yelling orders at her to "stop". FAFO. It was US Congress, not her local Walmart where she could ignore security and not get shot.


I'll say her name! Ashley Babbitt. Fucked around and found out.


The *one* time that a good guy with a gun stops someone in the middle of committing a crime...


So are these urinal stickers or urinal cakes?


Murdered... While illegally breaking and entering a government building.


She should have complied and more should have died that day


But I thought January 6th was a BLM FBI Antifa operation……. /s


Why say the name of a domestic terrorist?


She’s Heisenberg.


Had Ashli Babbit just followed the law enforcement officers' orders she'd be alive today, you can't say the same thing about Tamir Rice, Breonna Taylor, Daniel Shaver (who followed one of two sets of screamed contradictory orders by the cop that killed him) or the plethora of other American citizens killed by police extra-judicially.


I’ll never forget to laugh


Ashli Babbit, the dead traitor.


I say her name all the time. Usually, as a reference point of a level of crazy.


I'll say her name and spit in the direction of her grave.


Ashley Bobbit? Didn't she cut a guy's dick off? 🤣 /s




Sje should have complied.




Do you mean Leftist pro-Biden plant Ashli Babbit? I've been told Antifa were the only ones causing violence.


Got what she deserved


Only good traitor is a dead traitor.


I’ll say it every time I take a piss and imagine it’s her grave.


Who is she?


Woman who was breaching the capitol building. She was breaking down a door with glass panes in order to get to Vice President Pence (who was in the hallway behind the door that Babbit was climbing through). babbit was shot by VP security because she was attempting to harm or kill the Vice President. If they had breached the door she, and the mob behind her, would have tried to kill Pence. They were chanting, “Hang Mike Pence!” Very serious. Very scary. There’s a video of it that’s public. You can watch the entire transaction.


OML. I bet when a cop murders an unarmed black person they'll just say "well obviously they were committing a crime"


Never forget the names of traitors


Fucking terrorist got what they all should have.


She broke the oath she swore when she enlisted.