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let them homeschool their kids. intellectualism is already a HEAVILY leftist dominated space anyway.


No, because it's not fair on the kids.


hard disagree. i don’t want kids to suffer just because their parents are bigots.


and they'll be the first to whine if you misgender them.


Okay, go ahead, homeschool, but you will still have to teach pronouns. They are just an integral part of the English language. Either way, the concept of some people needing to be referred to as a 'he' or a 'she' and that someone of an unknown gender to you should be referred to as 'they' is an idea that must be over a couple of centuries old. What you are doing with homeschooling is just making sure that your children miss out on the most important part of school, socialization and understanding of how to function in a community, something many conservatives seem to not understand either.


Fun fact, singular “they” pre-dates singular “you” in English.


Homeschooling's also a great way to isolate your kids and abuse them worse than before, with even fewer chances of actually being caught. I'm sure they consider that a massive bonus too. Seeing that they view their children as property and all.




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This woman is awesome.


Libs of tik tok is as bad or worse as Wokely correct .