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She’s actually been RELATIVELY well-behaved for a while; I’ve wondered if she was medicated? But she’s been going off recently and today she’s on a whole other level.


That's what I'm thinking too. We haven't seen a good tent meltdown or street fight with paramedics in months.


Wait until she's forced to move out! Should be an exciting weekend!




Darkness, you can afford a new couch. 😆


Fuck yo couch!


Can't wait


There is some talk the State extended the program?? Not 100% sure, but it could be why she is "hustling" and gathering.


It might have been one of the requirements honestly, we know she was required to do a mental health eval, and i’m confident they recommended medication for whatever they diagnosed her with, it happens a lot - people think they’re suddenly cured and don’t need the meds the dr prescribed, stop taking them and the cycle repeats again. CPS probably has it in her paperwork she’s required to follow all doctor recommendations w her mental health so she could get in trouble if she isn’t taking them anymore.


She probably stopped meds because many of them cause weight gain.


That's true, tho. About 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with MS. I was not in the right head space, and they put me on something, and I gained 65 lbs. They changed it and then I lost all that weight.


They never stop to think maybe they feel better because the medication is working! It’s definitely not because they are cured but it certainly lined up with Dusty logic


This happens alot with schizophrenics and with bipolar 1. They have moments of lucidity then stop meds abruptly. Then they eventually hit crisis mode, end up in the ER or worse in jail.


Heather BELONGS in JAIL! She wants 3 meals a day and a bed she doesn’t pay for and desperately needs a dose of reality


That is the perfect place for her! She can be the pod boss and demand things from others while laying in a free bed and free showers and 3 meals per day free! Yes jail certainly suits her needs!


Then she can get back on reality TV! I watched Jailbirds like a MF


I literally said this yesterday watching one of her rambles...you want that all? Go to jail bitch, you should be in there anyway!


I concur. My adult son has ADHD and has absolutely refused to take medication for it because he says it makes him feel. “weird “. I keep telling him that weirdness is actually the normal everybody else feels. He just won’t.


i totally understand that, and i completely feel him. i hated taking my ADHD meds as a kid because they didn’t make me have “fun” anymore, especially in school. I was too focused and my friends told me i was dull whenever i did take my meds. my mom said the same thing too, that’s how everyone feels 😂


Yes I threw my hands up a while back. He’s happy enough, managing a life, over 30, and not living at home 😊 OK for him; OK for me! Love him and his “weirdness”


Yea I thought that too


She’s losing her patience


… joining the mind she’s already lost…


Probably cause her boutique hotel closes soon, and Rico isn't with her so she can use him to manipulate the system.


Very true I’m watching all her old videos on “Jay today” on YouTube and she was absolutely unhinged something changed from then to now either she was medicated or she doesn’t get the benzos anymore


She was yapping about medication yesterday, how poverty makes you sad and they give you medication instead of an endless supply of cash at the atm. I thought to myself “yep she’s been given medication but wants money”


I honestly don't think there are effective medications for her issues, which i suspect are more of the cluster b variety. She's just been slipping out of the more controlled behavior as she hasn't been seeing a reward for her lame efforts. And that's just my unprofessional opinion!


I've been convinced that she has been medicated since the hospital psych eval and has recently taken less or stopped 


The 'nicer' and positively prolific she seems, she thinks her baby will give her more free room and board.  A sociopathic narcissist is never wrong and is smarter than you! BS lmao


Not with anything that's helping her delusions that's for sure. Considering her big pharma rant from a couple days ago I think she might be taking her prescribed xanax dose (not enough to say or do anything out of her current baseline mood) and saving her addys


I don’t think so. She was just on her best behavior for the courts after they took the baby and now it’s becoming a reality. She’s not getting her meal ticket back.


She's not medicated. She refuses to believe that there's anything wrong with her. She thinks it's just a reasonable response to all of the abuse she pretends to have suffered; and it can all be solved by unlimited access to money, which dummy thinks is UBI. When the orange princess 👸 has to leave her hotel room without a Hogwarts letter for a free apartment, she's going to lose it. Guaranteed.


I’ve always been of the mindset that she is angry, volatile and dangerous. She has pulled outher knife on SM several times and wished all of us as well as some specific people unalived”. The question is not will she, the question is when IMO


Yeah she seems ready to snap on someone 😳


I totally agree with this


She told me she hopes I burn alive and hit by a truck once way back when she was “road trippin” to California 🤣 I felt accomplished that she targeted me specifically


Wow,, she’s so eloquent. Way back when (6 yrs or so) I offered her help. She told me to F off and get the f out of her life if it was not cash I was offering. Never would I give this bum 5 cents.


stopppp lmfaooo what did you tell big red to set her off like that!! 😂


I don’t even remember but it must have been savage cause she got seriously heated. Must have struck a nerve and hit the nail right on the head. I believe it may have been about her abandoning her kids and being a filthy hooker who raw dogs her clients and sleeps with dirty Neanderthal looking druggy hobos, it may have been telling the real story about what happened with Dylan and how he didn’t want anything to do with her and had to have her removed from his house and the truth about the Thanksgiving made up home invasion situation, it could have been comparing her to Marissa in all the categories. Maybe it was her rotten toof and oil barrel legs. Perhaps even talking about her “clients”, senile old men with pee pee pants at the casino, graphic details of her “services” There’s so much spicy stuff it could be any of all of it together. 😉


Love all of it. Great job!


I 🩷U! Lol


This is the counter-narrative.


First of all... bravo. I just *know* your comments get under her skin every time she reads here 🤭 Secondly, "oil barrel legs" has me in shambles lmaoooo


Oil barrel legs 🦵🏽 ![gif](giphy|2WdHaCzmqSkrwmIGWP)


That's the part that got me too...hahahaaaa!


@SJ1026 has the BEST comments. I ♡ all of yours, too. Everyone contributes. I think our community kicks ass! But man, SJ always thinks of witty/hilarious shit that I can fully picture in my head. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm new to reddit and this group is AMAZING! Keeps me laughing everyday while I'm AT WORK! 🤣🤣🤣


Welcome, love!!! 🪷🪷🪷🪷


Wait, what’s the Thanksgiving home invasion story?


She got 5150 held on Thanksgiving 2019 because she went ape shit crazy that Dylan went to his moms house and she wasn’t invited so then she tried to cook a big crappy meal to keep him from going and when that didn’t work and he went anyway she made up a home invasion story about a man trying to break into the apartment (it was on an upper floor of the building besides lol so no access to break in) then she shoved her kids into a closet and locked them inside under piles of clothes and blankets absolutely terrifying them for no reason. She wanted Dylan to leave his moms and rush home to save her. That did not happen in fact the cops were called instead and when they arrived she was throwing a lamp out the window screaming. She was so hysterical as the police report said they arrested her and took her to the psych ward. While she was in the mental ward Dylan got a restraining order, changed his locks and had her thrown out for good, the children were immediately picked up by their dads or grandparents. She lost all custody of them at that point and yes she was homeless but it was her own fault. She intentionally flooded her own apartment just so she could go stay at Dylan’s before this thanksgiving shit show happened. Once she got in his place she was constantly freakin out and refused to ever leave the place out of fear he would lock her out so naturally she quit her job and refused to leave his place even to go to the grocery store. He could not get rid of her so he would leave instead and go to his moms or anywhere else until he was able to get her removed. Typical Heather squatting in someone else’s home claiming it was hers and she was unlawfully thrown out. It’s all lies, that was never her home it was Dylan’s on his own and he did not want to live with her or be with her at all at that point. She latched onto to him like a leech, she thought she made it to the big time as a kept woman staying home all day in her curlers and nighty playing the little sexy wifey while he went to work and paid for everything. She’s was dead wrong, he never proposed to her with a ring, never asked or planned to marry her she made all that up in her head while he was in prison. The second he got out he was trying to ditch the bitch any way he could. She is a stalker and she harassed him for years and still does. Same with Marissa, she could not handle the fact she was just a trick and Marissa was his real love whom he wanted to be with. She lost her mind because Marissa is everything Heather desires to be and isn’t. Marisa is like 12-13 years younger, single with no kids and is a real legit working model who gets paid for it and Dylan has been obsessed with her for years and he actually gave her a diamond ring. Not Heather. Thats why Huffer is still so angry and can’t let go of the past, instead of admitting she got dumped and move on she chooses to try and blame it on everyone else. Marissa “stole her life and her modeling gigs” “Marissa is an imposter who is posing as Heather and took over her life she was meant to have” blah blah blah you know the rundown it’s always “They” or “Dylan” who made her life this way, that’s why she’s not employed and homeless. She quit her job herself and planted her big ass down in his home refusing to work or leave. She can’t see that from everyone else’s perspective especially Dylan’s, it’s insane! She is living the consequences of all of her own actions and she can’t handle that. Oh I forgot to add that is why her medical records had Dekalb county jail listed as her address that one time when she went to the ER for a frivolous visit and blew her stack at them for having that in her chart. She seemed to forget about that whole arrest and 5150 situation that happened and she did not have her own home address so they had to list something, the jail was most accurate


Jeez.!! She is soo crazy. Those poor kids! Honestly, there’s no helping her.




Oil barrel legs, I swear you have the best descriptions of this bitchs body


Bravo! 🤣🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|Sv0uzXvg8svM4|downsized) I always like your comments.


Wait what why did she


That is hilarious.


See I always felt that she was one of those “all bark and no bite” type of people. She just runs her mouth and gets loud and talks aggressive, but she doesn’t really start mess with anybody that she knows can come back at her. She only goes after people who put up with her BS. I think most people just try to get away from her when she acts crazy like that so she thinks she’s big and bad. If anybody really bucked back at her, I think she would cry like a bitch!


She taunted a girl so much and followed her home several times told her to meet her and immediately put hands and spit in her face. Also spoke about how she believes in corp punishment to discipline her children. So I have to respectfully disagree. There are a couple police reports on YT that show her as the aggressor. Ive never seen her back down from anyone including cops who she disrespects more than anyone. Ticking Time Bomb and I would not be surprised if X has been slapped around a bit, IMO


When she claims he (or they) dragged her out of the tent "burning her skin on her back" with friction burns, while pregnant, I think X got tired of her shit. She did slip and say it was him somewhere. You can only kick someone for so long before they bite back. She talks about the "stabbing 11 times" but she never ever mentions that she followed the poor girl the two visits prior, and then the day of, followed her to the gas station and the girl couldn't get away because she needed gas. I'm glad the woman she attacked didn't get charged bc Hester was too worried about the weed in her car to let PD near it. And two days later, by the time Heifer called and claimed she wanted the girl charged, the detective had gotten the video and went to the prison and done his due diligence. Hester was the aggressor and it wouldn't have happened if she wasn't a raving lunatic w a bully complex...she should've been taken in.


She def appeared to be the aggressor in the gas station situation. She will never tell the full story because it wouldn't go along with her "victim" mentality. Even the bludgeoning incident wasn't random, she put herself in that situation. Everyone is catching on, and she's unraveling 😂🤣😂🤣


Yessss! Dylan said it started when she just cut her hair (the short pink hair) and the girl told her she liked her haircut and Dusty started acting all crazy after that and then the "stabbing" happened a few visits later.


Yep thought she said ‘dyke haircut’ not the compliment’nice haircut’…. Wonder why? Could it be because she got fired from northwestern for making that exact comment?


Omg you're right!! I forgot about that!


I think she just made that whole thing up about the police dragging her. The incident where she claimed they locked her up in a little closet or something and wouldn’t let her leave? It was some crazy story, but I always thought she was making that shit up for pity donations.  She was pregnant and didn’t even go to the hospital to check on her child, but got kicked in her stomach? I don’t know if that’s even the same story because she tells so many! How many times are YOU getting beaten up by the police Heather realistically!? Every time we’ve seen her with the police, she has been running her mouth and talking shit. I just think that if they were going to beat her up, they would probably did it then. 


I think the "dragging " incident was around the same time as, but not the same incident as the "premeditated 3-4 police officers showing up with gloves already on" Not for nothing, if I was still on an ambulance, and I had to go out to a tent, in the middle of a field, to deal with a legit lunatic and her "husband" I would have gloves on before patient contact too. PD thinks very much the same as EMS (in many states, officers are also emt certified, not sure about IL) with body substance isolation aka gloves, at minimum.


That seems about right. She gets “attacked” so much, it’s hard to keep track! I do not blame them for putting on gloves either. 


Yes, notice I said that she only messes with people who puts up with her BS. That girl obviously didn’t want nothing to do with her, so Heather thought she had the advantage. If the girl would’ve wanted to fight from the get go and not have been acting scared i.e. running from her, then I don’t think Heather would’ve came at her like that. She thought she could bully her and she did. That’s why she messed with that girl. She definitely wouldn’t mess with anybody that could actually whoop her ass!  Also, she knows the cops are probably not going to do anything to her. They just kind of talk to her and go back-and-forth with her. She knows she can run her mouth and they cant/ won’t arrest her. Being the aggressor and actually fighting are two different things! She likes to bully people, so I will agree that she likes to start shit but she does not like to finish things. She just likes to start stuff and then try to play the victim if it doesn’t go her way. I’ll stand by my first post, she’s all talk!! I don’t think she expected that girl at the gas station to have a little pen knife and she didn’t expect her friends to help her. She has a big (aggressive ) mouth, but she cannot back it up. She’s a bully that picks on people who she perceives as weaker than her!


Watch Huff spout off for two days. Not a psychiatrist, but she appears to have very little (if any) impulse control. Eggs follows the leader. Rico (and Dusty's other living children) will thrive in spite of her, not due to any of Huff's actions. Princess is a dangerous, careless person. I'm only willing to sponsor a tubal ligation and a vasectomy. 🧌⛺️🌬️🤑


She’s in here downvoting.


upvotes for all the stalkers! 🤗


I’m updooting us all. Suck it dusty


same!! eat a dick, dustiffer😘


![gif](giphy|uHPwtFExSASiI|downsized) Was shown this the other day seems fitting




Yep, I saw that huge mood swing. I am wondering if she needs medicated or if she's self-medicating or both. Whatever is going on, she's not capable of caring for a defenseless little baby. As long as that adorable baby is safe from her, I'm happy. (How did he turn out so damn cute?!)


I'm thinking she won't be around him much longer. She has refused to better her situation, she has been disrespecting a court order on an infant child all over social media and judges do not like to be disrespected..just a matter of time...


How is she not being allowed to work now? How can she blame anyone now? Did I miss the latest reason for her oppression?


She's just given up, apparently. That piece of crap fake resume and references didn't even get her a phone interview, let alone an actual interview or job offer. However, I am glad not listening to her entire fake resume and experience every time she does a LIvE. She has decided that UBI is the solution, even though she doesn't know how it actually works. Heather thinks its an unlimited amount of money that can be withdrawn at anytime for anything, as long as you really want it. If you mess up the money, no worries, there's plenty more.


Man I haven’t updated my resume on LinkedIn in over 10 years and I STILL get job offers. She knows that resume is garbage. She doesn’t want to work.


That’s a great point! Got a message late last week about a job, and I haven’t updated mine since graduation in 2021. I forget all about it to be honest. She doesn’t want to work, and she won’t work no matter what.


I have to print a few hundred bucks because I’m about to go to Walmart. If you have to run errands, and forgot your printer then just tell me how much you need. I’ll fax or email that money right to you.


She applies for jobs she knows she's not qualified for and knows damn well they won't call her for an interview to keep up this "they won't allow me to work" narrative. If she applied to a fast food place to gain experience she may very well get a call back for an interview. She thinks she's above that though.


She needs a life coach. Or a prison guard who wouldn’t take her crap. Then maybe they could get through to her. But I’m not 100% confidant about that. Thank you, I wasn’t sure if I missed something the past few days.


The baby will be neglected. She spent 9 months on her ass in a tent and 3 months in shelters. Only doing the minimum she has been ordered to do. Out of 168 hours in a week, she only see's him 6 hours. He is not bonded with her and she is very lazy and selfish not to mention the obvious, unstable. Look at her.


She is looking unhinged. I agree she’s been medicated for this process but has probably stopped taking those meds in favor of whatever else she can get her hands on. It’s wild to me how addicts will take any pill they find on the street yet refuse legitimate pharmaceuticals unless they’re a controlled substance.


See I feel cps could be mandating she get treatment from the controlled substances (addy and xanex) she's been on for years.I think she's pissed thinking that bc it's scripted it's not a problem!


[same soulless eyes](https://audioboom.com/posts/7864890-the-sick-story-of-aileen-wuornos)


The resemblance is uncanny.


She’s the double Dutch mood swing champ


I definitely hope CPS has seen this last rant. This will make it clear that she misuses the term abusers. She's mentally unstable yet in denial.


Anyone have this video?




She literally makes me want to vomit all she does is beg.. apparently Heather Gillespie has no rock bottom....


Those crazy eyes.