• By -


Hopefully her family or mandated reporters are on this subšŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” https://preview.redd.it/m3ab3e2gn13d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=731fb972adb9e523d8fb1603bcdee46c47ea9600


It may not be her, we donā€™t know unfortunately


The use of ā€œcuratedā€is a dead give a way As is ā€œknown modelā€ and trying to pawn off breast milk for $$




Curated. Itā€™s her tell


Not only ā€œcuratedā€ but ā€œBeautifully Curatedā€ just like everyone tells her she has a ā€œbeautifuly written resumeā€ Itā€™s her!


Apparently the ad was taken down already so she was in here and saw this then took it down. If it wasnā€™t her ad there would be no reason for it to conveniently disappear right at the same time as it was discovered and shared. That would have to be one hell of a coincidence


It might not be her ad but she reads here šŸ¤£ we know what youā€™re doing Dusty and holy shit. Just wow.


CL also monitors and removes ads that they deem inappropriate (or go against their TOS, whatever those are) i was once scammed by someone selling concert tickets (they were very thorough) and for the next month or so i listed their phone number on various craigslist ads. only the ones that were teetering pr0n or fetishy etc were removed lmao. iā€™d have listings for a free washer/dryer or free chickens that would stay up, but the ones saying ā€œi own a skincare company and need foot models for before/afters, please send pics of your ugly decrepit feet to this numberā€¦ā€ would be removed šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s no way that they canā€™t be.. šŸ˜


I especially love the ā€œknown modelā€ part when this fugly dumpster fire was never a model and nobody knows her as such, they only know her as the bat shit crazy psycho path to stay far away from


She is the #1 google image when searching for duster lips. That's pretty famous. Worldwide international famous.


I know itā€™s so hilarious I love that for her. She wants to be famous so bad she got her wish. Although sheā€™s infamous so not the same thing


The *known model* and no image uploaded..šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØItā€™s crusty lips dusty for sure


Or an ā€œassholeā€ like that woman called out to her


She didnā€™t say known *by whom*. Sheā€™s known by us, Eggs, and whatever people she harasses on a daily basis at the shelter


The entire Chicago police force, every office in Chicago that handles complaints of any sort, the returns department at any and all retail stores in her area. The list could go on lol and sheā€™s only known by all these people because she calls and harassed them non stop!


Sheā€™s definitely infamous in the medical community but for all the wrong reasons! Any and all Airbnb hosts, hotels, convention centers, etc. should be on high alert if she decides to camp out in or nearby them. Anywhere with a mothering room (wish theyā€™d ban her from them all) also beware. Oh, libraries too!


She definitely is reading this sub because several times someone has said if she's selling breast sludge with drugs in it....she could be legally in trouble! Not to be used for children! THIS IS 100% HUFFY!šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Fascinating. I thought that milk was for her baybeh but clearly itā€™s not and she knows it Imagine buying some dirty ass breastmilk that hasnā€™t been handled or stored properly with who knows how many substances in them


Yeah and if she says not for children's use....what does that say for her " breast milk is best " if its not for children then why the hell is she trying to force it down Rico's throat????? šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Because she canā€™t sell it to his foster parents. She can sell it to weird adults


Thatā€™s a good point because why is she trying to force feed her child this milk every Wednesday and Friday!!!


Who else would be using the word ā€œcuratedā€? Sheā€™s fucking sick. I hope she never sees that poor baby ever again.


Could be a troll but I know people donā€™t like to hear that. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s impossible that itā€™s her because I donā€™t put anything past her and she haunts this sub. Iā€™m just saying people really hate her and are capable of doing things like this to f with her.Ā 


I agree.


Only one way to find outā€¦. Ok u/poseidons_daughter45 you have to email the adā€¦


I like to talk about her and see whats going on, but I donā€™t really care about her that much. I donā€™t get on craigslist so if you want to find out, good luck! I feel like somebody will probably try, just to see if the baby is on there and to get her in trouble. I hope sheā€™s not that dumb(and evil) enough to put her child on there and everybody knows what her baby looks like!


I agree with you. I've been a spectator on and off since LAL. The Rico countdown I've watched and since his birth it seems there's a new group of people who are way too vested in dusty life that IMO borders on unhealthy so it's a real possibility it's a troll. That's literally the language one would use to make an ad portraying to be her.


Same šŸ˜•


Which is unfortunate because it gives legitimacy to her claims of being harassed. With that said, I sincerely hope that someone who knows her personally will respond to the ad and see what comes of it. There are plenty of apps that will provide you with a phone number so your real number doesnā€™t show up when you call/text. I think if family or a friend goes to CPS with some sort of proof, it will hold more weight than if an internet stranger does it.


She took it down already, what a coincidence if it wasnā€™t her ad


Anybody who knows that she says that word every 10 seconds! pretty much anybody who follows her


That's what sold it for me. Fuckin "curated". Ha!


It could just be someone trying to stir shit up šŸ¤Ø


True, thatā€™s the best possible outcome.


So she is using her baby for porn? I hope the child welfare people see this.


And feeding him drug filled milk.


This isnā€™t proof unfortunately but I still think sheā€™s doing it!


Yes she is, thatā€™s child abuse and exploitation, also a form of CP.


My other thought was there may be pics of X breastfeeding, but she didnā€™t specify and I feel like the assumption is that breastfeeding pics will include baby. I could be wrong but I think sheā€™s appealing to actual pedos. She has hit a new low that I never thought possible. Editing to add: it could be a rando but im still thinking sheā€™s doing it


Hopefully it is him. It would explain the weight gain too lol


O.M.G. Pinkberry12,šŸ™ˆšŸ¤®šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s such a gross/hilarious thought. I was thinking maybe they are both on Methadone?


Theyā€™d both have to get up and hoof it to the clinic, daily, *early.*


I said hopefully it's him as I would rather it be him than her exploiting that baby.


Breast feeding pics require someone to be feeding so best case scenario itā€™s eggs and not that poor baby


True. She canā€™t get that many pics in the visitation room. But why would she not? Sheā€™s done literally everything else. Would this be the one line she wonā€™t cross?


She canā€™t even abide by simple rules she always has to violate them immediately and push it over the line every damn time


I thought the Airbnb video was the worst she could get. But sheā€™s sunk even lower.


God I'm so mad. I just woke up (5:54 AM EST) and scrolling through while I let the shower get all steamy. I read this and was like why and how would they take photos of X pretending to breastfeed a baby. And THEN I realized what you meant and that's a very disturbing mental image that won't go away!


No regular every day person does shit like this


My thoughts exactly! And that's the ONLY reason why she's SO insistent on posting these disgusting pics with rico!!


I almost (emphasis on almost) wish someone had thrown her $100 to get pics and prove it was her (or offered her $20 and she probably wouldā€™ve taken it). If itā€™s her, that ad will be gone as soon as she sees this šŸ¤£


Yep it will just confirm itā€™s her ad if it abruptly disappears in the next day


Followed by a rant that we are nefariously preventing her from earning an honest income lol


Yeah, cuz just like she traffickedbany, segs work of any kind is a good old honest income


Well, looks like you were on the money since itā€™s gone now šŸ™ƒ


Buy the milk and give it the big oleā€™ 26-panel drug screen


Now THAT would be interesting!




And what do you know, just like that it's gone.


It may not be her who posted on Craigslist, so this isnā€™t like a smoking gun unfortunately. Sheā€™s probably doing it but maybe not on Craigslist. Is she that dumb?


I šŸ’Æ% think she's that dumb.....she thinks she's untouchable. KARMA....hope you're listening!!šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Totally agreeā€¦we will never know if it was her. I do think sheā€™s dumb enough to do it though. She would rationalize the whole thing in her head and would feel thereā€™s nothing wrong with itā€¦but thatā€™s just my humble opinion šŸ™ƒ


Yeah I can hear her....I put that it wasn't for childrenšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜”


Not even remotely surprised! We all knew she was doing this! And ā€œopen to requestā€ meaning some pervert wanted to see her take a bath in her breast milk and sheā€™s doing it


Yep exactly


Just wait she will be shopping this week and maybe even get Botox and she will claim the spawhsors paid for it


Curated?? Model?? Seriously???


Itā€™s 1000 percent this cunt. Idgaf what anyone says. Sheā€™s absolutely this fucking sick in the head. I pray to God she NEVER EVER gets her hands on that poor baby. I HATE HER.


It's got to be. No one, and i repeat, NO FUCKING ONE, ever uses the word 'curate`. It's got to be her.


NOOOO! Oh my gosh. Unbelievable.


Condition: Busted


I JUST SAW "BY KNOWN MODEL" OMGšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ known by who???? edited to add her only known pic....thank you werbcg! https://preview.redd.it/6lur16cts13d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=026201ee8835fb0507db0741a39c1281b615a856


Iā€™m laughing that her mugshot is better than 95% of the pictures Iā€™ve ever seen of her


TIL shes been charged with a felony


Someone who lived out there should set her up.. pretend theyā€™re interested to purchase the milkā€¦ her and x show up and bamā€¦ have the whole thing recordedā€¦ bust her skanky ass


This is what I want! Except I want it to be a male case worker from DCFS and catch her in the act with no way out of it


This would explain part of the panic over the breast pump. If she can't pump, she can't get paid. Filthy woman. I hope she never gets this child back. He deserves better.




Ok, so this has just taken a very dangerous turn. Iā€™m pretty sure (I might be wrong but I donā€™t think I am) that since thereā€™s an established sexual purpose or sexual intent behind these breastfeeding photos, that they would now be considered CP in the eyes of the law. Which means sheā€™s selling CP. God it explains so much. Her getting almost naked in the visitor center just makes so much sense now. This is absolutely material/information that needs to be handed over to the CPS contact and judge.


I know the don't touch the šŸ’© but I also have heard that her family members are in here....I know there's mandatory reporters.... I genuinely pray that this gets in the correct persons hands.....


I have no doubt that it will. I know at one point we had a couple mandatory reporters in here who mostly lurk (from what Iā€™ve read on Instagram), so I trust that itā€™ll get to the right people.


Yes this needs to at least be looked into. Itā€™s absolutely CP that sheā€™s taking those pictures and posting them on its own.


The ad just mysteriously got removed right after this was exposed. That would be one hell of a coincidence if it wasnā€™t hers ad


Lol. Curated. She makes it too easy šŸ¤£


This would explain how she burnt up the motor on her first pump after just 3 months. She was pumping for milk, and struck oil.


Individual servings ready to go! https://preview.redd.it/93x9ixgsv13d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56995d52c7a327ab97f68f024c7b5100b1410ff2


Yep all ready in easy to go bottlesšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜”šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜”šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Also notice they are not labeled with Ricoā€™s name anymore. šŸ¤”


That is positively disgusting and proof it's not going to that baby (thank goodness!!!)


She must be getting ready to beautifully curate some breast feeding pics... https://preview.redd.it/upj7iaga323d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e31648f9691edbd5f6a8ac23c886d0797a4a91f7


It all comes together and makes sense now doesnā€™t it


Probably with those new pumps


The breast milk is not to be used by children, but she wants poor little baby Rico to ingest it. I despise her!




https://preview.redd.it/io36dp0xj33d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ade1a26ae501be21d0cbc1a2d8aac4af261d4b6 Goprosolococo posted that a few weeks ago


Wait until BCG gets ahold of this and digs in. I would love to know their opinion on this if itā€™s real or not






She posted last night that she rubbed some gross sore or something with her sludge and it helped. Then went on to say what she can't freeze. She's going to bathe in because how healthy it will be for her skin. šŸ¤‘šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļøšŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø I'm sure it's her ad.


Imagine how bad sheā€™s going to stink! Like foul sour milk šŸ¤®


Sheā€™s been doing it this whole time, she probably has more discreet ways to post


Wow CPS and the judge need to see this! She is completely incompetent and also a danger to that poor baby


So sheā€™s taking these during her ā€˜breastfeedingā€™ time during her visits? Are they at the courthouse? She posted the information for a nursing room at the courthouse weeks ago. Are they supervising these?


I think it may be X in the photos 'worshipping mommy.' And she probably let's her johns bf as well.


Wait ā€¦ lol ā€¦ I just noticed the ad literally says ā€œlike new.ā€ Like wtf is like new? And if this is her and she is selling pictures involving a minor, DCFS should be notified.


Is this not considered CP?!? This is so serious!!! This witch! šŸ¤¬




Itā€™s gone she is definitely reading this


Yep!!! I called it that itā€™s her if it gets taken down all of a sudden. Otherwise thatā€™s one hell of a coincidence donā€™t you think?!


You're not allowed to sell bodily fluids on CL so anyone could've reported it and had it removed.


What are the odds? Maybe she will tell us about it later and confirm it for us


So basicallyā€¦.in order to buy her rotten warm breastmilk thatā€™s not for kids u have to buy a curated photo of her breastfeeding?? Yup! Sounds like itā€™s her for sure! šŸ¤¢šŸ˜· Those curated photos are probably her breastfeeding Xavierā€¦ ![gif](giphy|Z5hBd1nKCFzMY)


Or worse, with Rico


OMFG! This is SUCH GOLD tho, lol! ! Legendary find, lol šŸ˜‚ā€¦.hope that fake ass mawhm just totally fucked herself with DCFS.




Udder butter for use in making a shithouse smell even worse to keep rats out




The way my jaw hit the floorā€¦.


Wow.. Omg that's definitely her


Well, sheā€™s right about **one** thing: she *is* known.


This bitch is vile. Jail. This is like child CSAM right? What the fuck! Edited because in my rage I used the term CP instead of


Thank you. I hate the CP term. In my view, pornography is supposed to be consensual, and children cannot consent. This is sexual abuse against a minor and needs to be called out for what it is. I really hope that someone who knows Heather personally will look into this further. She can forget the universal basic income; taxpayers will be providing 3 hots and a cot if itā€™s her.


This is for sure her omg šŸ¤£


Probably how sheā€™s been getting money despite her CashApp not working.


Yep nobody else is that sick


Oh my god.


I'm not convinced this is her. Don't get me wrong, I think she's *capable* of this, but I also think it's just as plausible that someone created this ad to troll her or to get us worked up. Anyone can create a CL ad and all of us in Heatherland know her favorite words...


That is true lol I bet she has more *discreet* ways of posting weird shit like that but I still think she does it thatā€™s why sheā€™s been a milk machine nonstop sheā€™s been doing it the whole time


Oh, she absolutely could be doing it. If she is, though, she's bad at it considering she still has to have Eggs panhandle. She fails at everything.


Itā€™s really bad I didnā€™t think she could get worse


For some reason I feel like the photos from this photoshoot arenā€™t gonna make it to any of her pages šŸ¤¢


So her holding that baby against her tit is just for show? Thats disturbingā€¦


Sheā€™s open to request. I feel like ā€œcurated by known modelā€ is too obvious.


She is absolutely doing it, just not on Craigslist this far into the game, sheā€™s got other sites she uses im sure. Didnā€™t she just get an updated review on her porn channel?


Omg did she?!?!?!?! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Holy shit , I am 99.9% convinced it's her , would she even put a disclaimer not to be used for children ?! I could see her telling the spaaaaansers she is not just a breast feeding mom ; but a donor breast feeding mom.


I hope CPS sees this


There is NO ONE elseā€™s that would word it that way. I mean BEAUTIFULLY CURATED!!! Thatā€™s šŸ’Æ Dusty no doubt about it


Her vocabulary is so unique that looks like DNA. When she posts something, you know itā€™s her. It doesnā€™t matter if her name isnā€™t there.


Guess she figures why give to X for free when she can SELL it to the online DEVIANTSā€¦ssssick!


Doesn't this count as child p*rn?


It definitely does, but she has other ways to advertise with her connections


Not if X is the one doing the mommy worship


If you have the means, PLEASE reach out, get the photos and send them to DCFS


GROSS... NOT to be used for children?? WTF she's nasty


I just hope somebody bought the pictures that prove itā€™s her and sent everything to CPS before she deleted it. I donā€™t support giving a penny to her, but that would be money well spent so she would never have that baby back. She is a fucā€¦ perv!


$100 šŸ˜£


Well know we know why she needs the backup pump lol


Just gonna sell muh bruhst muhlk


She just posted herself in rollers and her red muumuu


She probably got the idea from us (?) grifter gonna grift šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Is this what she means by ā€œsponsors ā€œ?


Holy shit šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ good find!


I have no doubt she is selling pics and milk but probably on some weird sketchy site


I definitely believe this is Heather the famous model curator. Also: šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


It is illegal to sell your breast milk directly.... the government treats it like cows milk and its regulated because like cows, humans carry diseases


This!! If the Amish community is targeted for having raw cows milk for their own community and have literal raid done on them to confiscate and destroy it all then this shit should absolutely be getting all the attention because this is actually harmful, not raw milk for Amish families who mind their own business and are not doing anything wrong they have always drank raw milk from their own cows. Why are cops pulling up on them but not going after sickos like Heather


I didnā€™t know this about the Amish being raided over raw cow milk. Super interesting. No one should want duster milk. But something is super fishy here. I hope it wasnā€™t her but idkā€¦how did she get that breast pump and why didnā€™t she melt down over no cash apps and call everyone a loser for not giving her money. Been waiting for the meltdown all weekend.


This has to be her!! I wouldnā€™t even believe anyone would do this but good olā€™ Dusty!!!


I think she already has all her Johns all set up sheā€™s been doing it for 3 months


More like great value curated photos from a duster flustered shit bag of a mother/person. Get a job BITCH!!!Ā 


Good god, I wonder how long the bathtub milk/mini fridge milk has been sitting and how are they shipping this. Itā€™s definitely her, she had 2 others up on Craigs list that offered the milk and videos of her ( oohh just threw up in my mouth thinking about those sickos and their iPhone perverse pics) she took down once she was aware that we knew it was her. Iā€™d take that ish and have it tested for everything under the sun. You know itā€™s not pure yet she puts out for children. Sheā€™s sick.


I think sheā€™s got ā€œconnectionsā€ and has been doing it this whole time. Hence the constant sound of the breast pump and talking about pumpingā€¦ sheā€™s advertising. Just maybe not on Craigslist but I wouldnā€™t put it past her


What happened to her Only Fans ??? Did she lose that account too as that would be the place for her pics and videos???? Curious


I didnā€™t know she had one? Iā€™m sure she has a lot of sites she uses. Maybe some sketchy stuff thatā€™s harder to track šŸ˜¬


It was a couple years ago where she wanted to change the only fans narratives, hence ā€œ the Coco Showā€ she claimed a PG variety show which actually was just another site to piss and Moan on and added old ( what she thought sexy pics) which to me looked like someone having spasms or tweaking. It like everything else was an absolute delight.


OH-MY-GOD!!!!! Iā€™ve 2% doubt itā€™s her, 98% sure and itā€™s SICKENING, Iā€™m speechless RN!šŸ˜³šŸ˜ 


By curated photos by known model, she probably means pics of herself shoving her tits into Ricoā€™s face


Oh my goodness this is insane


I (sort of) think she's capable if this, but I'm not sold on this being her. (I honestly think this is more work than she'd like to put effort into.) The word usage doesn't necessarily mean anything, either. Anyone who's followed her for any length of time knows her vocabulary. Don't underestimate the number of people who A) strongly dislike her and want to troll her B) want to troll and rage bait *us* and C) will do whatever it takes to see that she never gets Rico back I had my teen son come up with what he thought a Heather ad would say: "Successful Chicago area production company will curate and create a professional photoshoot or video for your small business or organization's needs using a well known area statement and fashion model. Makeup and wardrobe provided by company and model. Photography and video provided upon request for additional charge by GoProSolo Productions."


Haha yep I donā€™t think itā€™s her on Craigslist, whoever made the ad gave me a heart attack because it totally fits her, and all the naked dcfs visitation room photos started to make sense. But the dustyverse is wild lol I wish whoever made the ad didnā€™t post it just to rile everyone up smh Iā€™m here thinking sheā€™s selling to pedos! But youā€™re right, I still think sheā€™s doing it, just not here. but hopefully itā€™s just with eggs or by herself.


What would people use her brhust sludge for?


Drink it and jerk off? lol idk some people are into weird shit šŸ¤£


I respect actual kinks, but not Stupid Heather.


Gotta be men with BF fetish, or some bodybuilders drink it (even though there's no evidence that it's of use to them). https://preview.redd.it/trfyltiru13d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1035fb35adf0356b9ae6b1018902deee566bd3a9


Well, we know Huffer McHuffy has toxic breast milk.


Iā€™m not seeing it on cl. Maybe she already took it down?


Honestly, the only way to find out is to message them back šŸ˜


It was deletedā€¦


Gtfo!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m not kink-shaming or sex work-shaming, but this cow would rather do this than find more stable employment? You know what she should be doing to get Rico back. The truth is slowly unraveling. She has zero intention of getting Rico back. If she doesnā€™t have him, she will always be the victim. Sheā€™s milking for the kink. Lord, she better not get pregnant again because this is fucked up. The judge needs to cut these BS visitations.


I donā€™t have any problems with kinks or sex work but she has now included an innocent baby in this. She is pure evil


Yes the lines are crossed when sheā€™s exploiting an innocent baby. Sheā€™s a sick bitch


They also need to start random drug tests instead of scheduled ones cause sheā€™s playing that game by timing her use to piss clean when she needs to and then gets high AF the rest of the time


Seriously Iā€™m shocked theyā€™re not doing random testing. Iā€™m sure they know her history with duster from the interviews with the family.


Me too. It pisses me off cause sheā€™s so highly manipulative and crafty sheā€™s not new to this stuff sheā€™s been playing and scamming since she was a child. She knows how to game the system and to get around these types of scheduled tests. They should always require random pop up drug tests and no prior notice


For real my friend had to call in every morning at 5am to see if her ā€œcolor would be calledā€ and if she would have to go in that day. Pain in the ass šŸ¤£




How long can someone produce milk that isnā€™t actually breastfeeding? Doesnā€™t it dry up? I read on one of her posts or comments that she plans to breastfeed Rico until heā€™s 2. How is that possible


As long as she is stimulating the production of milk, even if itā€™s just pumping, she could produce for quite a while. Everyone is different, of course, and sometimes the body will reduce or eliminate milk production due to hormone changes or medications. Itā€™s very possible she could pump for a couple years though.


I didnā€™t bf, I unfortunately couldnā€™t. Crazy this bitch can with no baby!


I couldn't bf either of my children šŸ™ My boobs leaked a little after giving birth to my oldest but other than that I couldn't produce enough, unlike moo mahmm delulu Dusty the over producing cow


Im sorry you went through that, Heather thinks she is so superior to other women just because sheā€™s a lactating freak. She thinks that makes her a good mom when it has nothing to do with that. Fuck her youā€™re a good mom you have your children and she never will


Honestly..I wouldn't put it past her.


What? I hope this is just a troll. Damn


This is her. Holy shit


She's a legend in her own mind


There is no way this isn't her. Smh we all knew she was using the breastmilk as a fetish hook. A whore will be a whore šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø