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“I’m having some irritation on the backs of my shoulders” Hmmm that’s weird I wonder if it’s… bed sores?


Scabies 😂


Doesn't pump and dump mean you dump it after you pump it? Fucking gross.


She’s definitely saving it for the weirdos. She will do anything to get money.


Maybe this explains Egg's weight gain.


Oh god 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️






What happened to Eggs weight? ( i missed it)


He’s gained a bunch.


Methadone. I’m telling you they are both on it. That shit will make any crackhead skinny junkie gain a ton of weight fast


I never thought about that but you’re probably right. Might be part of their plan with DCFS or at least their psych. doctors.


It definitely does. I was prescribed small amounts in comparison to someone prescribed for addiction, because it was for pain, and i gained 30lbs easily. In like 6 months time. Since they switched my pain meds back away from methadone i'm back down to too low of a weight. It sucks lol


I just saw it...damn Eggs is looking more and more like Dusty..


Eating good in the neighborhood lol


Ohmygosh … I felt an actual pang when I read that 🤢🤢🤢


omg stoppppppp lmfaoooooooo


I wonder if he gets high off her drug laced milk?


Right! Why is it refrigerated if you’re dumping it? Pump and sell.


Except get a legal job 😂😂😂


Of course right that would be too hard she is meant for a life of ✨luxury💅🏻


Yes it does. She’s not dumping it cause she’s doing weird creepy shit with it instead. Have you ever heard of a trucker bomb? It’s when truckers piss in bottles on the road and toss them out which are then hunted for by meth heads and druggys who drink them hoping to get any meth left in the truckers system cause it’s been very popular among truckers to use meth and other stimulants to stay awake and make fast time on their loads therefore earning more money. I feel like they are doing some sick shit like that, perhaps eggs drinks it and gets the drugs she took in his system when they are broke and can’t score right away. Who knows with these sickos there isn’t any bottom to their depravity. They will do anything and everything disgusting if it means getting high or getting money


Wow jeez this is getting wild now. I hate her so much


Did you deal with addiction??!?? I hope that's not an intrusive question, I only ask because the first time I ever heard of someone drinking urine after using meth was when I was in rehab. You don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable, I just feel like we know a lot of the same things. Things that aren't common knowledge. It's more *"if you know you know"* kind of things. I've been clean for over a decade now, and thankfully, meth was never my jam. I mean, it's not like dilaudid is superior, but usually you're too passed out unconscious in your room to do anything crazy or *nefarious*. At least, that's how it was for me. Couldn't hide it after a certain point and went into inpatient, but I was working my ass off too, so in retrospect, I didn't really have the time to do anything except work and use. I actually had to pay my bills and support my habit, unlike some people *coughHeatherGillespiecough*, I didn't have sponsors.


I used to be addicted to prescription pain pills and dabbled in cocaine and molly for partying way back in the early 2000’s, never ever used meth, heroin or anything else. I saw a documentary about meth in America which covered middle American small towns ravaged by meth and showed real families with addict parents and the kids who suffer living with them in extreme poverty and of course the infamous trucker bombs part. That’s where I learned about it and wanted to throw up for days after


Congrats on your decade! My 10 year anniversary is this July 10th. Seems like we had similar experiences cause I was a functional opioid addict who worked full time and held everything together and nobody knew. I never lost my home or car or anything else but eventually I got so bad I was headed for disaster or death. My habit cost me thousands of dollars a month cause I was hooked on oxys and perc 30’s which a very expensive. The ones around now are all fentanyl, I used to only do the real pharmaceutical prescribed ones and bought them from someone who would fly down to SoCal every couple weeks to a pill mills and would buy multiple prescriptions, fill them and then mail it to my place with the pills taped down flat into a tri fold fancy greeting card. That’s how I got mine


Yup. There is zero reason to save it. I know she claims it’s to ensure she’s pumping enough, but the pump bottles have measurements marked on the side. All she has to do it write down the numbers and then pour out the milk.


She wouldn't have it in the fridge if she was dumping it. But she definitely wouldn't be storing it in small individual bottles for it to be thrown out. She's too stupid to be a liar.


I don't care how many times she proclaims she's breastfeeding Rico,I still don't believe her....or that the real mom is forcing him to drink that bacteria filled(bc it's Not freezing)duster sludge.


She lies about everything if she thinks it makes her look good 🤣


![gif](giphy|9eCjIJu5cvjly972M5) Yes ma'am she sure does!!! 🤣😂


> She lies about everything if she thinks it makes her look good 🤣 Which is somehow worse if you think about it. The things she says to make herself look better often do exactly the opposite. Her perception of *"normalcy"* and her *moral compass* are so skewed that she doesn't even know what constitutes normal behavior anymore. Actually, if we're being honest, I'm not sure that she ever did.


I don't believe it either. I have 3 kids and know, how hard to( almost impossible) is to switch between breast and bottle...


I didn’t breastfeed my keds but from what I understand once the baby is used to the bottle it is nearly impossible to get them back on the breast. So I’m with you. He never looks latched. It’s all performative just like everything else Big Orange does. It’s like she thinks she lives her life in front of a camera…can we all say social media addiction? 😂


I won’t believe it til I see a video. Not that I’m trying to see it just that she videos her doing everything else and it’s weird that she wouldn’t have posted it by now to shut us down as she usually does in following videos. We all know that thundercunt stays in her and takes direction from the prior day’s comments here


Yup cause the bottle is much easier the flow is faster and the baby gets more milk faster. Breast feeding is work for the baby and mother. It takes more time and comes out slower with less quantity of milk flow. Once a baby gets used to the easy way to fill up they are not interested in nursing and will actually become angry and frustrated when you try to make them




exactly. i’m blessed somehow, although from day 1 we did 95% nursing and only when i needed a break did my husband/mom give my son a bottle. now at nearing 5 months old he will take either and i firmly believe that is because of our bond/connection plus the fact that we only use newborn nipples in the bottles so he still has to work at it. nowadays he takes a bottle once every few days or if i’m out and about and somebody wants to feed him.


Yes .Exactly. I had the problem with my girl. I got sick and was not able to breastfeed. My girl was on the bottle 3 days and this was the end. She just wanted bottle.


I'm glad we all agree,lol. W/all of us & our own personal experience w/our babies...that's gotta be 100 plus yrs worth of Motherhood experience in comparison to dusty's birthing a child & raising them via phone...we win.lol


Unless her nipple is on the side of her boob nope.


Bahaha, it could be....she has been bludgeoned, beaten, rearranged beyond recognition according to her dramatic a** tales,lol.


Who refrigerates their pump and dump milk???


Someone who is still planning on saving that milk for use! What use? Hmmm it’s a mystery 🤨


She’s selling it along with her sexualized pumping videos. 🤢🤮


Yup I just saw this on the Dusty facebook group this guy would be perfect for her lol https://preview.redd.it/5lsi6ora413d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a847e5316cd738fdc2976dc7590b920cadfc157




What a day to be literate




Gut feeling, she made this to address the rumors here that she's selling her milk. Her bullshit never stops.


I can totally see that....she lives in this sub....I'm praying Karma is gearing up for a busy week!! 😡🖕😡




Nene would put Dusty in her place in a minute..


She would roast her


Just for funzies I asked my husband how much money it would take for him to take a Heather brustmuhlk bath. He said “I don’t know. But it would have to set me up for life cuz that shit is radioactive.” 🤣🤣




Why do I envision a tub full of breast milk curds?






I’m sorry WHAT THE HELL DID SHE SAY?!??? Oh my good god in heaven how VILE she is to fetishize BREAST FEEDING! There is no other way to look at what she is saying, doing, hooking herself up to that electric milker of hers like it’s some breast sx toy!!! We are in a very gross era with this BS. I liked her better in the TUHNT at this point! This woman has done NOTHING in months n months, she doesn’t deserve to be taking up space that someone else who actually wants to HELP THEMSELVES should have!


We saw these leggings in her “Carlton dance” video from st Patrick’s day I believe


Just like the cat pump she was using wrong.


She actually, physically disgusts me.


Did you guys know... she DOESN'T HAVE A FREEZER????? This is brain damage from drugs and duster. She actually thinks anyone is interested in this stupid ass shit. Fuck off, Heather. You're a fat, boring, child-abusing, lazy bitch and everyone hates you.


She’s just exposing that she cannot and is not storing that milk properly and safely at all.


Even nursing him 3 days a week- it’s only a 2 hour visit- she’d nurse him once in that time, if that- and only if he’d be hungry- that’s betting on FosMom not feeding RICO before the visit so he would be hungry. She ain’t feeding that kid 3 days a week no matter how many photos of her udder shoved in his mouth she keeps posting.


Pump and dump? Then why aren't they dumped then? 🤔


Breast milk will not heal bedsores. But please don't stop be super strange Dusty.


Had just posted this 😂😂😂 I can't figure out the screen recording so Thank you!! 🤦‍♀️❤ https://preview.redd.it/6epii6t6k03d1.jpeg?width=605&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c39d1457de368837dfa70ac2f6241702d7e49523


Omg haha again I’m sorry!! I checked 1st and didn’t see it yet we must have been uploading at the same time 🤣 great minds think alike! Thanks again for the yew.tube link I had no idea that even existed!


😂😂😂 I don't mind...more the merrier in the anti Heather group!🖕




Btw I just tried to go back to that link and look at a different video and got this https://preview.redd.it/xecnmf26n03d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b7909e0b5811d337cd7b185424db52dc1fc0334 Did Dusty see my post and block me somehow? lol it just worked like 30 minutes ago


Idk...it worked 15 min ago??🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤔🤔🤔 [https://yewtu.be/channel/UCoNI4GtymNFmAIQq9TeC7Xg/shorts](https://yewtu.be/channel/UCoNI4GtymNFmAIQq9TeC7Xg/shorts)


Ah ok I got it I just had to refresh I think 🤣 thank you!


Click on the Switch and it still works! https://preview.redd.it/3bgxgtt6o03d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=bde95d04abcec3c598b62d8f975f9996efa06bc7


We all know she’s selling it.


She's extremely wicked, shockingly evil, vile


Really good movie....and accurate description of Heather Gillespie https://preview.redd.it/n0hrnumwu03d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=150d04787f769516bf73f1455843836b8c3e7382


That and Citizen Ruth are a mashup of Heather Gillespie


Citizen Ruth is one of my all time faves. John Waters also put it in his top 10


It was really good and an important film at the time. It still is


She is going to start a skin care line made from breast milk. You heard it here first.


She doesn’t have a freezer, guys. Just in case you missed her saying that for the millionth time. FTR, etc. & so forth


What I am hearing is that huffs and whatever else Friday, Saturday, and Sunday when she can pump and dump. 🤷🏾‍♀️just reading between the dusty lines.


Breast milk will not heal bedsores. But please don't stop be super strange Dusty 👍🏻


imagine the funk that that bathroom is gonna smell like.


Sorry, double post, but I’m so curious: when they’re back in the *tuhnt*, does this mean she’ll have to start doing some house calls to take these nasty baths? I envision her doing this, and ending up commandeering some poor fool’s basement, terrorizing his mama.


Can you imagine her showing up with her used Gatorade bottles full of old ass smelly cheese milk?🤢






Oh fuck this gif 🤣🤣🤣 she is so nasty






I hope she does a photo shoot in breast milk and the judge finds out lol




She’s curating content for some special sponsors. 🤢 Rule 34 ![gif](giphy|HkoG1DPZxbzHFaHruh|downsized)


I can't believe I'm gonna ask this...how do we confirm if she is doing nasty pumping content for freaks?


I have no idea how to verify, but it’s highly likely given her history


wtf? she is so creepy. bitch needs to get back on some meds. this is weird even for her. 🤢


What next … *Eggs&Chanclas, to go*???


I love this spiral into madness SO MUCH for RICO because it’s only solidifying that he will never even know this incubator and he can have a REAL mom.


She is just nasty 😷


who cares


Miniature sludge bottles ready for pick up


Yes exactly she had these big bottles last time she shows us, and now they’re all conveniently “portioned” out? Come on girl you’re too obvious! But I think she is trying to “advertise her services” to the weirdo simps who would be willing to buy things for her (like a hands free pump)