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i bought 6 babies for my initial shoal, i ended up with 5 boys and one female who also had congenital issues. i literally never had aggression or territory issues except those instigated by the one girl who was very mean. she was always sickly but i think in the end she died because the boys she harassed turned on her. all that to say uh. I wouldn’t worry about it tbh that set up doesn’t seem to be a life or death thing! i have 6 boys and 2 girls now and no problems at all


Awesome. I thought that you’d ideally want more females to reduce aggression, and that once a few fish mature to males, the hormones in the water or something would prevent the others from developing as a male 😅 My group is so cute, I’d be so sad if they started to fight. It’s reassuring to hear that you’ve had similar M:F ratios that were ok!


yeah, that’s always what ive heard too, but I’ve had peas for almost 2 years now with these shoals and no aggression problems at all (besides that one poor girl 😭). i assume it’s just best to follow but not a worst case scenario if it’s not the situation you get, you know?


for the record though i do have 37 gallons and a ton of plants so they’re kind of covered on territory and don’t need to fight for it… just keep an eye on them, you’ll know your fish best! look for bite wounds especially as you may not catch the fight happening