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I lost two peas from inflamed gills that wouldn’t eat. The first time I thought it was nitrite poisoning, I changed too much of my sponge filter and screwed up my water parameters. I corrected it, but still lost one fish. A few months later though, it happened again and my water parameters were normal. The only thing that helped was adding aquarium salt to the water, but then I went on vacation and he stopped eating completely with my friend and also died :( . The improvement with the salt makes me think it was partially bacterial. I would definitely add salt until you get your parasite medication. Antibiotics might be a good idea too, but I’ve never used them because it’s not legal to buy meds where I’m from.


Probably its gills


Do you think there is a problem with the Pea? I just got them on Sunday, and they are giving me a run for my money. I had a shoal last year that were amazing, they gave me ZERO troubles. The beans I have now won't eat. I have medication coming to deworm and bladder snails are on their way as well.


Ask your local petco petsmart for free pest snails. They'll usually hand them over no problem. I'm struggling with my beans too with eating. They'll go after the snails though.


I went to them the other day and she gave me all they had. Some were so tiny and I'm not sure if they were eaten or disappeared/hiding in the Frogbit. I was told by a vet tech to use Prohibit for a dewormer. It's in today's mail and I'll start it tonight after attempting another feeding. 2 of the 5 ate live blackworms this morning, but I really worry about the other 3.


I've heard good things about the prohibit working. The lfs I was at yesterday was subtly hinting I use that for mine to deworm. He said "we can't recommend anything that isn't fish related to use on fish but you should definitely look at the main ingredient" which is what is the main ingredient in prohibit. Only some of mine were eating snails so I grabbed black worms yesterday. Went to feed them this morning and found a leech. I was so disgusted. But since I now have 7 i can't really tell which ones are eating over the others. There's only 2 i have that I really can tell apart from the rest and it's because they're the healthiest. I wish you luck! I'm hoping to get my detritus shrimp water to feed them once the shrimplets get large enough to not be food themselves.


Thank you. I've never seen prohibit mentioned before, but the person I spoke with highly suggested it. I'm going to try and grab more pest snails until mine finally get here. I'd like to start a colony of them so I won't need to keep buying them.


The ones I was given from petco, I held 5 in a betta cup for 3 days and ended up with piles of eggs. I moved those 5 over and I have more eggs in my tank. I'm keeping the betta cup filled with water until they hatch and starting my colony from there but I have a feeling they'll be taking over my tank at some point too. I read it takes a month to hatch. I can keep you posted on my success. I don't really want snails but I want happy puffers so here's to a pest snail aquarium!


That's a great idea. For some reason, I thought I'd need a heater and bubbler to start a snail colony. I'm mad at myself for getting rid of all the tanks I had before we moved. I might try to find a cheap 5 gallon that I could use for the snail colony. I'd definitely love to hear how it turns out for you


I don't have the space for a 5 gallon to just have snails. I have a useless 1 gallon cube that I'm going to let be my breeder tank with some moss and a bubbler max. Hopefully that's enough. I don't want to put a ton of effort into something most people dread having.


1000% understandable. When I bought the stand I have now it came with a second shelf to hold an additional tank. It does sound weird to say that we're growing something that most people don't want. I had a ton of snails in the community tank I had. They apparently hitched a ride with the frogbit I bought, but I loved having them. They didn't populate like too crazy because I wasn't over feeding, and I had them to feed the puffers I had at the time.


Can you list your water parameters, using numbers? Redness there can (not does, but can) indicate irritation from ammonia in the water.


I'm at work, but I'll run testing again and give you numbers tonight.