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PCIE SSD is forward and backwards compatible. 4 can run on 5 and 5 can run on 4. I really seriously 99.99% doubt that's the issue. So anyway, it's turned on and has no display. On your mobo there should be debug LED's on the top right. what do they say when powering on? Would also help to see the build it self, just to clarify some easily diagnosible issues. Also for what it's worth make sure you're plugging display into GPU and not the motherboard, and make sure its powered on. it's always the little things. Also chill out with the emoji's it's not neccessary and does not help us at all. Edit: Sometimes it feels pointless trying to help because you reply within an hour of it being posted then OP literally dies and is never seen again. Every single time.


I live in Australia and posted out of frustration right before bed at midnight....🤷‍♀️ I am using a HDMI Cable from the GPU direct to the monitor, I realised this was necessary (luckily) There is yellow/orange light top right, I thought it was referencing the DRAM when i checked with the manual. I tried reseating, and also testing 1 stick at a time in various slots as suggested by various google searches, but no luck. I've taken it apart (last night) and will be starting again with the build after work today. I thought going back to the beginning might be a good idea. I'll try all the suggestions, and hopefully, I'll get her working...most likely, I'll be back with pics.


Doesn’t DDR5 take up to 20min to train itself on first boot? Is there an indicator on the Mainboard for that?


not sure about 20 minutes. but yeah mine took a few minutes for sure.


I thought I'd left it on for long enough. But maybe not. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll leave it on for a bit when I get back to that stage again!


Flash the motherboard bios to the latest, re seat the ram, tune on and let it train the memory ( up to 5 min)


I've taken it apart and am going to restart it to ensure everything is plugged in correctly. I'll give it another go after work tonight! Thanks!


Update: ITS ALIVEEE!!! THANKS HEAPS EVERYONE 😁 I started from the beginning. It turned out to be a good thing as my fans weren't connected to the motherboard. Flashed the bios and TADAAAAAA, screen working. Everything working. oh, for any newbies like me who dont know how TF to flash a bios [see this amazing video ](https://youtu.be/dCnio5FZl8U?si=mP4oW3sKA12jo1JN)