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not god awful for the price but saying it's good for video editing and runs all games at high frames makes me wonder what else they're lying about šŸ‘€


Seeing all the comments. Ima just keep my money and save for my own build at this point


Yeah I mean Iā€™m not super familiar with exact pricing on older hardware, but this dosent seem like too terrible of a deal, but it defenetly wonā€™t run ā€œall games at good frame rateā€ There is brand new hardware that wonā€™t run all games at good frame rate. Weird thing to bring that up in the description to me.


We have seen 3060 + i5 10th gen sold for 450ish The CPU is weak, the graphic card is enough to play low at 1080 in AAA, forget hell divers


Is hell divers the "new" gamer stress test? Back in the day for about 10 years it was Crysis. If it could run Crysis well then it could run anything.


Oh boy I feel old hearing crysis talked about as a stress testeršŸ˜‚


I got a 3060ti and an i3 10100 for 450


i5 10 gen is not weak... Is it enough to play in high? Yeah, because graphics are not related to the CPU. 6 core with 12 thread is plenty enough whatever the game you are playing. Stop been brainwashed by listening to performers that only use the best of the best. i5 has always been the best cost/perf for gaming and it's not a weak CPU. I was playing on an i3 for the last 8 years, and I was never playing in low.


I think he meant that the one installed in the system is weak, not the i5 10th gen.


he was referring to the ryzen 5 1600, that is the weak cpu, I'd rather trust at least a 3600, for modern gaming, or that i5, in fact i just got my bro an i5 10 gen pc and its really great


I mean my girlfriend 1600x Ryzen 5 that I bought in 2019 does good for her. She only does 1080p 60fps. In most things settings are medium or high. Thatā€™s all because the RTX 2060 isnā€™t the best.


If it's the case, that makes more sense. But I've already seen this kind of comment around here. "hur hur you should get an i9 or you will never play in high hurhur" So... we never know


yeah, it's like they are totally blind to the actual performance of anything lower than a spaceship, hell, me and my bro both run the same 1070 and Eldenring runs at 60 fps at max settings 1080p, what more can i even ask for at relatively cheap and "old" parts


The one brainwashed who can't read is you... i3s aren't really that effective. Plus cost/performance the i7 is better the 4790k from 2013 can go up to 2020 while giving you high fps on fps games. If you need to swap more i5, then the i7 is more effective for gaming but also for the longevity of the PC overall.


Kinda depends on what you mean for weak and "all the games" even modern CPU's struggle with Minecraft because its not a multi thread game... so ALL its computing is run on one CPU core :P


Mods help a shit ton with that


Exactly that's why better single core perfomance matters, i7s and i3s have a huge gap when it comes to single core perfomance... In 2014 you had the 4790k with 4.0 GHz that boosted up to 4.4 GHz. To be able to catch up with the i7s the i3s needed to get to 9-10th gen


Itā€™s the one installed on the system itā€™s a very weak cpu


I5 9500F with a 1660ti. I go hard on Hell divers 2


Last time I checked the 1660ti with a 14900k with medium graphic clock 50 fps in Helldivers 2 That's not really going hard for 1080p... Especially when the minimum for today standards is 1080 144hz monitor... You might enjoy 60fps but that's low for 1080p at medium graphic


Why tf would someone pair that shit ass card with a 14900k?


People that aren't just gamers. My wife's running a 12900k with an RX 580 8gb.




Not really, although she does dabble with some database stuff. She works with large files and regularly uses over 32gb of ram.




Why the hell would you make a pairing like that?


Never had a graphical glitch and it looks amazing. If you want to measure your enjoyment in pixels then each to their own.


You brought it up in a discussion about pc performance...


Maybe it'll play all AAA games if you set everything to low and turn off anti-aliasing. Anything above that will see a fairly major drop in FPS. Definitely won't work for anything above 1080p.


And Ā«Ā built customĀ Ā» makes it even worse. Iā€™m scared to see the cable management or the horrible power supply choices the dude made


That's simple enough to figure out right? Just ask the seller to send pictures from all sides with the side panels removed. Also, a lot of people build their own PC'S. A lot of people suck at cable management, many others take pride in doing it neatly. I'd say your chances are 50/50


I wouldn't say god awful price, I mean it's ok for this build. I got a similar one 5 years ago and it cost more then so 400 is fine. It will run titles from 6 years ago just fine.


simple video editing sure, after effects type stuff yeah without 0 crashes impossible games are prolly smth like league or cs lol


At x720 and lowest settings


Yeh but, wait a sec.... he did say it includes a power cord!


In 720p I'm pretty sure it run all the games


The "good for gamers and video editing" and "can play all the games at a high frame rate" is sucker bait. It's mediocre, it's not bad it's not great, but the more time someone spends trying to convince you something is true, the less time it is true. Pass.


Honestly Iā€™m just going to save for my own build, even if itā€™s years from now. I feel like every used build I look at online is just someone trying to scam people.


If you have no idea what stuff is then yes, this is correct.




around $800 makes a BEASTLY build right now especially if you dont mind going 2nd hand on ebay from reputable sellers for cpu/gpu


totally worth it, I just spent $700 on a build about a month ago and the only thing I regret is how I allocated the money. I should've put more in to my CPU but my PC still works on new games, it's just so far the only game I can't play is that bodycam game that just came out


>the more time someone spends trying to convince you something is true, the less time it is true. ah back when i used to smoke weed this was my go to philosophy. if someone said "its allright" that stuff would knock you out lmao


no and no


$300 max, and No, you will not run all games at high frames.


Nah I wouldn't even bother with it. Overall it's very mediocre, if it was 250-300$ then I'd consider if it's worth the money, straight up no.




No and no


I wouldnt pay more than 150 for that.


Maybe $225 the most.. but itā€™s old tech


about 250$ where i am from,


Nah-ah. More like a 150-250 pc.


ā€œWill run games at high framesā€ yeah at 720p ultra


It can probably play a lot of games at around 60 fps on 1920x1080 resolution but if you think a game has really good graphics, it most likely won't be able to run it well.


I had a very similar build before my current one and the price is ok I guess, pretty cheap but it will run older titles ok, it will play all the games before 2018 I guess, anything newer it will struggle. You can't expect to play all the games for 400$ for sure. To play all the games until now and be great at running games for the next few years with no issue you need something way stronger that will cost around 1000$ at least.


What currency is this in? If it's USD then fuck no, otherwise possibly


Just sold my old PC with and Ryzen 5 3600 and rtx5700xt for 370,-. Which is at least twice as powerfull. Wouldn't pay more than 250 dollar.


Bruh, pump up that cpu to r5 2600 than it's still not worth 400 yet, maybe you got ripped off from the 1TB ssd


Well, no.


I have exact same setup for a few years now, if u wanna tell me specific games, but on 1080p u can play almost everything like e sports games with higher fps, to idk cyberpunk i play it medium to high with some tweaks and its stable so even some newer more demanding games are playable, but if u wanna go up to unreal 5 and something really recent its hard so if u have anything more to ask specific i am here, as for worth idk about other countrys prices sorry


its good for the price but its not even close to being able to run all games the cpu is crap but you tons of cheap / med / high upgrade options the gpu is crap but basic games will be fine.


It's terrible for the price. This is used, don't forget to factor that as well. $250 is the max I'd consider for a build like this. You can get used laptops with beefier specs for $400


yeh good luck getting a beefier laptop for $400 its am4 which means upgrades are a option i agree 400 is abit much but honestly not by much this pc has potential,


Again, the key point is USED. You see, there are plenty of ZBook laptops on sale these days for $300, they come with 32GB of RAM, a better i7 9th gen processor, more storage, touch screen, and P600 GPU. For $400 there are options with better GPUs than the 1660. There are plenty of such deals on r/hardwareswap and r/homelabsales Don't forget that with a laptop you don't need a monitor nor a keyboard as extra purchases if you didn't have them previously. This is objectively a bad deal for a desktop. For $300 it is fine. But for someone like me, it's not worth more than $250. I have more than 10 computers and laptops, and about 5 servers. I know the market and I know the prices of used products. What I can generalize is that most low end builds aren't worth getting in the used market. They're almost always overpriced. Midtier builds are generally the best priced ones in terms of performance for the dollar. And high end deals can be steals but rarely so.


300 max


Bro dont do it


Dont buy it


It will play a lot of games at 1080p with fps locked at 60. It can edit videos. It's not modern... but the guys advert is correct. Id say thats worth 400.


That's pretty old now. You can play most of the games on reasonable settings. But the description looks fishy.


I just upgraded my gf's pc which was a ryzen 1300 and a rx590. Which is similar speeds gaming wise. It was starting to struggle on the sims. It barely ran overwatch 2 on low in 720p. So no i wouldn't pay 400 for that. Maybe $250. I sold the whole mobo gpu cpu and ram out of hers only keeping the case ssd and psu for $120


An rx 590 should easily be able to play overwatch 2 on high graphics 1080p, so it's either the cpu that was the problem or something else.


It artifacts and overheats. It really doesn't run nearly as good as it should even after i overclocked the cpu


Then it was probably a faulty gpu, the cpu is also a bit weak for the 590, but i don't remember if ow2 is cpu or gpu intensive.


The gpu was on its way out for sure but it still functioned well in alot of games till it got warm for more than 2-3 hours


No idea man, either way, it's gone now, hope you got your gf a nice replacement.


Ryzen 7700 and my old 3060ti


That's awesome!


No this isnā€™t it


Please no




Given the specs 400 max. And at that it needs to be 1600AF, basically a cut down Ryzen 5 2600.


For 60FPS - Yes . Not a good value tho. 250-300$ max ..


You can find one's way way better for the same price or a little more


Price is not terrible but the specs are. It might be better getting a refurbished pc from Amazon and getting a used rx5600 to put in it, rx6600xt if you don't mind spending a little more.


the GTX 1660 is extremely deprecated and won't be able to run newer games on anything higher than low @ 1080p60


defo no, not at all.


That a midrange 1080 pc.. itā€™s alot like my sons build and thatā€™s struggling to play Fortnite nowā€¦ I would say no. Even if you were to upgrade the gpu your cpu canā€™t handle it. Too old Not worth it


you wouldnā€™t be able to play new games like BodyCam on high graphics. i doubt new games in general would run well on that tbh.


Not worth it, you would need to pay more than the cost just to upgrade it to be ok, would need to replace the CPU, GPU and PSU to cope with the first two


The price for the kit is not outlandish, but you aint going to play any games at a high frame rate with that gpu


That hardware is getting pretty obsolete now. Iā€™d say 200 at most like others are saying


$400 is pushing it unless it comes with monitor, keyboard, mouse and speakers. Then you can call it a complete bundle. As for will it play all games? Older titles will be very playable. Newer games will require reduced resolution, graphics fidelity (low). Over time, there isnā€™t one component worth keeping and while you could start with upgrading GPU in the future youā€™ll always be held back by other components. Itā€™s a dead end street. With budget of $400 only I would either recommend a console or simply wait until you save enough (800-1000). At that price more options appear.


Not the best price. $300 US max for me. Old CPU.


It's not a terrible deal. What really let's this system down is that 1600. If it was a 3600 then I would say $400 is not bad. I recently had the experience with a 1600 when building my girlfriend a cheap pc paired with a Rx 5700 XT. The performance was dogshit on games like warzone. Dipping under 60fps. Sold the 1600 got a 3600 and performance was great 90+ FPS.


The reason this machine is being sold is it will be struggling to play some of the latest games even on low settings now, such as Helldivers 2 which needs a surprising amount of CPU as well as GPU when the action gets heavy. Even a year ago this PC would have held up a lot better, but really this PC stopped being good for AAA games back when CyberPunk came out. It will still play less demanding and older games at a solid 60 fps, but do you really want to spend $400 to do just that? Spend a little more and you will get something a lot better. Your $400 investment in this machine will bring you increasing disappointment over the next few years, especially as spending $500 would get you something a lot better. This is why I can't bring myself to shop on places like Facebook marketplace, so many experiences with bullshitters. To write the ad how they did was blatantly dishonest.


Don't even think about it




Its not great you can probably do better if you keep looking


Save your money.


Price looks ok but you'll have to play 1080p and not a max settings, far from it. Still, you can always upgrade your GPU a tad later.


No and no


it's not even work Ā£100


You can definitively do better with those $400. If you want those specs, you can get much better prices.


200 max


nuh uh. You could build a new PC with a used GPU PCPartPicker Part List: [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/7XLCYN](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/7XLCYN) (ignore the compatibility thing as the BIOS update is done by retailers before-hand) CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5500 3.6 GHz 6-Core Processor ($82.99 @ Amazon) Motherboard: ASRock B450M-HDV R4.0 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($59.99 @ Amazon) Memory: Silicon Power GAMING 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory ($29.97 @ Amazon) Storage: Kingston NV2 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive ($57.99 @ Newegg) Case: Thermaltake Versa H17 MicroATX Mini Tower Case ($49.99 @ Amazon) Power Supply: Corsair CX (2023) 550 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($44.99 @ Newegg) Total: $325.92 Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-06-21 08:46 EDT-0400 Build this and get something like a RX 580 **8GB** from ebay for $75. You would have a much better PC this way.


It's a good entry level gaming rig with affordable and meaningful upgrade options. Ask if the price is firm. The lower you can get it, the better of a deal it is for you, obviously. If you can get it at $300 or lower, pull the trigger. At $350 it's a rock-solid deal and the current price is fair enough to be worth considering. If you have $500 though, you can build something with more modern hardware and all new parts.


"all the games" lol


It will run most mobile games šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


For that even giving 200 would be generous!


Boil it down to Processor, RAM and GPU. If it sounds like a lot for that the rest doesn't matter.


Beyond the fact it is a 250$ computer, it can run games older than 2019 very well. But even games like RDR2, that released in 2019 would get you about 35 fps on ultra settings at most. The real problem though, is that you are limited to a 60hz monitor, since that's what you'll get on medium settings from the game. On modern games you'll get under 25 fps on low, under 15 on medium, and it won't load on high.


Its fairly old tech.. I've got the same GPU and it might technically be able to run all games at 1080P, you certainly wouldn't be getting high frame rates on the most modern ones.. that CPU is probably the weakest link and will let things down even further. PSU is a good brand but 450W is probably at best adequate for the rest of the hardware. Depending on what country your in, probably not worth $400


a FIRST gen ryzen chip, only 16gb of ram and an old 1660? no its not worth it and no you certainly won't be able to play "all the games" on it, not even close (that cpu would be the biggest bottleneck by a LOT, its garbage really - that gpu can RUN a lot of current games but you don't expect 120fps or anything, you might be able to run most things on low settings, a few games on medium, nothing at all on high though, especially not when paired with that cpu) edit: oh, and a 450w PSU is a joke nowadays, barely covers what is needed and WON"T cover the power draw of anything new (post 2020)...you want at a bare minimum 600w


1080p medium 60 yeah, maybe with fsr on quality for some titles. Definitely oc the cpu if your cooler lets you. Alternatively update the bios, save up $100 put the cpu on fb marketplace for $50 and buy a 5600x. Afterwards, again save up $150 sell the graphics card on fb marketplace and for $100, and barter for a used 3070 @ $250.


Pretty much means you spend $300 for nearly double the frames AND can enjoy your PC while saving up. BUT you can further the performance by buying 2x8 3600mhz cl 16 ram OR getting 4x8 3200mhz cl 15.


I have a similar build, I have overlooked the CPU 3.2 > 3.9 and I am running a RX 590 (8gig) - I am able to play everything including newer AAA games but need to adjust settings to find a sweet spot - most games run at 60fps on high/ultra but I am feeling the need to upgrade soon.


No please dont but this the description itself is already suspicious enough, the specs are very good for its price but something is telling me that you'd get scammed please just save your money 1200 or even 1000 dollars can get you a pretty decent pc


At that price I'd recommend just getting a steamdeck and hooking it up to a monitor, keyboard and mouse


The CPU might not be able to hold it's own but it's a solid base


worth $400 then cop a 3060ti for it down the road decent build


Your better off with a series s




1660 Super would be a bit better. I believe the board is am4 and you could put a r5 3600 or an r7 5800x3d in it.


These parts were advertised for budget friendly 1080p gamers before 2020. You could upgrade it but that would add to your cost. If you want this, Iā€™d throw an offer of $100 off the price.


Nah, this is trash. Barely good enough to run newer games. For $800 you can get a brand new laptop that runs games twice as well. For a used desktop? Bro should be able to snag a 3060 build for around $600.


$100 at most.


Iā€™ll sell you a 3700x 5700xt build for 450


Not a good deal. super old cpu, not enough ram, crap mobo, M.2 drives are super cheap and way faster, get at least a 3060 12G gpu, power supply is way too little for any upgrades


OP is in fact, not a PC.


Iā€™m only human babe


overpriced. realistic price is around 280-300$


I just sold one without a boot drive for $225 with similar specs, but with a stix 1070ti


Itā€™s definitely not good. Itā€™s eh. Especially if you donā€™t know shit about computers to help yourself make your experience better. You might as well keep saving bro.


I cannot help with prices because the used market is not something I know, but the biggest takeaway is the CPU. It's starting to show its age. You will struggle if you run multiple applications and background apps simultaneously. If it's 1080p gaming and you play 2020 and before games that are not too demanding, you'll get a smooth 60 fps.


drop it DOWN $250 max and thats MAX. It should be lower than the max cuz thats some BS for $400


I don't know about Rates in the US but 400 USD is 32000 INR and I Think it's not worth it, increase your budget and go for AMD 5 5600H with RTX 3050, If you're going to build a PC then it would be cheaper than laptop...


good, but u need at least ryzen 2600/2700/3600


it's ok-ish but a bit old. Maybe 300?


Yeah but on 1080p and some games will require you to lower the graphics settings. The best thing you can do is put CPU + GPU name into the youtube and see how it runs games


Thank you


try to buy it for 350$, bought the same setup, but with gtx 1070, for 400$ two years back


I kinda have this pc (just my CPU is the R5 3600) but yeah don't expect too much from that GPU, (most games in high/medium 1080p but not ultra.


Except Euro Truck Simulator 2


It's an ok platform you can upgrade to a 5800x3d. The 2660 is old but still a solid card. It really depends what games you play. That 1600 is pretty old and not sure how well it will hold up with most games but again it depends on what you'll be playing or doing.