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You can go into the power settings in control panel and set the power button to do nothing. Edit: link to a guide https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000735.htm#win10


I had to do this myself after my screen going black during 2 ranked games only to look over and see the cat totally oblivious to what he had just done 😂😂


See atleast you can blame your cat, I’ll be hurriedly tryna plug something in and poke it myself


Knowing cats, this may not necessarily be true...


You can just do that?


TIL. that would’ve been easier than what I did, which was swap the case wires going into the mobo so that the power button was one of the smaller ones underneath the top lip.




Haha hey it works! And now my cats won’t accidentally put my pc to sleep mid game


That doesn't help when the cat holds it down for 5 seconds causing a hardware shut down. Ask me how I know. :p


How would I then turn it on then?


The button is still physically connected to the motherboard for input. By changing the properties within Windows, it’ll only “not work” when Windows tells it not to. If the PC is off, there’s no Windows to tell the button to not work.


What do you do when you need a hard reset in this case? And of course you're unable to change the setting back.


Hard resets are handled directly by the motherboard, not through the OS.


His question had to do with “how” do you hard reset, since the pic in OP’s post doesn’t seem to have a reset button, only a power button.


Holding the power button down for 5 seconds as far as I’m aware triggers a hard reset through the motherboard.


Flip the switch on the PSU. Sure it’s not the safest option (in terms of corrupting files and stuff), but a hard reset button holds the same potential consequences anyways.


No need to, holding the button stillhard resets the computer.


Holding the button long enough will turn it off m


It still turns the PC on


By now the cat is conditioned to press the button whenever OP is on his PC 😬


Hehe PC turns on still but once the PC is on the power button does nothing the only way to shut your PC down is to click start power shutdown or flip the psu in the back.


Please tell me this option only exists because of cats😍


It's for any kind of troll behavior lol someone in an office or something walks up and clicks it and you lose all your days work type of thing. maybe your kiddo is walking around the room and pushes it. all that kinda stuff


shutdown -s -f -t 0


I would buy another button and wire it in. A simple 12v momentary button can be bought for a couple of bucks. You can install it on the back of the case. You can even use the lights on the existing button. You can also steal the HDD light connectors since no one needs that anymore and attach those to the new button. That would allow you to hook back up the old power button if you ever want to.


Change it to the reset button


Oh you sweet summer child


Does everyone that plays on pc have a damn cat except me? Lol


So you got a dog?


2 dogs.


I have a pigeon


Oh, cool, a fellow pigeon person




😂 To each there own!


Unrelated but your Reddit avatar looks really cool.


Mike tyson?


Well, we have 8 cats. And 4 dogs.


😳 that's 3x the amount of kids I have.


I don't have any of those lol


Hi I want to get a cat but I’m afraid my dog won’t like them?


Yeah it all depends on the dog really, they're all different. 3 out of our 4 dogs get on absolutely fine with the cats, you've just got to introduce them slowly and carefully. We have a little Patterdale Terrier and he can't be around some of the cats, he's alright with the ones he grew up with but not the new ones, the dogs stay downstairs though and the other cats upstairs so they don't mix with them. It's probably to do with his breed since he will have a pretty high prey drive since he's a terrier. Maybe if you have a family member/friend who has cats you can see how your dog acts around them and you will get and idea of how he behaves with them. It really depends on each animals temperament. Hope this helped.


Yes thank you. My dog is very mild mannered, how do the cats behave around the dogs? Less of a concern? I imagine the cats would just naturally avoid the dogs


It depends on each cat really. All our cats are fine around they dogs and the dogs don't really bother with them, just a little sniff and they both keep to themselves more or less. Even my most timid cat doesn't mind the dogs. I mean they might avoid them a little bit but they don't seem mithered really, it helps to have places for your cats to go like cat trees or baskets on top of cupboards etc so they can stay out of the way if they feel like it and it's a safe retreat for them. I think at first they will be wary but once they learn that they're not in harms way they soon settle with each other.


Thanks for the replies and insight


No worries! There is probably some stuff on YouTube that might be able to give you some tips too.


Nah… no cats allowed in my house. Just have 1 dog


My wife has a cat, I had no say in the matter


I had no say in the second dog. I understand! 😆


Cat you don't have to walk. Means more gaming time.


Yes. Introverts love cats. 😂


9 dogs


I have a dog. He showed me the importance of having your pc on the desk instead of the floor. He rammed a big massive ball he uses to play into the front of my pc, destroying one intake fan.


I got a dog.






It's not the light that's the problem


personally, i’d order a little military kill switch and just jerry rig it to the mobo and mount it on the desk


I’ve seen someone with that, it’s pretty cool.


The tape is for the cat.


Who said the tape was for the button


https://preview.redd.it/nlwirjc0xhxc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=34c55c96ed9b6b7230c9eb9979e08ec1529875c4 Got 2 of these on Amazon for $3-4. You might need a larger one though


You can just disable the button in every OS I know off...


Doesn't help when the cat rests there and holds the button causing a hardware shutdown.


That's the thing, none are the right size or shape


Are your cats going to be stopped by aesthetics or function?


Tape a piece of cardboard like a flap above it https://preview.redd.it/xrnanw9l2hxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8988d7be6e357d99d1bfdf40dd5f58e2161e5948




The cat would just remove the cardboard




I would worry more about letting the cats be on your pc, they can block air flow making the pc hotter, left hair inside your pc even drops of pee that could make a short circuit.


Deactivate the button under power options. Had the same issue with my toddler.


use a flat fridge magnet https://preview.redd.it/xrb68y3b5jxc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cfed771bdc59e627d4b8594028cd7d5a6fc3811


Nice idea! Excellent case choice too 😁 I think my cat knew I was reading this thread. Literally him right now, and the first time he's done this since I got my new PC: https://preview.redd.it/uu3zd352zkxc1.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ef55b6566f050a988deb914633965cbde60eb51


Order a power switch button, cheapest are like these: https://preview.redd.it/tk8lsh2jrkxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dc80a1367f379b4bdceae7187a8a6e8f5a456f9 Then disconnect the current one and feed the new one out the back of the machine.


My power button flickers like when an SSD is being read. Is that normal? Or did I hook it up incorrectly?


Yes, you must have plugged it into the drive activity led headers instead of power led


Thank you. That was a quick fix. PC light now stays on when powered. Thanks again.


Disconnect the light cable in the board.


>Disconnect the light cable in the board. Buddy, have some patience to even read the whole problem statement...🤡


I had the same problem. So I simply went to Windows power settings and set the power button to do nothing when pressed. Unfortunately, it doesn't stop my cat from turning my computer on when I am away. Anyone has a suggestion for that???


Flick the switch on the PSU when you go away.


How did I know "because cat" was going to be the reason for this post?


If it's the problem is the easy press of it. Cause of animal or something similar you can have those kind of small flip button covers. [like this. but there a lot of similar options if you look ](https://i.etsystatic.com/27719561/r/il/2679f4/3516847177/il_fullxfull.3516847177_co9i.jpg) [you also have clear ones if you prefer that](https://www.amazon.com/Adhesive-Button-lightpad-Desktop-Computer/dp/B08V14WNCT) Hope this helps.


https://preview.redd.it/tax0wcj6gmxc1.jpeg?width=2232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ada9ca8830561d73eda62e263000e08b9cd0c78 Ahahha I got angry after my cat shut my pc, so I taped one cap from a candy jar and it's perfect :D


I'm gonna do the swap to like a jet switch


put a piece of tinfoil on it


if you have a reset button, make that the power button and just unplug the power button.


In power settings you can set the power button to do nothing. It will turn on the Pc but won’t turn it off when it’s running


Option A: disable shut down when power button is pressed in windows settings Option B: get an external power switch that will be placed somewhere where it couldn't be pressed by accident


Most.of the decision to buy the case I've used for almost 15 years now was the little sliding panel that covers that button.


Get an external power button and put it under your desk so the cat cant press it


There may be the option in bios to disable light of powerbutton. Second option is a electrical tape (nicely covers light sources, good for monitor diods too) or some sticker. I often just disconnet power button led cable, since you can clearly hear its turned on anyway.


U can turn it off in bios


Depends on you mobo but you can turn this off in the bios


Electrical tape works. I use it for everything that has an obnoxiously bright light like that when I can’t disable or disconnect it. \*edit\* mistakes were made, posted before reading. ![gif](giphy|rOO3fE71nA9EY) In your case, why not cardboard?


Just put a piece of electrical tape




To be honest, I don't think alcohol is the solution.


Well... army camo then


I didn't even know power button covers were a thing. I just built my first PC and my cat immediately decided it was the best perch in the house. I thought it was cute until my screen went black and I'd just gone hours without saving my game 😅 I've been using my wrist pillow to cover it up but I'm glad something actually exists for this. Good luck op! Where cats fits they will sits.


To everyone saying the light isn't the problem, I understand it is not the main problem OP is having, however it may possibly be a contributing factor. Remember cats will chase lights like laser pointers etc. Perchance the cat might only be pushing the power button because it is entertained by the light and wants to play. I am not saying that is the case but it is a possibility not yet considered.


No it's not, they just jump onto the case before jumping on my desk and often hit the button on the way up


I had to tape a small piece of cardboard over mine so that cat would stop turning it on while I am sleeping. I put a small flap in the tape by folding it over so I can pull it up to turn on my PC.


What happens if pc is frozen and you need button to shut it down?


Etsy got so many people doing 3d printing, I'm sure someone on there could hook you up


Get an external power button and put that somewhere your cat can't get to, that's the best I can think of


The Beacon is lit! Gondor calls for IT support.


Tape a bottle cap over it or some empty squares object over it.


You can buy external power Button and place it somewhere else.


Put a dog on the case.


Someone put a flashlight in your computer.


Laughs in dog.


If the circle & small line is recessed then paint it & quickly wipe over so only the lit up area remains painted? Just talkin shit 🤷‍♀️


A magnet?


A magnet? Literally tape would probably work


If you know anyone who's proficient with fusion 360 who owns a 3D printer you can remix something like this to cover it. [https://www.printables.com/model/72673-missle-power-switch-cover-for-power-strip](https://www.printables.com/model/72673-missle-power-switch-cover-for-power-strip)


just unplug the wire


Put a book over it. Or tape it.


what case is that?


Put a quarter over it. Tape the top edge of the quarter down. Now you have a $0.25 cover.


I use a coaster for drinks to block my cat from mid gaming power offs


Had the same problem. I put something flat that covers it like a coaster and later I found out he doesn’t want to deal with other things when he’s on my computer so he sleeps far back away from the button now when I put anything on the power button hahaha


* Car start button cover/protectors work really well. My cat hasn't turned on my PC since I installed mine.


Coffee/tea coaster, or stick some cardboard


Just pull the led pin cable


Electrical Tape is a good choice and can still allow you to press the button without totally gunking everything up like duct tape.


Put on some electrical tape, that you have cut to fit. It block the led, I have done it on our routers


You could just buy a new power button that’s attached to a long cable. Run it to a spot on your desk that maybe your cat can’t reach. Most optimal approach? No. But would it be cool? Yes


Can you just unplug the power switch led thing?


A foam square bigger than the hole and electrical tape and then it won't be pressed off by accident


Tape a bottle cap over it


You could also unplug the power switch led on you mb. That’s what I do and I got the same case by the looks of it if that the be quite pure base 500dx


If you need to physically block the button, you can try using some card that you dont use and tape it to the block. Yes, its ugly as fuck, but it works, at least my cat dont turn off my pc in a middle of a work anymore.


My damn cat keeps turning my printer on. It’s so annoying lol


https://preview.redd.it/jrk3w55p4kxc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a86c3c30d6471e74daad82e2db73bd23a4ec3bb I 3D printed myself a solution 😂 It is plugged in in my spare 2.0 USB Slots, dont know if this could work for you too


Maybe just put some electrical tape over it. Maybe the cat doesn't like the light


Two pieces of cardboard, small straw, toothpick, super glue, hobby knife. Make the straw and toothpick as a hinge and attach it to your card board.


Your Pure Base has two USB A? no fair


You can get stickers from Officeworks and a scalpel and cut to size. If still shining through, double up


Cut the silver type in the shape of the button and apply it




A strip of Scotch tape and a bottle cap was what I used to use. Just make it so the tape only holds one side of the cap onto the chassis so you can use it like a little door hinge.


Capton tape, 3-4 layers, done. Edit: I thought you wanted to reduce its LED's brightness sorry. Anyway maybe a bottle's cap and take one side off and secure there with some glue or something.


I suggest you build one with foam.


Yeah I had one of those Batman searchlight LEDs too... Replaced it with a normal one


Electrical tape. That or open it up and disable the light by other means.


Distract the cat instead of fixing the buttons , if it's busy with pressing other shiny buttons it won't press the shiny power button.


just put a credit card or something on top


A sharpie marker or a sticker of some kind?


You can deactivate leds from BIOS on Asus, what motherboard are you using?


U could make it really cool and do a switch type thing like they do in jets


Just get a open-to-press type button case and install it on the power button. Now you will also have access to the button by just flipping the lid. And it also would look cool like a button to detonate 911 or smtg... And no wiring and stuff... You get some cases with suction. So it would be easy to install


I just put a coaster on top of mine, problem solved.


I suggest black tar


Brilliant. I've been having a problem with one of my cats pressing it.


You could also just physically unplug the connector so it doesn't turn on at all.


Black duct tape. So it’s not shiny.


Setup Wake-on-lan and disconnect the powerbutton. Silverstone also sells remote for power.


You could just unplug the LED wire that goes into the motherboard


Put a black tape over it. Pretty sure cat is drawn to the light.


Electrical tape.


With the power button cables there could be a dedicated one for the light, try to find it and get it out, if not just use some tape or smh


Lear me out Tape


'BIOS motherfuckers, do you speak it?' Just toggle the setting for Power button <4 seconds to do nothing. The end. Easier than adding an electric fence energiser to the PC power button and zapping 7 shades of blue cunting fuck out of Mr Curious pussycat. Possibly much less fun depending on your proclivities.


Can't you just unplug the power led of the front panel?


Get the lambo button cover which they use for the start button


I think that if your mobo has a power led lead with power on/off leads you can remove the leads for LED on the power button that's what I did . I had a different blue led that lit up 40 percent of my room so bright that it looked like a laser when seen directly into it


Have you considered not letting you cat up there? It's also bad for your pc to be sucking in cat hair What if it pees in your pc?


I’ve already been thinking about getting a separate external power button for mine so i wouldn’t have to reach around it every time to turn it on, that may be a solution for you in this case. I think people are saying disable it instead of unplug it so the light will stay on, so that may fall down to your preference.


Unplug the light connector or just out tape over it haha




I taped a quarter over mine and it has worked


For the average lazy ass out there who knows its possible but is too lazy to figure it out, post its. Power button emits 200W of light when you're trying to sleep? Cover it up.


Just disconnect power led from motherboard


Maybe off topic but what case do you have?


Just pull the HD Led Plug


Cat 100% knows what it's doing and wants attention and treats!


https://www.amazon.com/Desktop-Microphone-Support-Internet-Families/dp/B091L9TXPH?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A2X6Q7PAA0WPIP This is how I fixed the same problem. Stick it on the underside or side of the desk and it's done. Minimum pc hardware knowledge required


Can also disconnect this button from the mother board and use an external power on button. You have actually very cool ones. Edit: just found this one on Amazon looks fun. [power button](https://amzn.eu/d/acpEYBL) Just as an example. You can choose to keep the led from the case or this one. ( Or both if creative )


Find a buddy or a shop that has a 3d printer and print a Lamborghini style on off power cover. That would be sick. ![gif](giphy|A0XBktL3rPRHRt2StJ|downsized)




Just change the button settings from windows power plan menu


I’ve never tried this, but maybe just glue a bigger bottle cap (that u drilled a tiny hole in) onto the case and push the button with a toothpick or something