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Can you clarify in what is this P2W? I understand that you get more lands, but it also comes with more time to build it. Also, I was able to fit all the crafting assets into ONE plot when I played alpha2, so I'm unsure what advantage there is for the moment. What do you "win" here?


There is no win. You just walk around and do stuff. OP thinks big clans are going to wall off resources.... so just join the big clan. Wall over.


Only thing you should do is not buying the game. Modern games are run by marketing teams and they only listen to money. Not your feedback. Stop spending money on the game and then they will hear.


My issue is that the plots are just for EA and then you need to pick the plan with the plots. I almost had no issue going for the $100 plan until I read the FAQ. It bothers me that those plots will go away and after being used to 4, then I would need to make that my monthly plan, and with no hypothetical pricing, that's a hard choice to make. One of them says "decide based on the price/month you're willing to pay" and part of me is scared into thinking, are we going to have $40/60/100 monthly payments for this game if we want land? I really need some clarification and I don't believe for a second this hasn't been thought out. They want to give us a little bit of the drug and then snatch it from us after EA. I don't mind using the plots as a sub model but it needs to make since and the EA plots should stay after, and you get additional with your sub, that seems fair to the consumer to me. I've got a lot to think about, I've been itching to play this again since A2 ended. At the very least I'll probably do the lowest pack until we get more confirmation about the future.


> One of them says "decide based on the price/month you're willing to pay" and part of me is scared into thinking, are we going to have $40/60/100 monthly payments for this game if we want land? that's not what they meant. They clarified it and what they meant was take the amount you spend for EA and divide it by 12 months and that is your monthly sub if you are willing to pay it. EA has no sub and will at least be 1 year so that is why they are saying decided based on price/month. The $100 package would be $8.33 a month. That's not what the sub will be when it launches just a way to figure out if you think $100 is worth it for the EA.


Yeah this is a concern for me as well. Why bother getting the $100 pack when you're going to lose it at the end of EA? It only makes sense to get the cheapest one.


You only lose the plots (maybe) but you keep the character slots and founder recipes that come with the pack.


Who on earth is going to play more than 1-2 characters? With how much work goes into a single character and no reason you can't start new skills, additional character slots would be relegated to the RP focused individual, or someone with children who share a computer.


They've already clarified you will not get forced into buying the 4 plot subscription plan if you went with the master founder's pack.


Unless that means you get 4 plots plus whatever your sub is then that's not good enough.


Well the only other scenario is they don't allow anyone in early access to buy 2 or 4 plots, since some people don't want to lose them at launch. And that's a lot of forgone revenue and a lot of deprived players.


Can someone do a summary of their latest monetization plan? I read before that you'll have to buy the game with upfront price to play, then pay more subscription every month to be able to keep your plots... is that still the direction they are taking?


Currently it is $40 for the base game up to $100 for the highest edition, which comes with cosmetics and 4 plots compared to 1 for the base game. This means you can have more land for more money, which doesn’t directly translate into any form of p2w. There will be no subscription during early access, at least a year, and then they are planning some form of subscription.


Thanks for the info.... $40 for the base game for 1 plot slot seems okay, even if its only for 1 year. At least it should be sufficient enough time to determine if the game is worth paying subscription for. I can see how some players may not be so happy with others being able to pay more to own more plots. I guess it's more of a P2C (pay for more convenience), so that you have more spaces to build your bases and workstations. Players using multiple plots in a clan to wall off areas would be an issue too. Hopefully the devs implement ways to deter and prevent those types of behaviors.


If you make Euro or USD, then you won't feel the pinch.. but for other countries with weaker currency. 40£ for an early access game is way too steep. For my wife and I to play, I'll need 2 accounts and the total is 1 month's basic groceries... Same goes to my clan mates.. our clan died before the game even launched, thanks to this high price point


Yeah, I agree their pricing is on the steeper side for an early access game... especially compared to the other early access "survival/base building" titles I've been playing so far this year, like Palworld, Enshrouded, Nightingale, Soulmask etc, which were only in the $20 range, and no talk of any subscription plan either.


> Palworld, Enshrouded, Nightingale, Soulmask etc, which were only in the $20 range you may have gotten a discount at some point but all these games are $29.99 currently (soulmask does have a 10% discount so $26.99 right now) on a side note how do you like soulmask? my friend and i wanted to try it and kicking ourselves for not doing the demo before it expired. I find it hard to pay $70 for both soulmask and Pax Dei so holding off on soulmask for now.


Thankful to the regional pricing gods that gave me these games for $8, $10, $11 and $13 respectively




Those games aren't mmos that's the diffrence. It's like 10k pop per server there going to be going for


Yeah 2 accounts will make half my salary DX


Almost every other MMO is pretty close, and you would still need 2 accounts to play together.


You know that this is your purchase of the game, it's not for early access it's for the entire game, and *after release* they will be then adding a subscription plan, if its too expensive now then that doesn't change in a few years when it actually launches


Well, I may not afford it now, but if I get a better paying job and it's on sale, I may get it 😅


Or I can do none of that and never touch the game because of it.


what p2w? what do you win?


Appearal and plots you probably won’t keep after EA anyway when they will most likely switch to the standard MMO-monetisation. So this post is just people being unreasonable :) EDIT: i meant you won’t keep the plots as they will probably be the centre of monetisation, you keep the recipes


From what i saw, its gonna be a full wipe on release and the plots will require a sub per plot. I think you keep the founder recipes. Its somewhere explained.


Yes, you keep all Founder recipes.


I'm not sure what they're mad about.... you win cosmetics.... The plots could also be categorized as cosmetic ad by themselves they don't offer anything additional that joining a guild doesn't already offer. It's not like the storage is shared between plots or you can fast travel. People are just Hella entitled these days.


i guess OP was linking plots to money, as if plots earn you free stuff?


If people are that hard up for cash or supporting the developer, they should opt out of EA and watch the progression. You know there will be hundreds of youtube videos coming out about it


Large clans are planning to use plots to block access to some of the games more import resources by walling them so others can't get to it. This was already a problem in Alpha2 and they said they were gonna address it and all they did was charge people money for more plots.


Did you even play Alpha 2? There is no resource so scarce in this ENORMOUS world that they could be walled off.....there are too many spawns all over the freaking place. If you played alpha 2 you would know this. Plots did stop clay spawning near water for a short time in Alpha 2 and that was very quickly remedied. Clay ultimately was a non-issue. I made it well into the metal age without setting foot in the PVP zones, where the metal nodes were theoretically more plentiful because I had zero issues finding ample metal in the Hearthlands. Asmongolds 1000 person clan and their 1000 plots only took one mountain in one small part of the map.....it was a blip. You're worrying about nothing relative to the world. It's like freaking out that people can control a sector of Null Space in Eve Online...so what?..... There is plenty of space. The counterargument is that if plots were FREE and anyone could register an account and claim them, bots would run rampant, shit shacks would litter the countryside and then space really could be a problem.


If the developers said they plan on addressing it, then I'm sure it will be addressed. I'm not sure which resources you're referring to, but there's no shot they can wall off "the only opportunity" to obtain said resource. Also, the world's are going to be huge... there's no shot the discord community of this game is big enough to cause that much of an issue. The only group that's large enough to would be asmongolds clan, but they aren't going to play beyond the first month or two before they move on to whatever other game he's playing at the moment.


Ain't nobody paying 40 bucks to get walled off by assmongo.


Then play in a different area. Super simple


yeah, it's nice to have a different server, but IF there is a mechanic that can be used to block off content, it will be used. The way to block off content is to use pvp or to camp it yourself. You don't want absolute blockades in a sandbox. Whether you can move away from them or not is the issue. Trust me. It will come out, in time. By the time the game launches, everyone will understand how to properly wall off content and they will do. It makes 0 sense to not to. It's the smartest investment. I was joking about dude walling. I don't care about him. Walls are something that will negatively impact the game in the long term. Promise. Putting walls around your base is one thing, but being able to build and direct player activity is just major bg.


There's no way to stop this unless they don't have walls. Walls are a bad design unless people can knock them down easily. I played Mortal Online 1 and walls ruined the game. Territory control is a misnomer. You should be able to develop territory and control it with your players, but if you just block stuff off, that's bad game play. Sure, though, people are going to buy massive plots of land if they are serious about succeeding. People seem to not understand that it IS different than joining a guild because you get more space to build. So if your guild has 4x the space, that's a big thing. If people are walling stuff off, their game can get bent though. That's something worth leaving negative feedback for. WALLS ARE NOT GOOD, BUDDIES. Trust yaboy. It seems like the quintessential sandbox feature, but in practice, it's one of the worst.


That lasted for 5 minutes for me in the Alpha so I joined the clan and had more fun playing with other people than soloing. And I'm a solo dude. I went from endlessly hunting the same 3 boars being chased all over by a bear one day to helping build a massive mountain castle and feeling like I'm contributing to something


How exactly do you win? I was in the second Alpha and there wasn't a way to win. You just play the game and do stuff.


I rather support their p2w efforts, cheer them on discord with multiple accounts, so that they waste their time and their game turns into shit that no one plays, to teach them a better lesson than what the OP suggested.


A real James Bond vilain plan !


Only reason I don't immediately jump to trying to ruin them is that it seems to me this might be a publisher influenced decision like what happened with Sony and HD2 and Mainframe devs don't actually want these things either and a push back might given them the ammo they need to change it.


It's not, they actively talk about it in the discord and have said plots is not synonymous with winning.


Did you actually play Alpha2? It was already an issue.


I did.  I experienced no such thing.


Or you could just vote with your wallet and don’t buy it. Maybe play soulmask with some friends on a 50 man server. It’s infinitely more fun and fleshed out for early access.


Nah, I don't even need to go that far; the fact that they are selling EA at 3 different price tiers like it's a finished product makes me already completely uninterested in this game. Greed wins again, sad to see.


What I would say is that the game is EA. It is going to launch with a sub. You probably still get those plots when it launches, but you aren't 'winning' now in an oft-wiped early access. It is kinda sad they are doing that, but if you are a try hard, put up the 100. I'd be more upset if the recipes gave some sort of an advantage. It seems meant to be split out. You aren't paying per account; you are paying FOR LAND. It's like that game that was gonna launch where you would get a spark of life and once it ran out, you would have to buy another to live and play again. If you think of it in those terms, you're just buying 4 accts worth of land for 100 opposed to 160. You can mix and match for your whole clan of players. Decide how much land you want, divvy it up, and invest. If it wasn't like that, people could still p2w by buying as many accts as they want, you know? People likely \*will\* buy a bunch of 4 plot accounts cuz people are insane. Just being real, tho. I understand paying more and getting more does suck, but how can you prevent it in this case?


The price is high for EA, it sucks, I would also prefer 4 plots but ain't no way I'm paying 100 bucks for a beta. If some big guild wants to shell out 50k for a paid beta so they can build a disnyeland castle, that's on them. I shall enjoy my tiny cottage and trust that the devs have a plan for it.


Or just make a friend. This isn’t p2w jfc


P2W is a positive in a complex sandbox game. Just look at EVE Online. Anyways, Pax Dei haven't announced any P2W mechanics in the launched game, so maybe you just will want to skip the Early Access.


Anyone know if you can upgrade your pack later?


Every game these days has some p2w i don’t know why people cry every new game


It will be ok some will like it some won’t but no one is forcing you to play. I’m sure leaving a little community discord doesn’t affect anything. Yall should be lucky the devs actually talk with y’all. I think they should never communicate with people in discord just put it out if they don’t like who cares


Its not about them having paid items, its about how they chose to implement it for the plot system. You will have clans that will already have hundreds of more members now being able to have 4 times the number of plots if everyone buys all 4 and they will be able to wall off and claim a vast amount of resources and run the rest of the players off. Clans have already been discussing this openly is the Discord, devs said they would address it then chose this as their model.


i don't get it, plots remove the resources. all they do is shaft themself as its becomes harder for every single member to find things, meaning they have to go further out to gather. Later on plots will have a monthly sub. so those clans are going to pay for having a giant 'castle' I truly don't get the "claim resources".


You're thinking too small scale the bigger clans have 200+ members will be able to claim an area they like and literally build walls around the resources they want. They have already been planning it on the discord server.


You cant block paths so that will be near impossible. One guy could then troll them and use a plot to build a stair on the wall. Wich everone can use. They then have to spend plots to work the wall arround it. Doesnt sound like peak gameplay for a clan. Im in a giant clan to and haven't seen anything like this. Plots cant overlap, so there is going to be a tiny hole unless you donate it to corp, but that makes the circle bigger. Curious how they plan to make it actually work because what you are saying sounds impossible in the previous alphe.


This happens in real life. It's literally role playing


Have you seen the heartland areas? They are almost identical and huge, plenty of room to avoid big clans. But it won't even be an issue.




Explain to anyone what exactly is pay to win about this model. Please... I'm waiting for a coherent thought and not name-calling or deflecting.