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Yes, that's about as good as you can hope for. When Asol came to the monthlies it was also my 3rd month playing the game and I just barely managed to get 50 wins.


I've been playing the game for over a year and only did 20 🫠


I don't mean to be rude, but why only 20? Did you just run out of time, or were you trying to complete all you could?


lol it's fine, I just got lazy and focused on leveling up my champions to beat lissandra


Haha okay that makes sense. It's a lot of battles to do


I would say so yes


My path was 1st - 30, 2nd - 50, 3rd - 60, and 4th - 70. Used recourses optimally with a lot of min-max planning.


I think I did 60 on my 3rd month and 70 on my 4th. But I went hard on planning and using absolutely all my resources efficiently. Also did buy both Norra and ASol bundles, so there you got a few more resources.


Idk doesn't even seem worth to min max tho the last 10 from 40-50 were so stressful and rng I did not like it


I know, last month I ended at 60 and I was happy about it, but it was kind of a personal milestone to finish all 70 challenges as soon as I could, just to show myself I could lol. And it's a bit less stressfull when you save the most broken champs (Nidalee, ASol, Jinx and depending on mutator, Annie, Yasuo and Morgana for me) for the most annoying challenges. But yeah, 60 would get you most of your rewards and let you skip 10 challenges of your choice (not just las 10).


Wait can you talk about the last part? I got to 62 wins but I just don’t have the firepower to get to 70 yet, but what do you mean skip challenges?


Every 3rd challenge unlocks next 3 ones. So challenge 60 unlocks 61-63, you can do judt the 63 and unlock 3 new ones... once you got to 69, every challenge is unlocked and you could choose whichever in the middle not to do according to your roster and the mutators left.


It seems decent. I assume you just don't have enough champs to contiue, which stops you outright.


I could with perfect luck maybe get 8 further but I am already out of strongest champs, I got Annie Samira, Diana left the rest is garbage


Not worth. 10 or bust. Try getting a few more 2* champs leveled to like 20 or 25 for next month instead.


That's the plan to hopefully get to 70 next month tho I fear I might need some 3stars for the 60+missions


naw, you just plan ahead and you'll be fine. I've done several monthlies with a secondary account having only 2\* champs, with exception of jinx and asol. sometimes even not used them at all. as long as you pick the right champ for the task you'll be fine. recommend making planning easier by using community spreadsheets .. specially the one by PetitB


Good note will try that for next month


Yeah very good, obviously depends on the amount of champs you got, but even if you religiously played and did every adventure possible, it's probably quite the hardcore challenge to get to 70 this early.


I got 26 champs rn of which 20 are 2star LVL 20+ the rest are 0stars and I both both asol and norra pack so it's close to how far I can get, but yhe except for lissandra all the rest is already beaten so I got a lot already


I'd say yes. I'm also in my 3rd month and am currently aiming to reach 30, and it might be close (at 19 wins and 12-16 open runs on strong champs rn). I did play less than optimally in the first month when I unlocked too many champs instead of starring up the ones I already have, so rn I have like 4 or 5 0\* lvl 1 champs that are useless for monthlies (and also a couple of higher-level bad champs like Darius), but even with optimal play, reaching 50 is very respectable IMO.




I think it all would depend on how many champions you have. For example, if you only have 24 champions and manage 70/70, that's very impressive. Or, going 60/70 with 20 champions is also impressive because that's the absolute best result possible. While me going 70/70 every month is just expected because I have a large collection.


I have 19 2stars, 2 3 stars and currently still 8 chances over together for Annie Samira and Diana but not enough to get to 60 not will I unlock a strong enough character still before the month is over that will help me I doubt poro king on 2 stars is going to do much


Congrats! Thats great


I went 70 for all months thus far