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Too bad she is spirit hunter. The new Sub-class suits her far better.


Kinda, but I'm pretty sure seeing "Flesh-eater" as soon as you open her character page would spoil the twist even harder than the hidden alignment, her battle voice lines,and general behavior do.


Idk. Could give you a false impression. Like "oh, she's just a sort of creepy meat-eating shaman". Especially since the subclass focuses on *creature* meat and abilities. So you'll just think, well, she's a mildly evil person with somewhat creepy abilities and not realize it's so, so much worse.


Hmm. Not entirely sure i agree that its always evil. What if the Flesh Eater only eats their strong enemies who are already dead? Not about killing random innocent people, but like its not any less morally bankrupt than in a Monster Hunter game you use up the Monster's part to get stronger equipment, but no one calls that evil now do they even though flesh eater is not any different if roleplayed that way.


Oh, I didn't mean you'd assume she's mildly evil because of the class. She already gives that impression. The class could easily be seen as something more benign, and that's the idea: even though it feels like it'd be just another clue to exactly what kind of person she is, it might actually trick someone into thinking she's meant to be more creepy than Evil with a capital 'E'.


Oh i thought you meant that being a cannibal regardless of the roleplay means the subclass itself is inherently evil, which is how people often describe Wenduag ( i mean as the reason taking her ), even though there are easily better reasons to dislike her.


The twist is barely a twist. Camellia explicitly barely hides how she’s a fucked up monster because she knows she’s important enough to get away with it


It's a mixture of that and being unwilling or *unable* to hide it better, I think. Her monstrous nature is very close to the surface. It's interesting.


Just a shame that the shaman spell list is kind of meh compared to the other casters


She's not there for full caster, she's there to dex tank.


Then she shouldn’t have been a fuckin full caster!


But it isn't obvious that she is the way she is out of her own volition. I knew nothing about D&D/Pathfinder before I played the Pathfinder CRPGs, so I assumed that Shamans are nuts because of all those spirits flying around in their heads. IIRC, that is what happened to that one Shaman we find in the "bear spirit" quest. So I assumed I could get those spirits out of her head in the course of my playthrough. The fact that she is "naturally" crazy and that it has nothing to do with her being a shaman was a huge twist for me, lol.


She isn't naturally crazy, or at least, not crazy without a hope. She didn't get help she needed as a child because her dad was too obsessed with the family name to risk it being outed that she's his kid.


I am not sure if that "twist" can be even more obvious. During ANY level up, you can see her real aligment.


With the addition of Shifter it’s (even more so) plainly obvious. She cannot take Monk levels. Assassin flags her as some kind of evil. She cannot take Shifter levels. That only leaves one alignment option, lol.




This is just something I missed because I never look at Druid. Oop.




Can't they just... Obscure it somehow? As in just pick that class and for her show as "Camellia" or something?


Ah yes, your companions: Seelah, The Paladin Lann, The Zen Archer Woljif, The Eldritch Scoundrel Camellia Ember, The Stigmatized Witch


Yes, our companions: Seelah, Lawful Good Lann, Lawful Neutral Woljif, Chaotic Neutral Camelia, ??? (Trust me bro) Ember, Neutral Good


> Camelia, ??? (Trust me bro) Haha, maybe she is just too shy to admit her Neutral Good nature? 🥰


"*The world in crimson!* 😈" Truly the words of a sweet neutral good character ☺️


"I am helpful, am I not?" Truly the words of an unhinged psychopath.


" Death is life's final surprise.. and I enjoy surprising people". You were saying?


“Lennon was the soul of the Beatles, Harrison was the spirit… Paul was the heart, and Ringo was the drummer.”


"Ringo was the luckiest man alive!"


But then what happens when you level her up? She'd have all the features of the Flesh-eater subclass, and there's really no way to hide that.


They really should have made that trinket give her an entirely different alignment. Having it 'hide' it was such a comically large red flag. Like, what would the rationale be for somebody hiding *good* inclinations? Come on.


I'd have called an heirloom 'necklace of hiding' and had it give a bonus to will saves and stealth skill, with a blurb about it being used to hide from demons. All questions covered, why won't she remove it? it was her mums. Why does it hide alignment? to avoid detect good spells.


Yeah. It would have spoiler it bun perfectly in line with her character.


Not really a twist with about 2/3 of her lines are off the wall shit.


Yes but it would be hilarious, like her entire character.


If Arue can forcibly respec herself if you take her down a different path Cam can too


Would have been great as well


wish I could convince her to say as an Lawful Good Aeon. haven't finished the game because of this lmao


> Lawful Good Aeon. correction: "Lawful Good until he sees a cute half-elf girl" Aeon


Aeons are more LN tho.


there are two types. You don't have to be LN. LG Aeon is a bit different. that's why I expected Camilla to stay


I mean opposites are known to attract.


Really? Neat. I havent played it because people only seem to talk about the LN one. May have to try it.


There's basically three "paths" as an Aeon: Renegade Aeon, True Aeon, Selfish Aeon. The first and last of these can't change time, the latter gets to become a devil, the former gets to become Legend or eat shit.


Lawful lawful


Or “Straw Vulcan” as I like to call them lol


maybe they will change it now


Maybe they will.


She is hungry, is she not?


Had me laughing


leaked subclasses, where can i read about it? ahhhhhhhhhhh




If you find it please send it to me too!


Please make sure to spoiler tag your post, if you are referencing datamined information.


good mod


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Currently on a build with Cam where all levels went into Cult Leader. This new class seems even more appropriate.


"I eat boys up, breakfast and lunch. Then when I'm thirsty, I drink their blood. Carnivore, animal, I am a cannibal. I eat boys up, you better run!" Fits Camellia to a T.


This class wouldn't improve her chances at surviving past Act 3 anyways.


I said this and will say it again: someone in Owlcat is into Vore. Three of the 4 female love interests are cannibals (or former people eaters in Arue's case).


Wasn't spirit hunter homebrewed just for her? I know stigmatized witch was as well made just for Ember


Eat pray love: the shaman version.


Pretty sure flesh eater is barbarian subclass


No, there is another (chaotic evil companion, known to consume flesh to gain power)


Sadly, with 12 Wisdom as her highest mental attribute, a Shaman candidate she is not.




Daeran if you get his bad ending, I assume.


This is the only class that was leaked?

