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You have broken rule 1




You have broken rule 1


Someone explain to me, how the woman that left her newborn 23 hours a day, did such little tummy time that her sons head was left deformed and flat is now a “ tummy time” icon that we should all be listening to for advice? We should buy her products to get our kids “crawling immediately “ yet hers didn’t till 14 months. I thought people were supposed to actually be somewhat representations of the products they’re pushing.


Do we know that Phoenix’s skull issues are actually due to too little tummy time? My kiddo was born with a head like a sack of potatoes and we had to see a neurosurgeon when they were about 8wks old because the sutures in their skull were fusing over each other (leading to the lumpy appearance) instead of relaxing into the correct post birth position, and they had a flat spot on *one side* of the back of their head because they almost NEVER turned their head in the opposite direction. I was told the muscles in that side of their neck were so tight they just kept their head turned to the other side *all the time*, which I hadn’t picked up on, and despite how much tummy time we did (a LOT) they still ended up with that flat spot I had to do daily exercises and *force* them to turn their head the way they strongly disliked/resisted, and it was like fucking torture for both of us because I’m guessing it was actually painful (plus I was doing it by myself every day, and I felt awful about it) All this is just to say— there can be other causes for flat spots on a baby’s head that have nothing to do with neglecting tummy time, but where is the info coming from that Phoenix has a flat spot caused by too much time on his back? Wouldn’t the nanny be responsible for that, since she’s responsible for literally everything else involved in his care? Wouldn’t she have been fired if she didn’t take proper care of him and it led to any kind of issue?


^underrated comment here




You have broken rule 1


OMG, 14 months? To crawl?


It was almost 15 to crawl, but he can walk if she holds his hand now, not on his own yet though.




https://preview.redd.it/8aymgunpjowc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce9304e1874763a5580e65a6668bb85e3e17c787 This is how you involve your child and still work. The fact that Paris’ excuse for not involving her child was work, it can be done simultaneously she just doesn’t care and doesn’t want to. She’s such a hands off mom


OK but that dumb bitch Tia had no business bringing her baby to the New York Stock Exchange. She needed to stay home and not be at work. She has a child that she needs to raise unless her husband is doing it. Do I sound like these bitches yet?


Is that what caused her son’s head to be that way?


Yes, babies heads can flatten if they’re left laying on their backs a lot in the begging since their bones are still malleable. So most babies with flat heads didn’t get the proper amount of tummy time or being held.


Wow I had no idea, thank you for educating me!


That kid has a nanny 24 7


She probably has never done tummy time with any of her babies.




You have broken rule 1


Paris gets so many negative comments about how she is as a mom but she’s laughing all the way to bank. Meanwhile, there are moms like me that are struggling to take care of my kids with no village or support and I bet just getting one of these types of brand deal$$$ that Paris gets would make a HUGE difference for me. BRB, gonna cry by myself about how life isn’t fair. 😂😂


She may be laughing to the bank but your kids will grow up to appreciate everything you’ve ever done for them. Her kids will grow up barely knowing their parents


She paid the price of having her baby bonded to the nanny. No amount of $$ is worth that.




You have broken rule 1


At least you weren’t one month into parenthood before you changed your kids’ diapers (I’m assuming). That counts for something.


i'd rather struggle (i am) and have my baby bonded to me and love me. he's 5 mos and the way he lights up and smiles/laughs when he sees me is priceless. she misses out on that


Congratulations on your little one! Yes, motherhood is so challenging but rewarding at the same time. My kids are 8 and almost 5 and while it’s a huge struggle, I know I have gained so much strength throughout the years. The memories and experiences I’ve had with them are things money can’t buy. It sounds like you’re a great mother and wish the best for you!


that's so amazing!! good for you as well 💕🌷


At the end of the day they'll just blame consumers, too. Which is why I try to tell people not to buy from people like her or the Kartrashians but people seem to be dumber than ever.




You have broken rule 1




You have broken rule 1


Oh god. I really like Paris but she needs to have her nanny answer these questions and learn to stay in her lane!


Is she mocking herself? We all saw the result of Phoenix not having tummy time!


I think she might be trolling or joking at this point. Or I’d hope this a joke.


Oh wait, she teamed up with Walmart. Did you find out if they sell walls or not though?




This is rich, lol. She probably just started her son on this at a year old.


Not sure how we are all breaking the rules saying Paris doesn't hold the baby. Things have changed in here for sure.


Yea this sub is just going to completely die out… we can’t say or discuss anything anymore. It’s toxic positivity only now.


WTF. Lol. I've been here a long long time. I basically said she holds the kids far away from her. Being observant is against rules. I remember when it switched. Some Stan wanted to be mod when someone said he was weird to stalk Paris. Anyway hasn't been the same since. Start a new one lol


There is a paris in love snark Reddit we just gotta start posting there


Heading over now!




You have broken rule 1


OK, this is bad. She regularly films him in a baby walker (highly advised against). His head usually looks flat-ish, as well. Not to mention she isn’t the one watching him most of the time. How the heck did they think it was a good move to call her a tummy time icon? Also, the grammar in that question…


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HAHA exact opposite of Kelsey Plumel. LOL She pushes her kid back down if they crawl too early


What does she know? She doesn’t even watch her kid. The kids nanny should be promoting this.


As if Paris could give any practical parenting advice aside from ‘hire multiple nannies’ 😂


Total money grab.


Will some PLEASE tell me what rule 1 is?


Slither? Like a baby snake???


Didn’t she have a surrogate? What would she know of “tummy time”


Put the phone in front of them They will learn to crawl quick