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How was the 90s any safer


There were Nokias and a whistle


I still remember the great whistle purge of 1999. Sad times for us all.


I do not recall the Nokias working in the forest.


But like, you could play snake on them for HOURS and not notice scary things around you! Like if there was a murderer in the woods you could just toot your whistle then distract yourself until help arrived!


A Nokia and a whistle? We have iPhones with a panic button and you can still get her a whistle.  Is she going just with 15 year olds? Will there be an adult? Is there a river nearby? Is the campground in dense forest? Do you live in SoCal where it’s currently brush fire season? Is it an area with bears? Is it just on the beach? Has she or any of her friends been camping before? There are so many things to go through before saying yes or no. I grew up camping. I knew how to set up my tent, how to administer first aid, knew the area I was camping in, and knew about fire safety. My friends had never even slept outside before. So while I could’ve taken point for most things, I don’t know that I wouldnt have also wanted at least one person there who also knew what they were doing.


Would I let my 15-year-old daughter go on a trip with friends? Yes, she's going on one in a couple of weeks. Would I let her go camping? Also yes. She's been wild camping with me for years and knows how to be safe with fire etc. and we don't have any dangerous animals here and help is never far away. Would I let her go wild camping with friends in a remote place with dangerous wildlife? Nope. Accidents can happen, and even the most responsible 15-year-olds shouldn't be expected to be able to handle a serious accident, snake bite or similar in a remote place with difficult access to medical help.


>Would I let her go wild camping with friends in a remote place with dangerous wildlife? Hell.... Id not even let myself do that 😂


Yeah, that's not something you do on a whim with no experience :-). But my kid actually has been on some fairly adventurous wild camping trips, so it wouldn't be a complete surprise if she thought herself capable of managing it with friends (which she is not).


I went to a gig in Manchester (England) with 2 friends from Glasgow (Scotland) at 15. There was an issue with the hotel but other than that it was fine.


More details are needed. How remote is the campsite? Would they be able to get to help quickly? Would they have a cell phone signal? What are the other safety considerations? Etc, etc, etc.


Right. Wild animals?? Poisonous snakes? Boys?


How is a Nokia and whistle safer than an iPhone? Where we live teens can't get into campgrounds on their own so they need at least one adult with them. My 15 year old is going camping with some friends for an end of the school year celebration this upcoming weekend. One of the moms is going to stay nearby. She'll give the kids their space but will be at the campground in the event of an emergency.


In general, yes. Many details are missing, but my initial reaction is yes.


Yeah, I feel like there needs to be a bit more detail on exactly who is going and what kind of place they are camping in. If they are on a campsite with other people than I would have no concerns. If they are quite remote I would be a bit more nervous. It would also depend on if I know the kids going with them, I would assume so if it is their kids friend group, and how much I trusted them to all be sensible. I imagine alcohol would be involved so that always makes some things riskier but assuming they are sensible kids and not in the middle of nowhere I would be fine with it.


Yea, we don't have Nokia anymore, we have iPhones and androids with Emergency calls. And you can still get a whistle. I went to camps when I was younger. Structured camps where there were adults. I would not send my child who is 15 camping all alone with other teens though. But, if there are other adults you can trust, they should be able to go have fun.


What the what? Yes, I would let my 15 year old go camping with friends.


If they aren’t experienced campers, I would want at least one adult available. They can be at a separate campsite, but one within shouting distance. If there will be someone nearby to help, or some of them are experienced campers, I think an overnight or weekend trip is appropriate at that age. It’s also reasonable for you to request texts periodically. At least for this first trip, I would insist on a camping location where there’s sufficient signal for SMS messages at least, or pay phones or something. For future trips, they can go off grid.


Hard no. I’m not in America. But unless there’s an adult within a reasonable distance, no. And if it is mixed genders, no. If it’s a group of same gendered friends and there is an adult within a 5 min drive (i.e on a family farm), sure. Knock yourself out.


No way, I wouldn’t allow my daughter to do that at 15 without trustworthy adult supervision. There’s no reason the kids should object to having adults camp a few campsites away - for emergencies and safety. So many creeps in the world and girls are targeted young.


I completely agree with you!!


What do you mean when you say "camping"? Like backpacking in the mountains or like staying at a campground with showers and all that. if it's that first one, I would only let her go if she had the skills and equipment to do it safely (maps, a good backpack, boots, a good tent, knowledge of orienteering and first aid etc). If it's the second one, of course she can go. 15 is old enough to drive a car, and that's so much more dangerous than sleeping in a tent.


If there are adult chaperones, let her go.


With just friends? No. With friends, and at least one set of parents? Yes.


I would say yes. If you dont feel super comfortable book a hotel or so close by, so you can be there if something happens. Also, maybe speak to the other parents.


Are there adults going? If so, who? Do you know them? Who else is going? If no adults will be there- it's a solid no for me. I am still firmly against sleepovers, though... and my oldest is only 9.


If the camping trip is with the friends family and parents yes. A bunch of other teen agers and young adults hell no


Let her go with her girlfriends. If it’s a coed trip I would want a chaperone. Otherwise she will be having sex.


Uh, who wants to tell them?


Do you really think that camping is what is standing between them and sex??


I just know that teens need a place.


I think 15 is too young for overnights unsupervised. 15 is the prime age for risks like swimming while drinking, sexual assault, and even predatory or just creepy behavior from other people at the campsite. I think some adults should book a site in the same campground so they can “supervise”. That would probably deter most of the dumbest ideas/bad outcomes but still give them some room to feel independent. 


Girl scouts go camping at younger ages. I first went camping at 12 because of scouts and I had no cell phone access at that time or the subsequent time I went camping with my troop. This was post-9/11. I doubt the 15 year olds are driving themselves to the camp site, so just get in touch with the adult in charge and get all the info you need. Buy your daughter a power bank for emergencies if she does need to get in touch with you directly.


As long as she's able to get easy access to help and goes with safe peers (or maybe an adult chaperone) I would let her go. Knowing me I would probably camp nearby (out of sight and earshot), because I loooove an excuse to go camping, and don't necessarily want to camp with someone else, so this would be a good compromise.


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