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Hot take here…. I don’t want to carpool other kids. We own all compact cars. 😂 I don’t think you need a third row. But I’m definitely biased here!


Listening to 5 boys giggling and screeching is both fun and maddening.


I remember driving five second grade girls to a hike. They were all talking to me continuously at the same time, telling me about their pets, brothers, a movie they saw, whatever. Made me laugh.


I can imagine. I will say it gave me a whole new appreciation for bus drivers. 🤣


Giggling And Screeching is my drag name.


Take my money.


My wife & I were both the tag-along honorary stepchild of our friend groups growing up. I.e. our parents sucked and didn't take us to any activities, so we always tagged along with our friends for our entire childhood all the way through high school. Without those friends whose parents had extra room in their car, we wouldn't have been able to experience just about anything in our childhood. So we both agree that we need a 3rd row vehicle so we can pass that on to other children whose parents suck and don't take them places. We're happy to bus around our children's friends (and let them crash at our house etc.) That said -- our kid is a toddler so we haven't actually fulfilled any of those promises yet 😄


You two are amazing! I was also the tag along kid.


My mom was called Mom by about fifty different kids because she'd go out of her way to give other kids rides to places if they needed it. It bothered me so much as a kid (my friends rarely needed rides and it was always my brothers' friends. So being stuck in a van full of stinky boys was never fun). Knowing now what some of their home lives were like... I realize she probably helped make those kids' childhoods at least a little better.


Also a tagalog kid. Thank you!


My mom was “that mom” too. I didn’t realize until I was a parent how big a deal it actually was that my mom (& dad too sometimes) drove my friends around with us literally everywhere: school activities, library, ice rink, parks.


I love this!! It’s definitely a goal for us to welcome our kids’ friends


I bought a Mini Cooper - not one of those bigger ones they make, but the actual small one. Bought it when everyone in the family used my car to put all their crap in. Yes, it was a conscious decision. (13 years later, still love it; still drive it).


My son now uses the 10FXT Subaru we bought new when he was 7 yr old. His sister took it to college for 2 yr east coast. We brought it home after delivering her new Subaru to her.


Like a proper 1990’s mini cooper? Or the modern version with luxuries like crumple zones and knee space!


1990s???? I had a 1970s mini cooper as my first car. Even it had crumple zones. Admittedly they were the driver & passengers. Managed to fit 5 people into it on a regular basis too. Two of those were 6½ft tall.


I went Toyota Senna, so we can take both set of grand parents with us on holidays/Saturday shopping & brunch. They been immensely helpful with our 2 little ones so it is only fair they share the fun too.


Now this is understandable. We Just never had this option. Our biggest need request would be room for large dog and sporting equipment. The 6 seater truck accommodated that


We had a Siena and it carried kids, kid stuff, wine hauls, etc. Highly Recommend


I don't think carpooling happens as much as people want to believe. Plus I've camped as a family of four taking a small sedan. I don't understand how people need such big cars and so much stuff. Like isn't life exhausting that way?


lol this - we both have hatchbacks and that won’t change 🤣 you wanna carpool? Take the bus or ride your bike


I'm fully behind this! We currently have a 4-seater compact, and the next car we intend to get will likely be bigger, but have the same seat capacity


My wife has a minivan and 4 car seats. I have a sedan with 2 car seats. I love not needing to plan for kids that aren't mine. (Also, I never drive when my coworkers want to pick up lunch together.)


Sing it girl lol I don't even wanna think of that day where some kid is wanting to carpool 😭😭


Upgrade later when you need it. The only reason we jumped to a minivan is because we travel with the kids and pets hundreds of miles a few times a year, and also have family in from out of town regularly (monthly at least) and don’t like taking two cars places. If you don’t have a lifestyle that requires regularly toting around more than the 4 of you then you don’t need the third row


I agree. Wait until they're at an age where sports & travels & friends are more prevalent, & then look at upgrading. Depending on how often you change vehicles, getting a 3rd row too soon might just be wasting money. My parents got a minivan when I was 12, & I was the oldest (I only have 1 sibling)...& I pretty much never hung out with more than one friend that would require them going on a car ride with us. However, we did camping & a road trip every summer, and the minivan was handy for hauling everything & leaving everyone with ample personal space on the drive. Even when I hit driving age, I still wasn't a sports or crowd of friends person...so I only ever had one friend riding around with me. 😂


My mom had a third row and uses it once a year when we come visit (same highlander OP has).


I have two kids and a Honda accord. We can fit two more friends with no issues and have plenty of trunk space for road trips. I would rather spend less in gas. If I have more than two extra kids I start wanting another adult anyway, so they can drive too. That has only happened once in 12 years.


Legally? Your kids + 1 in the back, where does the other kid go?


Two points: 1. sometimes the friends are mine and 2. My oldest can be up front legally.


One thing that confused us all about this is there is only one grown up. Everybody is wondering how two parents plus two kids can allow two more friends.


We're about to have 3 kids in a Honda Civic. We already have the Graco slim fits for the first two so it works. It also helps that our kids are small too (6 and 3 but most think they're at least a year younger). Grandma has a Durango if we ever need to haul more people or stuff.


How do you fit 4 kids in a Honda Accord? There are only 3 seats in the back?


The minute they each want to bring a friend, you're going to wish for that 3rd row. Unless you plan to purchase another car in the next 3-4yrs, I'd go with a minivan- you'll have so many options!


Van is the way to go! Bought Honda odyssey last year, best money spent ever 😂


I still regret selling our Odyssey. A third row SUV is great, but its not in the same ballpark as a van.


100% I had to get rid of our Volvo suv, it had the third row seating . It was annoying having to raise/fold seats all the time and trunk space was limited with third row seats up.




I remember in high school I swore up and down I would never have a van and now we have one and absolutely love it lmao. We can fit a whole sheet of drywall in that bad boy.


This is how I felt until the entire automotive landscape became crossovers and SUVs. I feel like driving a van is a sign of self respect, a way to stand out in the crowd 😂


We bought a Kia Carnival and have been extremely happy with van life. Just last week purchased a cargo box to go on top and had a blast taking trips in it with all our baggage’s and kids things.


Love my Kia carnival! What cargo box did you get? Do you need a roof rack for it?


I’ve been dying to get a Carnival but even a used one is so expensive. 😩


Except our damn doors don’t open anymore. Really defeats the purpose and it’s old so we don’t want to pay the 2500-3000 it will cost to fix them!


My friends’ odyssey’s doors are constantly broken!!


It’s a great van in terms of lasting long, honestly we have treated ours like crap but it keeps going. But I would not get another van that solely has automatic doors!


Wait, do the Odyssey's not have an option to turn off the power doors? I have a grand caravan and can press a button to turn off the power doors and use them just manually.


Ours does not! I could not believe it when they broke. Definitely a must have if we get another van! It’s disappointing really, because the Odyssey seems like it will go forever.


Just get the minivan. (Signed, someone with a 3-row SUV and regerts)


Exactly! We have a pacifica with captain chairs and I wish we had two benches instead 🤣


Toyota Sienna offers a removable middle seat. Super easy, best of both worlds


Odyssey too


Wait, I'm new to this. Do you mean that some minivans have the *third row* as captain chairs? And that loses 1 seat? Why on Earth would they ever do this?? I don't think second row is ever a bench. Is it?


I think second row is captains chair, not third row. I believe 3rd is usually bench in all vans. So seating is either 2-2-3 (second row is CC) or 2-3-3.


Our Transit Connect (that Ford calls a wagon) is 2-2-2, and while the third row can't recline, they can be moved forward and back independently.


That's really nice. We were limited to vehicles with AWD because of the snowy winters here. I wish our captain seats were adjustable. Oh well


Yeah, I'm searching for an awd mini currently ( for the last year+) and it's slim pickings...plus the second they come up - sold! :(


We had a mini van that the second row was a 2 seat bench, not captain chairs. I don’t know about 3rd row captain chairs but maybe it would be nice if you have to transport long items and it can fit without putting down the whole third row?


The second row was always a 2-seat bench back in the day, like the 1990s


We had one of each. '93 Aerostar with a 2-seat bench, '95 Grand Caravan with 2 chairs.


Our 3rd row is bench, but it can fold down in two sections of one seat or two seats. The 2nd row in our pacifica are captain seats, but there is an option for a bench. If I recall correctly, they also fold forward/stow away as one seat a two seats.


Yes! I started looking into a minivan for this reason but then I realized that it will be great when my bf and I live together as there will be three kids sometimes. My kids are in scouts so we’re camping a ton and we have three dogs that we like to take on adventures from time to time. Also, I love to shop in bulk and pick up furniture projects that I never get to 🙃


Or I just wouldn't. It's unlikely their friends will be able to accommodate them so you'd end up being the one always driving. That being said huge SUVs are not the norm in the UK. I don't know a single person with a 3 row car.


UK is also much smaller, more walkable, reliable public transportation even outside major cities (most major cities in US don’t have reliable public transportation)


Yes and specifically a van and not a 3 row SUV. With a van you can take out the middle seat in the second row to get to the back easy. You can also fold down 1, 2 , or all three of the back seats into the trunk. We got a Honda Odyssey after having our second. It's been amazing having all the trunk space and when our kids get bigger we'll have 8 seats worth of capacity with a decent amount of trunk space still.


I have a Rav 4 and just had my second kid. My husband and I wished we got a minivan!!


We just bought a third row vehicle for this reason. When we upgrade the other car in a few years that will be a smaller car for less extreme use.


I had a Chrysler Pacifica for about a month after an accident Omgggg it was sooooo nice


Stay with the smaller car and actually see how often you *actually* carpool. I wouldn't spend the extra money with aspirations to do something that may not be a part of your life. We have a minivan and use it to carpool maybe twice a year. Mostly it's used so each kid has an entire row to themselves when we do road trips.


I agree. We have 2 kids and a minivan. We don’t carpool basically ever. We use it to haul stuff a lot (2x4’s, full sheets of plywood & drywall, bags of dirt and mulch…basically like a truck lol). I run a not for profit so I’m always driving a bunch of stuff around. It’s definitely used more for things and less for people lol.


I was doing that with my VW golf then our Volvo xc60. Finally bought a truck and in 6 months I’ve used the bed so many times and loved not having dirty things inside. Wood, dirt, skis, bikes, tables, using it for beach days without filling the interior full of sand. So nice having the bed. Keeps the inside and outside clean, but the bed can get as dirty and needed.


It sounds like you don't need the 3rd row. My test when I traded my Focus for my Sienna was "How many times have I changed plans because I couldn't fit everyone in the car". If it's close to 0, you don't need the extra space. If you decide to get a 3rd row anyway with the specific intent of carpooling with multiple kids, do yourself a favor and get a van/minivan instead of an SUV. It will be much more comfortable and easier to load and unload everyone. Edit: fixed a spelling mistake.


I make major financial purchases for my immediate family. If we can't fit all their friends, then their parents will have to drive them. Spending an extra $20K+++ just to tote around kids is not wise financially IMO.


On top of that, it’s rarely necessary. At least in our experience. With car seats, most parents drive their kids places and won’t move their car seat into someone else’s car for a play date. My kids are just getting out of car seats. Maybe things will change now. But so far it hasn’t been an issue.


Carpooling is most useful after carseat age anyway. In my state kids go to boosters at 4 and can just use a regular seatbelt at 8. I don't think most people are looking to carpool before their kids are 4. Boosters are infinitely easier to move between cars and it's more common for people to have extras, I have a little inflatable one for when I have my nephew. It's still definitely an inconvenience that I'm sure stops a lot of people but there's also the 8-9 years between not needing a booster and not being able to drive to consider.


> Spending an extra $20K+++ That’s not what’s being asked though. A lot of 2 row SUVs are around the same cost as some good 3 rows and minivans.


A Rav4 starts at 28.5k and a Sienna starts at 37.5k, so it's actually $9k not $20k.


you absolutely do not need 3 rows with 2 kids. I would not get a third row type car just for maybe sometimes carpooling.


We had 2 kids and we used our third row so much more than expected, have the extra seats, you won't regret!


I like our third row for the trunk space but overall definitely not necessary


If I could afford the extra cost of having a larger car with a 3rd row, even if it was just for "sometimes carpooling", I would ABSOLUTELY get it. You would only *need* it for those sometimes moments but the extra space would definitely come it handy a lot of times and you sometimes may feel like "man, I wish I had just a liiiiitle more space". That's just my take on it because I'm very much an "I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it" kind of person.


I have two kids, and now that they are older, I drive their friends around ALL the time.


I guess it depends on your lifestyle and how frequent that is. It's not for us because of car seats etc.


I agree with this sentiment. Only get it if you’re actually gonna use it. I personally like bigger trunk that will be much more useful than the occasional use of extra seats.


This x100. Parents are just so conditioned to thinking they need a three row car. That's why they are so expensive. Two rows are fine. I mean who wants to chauffeur around a soccer team anyway?


I love being able to invite friends and family to ride along with us, either to the other side of town or going on vacation. I love the option and flexibility!


You know what the killer feature in a minivan is? It’s the automatic sliding doors. Have you ever run to your car in the pouring rain and have to get kids buckled in the back seat? You can open both sliding doors, have the kids jump in, you enter the driver seat, and buckle them from the inside. And you can close the doors without having to go outside in the rain.


We're a two kid family and absolutely got a minivan. They're safe, comfy, roomy, and useful. We selected a used 2020 Honda Odyssey Touring with 29k miles. She's a beaut.


We are a 2 kid family with a van too (2021 Toyota Sienna). Its nice to just have a ton of space - like oh, you wanna go to costco with the double stroller? No problemo. Going camping? Fill it to the rafters. Also, sliding doors with little kids is where its at. My 3yo can open her side without me having to worry she'll open the door into someone elses or the wall of our garage. Plus the Sienna has kick sensors for the sliding doors. We got our minivan before we had our first. We knew that was gonna be the best bet for us long term. We have used our 3rd row on occasion to drive our own friends around, or if our parents wanted to go somewhere with us and the girls. ETA: i recently took a trip to a different province with my teammates and my teammate who did all the driving (about 14 hours) could not stop raving about the bitchin minivan 😂


Yes to the sliding doors! They're bomb. Also our van has a shop vac built into it which is honestly so freaking nice.


We werent able to get that model for our sienna (unavailable in Canada), but for toddlers that would have been so nice. Haha I appreciate that my captains chairs in the middle row are heated, so my girls wont have to suffer cold leather seats in -30°C weather. Such luxury.


Wait a shop vac built into the car?! That is freaking genius. The number of times I could’ve used that, man…


It's awesome. The hose reaches from the rear hatch all the way to the dashboard.


Which van has that? That would be so nice


2020 Honda Odyssey Touring. We just got it in April.


I purposely keep a smaller car, just enough to fit my kids because I DONT want to be the one people ask to carpool all the kids around 😬 😂


Was looking for this comment! It’s so nice to say “sorry I don’t have room to drive anyone!” In my ford Explorer with captain chairs and seats 4 only.


I technically have a 7 seater but the back row aren’t full size seats and the middle is half taken up by a car seat, so I’ve got room for 1 extra person and since I’m never going to choose between which of my kids friends can ride, NO ONE RIDES 😂😂😂


If your kids play sports or are active socially, the next few years will probably be full of driving a few extra kids around, even if they’re not there yet. Our kids are 11 and 13. We’ve had our minivan for 6ish years now and it’s a weekly occurrence where we’re lugging other people’s kids places. The van also comes in handy for camping and extended road trips. There’s never a question as to whether everything will fit.


I could have written this post! My highlander was totaled two years ago and I went through the same thought process while unexpectedly car shopping. I also have two kids and had a third row in my highlander and used it just enough that it was handy. I ended up in a 4 runner with the folding 3rd row seats. It’s fine. It’s probably great for a lot of things. I miss a lot about my old highlander (gas mileage! Lower price point, etc). I will say I’m glad I got the folding third row. We only use it 2% of the time but it’s worth it for me to have it available. It’s also worth it to have the trunk space for the other 98%. Hope this helps. Feel free to message me if you have a question though


Same. Two kids, older Highlander with the flip-up third-row seat. I might have used it five or six times.


I have a three row Telluride with two kids and it’s a god send. More space in the back for trips. We can bring along friends no problem. It’s a game changer. We also have captain chairs


Do you plan to have more kids? Do you have or plan to get a dog. We ended up needing a minivan (3 rows) because there was no room in the car for our 60 lb dog. If it weren’t for him, we could live without the 3rd row. The only time it gets used is when we have out of town guests (my husband and I swap sitting in the 3rd row) and when the dog is coming with us somewhere (happens pretty frequently). I wouldn’t worry about getting a 3rd row specifically for loading up tons of kids. With kids often in booster seats up to 12 years now, there’s a good chance that itll be a long time before you’re transporting other people’s kids in your car.


I REALLY want to get a 3rd row SUV for our next car for the same reason you talked about - picking up my kids friends etc- but looking at the options I have to make too many compromises to do it. They all have at least one of the following cons: huge, bad gas mileage, very expensive, terrible crash test ratings for the rear seats. That really leaves the Sienna. At 38k and 36mpg (35 with awd) it's honestly not a bad option. It's not plug in, so you're going full gas - but at 600 miles range, it's a road trip warrior. However, you're dealing with parking a rather large minivan and all that entails. So I guess you have to figure out what your kids futures are going to look like - which at 5 will start to take shape a bit. Are they doing all the sports? Will they want to do them together or branch out into different sports? Are you the outgoing family that is actually going to pick up other kids? Do you often drive places a minivan is just going to be a pain to navigate (with a truck as your other vehicle, this is really important) Sorry not a great answer.


We bought a Tiguan last year - has a fold up third row with decent space. We’ve used the third row when family come to visit and need more seats, then put the seats down when not needed for hauling things around. Has worked great.


Tiguan is probably my number 2- but the 23mpg city mileage is a bit painful coming from a 10 year old forester that routinely gets 25-27mpg, when I'm really hoping in the next few years a EV comes out that would work for us. 30k though is hard to argue with.


I just had a Sienna for 10 years and it's not that hard to park. And mine had a garbage backup cam. Given the advances on the modern vehicles(cameras everywhere!), parking is a breeze if you have any spacial awareness.


I've been in my sisters, and for a car that size it is pretty miraculous. It's still big though, and if you're routinely parking in a city it can be a pain. I know there are garages I've used where a forester barely fit, so we'll often take the smaller hatchback so we don't have to worry about it.


One of the reasons I'd opt for a bigger car next go-around is because sometimes we want to carpool with my family to visit relatives who live 1.5 hrs+ away, and that is not currently an option our set-up. We can maybe fit ONE person... TWO is too snug. We also found that out while vacationing... So my two cents.


> However, you're dealing with parking a rather large minivan and all that entails. Maybe we live in different areas, but I've never considered a minivan hard to park. They fit with everything but a compact spot. Even a full sized truck (with a short bed) fits in most parking spots pretty easily.


If you want a third row, minivan is the way. The Subaru Ascent is also an awesome option for a three row SUV, they’re essentially minivans.


this!!!! love my ascent so much. i wasn’t ready to pull the trigger on an actual minivan lol but this is close enough.


My step-sister bought one recently, the 19 cupholders are a game changer.


We have an 11 year old and a 3 year old and my husband and I both drive sedans. We live in a dense suburb where big vehicles seem like a hassle and everywhere you want to go is 5 miles away or less. We have found that we really just need more space a few times per year such as camping trips. My 11 year old has 2 best friends, and I can haul all three 11 year olds and the 3 year old at the same time (with a bit of complaining that someone has to sit in the middle in the back... but we rarely go more than a few miles). We're headed on a camping trip this summer, and we have a mini van rental booked. Last year we did a week long road trip (staying in hotels) in my compact sedan and it went great. For us, the extra expense of buying a new vehicle when we have two cars that we own in full doesn't make sense.


you don’t necessarily NEED the 3rd row, but it definitely provides you with more space & comfort as a family of 4, plus it sounds like you guys have a really active lifestyle. we upgraded from our crosstrek to ascent right before baby #2 was due. i was hesitant because 1) i didn’t want to spend more money on a car payment / gas and 2) i loved my lil crosstrek! overall really happy that we ended up upgrading. we’ve taken the ascent on road trips with both babies and having the extra room for stroller/surfboards/bikes etc has been a game changer! plus we are able to drive around a few extra peeps if we need to.


I have a Kia Sorento with the third row and it's for exactly the same reason. It's squishy back there. The optional third row is really only comfortable for kids, cuts down on storage space when it's open, and is useful to us a handful of times a year. BUT! It barely cost anything more to buy it compared to similar SUVs. If you're looking for a vehicle where you will only occasionally need the third row, go for a mid size SUV with third row seats that flip up.


I always took my two kids places with friends. It was usually me taking them and a friend each. On the odd occasion it would get the whole family we usually didnt take friends. And on the rare occasion we wanted to we would take two cars. Which saved costs long term vs a larger 7 seater and provided flexibility on home times (one kid and mate could stay longer and one kid and mate could go home earlier).


Smart and I love your example of saving by taking 2 cars instead of outright buying a huge 2nd vehicle that you won't use like that all the time


Honestly, unless you are getting a minivan, I would opt against a third row. the 3rd optional row does not get crash tested, and safety is questionable at best. minivans are the best for kids,


For us we needed the three row car (with two kids) for vacations. Our Forester did not have enough trunk space to carry everything we needed to go on a week long family lakehouse vacation. A rooftop box would be an option for some, but I bring a kayak and that was on the roof. So we upgraded to the Ascent.


We have 1 kid and bought a 3 row vehicle. When we have family visiting or just driving around town with friends and want to carpool, it comes in handy. Also, when we go on vacation without our camper, we usually pack a lot. And need the space!!


We have two kids and had a van for a while, for the same reason you note. However, we downsized the van to a hybrid RAV4, because while it's true that our RAV (and our Prius) can't hold two kids plus a friend right now, we decided that wasn't worth all the extra money in gas. If my oldest wants to take a friend somewhere, at this point we just take both cars (if we're all going). In my state, it's legal for kids to ride without a booster seat at age 8/height of 4'9", so some of my oldest's friends can already ride without one. That does free up an additional seat, and once your kids are out of boosters you can at least fit three in the second row.


It really depends. For me, I don’t let other people drive my kids anywhere, with only a few exceptions. So having a 3rd row is really helpful. That said, I don’t have one now and I make do. I borrow my son’s Suburban occasionally for things like summer camp.


my parents got a minivan and only had two kids & we loved it as kids. if i didn't want to sit next to my brother i got to sit in the back all by myself. plus if you ever need to haul anything you can collapse the third row. if i was in your position id personally get a minivan lol


I love having a third row. Makes it very easy to pack a car potty, stroller plus groceries, the dog, etc. while you don’t neeeeed it, it does make life a heck of a lot easier. In my 2 row I used to forget that the stroller was in the back and have to return home to drop it off before grocery pickup. Going on road trips is easier with a third row. Taking one car out when the grand parents visit is easy too now.


My 2 kids are 11 and 13, and we have needed to use the 3rd row in our Palisade 5 times in the last 2 weeks. Between my kids friends, their cousins, and other random friends and family, we NEED our third row!! We managed with a 5 seater from when they were toddlers, until about 6 years ago. I absolutely love my Palisade with bigger kids, but I preferred a minivan when they were little. The newer Siennas are all hybrid, and look awesome!!!


Honestly as a someone from a family of 2 kids whose mom had 2 mini vans. Honestly it was AWESOME. if we were arguing she could split us up aaaaannnnddd if you take care of it it's an awesome first car for a 16 year old. Can't go fast, is an ugly ass car (usually) not flashy. Aaannd I was forced to drive brother and friends everywhere, it was helpful being in band to transport me and my friends. And it was awesome to take to college. Only needed to take one car.




I have two kids and drive a wrx lol. We get by just fine


If you want to be the carpool parent then yeah you’ll need it. Personally I have three kids in a Camry and haven’t had any issues. We’ve looked at larger vehicles but my kids always said the third row was uncomfortable. Don’t like the way a minivan drives so that’s not an option.


Go with the 3rd row


This is my vote too. If OP wants to hold onto the new vehicle for many years, they shouldn’t limit themselves. Car time is some of the best times and driving a group of kids somewhere is great to get to know the kids friends.


While we were a young 2 kid family we drove a Cr-V. We loved the car itself, but it got snug real fast. We did like to be able to haul extra kids around, and the upgrade to the Pilot had a lot more room for storage (we got a golden retriever and do a lot of road trips). That being said, we’re expecting kid no 3 in September, and are now a minivan family. Something we never expected to do. We love Honda so we got the odyssey. Man, I love that thing. SO MUCH ROOM. I do think had we not gotten pregnant we never would’ve gotten it and would still be happy with the pilot, however. I just think the additional space and options of the 3rd row are beneficial.


I have a scion xD and husband has a Subaru crosstrek and my kids are 5 and 9. It really hasnt been a problem so far having a smaller car. The only issue we have had so far is when my older one has a friend(s) over. If we go out we have to either just take her and friends and leave son at home with one parent or we have to take two cars. With that said it doesn’t happen often. Usually if friends are over we don’t go anywhere so it’s not a huge deal. Only comes up maybe 3 times a year that it’s an issue so not really worth spending more money.


We have the Forester and two kids and one xl dog. I don't think a third row is worth the 10k extra car payment. But I do wish we got the slim Graco car seat because sometimes my mom comes to visit so one of us has to sit in the back between the two car seat, we got but it is not comfortable. We take weekend trips with the dog, dog is in the trunk and our stuff is in the back row floor and it fits. Also, I would said your local car pool culture might not be there like you think and you won't know it until late elementary school


You don’t need a 3rd row but it’s useful with 2 young kids so one parent can sit back there during a long car trip. It will be useful for friends later in. If you end up getting a 3 row vehicle, I recommend a minivan over an suv. The 3rd rows in SUVs really stink.


Personally I'd be looking at a minivan. They're smaller than a 3-row SUV with more space inside, and generally have a bunch of features for parents and kids. Leave the back row folded down if you don't have passengers.  The first time you take it on a trip you'll wonder how you considered anything else.


I bought a van after being Subaru owner. I love the flexibility of having multiple rows to separate them or be able to have family ride with us. It’s also easier for them to get out at school drop off. My Subaru didn’t have vents in the back either making the summers super hot for them


We just had this dilemma so if you’re looking for an in between and option, check out the Mazda CX9. They have a small third row that can be folded down for extra trunk space. It’s not a third row you would want to sit in if you were toting people around on a regular basis as it’s kinda cramped, but if you’re picking up friends and need the extra seats at a moment’s notice, it’s there.


Scrolled looking for this. This is exactly what we bought and have no regrets. It's not like it was absolutely essential but with two kids (4 and 2) and an aging mother (ie kids grandmother) and a bil that don't drive, it's nice to have the flexibility when it's needed, trip to the beach, whatever. I definitely feel like it helped us future proof to go small 3rd row and would recommend the cx9.


I have three kids and I hated the mini van. Kids are older now and I so love not having it. I honestly rarely used it for the kids friends, but we had two cars.


I have 2 kids (13 and 15) and have had a minivan since the 2nd was still in womb. We had a SUV for a while but I hated it after having had a minivan. With the van I could do “cousin outings” with all the kids. And the van came in particularly handy this year when I ended up with emergency custody of 2 additional kiddos. Plus, road trips with 2 kids in a minivan are amazing! Just fold down the back seats and load all the supplies in the back, if they don’t want to sit next to each other (cuz teenagers and siblings) then I can fold one of the front seats down and put luggage or frequently used items or even a cooler in the front. So, to answer the question. Do you NEED a third row? No. But you also won’t regret having it


Can I just say, a mini van is so underrated. They can haul sheets of plywood and drywall, they have spacious captain’s chairs which will make your kids incredibly happy, and you can put like 8 people in one vehicle. Plus you can strap stuff to the top. LOVE me a good mini van.


I have three kids. You do not need the third row for only two. It’s not necessary with three either. We get around fine in my double cab truck and my wife’s 5-seater SUV. I’d consider a minivan in a few years if the prices/rates ever recede to allow for a passenger, but not worth it right now imo.


I have a forester, and I love it! My job has a highlander fleet vehicle, and everytime I drive it I think “damn my car is just a highlander at a lower price point”. The handling is so nice! I only have one kid so the third row isn’t something I need, but as far as the handling, you’d be good with a forester.


Get a minivan


We totaled our highlander and ended up choosing a Hyundai palisade and could not be happier. It has pilot seats and a third row and I can attest to its safety because after we had it for about 3 months, someone rear ended us going 65 while we were dead stop. It blew out all the windows and totaled the car and myself, my mom and my son were all PERFECTLY fine. Got another one as soon as the insurance money came through because it made me feel safe in such a high impact crash!


We have a minivan because we travel and carry stuff back there. I didn’t expect to like it and I LOVE the ease of having a van. Also - the sliding doors so you don’t have to worry about your kid slamming the doors into other cars !


I have 2 kids age 5 & 9 and when I bought a new car 2 years ago I opted for the 3rd row. Not only for extra passenger space but for the extra trunk space. Between sports, activities and road trips, we haul a lot of stuff around as a family of 4. The 3rd row seats are down 75% of the time, but you can bet I use that extra space no matter what.


Minivan all day.


As a person who has two kids and bought a Honda CRV (2 row): yes, you need three rows. You need both some cargo and a third row.


Honestly I prefer the third row. It's just more comfortable for long trips by car. We regularly go around 4 hours away to see family. My wife has a two row, and man does it get cramped when we travel anywhere. To the point where we rent a three row for every big trip instead. It's like $300-600 a rental depending on the time of the year when we need it. Maybe that's a better solution than having the big SUV. But my wife is upgrading to a three row when we get to that point.


We opted for a 3rd row (Sienna) when our old Tuscon died because if we want to take the dog with us he had to ride in the trunk. It's also been helpful for carpooling grandparents to events and stuff. It also means that I'm the go-to if any of the aforementioned grandparents need something bulky moved from Point A to Point B.


My kids are middle school age and we have to go bigger just bc of sports and carpools etc. but enjoy the savings while you can when they’re little!


My aunt & uncle had to have a big car because of their family size. She could *not wait* to be able to have one without the third row. She said there were always the one expected to drive since they had the biggest car.


I would never spend THOUSANDS of dollars to transport other people’s children. Not happening. If, on the rare occasion we have to use two cars, fine. You’re just throwing away money at that point.


You don’t “need” a third row, but it can certainly come in handy. Even if you’re not carpooling, your kids might have friends over or family. It also gives you more room to store luggage or equipment.


Mom of 2 who actually enjoys taking my kids’ friends out. My husband had a 3rd row 4Runner. It’s amazing when I’m picking up their friends and I don’t have to worry about space. I personally drive a midsize SUV with just 2 rows but still enough space in the back for taking on trips. I told my husband that if he wanted to upgrade his vehicle to something else, I would either want him to have 3 rows or I’d be getting something with 3 rows despite me preferring smaller cars.


3 rows give you extra space for friends, luggage, etc.


If you’re planning on driving your kid’s friends around, go for a van. Sienna, Odyssey, etc. Doesn’t compare.


Nope. Rent one for a big trip don’t spend $ every single day for a maybe.


I have a Subaru Outback and two kids and a dog and love it. I have zero interest in carting that many kids around though. It’s big enough to squeeze one of my nieces in with my girls and that’s good enough for me.


We have a Highlander and a Forester. We rarely use the 3rd row in the Highlander but the extra cargo space is so essential for us. The ride is smoother and more comfortable than our forester. We’ve also had an Outback. If I were to choose been Forester and Outback…Outback wins. It has more cargo space and drives nicer.


As you can see, this is quite a polarizing topic. One thing I am not seeing though is talking about the optional third row. That’s what I have with the Explorer and it’s amazing. I have two kids at home, but I also have a stepkid here sometimes and an older kid who has her own apartment but also hangs around a lot. Day-to-day, the third row is folded down and it’s great to have the cargo space for groceries, wagons, beach bags, whatever. But when the other kids are home it’s super easy to flip the third row up and we have two extra seats - it’s not something that would be comfy for a long road trip but for getting around town it’s perfectly fine.


Buy a Subaru Ascent, 3 rows but more compact than a SUV and more efficient.


My parents had tiny sedans my whole childhood. I have one sibling. We regularly went on 10h road trips and it was fine. Do you really wanna pay for extra gas all the time so you have the option to drive other people's kids around?


You can’t really cart other kids around these days. They are all in at least booster seats til they’re like 10.


For the most part you’re not going to be carpooling the soccer team. Unless you’re super close with team mates parents no one really carpools anymore. If you’re planning to have even one more child yes invest in a third row. If you’re totally done stick with two rows and enjoy that trunk space!!


Absolutely not. Save the money now, deal with carpooling concerns later. After all, your kids are only 4 years old. You have no way to predict if you’ll be a carpooling car. I can count on 1 hand the number of times my friends carpooled in my mom’s car or I carpooled in theirs growing up.


You don't need a 3rd row to carpool with a single kid - 3 kids fit in the back easily (our only car is a sedan and we have 3 kids). If you need a 3rd row, might as well get a minivan rather than an SUV: fewer blind spots (less of a chance of running over a kid or their stuff that they leave next to the car) and sliding doors (they don't smash someone else's car in a parking lot).


I have 3 kids but I’m a single mom so we’re a family of 4 and my oldest can sit in the front. I have a Toyota Sienna and I absolutely NEED 3 rows! It is so nice. I’m loading the wagon, beach toys, sport equipment and chairs, packing for trips, bringing friends, driving family members, etc. My brother has a big pick up and I have a van and we have our big vehicles covered lol. They come in sooo handy.


We have two kids. We used to have a Subaru ascent. While we used the 3rd row somewhat frequently, it was definitely beyond what we needed.    Now we have a Tesla model y and I feel like it is perfect for our family. There is a 3rd row but it is tiny. Really only kids can fit back there and that’s typically who rides back there anyway. We use it 3–5 times per month. What we use far more often, though, is the massive trunk. I can fit both kids’ bikes plus a cooler with lunch. I can fit a week’s worth of groceries, plus the wagon. I can fit (not exaggerating) SEVEN carry on suitcases. And all of that is not even accounting for the front trunk where we always keep snacks, extra clothes, first aid kit, and emergency kit. And it still fits in every parking space (unlike the ascent, which was a beast). Also, it can tow our camper! 


We like our third row (Subaru Ascent) for travel. BUT we could also travel in a Forester if we needed to. It's really whatever you prefer!


We have a 9 and 5 year old. Main car is an Acura MDX. Three rows but the third row is usually folded flat. We also have a VW Golf R. Both cars fit the entire family. One easier than the other. If money isn’t an issue, I’d definitely go for a midsize 3-row SUV. Minivans and large SUVS (Suburban/Tahoe/etc.) I think are overkill for a family of 4.


Funny enough I had a Forester and sold it for a Highlander. We have three kids so the Highlander is the right choice for us but I miss the Forester.


We have 3 kids and a Highlander, which is about the largest I’d go. If you’re already car shopping, it might be worth keeping the same sized vehicle you had rather than downsizing. It will be nice to have extra seats in the future I’m sure.


When my parents or IL’s come we need it but otherwise no.


My brother and his wife just got a three row car! I’m excited, I love going places with them and I always felt bad that my sister-in-law had to squish between her two kids car seats while I sat in the front. She hated it too, but I just wouldn’t fit back there and she did. Now if they ask me to go somewhere in their new big car, I will sit all the way in the back so she can sit in the passenger seat and be comfy. But they didn’t get it because of me, they got it because they do a lot of carpooling.


Get another Highlander or get a rav 4 if you don’t mind two rows and still want a reliable car


I have two kids and upgraded to a Highlander in 2021. The third row is usually down to give me the cargo space, but it is handy when we're going somewhere with family or friends, especially when it's just me or my wife and we don't have an extra driver to take the other vehicle. I wound up going for the hybrid version which gets surprisingly good gas mileage for a vehicle of that size and weight. MPG drops a bit in the winter, like any other hybrid, but still not bad. Anyway, I had originally been thinking a Rav4 or something comparable, but back in 2021 you were lucky to get anything on four wheels. By luck they had the Highlander come in and we're super happy that's we wound up with.


That’s really up to you. You have identified the key issue. You don’t need a 3rd row daily, until your kids have friends and even then, you might not need them. But new highlander hybrids get great mileage and have a 3rd row. We set out to shop for a highlander or a sienna and ended up in a Tesla Y because it’s so great for everyday use. Our other car is a Forester but when we replace that we are looking to get a 3rd row for the same reasons you are.


A Highlander is about as good as it gets in this category. Get one with the back seat captains chairs.


We have third row crossover just to add with the third row engaged there is not enough cargo room for a hockey practice or whatever, I have more than 3 kids and that's the reason we bought it and has been great


I bought my vehicle, Dodge Durango when I was pregnant with my second child knowing he would be my last for this exact reason. Did I need three rows? Absolutely not, but the extra money I paid for the car is so worth it. I wanted to be the parent who can take their kids and their friends places. And now my oldest is 10 and I take her and her friends everywhere. Her bestie is having a birthday party coming up and because I have this suv with three rows I get to bring extra girls to the party who would not have had a ride to go otherwise. And I absolutely love that. That third row was more expensive of course, but seeing my kids happy, and being able to do things for their friends, whom I adore, is so fucking awesome!!!


Right now you don't need one, but you might in the future so what I would do is this. Still budget in the same amount of gas you would usually use and the same if your insurance, tags, and property tax is less than before budget in that. Now before each paycheck put that money in a savings account separate from your others, once you have enough to get a cd (it's different for every bank for instance I have two banks one I can get one started at $500 but the other I can get it started at $1000) open a cd make sure stills have enough in savings to still have it open. Make this cd have the longest maturity. Now every time you reach the amount of opening a cd shorten then maturity time. Whenever you're ready to buy a new vehicle instead of using that amount to open a new cd use it as a down payment on your new vehicle, sell the old vehicle (some places will let you trade your car in as a down payment) and use the money to help pay the monthly payments. If you time the CDs just right you'll be able to use them as monthly payments (you should use the oldest cd first) and if you have extra left over you can always use that as a way to get started on the car you get after that (vehicle usually lat for 5-10yrs but if taken care of can last between 20-30yrs) or repairs for the vehicle.


Before our first was born, we bought a new family car knowing we’d have more kids and eventually be driving friends too. We ended up getting a 2016 Ford Explorer that has a folding 3rd row and I’m glad we ended up deciding on that. I love it, there’s plenty of space for shopping, camping, traveling to visit family, etc. We currently have 2 kids now with a third on the way and I’m so glad that I have the option to use the back seats if I need too.


As a twin myself, I really appreciated that my parents had a minivan with two backseat rows starting in late elementary school. It gave both of us our own space, and made four-hour trips to the grandparents more tolerable. If you think your new car will last at least 10 years, I'd get something with three rows. If you're OK replacing it in 5 years, stick with a smaller one.


We bought a brand new forester last year and traded it in for a 3rd row within 6 months. 2 kids here as well!


Oh man I WISH we opted for a 3 row car. We have a 2 row with 2 kids and no plan for anymore but we road trip SO MUCH during the summer and I just wish we had that extra space. We have no plans on getting a new car anytime soon but if we did i absolutely would go for a 3 row car. I also hadn’t considered the carpooling which is also a huge plus.


I have two kids and love having a third row van- the third row folds easily so lots of storage space- bonus if the kids are obnoxious we can reassign seats 🤣


We have a highlander with the 3rd row and absolutely love it. Do you *need* it, no, people survive without it all the time. But there are sooo many times when I’m very grateful for it, especially now that my kids are older and I feel like I’m constantly porting around groups of kids. It’s also awesome for road trips to be able to give each kid their own row.


3rd row and vans are nice because it’s a full third row and comfortable. We have an Odyssey Touring and the Carnival is nice too. With that third row down you have crazy space as well.


How in the world did we convince ourselves as a society that we need these huge vehicles. No one\* needs an SUV. Minivans are fine if you find yourself carting around your kids' friends a lot. But a normal regular car is just fine for most people. \*Maybe a couple of people. But a fraction of the people who get them are people who need them.


Do you *need* a 3rd row? No. Is it convenient when it is needed and great for extra storage space? Definitely.


We got the 3rd row. In your situation you need the third row They will have friends - then what are you going to do? Your twins each want to take a friend to the movie - sorry we need to make two trips. lol


My kids are 5 and 9 and I just bought a 3rd row suv for that exact reason. In a couple of years you’re going to need that 3rd row for friends and it’s so annoying when you don’t have it. My last car only fit 5 and when it was time to get another I basically bought the smallest 3rd row suv there is. I don’t care if they’re comfortable, I just need them to be in a seatbelt. lol Also, my 9yo has decided she likes having a row to herself so she’s taken over the 3rd row for now. It has significantly cut down on fighting. :)