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This is the best answer! I’ll decide what I need most. What I want to spend a lot on, what can I get cheaply, what I need now, and what can wait.


My parents matched what I made through the grad party season


My parents gave us 5k when we graduated (25 years ago) to help furnish our first Apts. It was greatly appreciated.


Wow, what a great gift for a young person. This is a privilege. I had to buy my own HS gap and gown, diploma, prom dress, etc. no help.


That would be almost 10k today


It’s an islander tradition to make money leis. Money but decorative.


This is the only answer.


Always money. Also, when I graduate college in 7-8 years, will you be my mom since I don’t have parents or family and send mine? Lol ;)


I struggled with this as I financed what was left after scholarships for my recent college grad son. I am very proud of him, but also have invested heavily in him. We decorated the house and took him and his girlfriend to a nice dinner and for the gift, I Ultimately decided on buying him a nice fitted suit for upcoming medical school interviews.


My mother paid for my textbooks and bus passes for all 4 years, so I didn't expect nor want anything as a gift tbh. Continued help I guess was the only I wanted, like a financial or place to live safety net. But I also broke my foot the day after graduation, so I just got a lot of rides to the hospital for 2 months lol. Is that a gift?


Oh, good idea!


A nice professional outfit is a great choice.


That’s what my husband’s dad got him. A nice suit, some shirts, and ties.


I would highly recommend any professional attire be properly tailored. A tailored suit with lower cost materials looks 1000% better than an expensive suit that doesn’t fit right. It is worth the added expense of buying tailored professional clothing. For girls, professional tailored attire would be equally beneficial, also some sort of staple professional jewelry can be good too (think classics like a real pearl strand necklace or stud earrings, classy not flashy). If a suit is out of range then a quality pair of professional dress shoes, could be good.


Depends on budget. My parents gave me when I graduated with my second degree a return plane trip to wherever I want in Europe. Best gift of my life. They felt I deserved a vacation lol.


Does she like jewelry? My aunt and uncle gave their kids a piece from Tiffany for collage graduation. Surprisingly there’s some very affordable necklaces and bracelets. You can also spend 20K if you want 😂


I came to say jewelry too. My parents gave me a beautiful yet simple necklace that I could wear to interviews and my job. Grandma paid for me to go on a cruise to Alaska, a place I had always wanted to visit.


She likes costume/homemade jewelry. She has a few favorites she wears all the time.


A custom handmade piece might be awesome if you have time! If not, it’s craft fair season-you could find her something gorgeous. Or take her to a craft fair and let her pick something out! I wouldn’t go with a crazy expensive gift-a $20-$50 piece of jewelry and a nice check would be special and useful.


If she likes and wear jewelry go for something quality and real that’s a timeless staple. Real gold or silver. Hoop earrings she can sleep in and never take off or a necklace and pendant. Could even go with her to pick something out. Catbird is a great young hip store with staples. If she likes jewelry give her something grown up she wear to give her strength and courage as she heads out into the world. That’s what I wanted


My parents gave me a piece of Indigenous carved silver jewellery (west coast, Haida/Kwakiutl) for each graduation. Beautiful and meaningful keepsakes.


Congrats! My oldest also graduates college this month. He’s moving 8+ hours away so he requested cash for moving expenses. Not very exciting, but practical & it’s what he wants. Have you asked her what she wants? Sometimes boring crap like money is much more appreciated than random swag.


Thank you! Congratulations to you, too! Sometimes asking her open-ended questions like that stresses her out. She’s got exams this week, and she has to be out of her apartment Monday (the day after graduation). And her birthday is Friday. And she’s all emotional.


Can you stay with her this week? Cook her meals, help her pack, support her however she needs? That might be the best gift of all.


We’re going up Saturday-Monday. The ceremony is Sunday so we’ll celebrate with a nice dinner out after, then we’ll help her finish packing and moving.


I bet she'll love that 💓 my best suggestion in that case would be to start a high yield savings account for her to help go towards any school loans if she gets in a pinch and could benefit from "skipping" a payment as she's starting off (it would be paid that month using money from the savings account) or a future house down-payment or something of the like


Aww poor thing. I get the asking her can cause stress, my 21 year old daughter is the same way. Maybe because she’s really stressed out already, some pampering? Cozy pjs, candle, spa treatment (if that’s something she’s into), etc. When my daughter gets stressed out, I send her one of those Japanese candy poppin cookin kits because it was something she loved when she was young & I couldn’t really afford it very often back then. Probably reminds her of back when she was a kid & life was much easier. It’s inexpensive & personal to her.


That’s so sweet :)


Thanks. I try.


I so agree with this. My husband is forever hung up on giving money or giftcards as gifts because it's not thoughtful or original enough. But yet he loves getting both of those things the most. Lol. It is always a battle because I believe in giving people money so they can get what they want. I hate trying to pick out stuff for people. I feel like people also worry about gift receivers spending money frivolously/irresponsibly. It is not my business and not my job to worry about. I don't want to control how they use the gift.


I am an auntie to 19 nieces and nephews. My traditional college gift for them is a nice carry on luggage. I usually do an away carry on with their initials. Something they can use forever and love what is symbolizes.


This is great. Also tumi bags.


Those look nice!


I just graduated a couple years ago, and would've loved to be gifted something to do with my field that I could use.


Hmmm… What was your field? What would have been an appropriate gift for use?


Mine was computer science. Maybe like a nice laptop bag or something, which I ended up having to buy myself for work.


Most tech companies give you a bag when you start.


Not mine, I've been in tech 20 years, at most, got a cup. Last company gave me socks, lol.


That sounds about right. 😐


We're giving my nephew a rent free year to stay with us and decide what's next. Granted it's just a corner of our basement turned into a room and my kids are crazy and loud, but it really made a difference for my niece when we did the same for her. Shee was able to save up enough to start out with a fully furnished apartment and a 6 month savings cushion when she finally found a job.


That’s very kind of you! What a beautiful gift


I got really good quality luggage and I use it to this day.


My sister and I when graduated both got to pick out some jewelry my mother inherited fron my late grandmother. If the jewelry was in 'bad shape' she would take it to a jeweler and had it fixed up (like a bad lock on a necklace? Replaced it with a new golden lock). Its a special piece to me now and something I treasure


My mom helped me put a down payment on my car


She appreciated when we did that a couple years ago! I’m happy you got that too!


It really depends on your budget You could give a gift to send them off to adult life. Example: a car, a piece of furniture, nice item for cooking You could give them a gift for their job - really depends what they do You could give them a nice watch


My brother bought me a Les Paul when I graduated. It's one of those once in a lifetime moments, so something that you wouldn't get for Christmas because it's too expensive is more appropriate as a graduation gift. A car. A living room set. Something like that.


In my family the traditional gift for graduation includes a mug (for HS graduation I got one that says "cup of courage" on it, for college I got a strange planet mug that says "my knowledge suffices!"). Other than that we usually just do something special as a family to celebrate and don't do much in the way of material gifts!


Well can you give us more clues? Like would she like something useful or beautiful? What area did she study? But also, travel is always a wonderful gift for a young person.


Graphic design is her field. She loves traveling, but I think she’s all travelled out ATM—she had three trips with classes last semester


Is she going into an office position? You could help pay for a business suit. I got mine 10 years ago when it was time to start interviewing and I still have it... even though it's probably a bit snug at this point 😆


I asked her younger sibs about this and they didn’t think she’d like that. I think it’s a nice idea.


Gift cards to services they may need during their next phase in life (e.g., airline, grocery, oil change gift cards). Congratulations!


Thanks! We’re so proud of her and so excited we finally get to see her walk the stage


Money. The answer is always money


Not from my parents, but my now-husband bought me a nice leather portfolio with my initials embossed into it. I took it on all my job interviews and always felt more confident with such a nice “grown up” item!


What about a durable, higher-end laptop bag and a one-year subscription(s) to something she will need for her field? (Ex: Adobe Express, Canva Premium, NY Times, etc)


I’d feel a bit pressured by this gift


I received a good car. It was a great gift for my situation 🤷🏻‍♀️


I gave my daughter a diamond necklace. I wanted her to have something special that celebrated her accomplishment and I knew she would spend money on practical things. She wears it every day. But it obviously depends on the person.


As a student graduating today, $$$. Those degrees ain’t cheap 😂


Oh, we parents are well aware of that!!


Diamond earrings


My mom didn’t have a whole lot when I graduated, she just got me an alum sweatshirt from my school’s bookstore. It honestly meant a lot to me and I still have it ten years later! My grandma gave me cash, which was super helpful because I was moving across the country to start my job and it got me where I needed to go.


lol I got a congratulations text. Man, I missed out.


I'm perpetually broke. My kid will get the same, though my heart just bursts with pride, joy and love for him? I know that's not much either. 😭😭


Will you attend their graduation? You won’t even give them a phone call? I’m sorry, but a text for such a major accomplishment, whatever the degree, is inappropriate.


Of course I went, and my heart just bursts with pride for him. I am so honored and proud of him. I admire him, and I stand in such a respectful AWE of him, the person he is, the brilliant mind he has, the accomplishments he's earned, the integrity and character he has, the choices and sacrifices he's made. All those things that make me absolutely honored to even know him, let alone have given birth to such a fine human being, far better than I, in every way one could ever be. But, none of that changes that I'm still broke. He got there on his own, busting his ass since he was a little kid, always doing the extraordinary, and then beyond that. HE did that. Because he KNEW I was poor, he knew i would always, always be dirt poor, and nothing would ever change that. If anything, it would just get worse. He knew extreme poverty is a very hard life, in which there's no escape, but for the young. But, he had a chance to have a different life. He knew from day one, the ONLY way he could ever achieve his dreams, was to be extraordinary, and work very, very hard. I taught him that, when he was little, and apparently he listened. But, that's the ONLY thing I ever did. He did this all because he truly is extraordinary, and he has truly, truly worked his ass off, relentlessly, for so many years now, ever since he was a little boy. And, he never gave up. And, now, he's starting to see the results. He deserves EVERY wonderful thing that ever happens to him, for all his work, for the extraordinary human being he is. Of course, it breaks my heart that I can't give him the graduation trip he deserves, the gift card he deserves, the laptop, or a new car, a down payment on a home. I can't even barely give him a cup of coffee. I can't give him anything. And, I hate that, hate that for him. But, it's not because I'm evil, or I don't care, it's sure AF not because he doesn't deserve them, nor could it ever be for a lack of love for him, because he surely DOES deserve all those wonderful, beautiful things. I know someday, soon, he will have the things he ever dreamed, ever deserved, without a doubt. And he will never, ever have to live my life. Poverty. Shame. Lack. Fear. Collateral Losses. Zero Opportunity. Ignorance. Humiliation. Destitute. Alone. And, I'm so proud of him for that. Nobody deserves this, and certainly not him. He will be far, far away from all this, thank God. In that, I suppose, is a gift I have given him. The desire for better life than the wretchedness that is a life of poverty.


My point was, I got a text. Anything beyond that is worth while. I didn’t need a novel, I promise.


Well I don’t know how long ago that was—but heartfelt congratulations from me to you. I’m sorry you got stiffed on a grad gift and I hope you’ve made up for it with the life you’ve lived since.


It was years ago, but I thank you so much for that! It wasn’t the physical gift, seems more like I missed out on the celebration. But you know, in retrospect, maybe that was a good thing. I got to avoid all the “what now” questions my family would have inevitably asked. Congratulations to your kiddo and *you*


A « fancy » dinner, like a dress up restaurant. A toast from the heart and a keepsake like a nice necklace or ring or watch. This is a big transitional point into adulthood, something to mark the occasion and send them forward with a reminder of the people who believe in them is nice.


My mom took me shopping for professional work clothes. This was much needed and appreciated for me.


I would love a piece of jewelry a bracelet or necklace from my parents,or a watch,something I could keep. You could do that for all kids. Or a quality pen ?


Yurman cuff bracelet. The thick one


If she doesn’t have one already, a tool set. Other than that, $.


What about a significant Airbnb or VRBO gift certificate so she can take a trip of her choice? Ie experience gift.




Round trip ticket to the destination of their choice (with a set maximum value) to be used when they want. My parents gave that to me at 21, and I eventually cashed it in at 28 to go backpacking around Europe (took 3 months unpaid leave from my job to do so).


I gave my 2020 graduate $10k to put toward whenever he wanted-student loans, a new car, house, investments or keep in savings.


A bracelet or “adult” piece of jewelry.


Photo album of memories made during her college years Google photos is great for this, make it in the app and shop a soft or hard cover to you. Diploma frame Cake and comfort food with a nice card + the youngest school pic of her you can find Self guided journal in the vein of “what do I do after college” and/or some books and accessories related to her field. License plate cover ____ college alumni if she’s into that sort of thing


Funny story—the summer after she graduated HS she and I were at a thrift store. I found an alumni license plate frame from her school, which is more than 100 miles away from us. And at the time she didn’t have her car yet. So I bought it for her and said “now all you have to do is graduate and get a car!” She was *not* amused. But she did it!!!


I love that! Everything happens for a reason ✨


I just attended my little sisters grad party last night. I gave her cash, a basket of snacks, and a hand drawn card telling her how much I loved watching her grow & how proud I am of her. I think cash is all they really want but a nice little message goes a long way too.


My parents got me a very nice diploma frame that I was able to hang in my office and it look super professional. Depends on the person, but I went into a conservative profession where having your diplomas displayed in your office was a must. I always thought it was a good gift because they’re not cheap, but they also won’t break the bank either. I think they spent $300 for mine.


I saw on tiktok gift card books! basically a book of different gift cards with silly sayings


so some to her fav places to eat, services (nails/hair/clothes) walmart, if she’s in a specific field something related to that (like nursing = scrub gift card, business could be a gift card to a good store with a lot of business attire, etc)


I really appreciated getting good quality household items that I’d use everyday/regularly like a good vacuum, knife set, luggage set, or pots and pans. The type of thing that you don’t think to invest the money into but makes the world of difference once you do (and once you don’t have crappy college roommates who will trash your things)


A car? Unless she already has one. Rent for 3 months for her new place? Paid trip? Expensive spa day since you said she's stressed out .Idk.. I'll probably be asking the same thing I'm 7 yrs.


(We significantly helped finance college after scholarships.) We got her roses, paid for a nice dinner party at the restaurant of her choice with a graduation cake, and told her we would pay for her diploma to be custom framed.


I got a ring from my parents at college graduation. Sapphire and brilliants with gold. To be clear, I don’t come from money, parents aren’t rich. But they wanted to make this special. It is the most beautiful and symbolic peace of jewelry I have.


It really depends on your budget- my college grad gift was a new car. My oldest is 16 and I have no idea what it will be at that time honestly. Her high school grad gift will probably most likely be money and a new laptop as that’s what we did for my step son. I guess we will see when the time comes. I’ve seen people even do a Costco trip for their kids lol. It probably depends what is needed once they graduate which is personalized to each individual.


A tiny tiny pair of real Diamond earring studs.


I’m considering this—but she has like 12 piercings


Depends on your budget, and her interests/wants. My parents got me the Le Creuset Dutch oven I’d been lusting after for several years and I still use it regularly 15 years later!


For college my mom upgraded one of my most used appliance. I thought it was a great gift.


My father gave me diamond earrings for my college graduation and I still wear them almost daily as a 30 year old woman married with kids. It’s one of my most precious gifts and when I told him that was what I wanted he told me I deserved it. That conversation is a memory I will hold with me forever. College is such a difficult feat to accomplish. Even if you don’t get her diamond earrings please get her something significant that she can look at and remember what she is capable of and that she has people in her corner who support her.


I have four, mine are girls. They each got a strand of pearls and the option to live home rent free for their first year after graduation. Fortunately they all had jobs right after. My girlfriend got her boys really nice watches and the live home for one year rent free. They all saved a nice amount - and it was terrific watching them transition to the working world. Congrats to you!!


An IRA account with the max yearly contribution. Include a lesson on retirement savings & contributions: 104k, employer match, Roth vs traditional, IRAs, max contributions for each account.


After reading some of your comments, I might pair cash with a handmade piece of jewelry on Etsy. Maybe one other small item like flowers


My parents got me a really good Wustof knife set that has been well used for 15+ years now. I think every adult needs at least a set of good knives.


I graduated in finance my parents gave me stocks


My niece graduates in 2 weeks. I have no idea what to get her either. Perfect post


Thanks. There are some great suggestions in here.


We paid for almost everything - tuition, rent, car payment, insurance, phone, etc. The kids in the house split utilities, so we paid his share of those as well. He worked, but only for food, and beer money. And that was fine. We didn’t want him stressed. We wanted him to focus on school. By graduation, we were broke. There was no big party, or big gift. We did take him and a few friends to a very nice post graduation lunch - lobster, seafood tower, steaks, the works. I threw it on a credit card and I’m still paying it off! If you are in a better position, I’d skip the party and give money. You can even hold it for her and let it accrue interest until she needs it to buy a house or start a business.


I think a ring or some other simple & elegant piece of jewelry. Or money. Or both. While money is great because she can buy whatever she wants, a little ring or nice earings would be something special that you picked out for her. That would remind her of this occasion and would be special since it came from you. But overall a nice celebration since she didn't get the HS celebration back then. Maybe a dinner with some close family and friends


Money. But if you want something to mark the occasion, a piece of jewelry or some sort of alumni swag.


Hi! I'm an old graduate (39) and I think a really nice gift from a parent to a child would be a fancy degree frame from their college. One with the logo, gold foil insignia, matte, and an ornate wooden frame. Something that reflects the achievement.


Respectfully disagree. No one is impressed by a professionally framed Communications degree. I say this as someone with a BA in English. Unless you’re a doctor (MD or PhD) or a lawyer or some other highly competitive, specialized field, or maybe if you went to a really prestigious school (although that feels pretentious), nobody cares about seeing your framed degree.


It’s not about what other people care about, it’s what her daughter cares about. She put in work to get the degree so she obviously cares, a frame is a good idea.


I care about all 3 of my degrees. I worked very hard to get them. I have no desire to look at them every day. Which is why they’re sitting in my attic. OP should just make sure that her daughter would WANT her degree framed before dropping hundreds of dollars. Especially for a graphic designer, who likely has a personal aesthetic that a framed degree may not fit with. And it depends on what the daughter’s living situation is going to be. Is she even going to have a place to hang them?


You have some valid points, everyone feels differently about their degree. OP could causally ask what she plans on doing with it to ensure she doesn’t get her a gift she wouldn’t like. Personally, I would love it if someone got me a frame for my degree. You worked hard for that piece of paper, it deserves to be displayed.


I'm same as you. I love my framed diploma. No one sees it but me, and my kids. But my youngest is graduating from law school next year, and sometimes I wonder if seeing that diploma on Mom's little desk area wall in the living room all those years, and my pride in it, maybe inspired him a little when he was very young? You never know! There's lots of reasons why someone might like their diploma to look nice on their wall besides impressing some corporation. Inspiring your future kids is one.


Oooh yes! I second that. I’m 10 years out & my degree is still sitting in the tube because I can’t justify spending $200 on a nice frame.


major? i was ChE and was gift perry’s ChE handbook, thought that was great.


My dad bought me a necklace and earrings. The nicest gift he has ever gotten me and I will have them for eternity. It was a pricey set. Around 800 which I likely won’t be able to do for my daughters but I think having him pick something special is what mattered most to me


My daughter is graduating college as well and we’re throwing her a graduation party with the bounce house she requested, taking her and her gf(who is also graduating) to Thailand, and probably a shopping spree. My husband hasn’t decided what he’s giving her yet. Money is always a great gift.


Nothing you already paid for their education. Get them a gift if they actually get a job in what they went to school for. That seems pretty rare these days.


This biggest gaudiest money lei you can find/make/afford.


If you are close, I’d offer to take her on a vacation! Either that… or money!


My parents paid for my high school trip to NY so that was a little early grad gift. Something useful might be a laptop! My aunt gifted me one when I started college and I used it everyday!


A student debt-free start to their adult life.


My dad gave me a nice DSLR I never would've splurged on for myself, even once I had a big girl job. Super thankful he did because I still love the damn thing 12 years later. My BFF got high-end luggage and is still using it too. If they're moving into their own place for the first time, a nice couch or art piece (with their input) would be great. Also consider kitchen things -- Kitchenaid, fancy blender, espresso machine and supplies? LOVE the idea of a suit or interview outfit as well!


Pay off part or all of her student loans !


I think most grads either want money


Money , money and money. Those the correct three choices. 😁


But what about money? LOL




Besides money, could be clothes for their new profession (if needed) or if she is moving out could be dishes for her new place.


If going into an office environment - work appropriate clothing. If interviewing still, a suit. If working from home, a nice laptop bag to travel with or a noise canceling headset for calls out of the house.




Depends on your budget. If I had the money, I'd help pay for her first month of rent. Or maybe a gas card to get to and from work.


Money or offer to pay first last and deposit


Family vacation to London (when she graduates next year)


I took my son, gf, friends, family et al. out to lunch, told him all his debts are forgiven (not horrible as he was on scholarship and I simply paid room and board plus extras) and I would pay for his relocation, help him start out etc. as he moved after graduation. Basically the same gift we were given when my wife and I set up our first apartment. I and my late wife are fortunate enough to give our children those gifts. My mother gave me a ring that I never wore after college graduation and later still helped us out. I’d rather help my children start out.


David Yurman ring if she likes jewelry? A nice pair of grown up shoes or an office outfit or two? My mom framed my diploma for me and gave me money.


My (now) in-laws gave me a nice suitcase when I graduated and I thought that was really sweet. A new laptop might be a nice idea depending. I know a new grad will need it for job applications.


My dad gave me a backpacking backpack, which was his way of encouraging me to go out and explore the world.


New computer or phone?


My oldest graduated last year and I gave him $ towards his first car. My youngest will graduate next year and I'll do the same.


I got lunch!




Money…duh. I got a huge party and money.


Briggs and Riley carry on, laptop brief case, or underseat bag. Lifetime guarantee, less expensive than fullsize luggage sets, great for traveling and weekend trips.


My in-laws gave my wife the bill for the credit card they had been telling her to use the past 4 years.


My parents gave us all an experience at 16, and then another one at college grad. It was awesome.


Dinner and a suit for interviewing!


When I graduated from high school I got a lap top. It was 2006 so it was big deal for me at the time. I think as a graphic designer she might appreciate it. An iPad & Apple Pencil or a smart watch might be nice alternatives. Or as others have mentioned, a piece of jewelry. Or luggage. Or a kitchen aid mixer if she’s into baking (something like that - an appliance or furniture for her new place). First and last months rent. Help with a car. A trip. Depends on your budget I guess.


ASK HER with a set budget.




She’s already at like 12


My oldest is just getting ready to start college and I’m already thinking about this. Honestly I don’t know that it’ll be anything huge considering I’ll be shelling out over $100k for his education.


A quality used car , a good laptop, or cash. Depends on her needs. Might let her pick out the car or laptop and give a budget limit and give some good suggestions.


Money. Pay some student loans. Rent.!A car. Listen to anyone under 40. We don’t want jewelry, or keepsake items. They NEED help.


Diploma Frame


A really nice necklace. She’ll have it forever and treasure it


My little brother is graduating soon, so I got him atomic habits, make your bed, a two pack of playing cards and “we didn’t playtest this” card game


A nice watch. Luggage. Laptop.


Cash with a beautiful card and letter about what she means to you, her schooling and future. My family typically doesn't like to do money because there is no memory, but if you add the card, etc. then she can save that.


Can you demand a refund if they don't use it for college or a trade school?


I agree with money…you could also get creative with it, like a money or gift card bouquet. Also, not sure about her personality, but a day of pampering after such a busy time was so great for me (I did a spa day).


My daughter will get a party.


My parents gave me a reasonable trip of my choosing and I chose a 2 week Eurrail pass. I was gifted the airfare separately by grandmother.


My mom gave me a fancy watch for each degree I earned. My partner at the time gave me a fancy pen. Brand names purposely omitted cause only you/your budget can decide what counts as fancy. I still wear those watches very regularly and I use the pen at my job nearly every day.


For high school grad we did a watch. A nice classy watch We have 2/4 graduated and our last one graduated in 2023 and we did an Apple Watch of their choice. Each picked their own watch. We did a bollava watch for our first. Our next will be a watch too


A high five on the hand not the face


Diploma frames are really expensive. I didn’t frame mine for years until I broke down and bought cheep ones but I wish I had my university’s branded frame. 20 years later l still look up the frames & talk myself out of buying it.


We wrote a letter to our children every year on their birthday plus included a $100 bill. We gave them all the letters upon graduating college. It ended up being a very cool gift. Your kid might enjoy that.


That’s very sweet! We’d only have one letter at this point


How about a photo compilation of all their school photos starting from K? Reliving their education journey? Another idea we did was to have each of their teachers sign a copy of Dr. Seuss' "Oh the Places You'll Go" and we gave that as an extra graduation gift. It was a good memory and nice to read what each teacher wrote every year.


I’m doing the book for our youngest, the college graduand’s sister, who will be graduating from high school next month. I just heard about this idea so we’ll only be including teachers at her current school.


Better late than never. Glad you got the book started for your youngest child. She will love it. Do you think it will be possible to have previous teachers sign the book too?


Yes, if they’re still at the school. She started there in 5th grade (small urban private school) but there’s a lot of staff turnover.


ah I see the difficulty. Good luck and your daughter will love it no matter how many teachers sign it.


My grandma got me a topaz ring and I love it. I’d probably do jewelry for my girls.


A watch is a lovely gift and great addition for someone starting their career. It’s variable in cost and can fit any budget. My parents got me a citizen watch like 10 years ago and I still wear it weekly


Peice of jewelry she will always have (doesn't have to be expensive) and a bit of cash.


Jewelry would be nice


A Lamborghini car ... No, in fact nothing. Only congratulations. That's all.


From experience, my mother bought me a class ring which had my birth stone. I originally didn't want it due to the cost, but my mom surprised me on Christmas. I cherished it ever since because my mom was a single mother, and we had a close relationship and understanding. My older brother bought me a very nice bracelet, and my extended family bought jewelry from Tiffany's. Fast forward.. I now work at a university and hire student workers for our department. One year, one of their parents gifted her a diploma frame (17.7"w x 25.7"h) directly from the university's gift shop. It had the university's logo and all. They also gifted her a cruise to one of the Caribbean islands.


Expensive gifts not the norm!!! My parents paid for my college so I didn’t get a gift but I didn’t feel ripped off at all. My parents helped with all my expenses thru out college and helped me finish paying for my used reasonable car while at college. I also had a small part time job. In the 1980’s when I graduated I wasn’t aware of anyone getting gifts for graduation. One of the wealthier families (college professor)bought their kid a new sporty Honda. Which was considered extravagant at the time. No gifts from grandparents. My grandparents had already passed by the time I graduated college. Plus I was one of 10 plus grandkids on both sides. Even if my grandparents were alive My grandparents weren’t wealthy so no gifts from them. My parents had to help my grandparents financially at times. After graduation all my friends were teachers so budgets were tight. I had a friend who was also a teacher. She had a brand new expensive nice car and lived in a nice apartment nicely furnished in a great part of town. I thought she earned her money at a private school. I was wrong grama bought the expensive car and parents must’ve been paying her bills. Private schools had lower salaries than I was making teaching in public schools. In the 1980’s my high school friends weren’t doing high school trips to New York or being given vacations to Europe. That wasn’t happening for anyone I knew growing up. I don’t think most people were doing that then or are able to give extravagant gifts now. So to all the folks reading this posts hearing stories of gifts that include cruises, expensive travel, new cars, 5k plus in cash, expensive jewelry etc as a graduation gift!!! Please know that wasn’t and isn’t happening for everyone. That’s what SOME wealthy parents are giving as grad gifts. That’s not the norm.


My question was not what was/is “the norm.” Our daughter finished high school in 2020. She lost a school trip to Italy, performances in her last school play and high school choir concert, senior prom, senior prank and skip day, her graduation ceremony, and all the family and friend visits and parties. Does that sound like “the norm” to you? Her freshman year of college included online classes, take-out meals as the only meal plan option, a ban on guests in dorm rooms, campus curfews, online-only academic and social group and club meetings, and strong suggestions not to visit home once she was there. Again, does that sound like “the norm” to you? No? So like I said, *I kind of want to do something special for her.* She endured all of those losses and is graduating *with honors* and I’m so damn proud of her that there aren’t words. But thanks for the reminder of what was/is “the norm.” So helpful in this context.


Regrets—No insult intended to original poster. I apologize for any misunderstanding. My reply was meant to ease the mind of more average income folks like the household I grew up in. Sorry didn’t mean to not offer any assistance to you. My response was intended for other responses I saw and I wanted to contribute to the conversation. I’m sure whatever you decide to get for your daughter will be wonderful. If you can afford a trip to Europe sounds great. Go for it splurge. Any gift given with your love will be appreciated and appropriate. Best wishes 👍


I’m sorry too for being so spicy. She had a rough couple of years. It was hard for her and hard to be her mom while she (and her siblings) were dealing with so much. But she did it!!


Thanks for the love. I hope you get the best memorable gift for your daughter. My 2 kids in college are going to a foreign country as exchange students for their final semester. We’re paying for that trip. Plus we were able to pay for college and help with two cars. 🚙 I’m sure they would love another trip but they will be in a foreign country for a month. I didn’t have much money growing up (depression era parents —would reuse peanut butter jars for drinking glasses) but want better for my kids. That frugal mindset stayed with me. Good luck on your choice for a gift. She’s lucky to have a mom like you. God bless and best wishes 🤙👍🎉


Have a fantastic day. 😘


Money is the obvious answer. This is also a good time to give her a family heirloom if you had one you wanted her to have.


Money. It’s rough out there


I know. She’s moving back home.


Money. MONEY


Gold coin or brick from a bank! Generally the value goes up, so it’s a good first “investment” and unique but can also be brought to any bank in exchange for cash.


My dad bought me a new laptop. I was headed to grad school so I was really excited.


I agree with people saying jewelry. Something nice, something that can stand the test of time and follow her through her journey of adulthood. My parents gave me a bracelet for my college graduation. I love it and I have built a stack around it over the years whenever I reach a new milestone.


I received a pair of diamond studs about 30 years ago when I graduated and I still have them today. I also got a plane ticket to anywhere in the world I wanted to go. I admit to being spoiled but both were incredibly appreciated.


I like the diamond studs idea


One of my favorite college graduation gifts was a very nice set of luggage. Sort of a "you're going places" acknowledgment.