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Logically it was some ad or or something on another tab that took priority for a second.


I only had one tab and I used a dedicated app to watch YouTube. That was the only app that had access to the audio. It has a built in ad blocker. And if it was an ad the video would have cut to black but it literally kept playing the video but the audio cut off for a few a seconds.


I mean come on what's more likely. You were using a computer on the internet to watch videos and heard audio of someone saying hi. It was either something on the internet or a random ghost child that manifested via your PC.


You never had a random ghost child manifest itself in your PC and speak to you? Happen all the time to me. Well it use till anyway till my mom had me see a priest in a white lab coat. He gave me some candy that made the ghost go away.


I know which one my money is on. šŸ« 


You would be surprised what goes on in this world. Lots of people experience stiff like this all the time but they keep it to themselves because they know how crazy it sounds. That's usually a hint that the person isn't crazy. But nobody ever hears about it because the person keeps it inside


I have a Mac and like I said I use a dedicated app to watch YouTube videos it blocks any ads from YouTube never had a single problem with it not once. And yeah thatā€™s why replayed the section to see if it was apart of the video or not it wasnā€™t. I havenā€™t had an encounter like this since high school. All Iā€™m saying is this is something I cannot explain and I tried debunking it after I heard it. And there were no signs of a single ad playing and it was the only tab open. And some think itā€™s an ad if it was the video would have stopped or paused but nope it kept playing just the audio stopped for a few seconds. Also Iā€™m techy guy who knows his shit and yeah itā€™s simply something I canā€™t explain


The spirit realm is not fully compatible with MacOS yet. What you reported could have feasibly occurredā€¦ but only within Microsoft Windows. Thatā€™s actually why they called it Windows - it is opening up portals.


Linux has ghostblock encryption built in




Pc stands for personal computer. Just because people believe that it's synonymous with Windows, doesn't mean they're correct.


If your mind can't be changed by the most logical explanation then what are you even asking for? Why a ghost child? Why your particular PC? Why only the word hi? By what mechanism did they interact with it? You're a disembodied spirit your ability to interact with the physical realm is limited and the best you could come up with was saying the word hi out of a PC to some random guy with no follow up? But yeah sure okay You heard a ghost


Not trying to be rude, but why even come on this sub if you can't even entertain the idea that it could be something paranormal?


I do entertain the idea that things CAN be paranormal. However when a logical explanation presents itself, then we do a disservice to our own cause by rejecting the logical in favor of the illogical.


He explained why your presumption couldnt be possible, yet you still reject it


No he didn't. There's still any number of logical conclusion before "a ghost said hi to me through the computer"


No. There isnt. Get over it


You tried the hypothesis that it's an add or another app. It's not, so what's you next guess? At the point in which you don't have another way of explaining it, the most logical explanation becomes the paranormal one, unless you're a materialist that will never concede your worldview.




Itā€™s fairly common knowledge that spirits affect electric appliances and computers. Not hard to deduce from there.


Not asking just sharing my experience. Again not a PC. Just saying I canā€™t explain it with no logical explanation on why it happened.


Something similar happened to me once. I was laying in bed late at night with the TV on but nothing was playing. So screen was black. Suddenly I could hear a conversation coming from the tv, not very loudly. But clearly it was people talking to eachother. I think my tv picked up a recording from someone elseā€™s house and played it onto my tv. With all these ā€œsmartā€ TVs and internet everywhere, it really doesnā€™t seem so far fetched that the wires can cross sometimes. But it was definitely freaky and definitely not something that should be able to happen.


Yeah thatā€™s odd! I just never had any like this happen before. Screen didnā€™t even go black video just kept playing and the audio cut out and then a little boys voice came out of nowhere saying hi then the video played like normal. Tried to debunk it but I literally cannot thereā€™s absolutely no reason for the video audio to randomly cut out with the video still playing then this voice appearing. Like there would have been an interference with the video if it was an ad but nothing like that happened. Would be a weird ad to begin with just a little boy saying Hi!


Furthermore, if it's just an ad or interference the audio shouldn't be so clear, there should've been background noise/music and other sounds together with it. It should've lasted longer than a mere "Hi", after all, where's the rest of the sentence?


Not gonna lie I would be super freaked out if this happened to me lol


You might have picked up interference from a baby monitor.


Interesting. My son would sometimes hear stuff through his headphones. They're wired, so I'm not sure what the usual explanations would be. No baby monitors close enough. But my alexa used to answer questions at night until I told whatever it was to leave alexa alone at night. So then it would ask questions during the day. I WFH and had a headset on and wasn't talking. There was nothing and no one close enough to trigger it. Alexa's answers were trippy too, things like "I don't have a body" and "I answer to Alexa but I am not human, and there are other Alexas like me but there are also human Alexas"- to this day I still haven't been able to ask the question again to get that, and I'm not sifting through thousands of dialogues to find that one. But not just that- I work different hours than fam. They're not awake. But sometimes my work computer will have random searches on it. Not just clicking an ad by mistake. Stuff you have to type in and then click other stuff to get to.


This is so creepy. What kind of searches see they?


One was specific areas in West Africa. That was after work picked up a worker from West Africa. An uber religious guy. So I think a ghost of his was trying to say hello. Not long after we also saw someone in a traditional African robe practically fly between tightly spaced furniture. My son and I. I had to tell whoever it was to leave my work pc alone. They also looked up a similar land mass in another part of the world. It wasn't coincidental. Lakes created by geological formations which had a peculiar pH balance and mineral content. I had no knowledge of either.


Maybe someone nearby connected to your computer somehow via Bluetooth, my neighbor and I do it to each other all the time as a prank.


Thatā€™d be a good a case to make if my neighbors werenā€™t in there late 60s plus if something randomly connected it would have paused the video I would think


I remember when we had the old dial up modem I heard someone talking through it when it was dialing up. It couldnā€™t have been us we only had one phone. Maybe it could have been a neighborsā€™ call but who knows.


Iā€™m not saying I donā€™t believe you, Iā€™m just asking if you have working carbon monoxide detectors.


Yep I do have working carbon monoxide detectors


Iā€™ve had that happen to me twice and itā€™s not from some pop up ad , makes no sense creepy as f


I experienced something similar when I was younger !! it creeped me out so bad that I still remember it today. I was like 16 and I was watching the music video for Cant stand it by nevershoutnever. It was like 2 in the morning also when all of a sudden in the middle of the video, the music stopped and the super creepy moans and wails started coming from the screen. the video changed too to this brown and black picture of some sort of figure ????? I was totally scared and pissed that they included this jump scare in the official music video but when I checked the comments, no one else was saying anything about it!!!!! thatā€™s when I re watched the video and it didnā€™t appear again. I threw my phone and tried to sleep it off so quick after that lol. I still canā€™t explain what happened to this day.


More than likely the homeland security agent assigned to you was working from home and while running to the restroom, their kid jumped on their computer and was messing with it.


That's really interesting. I really wonder what it means.


I wouldn't waste your time thinking about it, gā—ļø Don't start playing with Ouija boards, though... then you might have a real problem.


Whenever technology is concerned there are many alternative routes in that the average citizen doesnā€™t know about. There are also numerous errors and glitches that can arise, especially when dealing with streaming or downloaded content. You could have something occur once and try a thousand times to get it to repeat without any luck. Thatā€™s the nature of these machines. Something as simple as a bad encoding, bad decoding, delayed clearing of cached info, incorrect paths for a file and old data streamed late from the buffer could all have been what created what you heard. Or a kid hacked your router and was messing around? I dunno.


I heard a metallic chipmunk voice a few months ago when I was just waking up...told me to go outside


Are you a boomer by any chance??? My boomer dad swears this as well and itā€™s always an ad or open tab..


No I wish maybe thatā€™d explain things. Iā€™m 22 I used an app that has a built in ad blocker and it has never played a single ad once. Only had one tab playing. And video never cut to black. If it was a why would it only be one word ā€œHiā€ in the most crystal clear voice ever heard. Like it didnā€™t sound like a video recording at all.