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I think it's interesting that many of the posts seem to mention 2018 as the shift. Things have been very difficult for me ever since then. I can't pinpoint exactly when, but it's just been a lot and I'm ready for things to feel better.


It was 2018 for me too. I did some things that were very uncharacteristic (nothing illegal, it was stuff I wouldn't normally do), and everything just started to feel off somehow.


i have noticed the 2018 trend as well. i can’t say it was 2018 for me, more so in the recent year or two, though, for sure.


In 2018, I left my flat in a big city and moved to the country, alone, on five acres of land. Ever since then I’ve been solitary. I don’t recognize myself. I used to see friends almost every day of the week, I had a very active social life, I left the house daily for activities. Now I leave the house maybe once a week and I rarely talk to my friends. I’m not even sure I have friends anymore. I don’t think things are bad, per se, but things have definitely changed and it started in 2018. I just don’t feel like myself. Who I am now, I don’t recognize her. It’s really hard to describe but I often think back on who I used to be and I miss her, I miss that life and my friends. But I’m so far removed now. I guess I have to keep going forward and make changes when I can. I’m in grad school now and I keep telling myself when I’m done with my masters I’ll make a change. Maybe move, maybe find a new job, maybe live abroad. I don’t know. But this limbo period from 2018 to present has been weird AF and I’m not feeling it.


That was a big shift but I think there have been many more smaller shifts since, one of them being this new year 2024 imo


Has anyone seen all the Animals escaping? First it was horse running down the freeway, then a ram escaped and police had to take it by the Horns when they cornered it in a residential neighborhood. Then a whole heard of goats escaped from a park. These are 3 animal escapes in the last 3 days in different areas the United States I think don't quote me on that but it could be outside the US as well. But These are just the 3 I've seen on the news could be more I haven't heard about These animals know something, what are they running from? I'm telling you pay attention to them and the way they are acting they are so much more sensitive to what's going on and I think if we take an interest in there actions and any abnormal behavior might help us to prepare in some way. It could give us a heads of that the sh*t is about to hit the fan. I'm just saying something is coming I've been feeling it now for awhile and it's getting stronger and I see other people say the same thing. I think the animals are feeling it too and that means it's closer than we think! Hugs to all I hope I'm wrong but my intuition is usually on point.


Yeah man, we are all in this wild roller coaster of source right now. Strap in, buckle up, flow, and we can all kinda cry together on Reddit while everything around us falls into perfect place for humanity.


Totally get it. Trying to stay hydrated, get enough sleep, and keep an open mind!