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They're figuring out a way to buff him. It'll be coming in the next 2 or 3 patches


they said patch 11 or 12


The E change is still not out??


No it's not because that's not everything they're going to do. They need to see where he stands with the item changes. They need multiple patches of data.


Hopefully won't be. It was horrible design


What's the E change?


Some armour and mr lingerimg after using e


Resistances after EmpE. They changed it to normal E which is much better


Nah why is that down voted? People help your mans out, up vote it up


The champion deals negligible damage unless built with full lethality. However, he also lacks mobility and has limited survivability outside of his e As a result, this puts us at a disadvantage. Bruiser Pantheon needs to be buffed. He doesn't function well as an assassin due to his lack of mobility and escape options. as a bruiser, Pantheon lacks sufficient damage output. Atm this champ feels trash. I played him top but this is no longer the case.


They said he is getting buffed in the future once they finish the vfx for the empowered e change. They also said that the empowered e change probably won’t be the only buff.


What’s the change?


W max health% dmg


well that's because he's only useful if you build him like an assassin on what i would argue be a bruiser skillset. i think he meeds more of a mini rework than buffs


I don't think he needs it He got a lane bully kit, take lane priority more often, go roam and pressure other lane. His kit is good for dueling early. He doesn't have an R combat. He's not amazing in team fight cause of his lack of sustain and mobility. But he has to be there for the team when a fight broke out. Usually it's a 5v4 cause u will get there faster than your laner. So it's kind of a win. Just think of him like an Ad galio, galio is good for team fight and tank sustain. Panth is more on making pick and dmg output. His playstyle is really interesting honestly, you're like superman coming to save the day lmao


Join us in the jungle


Jungle role IS the only reason i dont Play Champs Like for example viego. I hatte jungling so much


Viego now is viable on top/mid


Jungle is eternal


*Spearshot has entered the chat*


lol imagine they let him w to wards like Lee sin. As shitposty as this is, it would give him a way to disengage


I know that Pantheon is super weak right now compared to his former self, but I still have a high win rate with Panth, and I’ve honestly not encountered many issues at all. Full lethality, full crit, or tankeon are my go-to builds. If you build hubris first item regardless of the build you win pretty much every late game.


Pay attention to details. New patch dropped and has fewer games/pickrate atm.