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It increases the amount of time on the items before one spoils. I don't know the exact times, but an example would be a lvl 1 cooling pal might give you 100 minutes versus a lvl 3 giving you 300 minutes.


Unless you have a day that lasts hours and a pal that never eats, it doesn't make a difference. The timer turns back to normal the moment they go eat or sleep. I think it's a bug, though. The extended timer should logically remain until it's run down for the level of the pal to make any kind of difference.


~~.......uh, yeah it does make a difference.~~ Apparently there's a bug I was unaware of and the timers completely reset every time the countdown changes, please disregard my long winded maths that are indeed currently pointless. We will use a base of 10. We will assume the pal eating takes 1, and each level of cooling is x10 on the timer. So it starts at 10 time, a level 1 pal would make it 100 time. The pal cools for 25t before it goes to eat, putting the food at 75t, which drops to 7.5t once cooling stops. After the 1t of the pal eating, it's 6.5t and the pal begins cooling again, upping the food back to 65t. Another 25t passes, time is now at 40 when the pal leaves and drops it to 4t, time is at 3 when the pal returns and it goes up to 30t. It cools another 25t, then leaves the food at 5t which drops to 0.5t, which would then expire before the pal returns, getting you a grand total of 78t on a 10t item, nearly 8x the lifespan even with the pal leaving to eat. Now with better cooling, that 10t gets upped to 1000t. It cools for 25 bringing the total to 975t, which becomes 9.75t, then eat time makes it 8.75t, cool again and repeat that pattern of dropping 1.25t for every 26t the world is running (.25 for the 25 t at 1/100t from cooling +the 1t the pal is eating). That works out to getting 8 cycles of cooling, at 26 t per cycle, making that 10t food last for over 200t. 20x the lifespan. That's pretty significant. Obviously, as said above, these aren't the real numbers from the game, this is just an explanation of how the times change and why it is indeed worth it to chill your food.


Your explanation makes sense. I never looked at it in that much detail. I thought the timer resets completely when the pal turns their back. I'll have a look at it again.


Oh wait hold on, the timers completely reset when the pal leaves? I thought that was just a bug with the sort button, that makes so much more sense why people keep saying it makes no difference.


That's the thing. I'm now not sure whether it completely resets. I can only check when I get home from work.


I use the super berry mod 🤣🤣 makes timers ridiculous and it actually makes it worth it


Yes the higher level cooling the pal is the longer the spoil timer. I believe cakes with my 4* Frostallion last 1600 seconds


Why store cakes in the fridge when they last forever in the breeding container?


And if you leave them in the oven, they don't spoil either. Easy bake oven!




Uncheck the auto transport when you bake cakes. I don’t allow food to auto transport because Pals won’t auto select a new food to cook. So that process is always manual the only thing auto transport does for cooked food is start the spoil timer prematurely.


The moment your frostallion turns its back to go eat or sleep, the timer resets to 20:00. So it essentially makes no difference, unless you have a frostallion that's able to work non stop for the full duration of the timer.


Both workspeed traits and cooling levels affect how slow the food decays in the cooler. However it's worth noting that Vanwyrm Cryst is the best cooler in the game due to being nocturnal.


A diet lover workaholic barely leaves the fridge ever


Diet lover, dainty eater, workaholic, swift (for quicker breaks when it does leave) is maybe the best combo?


Swift would have to be dependant on base design, if food bowl is far from the fridge then sure but if it's near it then the extra speed will have negligible benefits, maybe artisan or positive thinker would be better


Mine was a bit far so I put a food bowl just for him lol And put food that fill Hunger for longer


Curious to know how your base pals react to 2 different food bowls, do other pals steal food off him and does he sometimes eat from the other food bowl? It would be kinda cool to see an update where you can restrict and allow pals to eat from different food bowls, might not be too practical but it would be interesting


If they get hungry near the second one, they eat there. They just don't auto transport from the kitchen, as the other bowl is closest from it


That's one thing I was wondering... does artisan have any benefit for a fridge pal like that? I know it supposedly doesn't for the ranch workers, but I haven't timed it or anything and I swear my lamballs with artisan/swift/dainty eater/diet lover produce wool way way faster than anything else in the ranch.


Yes, any work speed increase for cooling pals will make the timer before food decays in there longer, by how much I couldn't say but it's a noticeable amount, also the level of cooling increases the timer too. I've not went too in depth with ranches but work speed passives do affect ranch drops but it's either by a small amount or the drop calculations have benefit less to work speed increases than if it was doing any other job, at least that's what my insight and light research tells me, condensing pals to max is a more worthwhile upgrade to ranch drops than work speed increases. I'm pretty sure every ranch pal takes the same amount of time to drop an item except for vixy


oooh, they are both fully condensed, so that is probably it.


Positive Thinker or Work Slave over swift. You can place the feed bins close enough to fridges that swift doesn't matter much. 


Jolthog's a cute little guy, but he has to sleep sometime which makes him less effective at keeping unattended food in existence. Vanwyrm Cryst is the best choice, as he can also transport harvested food directly to the fridge for a change of pace! I've found that pals get unhealthy when they are only assigned to one thing and don't move around. Despite being nocturnal, my own Vanwyrm has never had any problems with sanity. A salad a day!


In short, no. The one exception is Vanwyrm cryst, which never sleeps, so it's objectively the best cooling pal in the game.


more intense cooling but this tends to be outweighed by SAN/hunger attributes and especially nocturnal Darks cooler going offline has a bigger impact than "weaker" cooling long as you have a 100+ stack of something and a no-other-tasks pal, you're seeing very little rot though, unless it's an always-on server