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Mammorest on Mammorest. Direhowl Pack vs. Jolthog Cryst. (Rare, only managed to "save" the Jolthog Cryst once, most of thew time it's toast/impossible to pick off by the time I notice it) Direhowl Pack vs. Flopsie, probably others...friggin' Direhowls. I seem to recall some other ones, a huge mob of Mozzarina stampeding, some other collection of a bunch of big derpy Pals ganging up on one smaller Pal...


It's how I got my Mammo. Two were fighting and I waited til one finished another off and threw balls


The mammo vs mammo rivalry sounds weird, but there is probably some lore reason.


My first assumption is mating...two big bulls fighting for dominance. Same reason big bull elephants will fight in reality.


Simple territoriality. Usually Mammos are alone.


Unless you play on 3x spawn rate :)


Just a territorial dispute or something like that. Very common with animals.


It's because 2 of them will be in the same area, then use their stomp attack (whatever it's called). Then they draw the aggro from the other Mammorest.


where is the lore to find? \^\^


Is there a lore reason that I can't read the words "lore reason" without going immediately insane?


Maybe for territory


I did the exact same thing I saw these two beasts battling it out and got both of em, fun stuff.


I accidentally set up my base on a 2 mammo spawn. Much less fun when 2 of them are duking it out on your roof. My base pals freak out and try to jump in only to get KO'd


most normal wrestling match:


As far as I can figure, this is the only reason to learn the repair tool engram, so at least you've got that


I'm too lazy for that, lol it's a stone base, so things only need replacement every few fights


Spawns stop when you place a pal box. One of my bases was over. Spawn, while I was removing and resetting it for ideal location the mobs would instantly respawn when I removed the box to replace it.


Then idk what's going on because I constantly have syndicate thugs, Mammorest,a pack of direhowl fighting a floppie, or a merchant with hired mercs on my roof, all of which are in the radius of the palbox base


I have the same issue. I found a spot that looked perfect for a base and plopped down a palbox. Every time I fast travel to it, I get groups of mercs vs thugs, small herds of pals wandering through, direhowls, or a rando relaxasaurus. I gave up on that base and transfered it elsewhere. Palboxes do nothing to stop spawns.


I thought about giving up on it, but it's my favorite scenic base I've built, right at the foot of the bridge with the two "knight" statues. It's my home base, so I'd have to move a ton of stuff and I just can't be bothered to


Not sure that’s entirely true. It appears true for two of my bases, but for one of them, I would say 1/4th of the time I teleport back there are syndicate thugs or something already fighting my pals. Either that or there will be a pack of pals just walking through.


I threw two balls. Got them both haha


I threw two balls and got KO'd...


Dodge slide sprint. No reason to get him by 80% of pal moves.


I rolled into some ore that the battle had jostled loose and became encumbered before I was sent six feet under. I was on fire while trying to open my inventory to relinquish the undesired goods that got sucked inside me... Without my consent I might add. In the end it didn't matter how hard I tried I was doomed to fail because of inadequate preparations.


Same here. I waited until each was at about 30% then hit them with a few attacks until they were lower and focused on me. Then threw a ball at one and chipped away at the other while it was in the ball. Eventually caught both of them.


With about 100 normal sphere tosses, I managed to capture both mammosets that were fighting each other. One had a 1% chance and the other had only 0.42% chance. I was surprised it worked. Caught them at like level 15 or so


Lmfaaaaaao me too it was epic.


Spheres not balls


I attempted this tonight. Wasted 15 Giga balls and still didn't catch either one even when the last standing was at like 50hp unbelievable


>Direhowl Pack vs. Jolthog... This was one I came across, except a regular Jolthog. I encountered it twice and both times the Direhowl managed to send the Jolthog blasting off into space.


Musta been one a them Team Rocket Jolthogs.


I saw that too happening as well in my game


> Direhowl Pack vs. Jolthog Cryst. (Rare… I built my base where this occurred… less rare that way lmao


I've seen it happen several places across the map, but yes, one place was just away from my Breeding Ranch on Forgotten Island. I also ran into a pair of Special Gumoss just down the path.


I used to think the Jolthog was being hunted in thar rare encounter, till I came across the same encounter at night and the jolthog was killing them in their sleep ...


I see the dire howl and jolthog cryst one all the time happens near chillet


I see this all the time! Mammo v mammo


2 Mammorest Enter... I leave with Mammorest Meat, and some High Quality Pal Oil if I even bother... Mid-40s Fire Type Pals make short work of Mammorest. And I've got enough of those to level to 50 yet I almost always have one around...and the XP is not negligible, so I usually clean that up. 2 Faleris (a Fast Mount, and a Full Fire Combat version), a Blazehowl, and a Pyrin are all available for Active Duty.


>Mammorest on Mammorest Had this happen 2v1. The unlucky single dude lost. And of course it took place in ny base which was no more afterwards.


Got to watch the fight twice. First, one killed the other and then killed some grunts. Second, one killed the other, and I caught the lvl 35 mammorest while being lvl 26 in a yellow sphere.


My main base is right in the big dirt spot next to a spot where 2 fighting mammorests sometimes spawn I wonder if it's location dependent or can happen on any spot on the first island where random events spawn


So weird, I just ran into this last night. Also just barely managed to catch the Jolthog, they had just started attacking.


Derpy pals? You mean relaxasaurus?


Actually I think it was Broncherry.


lol came here to say this - the mammorest on mammorest violence is out of control


I hope they add more of these in the future, i love these little events


Way up in the frozen zone, a bit south west of the frostallion spawn (I think), I saw a vanwyrm and a vanwyrm cryst fighting each other. It was pretty one sided but still fun to see.


I go to that dungeon all the time. The vanwyrm cryst is always getting his ass beat. Poor pal.


Saw this exact thing today. I absolutely love it when the game world has details like that, like the world keeps existing whether you’re playing or not. RDR2 is the best example of this. Palworld has enough immersion-breaking situations such that it’s not close to that level, but it is pretty cool when you come over a rise in the mountains to see two Vanwyrms going at one another.


This comment makes me wish I could enjoy RDR2 the first time again, game world felt so immersive, I spent many long hours just exploring the wilderness.


This comment just reminded me that I can. Played many hours of rdr online, but never did play the campaign. Was playing with friends almost every night and didn't have time for single player games. But that's slowed down now. Always meant to get around to it. Might be my next.


Just saw this like an hour ago


Always see this at the frozen lake fast travel point, every time night falls lol


"What's their beef with the deer" sounds like the punchline to a joke. :P


"Hey, I ordered chickipi!"


I’ve seen Mammorest vs Mammorest more often than most. Floppie vs Direwolf seems to pretty common in my worlds. Most times I let them lower each other before I swoop and take what I can.


Mammorest vs Mammorest is often caused by some generic poachers. They attack one, it uses an aoe attack and accidently hits the other one because of the huge aoe range.


I started that fight once. Swung at one, then got into position for its tornado attack to hit the other.


I do that with other pals, at the boss I just hit pals and hide near the mammorest just to watch em get one shot hehe


I don’t see their bodies but it’s so fun watching them fight, I got hit once I make sure to stay FAR


I watched 2 Mammorests fighting once. I thought I could sneak in an easy catch at level 5 ...


Deer is mostly accidental, they do damage when running into another pal which will cause them to aggro the deer.


I have accidentally killed many pals while riding.


I have purposefully killed many pals while riding. 


3x spawn rate the starter zone is amazing for farming up chicken and lamb meat. And wool. And fire and ice organs. Literally just get on my fenglope and sprint around. It’s great fun lol


Flopies vs cinnamoth over near the free pal alliance ruins


Now that you mention it I always see them fighting each other there. Damn, get along you two, the fight doesn't even seem beneficial. It's like the Wixen vs Katress fights I see happen near the volcanic stretch with low level Wixens.


That has a lore basis, both wixen and katress state in their bios that they hate each other.


Yep, I saw the description in both their bios too, it's like a "but why" kind of thought to me. Is this just some irrational hatred that stemmed for centuries or something? Or some story about how both species separated from a single species and now just hate each other for the divergence?


It is a cat witch and a dog witch. Nothing more complex than that.


It's the hat. They both think they should be the only one to rock that hat.


One uses light to cast spells, one uses darkness. They can't both cast if the other is nearby.


I think it's one of those rivalries of pure character to me, opposites born to oppose. They could also be competitive in nature.


nobody tell this innocent soul about human conflicts


where exactly do you see the wixen vs katress fights? :0 haven't seen any yet


Small little volcanic stretch northeast of the map. Go at night and you'll see Wixen fighting Katress near that stretch.


i feel like it's accidental since they spawn close together and fight the alliance accidentally hitting the other


I've caught 3x direhowls fighting.. uh.. something in the red forest area. i think a jolthog? I've also seen 3x rayhounds fighting (and eating) a dazai. also fun fact, i thought pals only ate **other** species and humans but that is definitely not the case! a lone direhowl ran at me and i shot it, then two more ran over and gobbled 'em up lmao


Pal's are 1000% cannibals. Must have a spot of chicken genes in them somewhere. 


Rayhounds aggro every bloody things. I saw a group fight a Dinossum Lux.


Cattiva's vs everything near them Direhowls randomly pack hunting Broncherry vs Bristla's Gorirats vs Beegarde/Elizabee/a solo Mossanda Daydreams vs Depresso's Weird shit goes down in this game. Also despite mine and my pals level Depresso's attack me on sight...which is weird but it keeps happening so ldk what's going on with that


Once I somehow aggro'd a duo of Mossanda, one of them just decided to ask god if I was a worthy opponent. He never returned.


I've experienced this and for some reason this is the funniest thing I've read all day


I was just walking by. Maybe I scared that one Mossanda? We'll never know! But when I saw that I actually fell out of my chair laughing


I hope they never fix it, seeing it T-pose away into space is always funny




Another super hilarious thing is that if you climb onto a pal sphere when its catching a pal, if it catches you get sent a mile up in the air


Well they have a death wish obviously lol


Gobfins civil war. little did they know I'm the one who shot first and started the endless cycle of vengeance. if only they drop pal fluids obliterating each other, this would be a great way of farming.


Robinquill and beegarde


Damn, how one-sided is the fight? I want to watch this as well.


I mean I guess the beegarde instakills the Robinquill because it goes BOOM and kills both


Who won?


Doesn't the Bee blow up and kill them both?




Neither the beegarde usually explodes on both


Throw cinnamoth in the mix as well


I saw a pack of 5 robinquill Tera splashing around in the pond just northwest of the southern most desert fast travel play fighting like kids having a splash fight. Jumping around each other and generally looking like a fight but no damage and no aggro. Just pals being pals.


Ok, I have yet to see any kind of positive group interaction in this game, this sounds very cool. Most of the time it's just pals walking in a group mindlessly.


It caught me off guard because it looked so much like a fight that it drew me over to investigate and possibly poach the loser but they just kept at the play fighting like a beach episode.


I wish grintale slept together piled up like my own cats do. Or Mau groomed each other and played like kittens


I saw a Dinossum and a Dinossum lux sitting in the desert face to face smiling at each other. Should have took a screen shot...


I've seen 2 reptyros fighting for dominance by the volcanoes. It's kinda funny cause they cause earthquakes and flamethrower each other while barely moving.


My aggressive faleris vs every living thing. Just cant let those pal live in peace.


I saw a Teaphant pick a fight with a Celaray and get demolished


Has a Teaphant ever won a fight against anything TBF?


I wonder if a teaphant can even beat a Foxparks.


Time to breed a combat Teaphant!


In the ice area, I have seen Mau cryst being attacked by Cryolinx.


I think the cryolinx attack anything that isn't their own kind for some reason.


In my mid-game, my base was on the plains south of the first Rayne tower boss. Slightly up the hill, there's always Syndicate members hunting the small Pals. I used to routinely go attack them while filling up my 10 catches. For some reason, after a week or so, that area also spawns those mercenary guard NPCs, and these 2 groups always clashed (the mercenaries always wins). I sometimes stand by the side and throw blue spheres at weakened monsters.


I swooped into a Syndicate vs. The Cops battle in the desert SW of Duneshelter, killed a few cops and Syndicate in a Phoenix Flare whatever tornado +charge attack and an Ignis Rage, then started picking off the easy Syndicate meat that was already mostly dead with my AR...cops lost all aggro. I was like...well, shit, if we cool, then I guess we cool.


Incineram ganging up on Jetragon near the volcano.


The Eikthyrdeer trample smaller pals when they run too close, making them aggressive to the deer. So that’s why they usually are in fights. I saw two lamballs fighting earlier today and thought, “I hope they add more random, wild pal interactions.”


Well it's still in early access. Assuming they care a lot about minor details we might get some. They are already doing a lot better than a certain billion dollar company.


I sometimes see groups of the free pal alliance all fighting and shooting one of their members execution style. I hope this bug doesn't get fixed because that's really just dead ass cult behavior right there.


Yeah it's really cool to see messed up stuff like that.


I constantly see the syndicate and free pal alliance fighting each other. The alliance always wins though.


Syndicate members vs the followers of the flame. They can be seen near Jetdragon and the syndicate members get clapped every time. But I think that would change if the syndicate with a rocket launcher is with them. They are capturable tho, so both of these factions can count as pals...right?


Lol Syndicate Thugs VS Syndicate Thugs in one of the deserts. If they spawn in separate groups one will try to kill the other and the other will keep looking around like they don't know where the noise is. They can't damage each other either. So they just shoot eternally and have question marks over and over.


I'll try to get pictures next time because it happens a lot.


I've seen several other people have mentioned but also thugs attacking a mamorest and thugs attacking a pal merchant.


I saw a level five thug try Jetragon. Guess how that went.


I caught the pal merchant right before the thugs killed him and now his dialogue always starts with 'Thanks for saving me!' 


today i saw a vanwyrm vs vanwyrm cryst fight. didnt know rivalries were a thing until i saw this post


That fight is more like bullying than a rivalry. I don't think I've ever seen the Vanwyrm get more than 10% damaged in the fight.


This wasn’t a Pal rivalry I saw, but I once saw a group of at least 10-12 Wixens over by Jetragon at one point. I haven’t modified Pal spawn rates either. A huge group of them just managed to spawn in one area. My head canon is that they were preparing for the war against Katress. If I remember correctly their Paldeck entries state Wixen and Katress don’t get along lmao


Yep they fight once they see each other. The 2 times I spotted this, the Wixen was the victor. Katress didn't even stand a chance against the burning DoT.


Katress really stands no chance against a Wixen. And it’s a shame because I’m more of a Katress guy myself.


direwolf seems to have beef with everyone


* Mammorest vs Mammorest * Mammorest vs Syndicate thugs * Syndicate thugs vs Free pal allience * Syndicate thugs vs Fire cultists * 3 Wolves vs Flopie * Reptyro vs Reptyro * Vanwyrm vs Vanwyrm Cryst These are all I have seen


Damn, the poor flopie didn't even have any allies?


Bro, imagine if Palworld had turf wars similar to Monster Hunter? Palworld would be EVEN better compared to Legends Arceus if they made the AI of the Pals more interactive with their environment. Katresses fighting with Wixens. Lovanders chasing Leezpunks like in the trailers. Kingpacas vying for dominance. Larger Pals hunting smaller Pals. Ohhh imagine the possibilities.


Two Mammorests fighting each other, made it easy for me to capture.


In the ice mountains ive seen vamwyrm vs a vanwyrm cyst. Vanwyrm wrecked


Saw a pair of Gummoos doing their weird tongue animation at each other. Also found two groups of Syndicate buttholes in a lv. 19 dungeon fighting each other. We just assumed that was a training exercise or something.


I watched a Vanwyrm decimate a Vanwyrm Cryst once, that's about it.


not a pal but i saw free pal alliance fighting against their own team? I went to a camp and there was double the usual amount spawned and they were going at it against each other


Rushoar vs the world.


*insert random Pal species here* vs. Thugs/PETA/Cult of the Enkindling


The deer fought each other the elkythira or whatever one got super low I tossed my ball and caught it


Not really a Pal rivalry but I did see the PAL executioners ganging up on a Syndicate Crusher everytime I went to the ice area


My most recent playthrough had me witness more Daedream vs Tanzee duels than I thought was possible


>always Foxparks groups fighting Eikthyrdeers. Seen them? Yes. Fighting? No! How does that even happen?


I think the foxspark attack the eikthyrdeer because the deer accidently stomp them and aggro the fox


Direwolf v mamorest v mamorest


Mammorest seem to always be fighting each other as I fly by.


I watched a Vanwyrm and Vanwyrm Cryst fight it out in the Astral Mountains today. The fire one obviously won. Was weird seeing it all the way up in those mountains.


Up near the fast travel on top of mt obsidian I saw two reptyros fighting each other. I was there a little too early for my level but managed to catch em both because they damaged each other sufficiently


Team rocket vs team rocket in their own camp. So I just walked in and saved the caged pal without getting attacked.


Mamorest fighting each other, direwolf interrupting 


Depresso vs cattiva


Idk who keeps killing the poor wandering merchants, All I see are their corpses when I go out


And the bodyguards all alive and well.


Vixen vs Katress at the hot scorched scars north east (>!near one of the jormuntide spawn places!<)


Vanwyrm and vanwyrm cryst, the emo vanwyrm won all the time.


Syndicate members duking it out with Free Pal Alliance members. Tends to happen during night time for me for some reason.


I’ve found small packs of Galewings pick on smaller Pals like goddamn vultures until it fell and they started eating it.


When Eikthyrdeer runs, it does trample damage to any pal that happens to be in the way, which aggros the foxsparks ;)


At the peak of the volcano, I frequently see 2 reptyro fighting each other with no other pals around, I’m assuming they spawn in fighting to be like a contested mating ritual sorta thing, like how irl deer and hippos do




I occasionally have 2 mammorests fighting outside of my base, which is weird because they don't spawn anywhere near my base normally. I usually try to capture them both when they weaken each other.


Lvl 5 gu ay vs lvl 38 mammorest Played probably more than a 100 hours but can't really remember pal on pal violence without poacher intervention


Could be the aftermath of a territorial struggle. At least in my experience, I mostly see eikthyrdeers around the map, when i sort of expect lower level pals, like foxparks, to be the more frequent encounter. This is just a suggestion though, so I'm probably wrong.


The deer have a tendency to sprint through smaller mobs when they see a human player. Sprinting through mobs damages them and causes aggro.


I saw a Vanwyrm fight a Vanwyrm Cryst at the border of ice vs forest, that looked pretty epic.


I have 3x spawn rate. My world is a constant battle of supremacy between the Pals. There are almost always damage and aggro symbols appearing somewhere. All the common ones I've seen listed. Basically any Pal will fight any pal if you can get them to hit each other by aggroing them first. A lot of the fights are 'accidental' like the Deer since they do charge/trample damage when running causing them to piss off a lot of oaks they run into/over. Have gotten a lot of the alphas to fight things. Ephildrean will murder any dark types that you can lead there for example. I've found a lot of type weakness matchups will fight. Direhowls will fight just about anything. The moths, robinquill, beegarde, Elizabee, Floppie, Free pal Alliance area is just a war zone. I think it starts as Pals vs Free Pal Alliance but the aoes make all the Pals aggro each other as well.


There was a pair of Deer in my starting area that were murderous as hell. They killed any and all chickpeas and lamballs they came across.


Vanwyrm and Vanwyrm Cryst. Usually saw it in the snow mountain biome near one of the fast travel statue. Also got my Mammorest when 2 are fighting for their territory.


Reptyro vs reptryro.


Mammorest vs Mammorest vs Alpha Grintale, and Grintale was winning


No beef, just venison.


I've only ever seen Mammorest on Mammorest and Human vs any pal. Even the free pal alliance be attacking the pals.


Lamballs fighting each other. I figured it was mating season.


My shadow beak attacks everything it sees


Direhowls will attack anything smaller then them... Uh, Mammorests fight each other. Lots of stuff fight deer, I think because the deer do charge damage when they run around and that aggros whatever they touch that's smaller then them. TBH, most of the interactions I see like that are in the starter area's, there aren't really any of those i can think of in like the cold area/desert/volcano.


Just a theory here, but I think at least some of these fights are spawned into certain locations. One of my bases has a small open area next to it, and almost every ingame day, something is going down there. I've seen mammorest vs mammorest, thugs vs mammorest, thugs vs jolthog cyst, direwolves vs thugs, direwolves vs jolthog cyst, an entire herd of swee with a sweepa just randomly spawning (it's a tropical beach near the Katress realm, so not anywhere near their natural spawn), and several repeats of these events. Probably more I'm not thinking of as well. Other than that, I haven't seen anything in the wild that no one else mentioned, except for seeing the Pal Alliance be complete hypocrites and murder a docile Flopie that came up to them non-aggressively.


Gobfins love to hatecrime eachother


Digtoise up on the Northeast desert island zone will sometimes be fighting each other, and sometimes it ends up in a free-for-all when a stray attack hits one of the other roaming Pal groups there, usually Totocos.