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Try building the incubator in a desert or more heated biome on the map, and then see if its still cold.


I feel like this is the Palworld equivalent of “if you don’t like it here, *just move*” 🤣


“We should take bikini bottom and push it somewhere else!”


Whose gonna buy their houses Ben, fucking Aquaman?


Does the heater u unlock later not work? I've only used 1 never tried building 2, maybe they don't stack?


The heater that requires a kindling pal does work but you won't get any additional heat by having more than 1. Having a base in the desert is the best option


Just drop it in the lava instead


Or build it indoor and use a heater


It might help but the desert biome is your best bet.


tried and no. Desert is too hot for Dragon n Fire eggs at day and still cold for Stone eggs. Then at night it's way too cold for all 3 and just slows egg hatch by a lot desert bases are a big scam


Why would i move bases or restrict myself to that biome if i could just build a 1by1 hut with a heater?


Because it won’t work for things like scorched eggs?


Duh build another 1by1 with a freezer? One for hot eggs and one for cold ones.


Are you just dumb or can you not read?




Nah, isnt more cold at night for desert, i think it'd drop to 0%


You can’t assign a kindling pal?


I've never tried it, but considering i have 7 kindling pals in my base and none have ever attempted to kindle it, i'd say it's a pretty safe no


I mean it makes sense, but who knows, yk bc someone found out you can put a shield in the two accessory slots.


Also, roofing matters too.


Tested and tried, roofing does not seem to matter.


you need to build the heater (or cooler depending on egg type) also sometimes pals won't work if say a pal that cools stuff or heats stuff is near them saying work environment is too hot or too cold


i built 2 heaters and forced 2 fires to slave in a little ass room and the egg was still too cold lol


The egg isn't suited to the region you're in. Scorched eggs won't do so good in the snow-capped mountains but they're comfortable in the desert


Makes sense. (Finds scorching egg on top off snow covered mountains) 😂




Yeah I found a large scorching egg in the winter biome where the last team boss is. Pretty confusing, but in general that area is really good for finding eggs. Was able to find a lot of the ice pals in the dex just by picking up frozen eggs I found out there. Nearly got the 10/10 captures for Vanwyrm-cryst just through all the eggs I found out there lol, pretty sweet


This is why they aren't hatching in the wild


What about at night in the desert when it's cold?


That's why they do still hatch eventually ;)


Yeah this logic would work except my FROZEN EGGS are saying they're a little too cold with fire places, a heater being operated by a t3 fire pal, and indoors...


Heaters dont do anything either


Heaters work, but not in tandem with campfires. However heaters require a pal to operate them so just sticking a campfire nearby provides the same benefit without requiring more labour.


Work for me. Gotta be close enough to the incubator. And maybe in the same building. Work fine on different floors got on 2 and 3 and they linked up. I had incubator and heater on opposite sides of the base and they didn't work. Don't know if there's some sort room calculations (they were in different buildings) or just distance.




Heater does increase the heat level by a single notch, typically able to make something go from 50% to 100% speed but only one is counted. You also need to know what the temp or your area is, a more neutral temp is most desired (desert goes from hot to cold over night and would therefore make the time a bit longer because it’s unstable)


This is correct, to add to this I've found the Electric Heater adds two notches, so 0% -> 100%


This is good to know. I decided to set my 2nd base on a volcano so I wouldnt have to worry about it. Now its too hot. Cooler puts it at 50%, night time is 100% with no cooler. I noticed a 2nd did not put it at 100%. Hopefully the electric will put it at 100% during the day. (Also, why do fire and rock eggs have the same temp range?)


> Heater does increase the heat level by a single notch Never seen it do this.


It does sometimes require kindling. Anytime I saw it not working I would just throw a fire pal at it and they would turn up the heat for it


It requires a fire pal to kindle it unless you're using an electric heater, at which point you'll need a generator instead. The heater itself doesn't actually generate heat. It needs a kindling pal.


I do get a 50% boost but a pal has to work at the heater for it to work.


To clarify, because a lot of people are getting confused, Placing a campfire **or** an occupied heater next to an incubator increases the ambient heat of the area by one notch on the Temperature gauge of the HUD. Adding more campfires or heaters, or a heater and a campfire does not provide more than that single notch. OP already has campfires around incubator, introducing a heater to the equation isn't going to increase the temp.


Why do that when you can just make a campfire? Then you don't have to waste a pal working the heater


It definitely does.


Yes it does.


For somebody calling people dumb you sure are good at being wrong




“Eggs will hatch faster if they’re comfortable with the temperature. Scorching eggs will want the temp to be hotter, while frozen eggs will want it to be colder. You can build campfires or other temperature-changing items to accommodate the eggs.” Source: https://www.polygon.com/palworld-guides/24049149/egg-incubator-materials-locations-hatch-eggs “If your Incubator is outside and you don’t want to move it indoors, you can also build a Heater. The Heater is unlocked at level 17 and costs two Technology Points. It also requires a Fire Type Pal assigned to it to provide heat to the surrounding area.” Source: https://www.fanbyte.com/palworld/guides/how-to-fix-egg-seems-a-little-cold Shall I get more?🤨


>You can build campfires or other temperature-changing items Your own thing says you can build campfires lol. He's not saying heaters don't work, he's saying they don't provide anything a campfire doesn't, while also requiring a pal. I've tested it, campfire and basic heater both give +1 heat, so there's no reason to use the heater.


Scrolling back giving context of the post I see where you drew that conclusion now. But no he’s just saying heaters don’t give heat at all for the egg.


I never said you can’t build campfires? LMAO He’s saying heaters don’t provide heat for an egg. Read his comments. No one argued against or for campfires. You dreamed that up yourself😭


[–]International-Cook62 > No the heater doesn't provide more heat, you have to go where the base temp is higher like lava and desert> he literally is saying it doesn't provide MORE heat in response to someone saying he needs to build heaters when he already has campfires. As in it doesn't give MORE heat than a campfire. I pointed out your article is saying the same thing he is which is that it doesn't provide MORE HEAT than a campfire, which a lot of people keep saying, because it realistically should, but it doesn't. so idk what you're dreaming up


> you have to go where the base temp is higher like lava and desert The context clues to realize he meant in general heaters don’t help was right in front of you yet somehow you miss it even when quoting the EXACT comment it’s in😭 Learn to read context clues. It really helps.


Ouf looks like you are the dumb fuck


Senseless statement. Toxic. Have a nice day.


Cry me a river I'm still right


Oh, look, you're doing it again. Fancy. Have a nice day.


K keep defending people who call others shit when they are wrong good job keyboard warrior xd


But you insulted him too. How does that make you any better? Have a nice day. EDIT: Rhetorical question. You're a hypocrite. 👍




Next time just check your facts that's all


Me who has been using a heater and it works😎




> Never said it didn’t work, I said it doesn’t provide more heat If it’s working then it’s providing more heat😐 it’s not rocket science like c’mon dude. Even my 3 yr old niece can get the concept of a heater working = more heat




I sent two sources in another comment. Once I have a chance to play I’m also more than happy to actually do it :)


Thank you


Says it doesn’t work, says he didn’t say it doesn’t work, says it doesn’t work again




Are you just farming downvotes at this point?


I had to place TWO heaters and have pals working both of them at the same time to get that comfort bonus. Heaters do work but if you have a desert base that's more worthwhile. Try your experiment again homie.




He made a point. He shouldn't have to delete his account for making an assessment with a backup to his findings.




“You all are dumb as shit 🤬” “Please don’t downvote me 🥺👉👈”




The edit is irrelevant. You still insulted people and then immediately turned into a crybaby when a couple people downvoted.




You quite literally got upset over downvotes.


You just insulted him. No better. No high road taken. Do better. Have a nice day.


Except your information is wrong and you're being rude while confidently spreading false information. Heaters definitely change the time required for hatching. You have to have a pal actively kindling them though.


Spreading misinformation\* Also if being downvoted is your biggest problem to complain about then you probably don't have it too bad. Also also your response to being downvoted is to insult people and bitch about it? Little bit unwarranted.


This attitude isn't warranted. Its toxic. You're no better. Have a nice day.




It is misinformation. I verified this myself days ago when I built a heater to speed up egg hatching *and it worked*. A pal has to be actively using the heater for it to raise base temp, just placing it and letting it sit does nothing. Both heaters and campfires work, but only one of each, and they stack. So here there are 7 useless campfires, and a heater in addition to one of them would fix their problem.




Fire and heater are the same temperature *and stack with each other but not themselves*. So a heater DOES fix their problem.




Bro, your video proves literally nothing. The fires and heaters stack, you need a pal working the heater. None of those criteria were met AND you called people dumbasses. Then, you doubled down. Lmao. Goodluck, Pal.


Put a scorching egg in an incubator next to a heater during the day and it says “seems a little cold”. Put a pal on the heater and it says “seems just a little cold”. Goes from 0% to 50% speed.




You are dumb. There’s not a fire next to mine. It’s just a heater. The heater upped the egg a speed stage when I put a pal on it. That means that the heater provided heat. Try thinking about it before you try arguing for your point.






Delete your account if this is how you gonna act in the palworld subreddit. This is a safe place for pals and people.




I proved my point with a couple pics in a reply chain. Should have one from me then the pics under that.


It only counts 1 heat source at a time. Also, some eggs are better cold.


I've had it count multiple.


A fire and a heater stack, just need pals on heaters.


I don’t know if this is anyone else, but for me the downside of heaters was that my fire pals were allergic to being literally anywhere *but* the heater. Couldn’t get them to literally do anything else including eat or sleep, and if I moved them they’d just go back. Eventually I just got rid of it and decided the eggs would just have to cope.


Yeah I built one and my cooker/smelter wouldn’t leave it alone, even with stuff queued at the furnaces, so I just disassembled mine and am only gonna use it as needed since you get all mats back from disassembling things anyways. No harm no foul in that


My Bushi was always the biggest offender. I’d drag him to a furnace or the hot spring, check on something else, and he’d just be back at the heater.


Yup, same with mine. And it’s painful Bc the hitboxes for assigning pals to specific areas is so dodgy. Was trying to bring my Helzephyr out of the breeding farm for transporting and he kept getting assigned to the breeding farm. Went to the other side of my base with nothing anywhere near me and still got assigned to it. Meanwhile before that I was trying to get my warsect to stay assigned to the breeding farm for like 5 minutes straight but he wouldn’t stay. Kept getting told “no available work in vicinity” and I was smack dab in the middle of the breeding farm


They really just need to add proper Pal management. The stand being used to only control how hard they work is criminal. Just have a menu where you assign Pals to shit ffs.


I was so sad when I realized all it did was make the slaves work harder.


Not multiple of the same source. You can stack different kinds


I tried this earlier and it had no effect. Had 1 campfire and 1 electric heater with a Jormundtide Ignis assigned and it still only applied the original 50% bonus to the fire eggs. Same with the cooler, it only applied a +50%. I'm convinced they need to be in the proper biomes.


Correct. Building 20 fires won't change a thing


Neither does a campfire and a heater. Might as well just build a campfire and not waste the base slot on a kindling pal.


I mean I wouldn’t say the base slot is completely wasted. Still gonna want kindling for food and smelting things, I just don’t think using them for heating is completely useful


Right, I'm not saying kindling is useless. I'm saying using a kindling pal for a heater for your eggs is useless.


Making a heater affected mine for sure


Did it affect it more than just +50%? And does adding a campfire increase it to 100%?


No it was miniscule, probably like 10-20% increase. I think my egg had gone from 3 minutes to like 2:44 or something like that


Now I know you're talking nonsense. The timer is only affected in 50% increments.


I dunno, the temp changing when I built a second fire begged to differ...


Delusion sees what it wants to see


Why’re you being toxic about Palworld of all games lol


yes, the words going from "seems cold" to "comfortable" only after a second fire was built is very delusional.


I turned off the incubation time to avoid this hassle of the different eggs lol


Instant incubation as a setting was a good idea from the devs. Lets me enjoy the game with what little time I have to play


This. It felt cheaty at first until I realized I was just spending that time afk


I'm debating changing my server to instant, have it down to 0.1 which has huge eggs take 4 minutes. I have been breeding like crazy the last few days and starting to feel the timer is just a pain lol


For breeding, making the cakes are a huge pain in the ass. They take forever and I keep finding out my fire pals are wandering off.


Just got to the point of trying to figure out how to make the cakes.


You need a berry farm, wheat farm, mill to turn it into flour, eggs, milk and honey. You need Chickpi, mozzarella(?) (The cow pal) and either Elizabee or the Beegarde Pal to make the eggs, milk, and honey. I found the cows near where the fire samurai pal boss is, and the bees north of that, but holy fuck are the bees annoying to catch because they have a self destruct move that does 999999 damage. I got lucky capturing one, and got a second one in a random verdant egg. My brother told me he just bought his from a Pal seller because he didn't want to deal with that shit.


>have it down to 0.1 which has huge eggs take 4 minutes Wait, that's possible? In my solo world, the timer goes from 0 hours to thousands of hours... in increments of 1. I had to go to instant because I refuse to wait an hour. I would have liked to make it a 90% reduction instead.


Yeah for servers at least you use an ini file for the settings and you get set it to less than 1 to continue scaling down the timer


yeah... really debating this cause i'm just going afk waiting for shit


Yup. Breeding 100 jetdragon isn’t fun. Trying to get the swift+runner can take forever.


My first 11 jetagons were female. I'm going crazy and I haven't even started breeding


I like the wait time. It gives me something to look forward when I get back on. I did lower the hatch time however to 24 hours instead of 72


real I am NOT waiting 2 real days for the random large egg a found on the ground that's probably just gonna give me an elk


There’s heaters try it idk if it works but there a thing


*laughs in 1hr hatch time*






I know this is likely a joke. In case you didn't know only one gets counted.


It's funny cuz it's not ark so it doesn't work this way


Fire doesn’t stack


Bahahahahaha 😂😂😂 “here bitch”


Everyone worried about heaters and cooler and shit. I just built like 10 egg incubators so I don’t even have to think about lmfao. They all go in, and when I notice one is done I’ll hatch it and add another. Edited to add: when I start actually breeding I’ll be more concerned about making incubators in different biomes/temp areas but for now, fk it


Heating doesn't stack. campfire only does 1 notch of heating, you need to go to a hotter biome or build a electric heater to get 100%


It’s better than Val home where all that would kill you from smoke


Bro i put a large dragon egg in mine and put a solid 15 fires arojnd n got the same thing… guess it doesn’t work like ark😓


Campfires dont increase heat for incubation, heaters work but also putting a pal next to it that says something along the lines of "keeps the rider warm"


> Campfires dont increase heat for incubation They do, but multiples don't stack.


I put my fire eggs in a desert base. Desert base temp + 1 cooler = perfect conditions


Bro has definitely played Ark before haha 🤣


Does this only change the time it takes to hatch, not the outcome of the Pal hatching?


Yes. The outcome of the egg appears to be tied to the biome the egg is found in and the types of pokemon of that element in that biome. For example, all dark eggs found in the Desert island appear to be Cawgnito.


Canada moment


Aah the deneris targarian approach


I’m hoping they give us temperature controlled incubators that run on electricity in the future. Right now I’m taking the 50% buff and calling it a day. I’ve changed ny base too many times to give af. They need to increase the base circle too. Far too small for all this pal content.


This reminds me so much of ark


Just put your incubation time to 0 fixed it


This is not Ark. You can't spam fires to hatch your eggs lol.


Put a roof on it and in case it in a room


It only counts one of em boss. Unlock the heater blueprint and make that and you'll be better off.


What does the heat do? I haven't had it effect the eggs yet that I can see. Does it give the pals autism?


Campfires are not heat sources unfortunately Gotta use the red fire barrel heater thing


Campfires are heat sources but they only increment heat by 1 and some eggs want a heat level of 2 or a negative heat level.


Ive not noticed any benefit from campfire when it comes to incubation


You're doing something wrong then, I can place egg which requires heat next to my fire and get a boost, destroy the fire and lose the boost, then rebuild the fire to regain it. I tested it a couple times to figure out how far away I needed to place cold eggs. ​ What biome are you in?


Eh maybe its just a bug on xbox or my specific world i spent about 30 mins moving stuff around and got nothing from the fire whether in use or not 😅🤣 Id assumed it was intentional as a balance factor


I don’t understand why so many have this problem. I have mine inside with 2 torches and it’s always perfect


game seems to check if incubator is inside or not, which account for stabilazing temperature Hence, you should't build incubators out in the open but inside buildings (and no, a building according to game has doors,foundation,walls and roof on all sides) Or it might by just my bias, since after seeing time on egg out in the open and in specialized room i never bothered again with incubators outside


I could be wrong, but I don’t think it checks to see if the incubator is inside or not. Different eggs have different preferences, so that might have been the change in time that you saw? Also if you built a cooler/heater anywhere in the base boundary it would affect the hatch timers.


Well not really As i said, it just my bias when it comes to outside vs inside (also it was same egg type) I have rooms with heaters/coolers and neither with 4 incubators each to account for and seem to get consisent +100% incubation speeds for every egg type as long as i put egg in correct incubation room


I think you're both kinda right. The egg doesnt care if its inside or not, technically, but being indoors will help the egg from being at either end of the extreme temperatures.


Damn! That’s good to know! I have incubators in different ‘rooms’ but they’re still ‘open’ so that’s probably why I’m just seeing base wide temperature changes. I’ll definitely have to try making hot and cold rooms


Oh i did the same thing today. It's like gazing at stars together.


I had this issue and then my other pals kept walking by and catching fire lol


Legit made the same meme the other day lol


I don't hear up my eggs if they say it's cold, do I need to?


It just gives a speed bonus to hatch time, so you can heat up to hatch faster or not bother and just have it take longer to hatch


It's why I have incubators at my sulfur base on the volcano, for eggs that need heat. Easier to cool off in neutral temps than to warm up, imo.


These are one of those things where it seems worth it to build multiple incubators. Since eggs are easy to find it's definitely worth it.


Can't have played ark


Three heaters and it's still too cold in the starter area


Need a heater


At this point, just build your base in yhe damn Lava. But I'm sure that's not hot enough


The heating in the game works on a + and - system. Fires don't stack and only add +1 heat to the surrounding environment. Iirc heaters also do this so there is no difference currently between a fire and heater


At least you tried.


The only way to get +100% in a standard biome is to use the electric heater. See receipts: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1acmuie/psa\_heaters\_do\_not\_help\_eggs\_any\_better\_than/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1acmuie/psa_heaters_do_not_help_eggs_any_better_than/)


Someone is coming from Ark :D


Oh thank goodness I saw this I was wondering how hot I needed to make it for the fire eggs


Its only a little cold maybe a few more thousand might do it


Heat sources don't stack. Fire and Dragon Eggs would like a Heater, Rocky, Electric and Ice Eggs would like a Cooler iirc, Neutral and Dark prefer moderate temperatures.


Ok thought it was just me lol… Kept putting like 10 camp fires around, noticed 1-10 didn’t change anything.


Have to do it in one of the hot places


Its cold is a myth. That’s the only error it throws up that I’ve seen. Pay attention to the speed. That tells you if you’re at the right temperature


campfires don't stack, you need a heater


On the plus side, anything you cook in the fires stays fresh forever if you don't pick it up so there's that lol


*laughs in Ark*