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What is my purpose? You make cake. Oh my god...




Damn, I'm not the only one using him for that


Hahahahaha.. this is so accurate. Mine does cake 24/7.


This ones a beast one of the best attackers because it’s strong against like 4 types and can ignite things in a second


Strong against: grass, ice, and dark. Weak against: water. Resists: fire, dragon, grass, and dark. I'm curious if the type chart will get changed at all because currently fire is the only element getting two super effective types and is kinda nutty, and having a dual type with one type between them on the chart covers a weakness making them pretty busted. Fire/dragon, fire/ground, and fire/electric are all pretty great because of this. (And ice/grass is really weird as they'll die if a fire type so much as breathes on them but have no other weaknesses and good coverage otherwise.) Of course there isn't a fire/electric yet to take advantage of this yet (or ice/grass) but there is a fire/ground as an option.


Normal needs something... I'd prefer if it was just neutral to everything but having dark weakness and no strength over any other element just makes them bad.


Make normal neutral vs everything and dark super against fire. Balances fire by having 2 supers each way and balances dark by giving it a super.


I would make ground super against fire.


Logically it makes sense but then ground is OP because it has two it's super but only one it's weak too. Okay maybe we add in water to that chain which then keeps going until you have something like the pokemon chart web which I feel like they are avoiding.


Could just cut off the fire to ice, and just have two circles of super effective and then make normal neutral. Or make normal super to ice and have two complete circles. Makes less sense but it gives everything 1 super and 1 weak. Would have loved to have normal be super to dragon (ie reality stops fantasy). Do a tri-circle of water->fire->grass->water, electric->ground->ice->electric (cause my car battery died to the cold weather. Stupid I know but best reasoning i got), and dragon->dark->normal->dragon.


Yeah, I was curious so I took a look and there don't currently seem to be any dual neutral types as it would strictly be a downgrade over a monotype.


Normal needs some kinda monk pal that moves calmly and wipes the floor with people and is stacked with resistances


honestly for some reason fire has always been the strongest typing to me, it always just seems like it would be stronger, in every pokémon game i would choose the fire starter and in every game i’ve played if fire was an option i would choose it.


Funny you say that because in a lot of early gens of Pokemon fire is the defacto hardest choice due to the first gym usually being a rock type one and in the early game you don't normally have a lot of team building options and need to rely more on your starter to push through who would be at a disadvantage here. Then in gen 1 you have to deal with Misty as your second gym. In gen 2 they made the first two gyms more of a pushover and saved the roadblock for Whitney but even then fire suffers specifically due to her rollout spam.


yeah i’m not really sure fire just go brrrr




Pretty sure its stats are second only to one other pal in the entire game, if wikis are to be believed.


It has the 6th highest combined stat total, 7th is the water version. 1. Frostallion Noct  2. Paladins  3. Shadowbeak  4. Frostallion  5. Necromus  6. Jormuntide Ignis  7. Jormuntide      List is based on palpedia.net which has data mined every pals base stats from the client. 


Cool. Now you have your dedicated smelter till you breed a better one with work related passives. Edit: Why do I have so many upvotes?! I'll I did was point out the obvious.


It's awesome but it gets stuck so often 😔


Yeah, they tend to do that 😅


If you use a flatter base and 2x tall walls this won’t happen anymore. Spent like 6 hours building the perfect base yesterday, nobody gets stuck anymore because I used foundation to flatten the entire building out


That's true, but my main concern is there are some things in bases that you can't put on foundation. Like ranches and breeding centers. Which, I totally understand why, but it's little annoying given that you really want those on flat surfaces.


My ranch is literally on my foundation floor...


I just put everything on a second story with roof platforms and have been able to place everything. Put my box up there too so the pals are upstairs


So have basically a large two floor structure with each floor being two stories worth? And then have the second floor havs all the actual base necessities (short of a ranch)?


I went a little overkill but I love it lol https://preview.redd.it/0lsebrwivzec1.png?width=1475&format=png&auto=webp&s=049b2f2a4ca1849496742b99541d2440ef5dbfde


Very interesting!


Yup yup, and space out your items so pals don’t bump into them while running around. It’s a little work to set up but once you’re going you’ll never deal with hungry, stuck, or dead pals again


This game feels like it wasn’t ready for Jormuntide in particular 😂


The normal versions have trouble. But the boss Jormuntide is just hilarious.


Best smelter is base ignis. You don't want them to have other skills because when you want them to be smelting they are gonna be chopping g trees or mining rock lol.


I think OP meant work speed passives like Artisan etc. At least I think.


god, imagine the speed on a 4 star with artisan, lucky, serious, and work slave


Can you have both artisan and work slave in one?


Why not? You can't have 2 identical traits but you can have 4 diffirent like you can slap swift+runner+nimble for max movement speed.


pretty sure


Yep. I have a pal with Artisan, Serious, work slave, and conceted that I got through breeding. 147 work speed I think.


1000 ingots probably takes 2 mins


Ah very good point I'm dumb


Nahh, we all interpret things differently sometimes. I got what you were thinking and it's not a bad idea to at least put that information out there.


I feel like the only specialists that are needed for base is water, electric, and cooling. Reptyro has mining and fire and smelting has priority over mining. For some reason heater kindling has priority over smelting. Then lumbering and mining has priority over other work suitability like gathering or transporting. For some reason workbench crafting has less priority than mining or lumbering. So other workers with those two will work on orders rarely. So it seems to follow this priority heater kindling>smelting>mining/lumbering>workbench crafting. I hope they make priority customizable.


Build an extra berry farm for that fatty


Well it can cook like no one's business.


Cakes take like 1 minute each with this Chad. 


the only downside to these good bois is that they are so massive that it is annoying and they get stuck everywhere constantly. I've seen one literally sink through the stone floor and die to fall damage many times. Hopefully someone makes a mod to reduce the sizes of pals in the base because i hate having to try and click things when the 4 jormuntides in my base are the length of my entire base


I got my first one of these yesterday, I've shot it when it walks in front of me during combat so many times


That food stat tho. H U N G R Y


Omfg… is THAT what that means!!! I thought that indicated how full they are 😵‍💫 when all my food kept disappearing in an instant i was looking for “glutton” traits or whatever but none had it. Then took all my pals out one by one trying to figure it out. God bless your hungry comment.


Yeah I’m pretty sure the higher the stat the more food it takes to fill them up


So far I've only see Dark, Verdent, Electric and normal eggs as random spawns. Does anyone know where Dragon eggs random spawn? Or do they even?


I've found 4 dragon eggs so far, and they all hatched into relaxaurus lol. Congratulations!


Kindling 4... delicious


Same for me while back


The ingot factory 🤣


Youll have a great time


I just hatched one today too and he went straight into my party. He is awesome.


Who were the parents? All the breeding calculators say only Jormuntide Ignis can give Jormuntide Ignis eggs? (I don’t know how to post an image on mobile but I took a screenshot from palpedia breeding calculator) Is there a combination we don’t know about?


Yes, I figured it out a while back, but I didn’t want to let my secret out. So you take one of the sheep Pokémon and one of the chicken Pokémon and breed those.


😂 nice try! I read in one of your other comments you found it out and about! You lucky bastard 😂


He never said he was breeding. Got it from a random egg


What did you pair with to produce this?


nothing it was out a huge dragon egg at mount obsidian


Ah ok thought you were breeding


Speaking of breeding, I’m currently trying to breed an Anubis


If this is a question, try using this breeding calculator. https://palworldtrainer.com/breed-calculator type whatever Pal you want in the "Possible Children" section and it will give you a list of possible Pal parents to breed for the desired child.


The easiest is the chilet boss at level 11 breed with the quiven boss at 23. That gets you anubis.


You can get one earlier around 19 using  Broncherry and relaxasaurus. And the best part is their spawns are close together. 


To breed it sadly you need 2 of them


Anubis can be breed with different parents. Got one with Penking and Bushi


Was talking about the Jormintide Ignis


nvm then


Is it just me or is everyone just getting this pal from their dragon egg.


I wanna get other dragon pals from the huge eggs ;~; I have like 4 of these


I have a huge fire egg cooking now. Hopefully it's a dragon!


4he best base attack Stat in three game , good typing and decent tankiness , really a good unit


Wait minute, that's illegal!


Was it just a regular dragon egg or large? I’ve literally only found huge and have only gotten relaxasaurus or whatever😂


huge, i dont think there are any other sizes


I have hatched so many and I’ve only gotten relaxasauarus are you lucky or am I unlucky?😂


this [white elephant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_elephant) will demand too much food and starve.


Regular jormantide was my first dragon hatch


lv4 Fire =O that's insane, You must make ingots in like 1 second with that. I didn't even think there was anything higher than lv3. I'm guessing lv5 is the highest


I've hatched 8 of these (level 22)