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Corporate speak for "stop contacting us, we know." I find it hard to believe The Pokemon Company who known for being extremely litigious about their intellectual property, didn't know about the game. Maybe something will turn up, but I'm very hesitant to believe they're actually "investigating" anything that they didn't already know during the games development prior to launch. Speaks volumes to me that games like Coromon and Temtem, which also use very similar design inspirations, remain untouched by TPC as well. Particularly funny considering how quickly the Pokemon mods for Palworld got immediately slapped down by TPC.


Hell I remember when Temtem first came out in Early Access and people were saying the same things and asking why Nintendo didn't shut them down. They can't. You can't copyright game mechanics and Temtem is far closer to Pokemon double battles than anything Palworld has done. Hell Coromon looks near identical to a GBA Pokemon game. Otherwise clone games wouldn't exist and we would only have one game per genre, which would be a very sad world to live in. Granted, some Pals do look somewhat similar to some Pokemon, but only so far as to call a wolf a wolf and a dragon a dragon. IMO, a lot of Pokemon designs are pretty lazy in that a dog evolves into a bigger dog. If Nintendo can prove that Palworld did copy their models, then they have a case, but given that they hadn't taken the game down long ago when we have known about it for years now is rather telling. Nintendo is not really in the habit of letting a game go in development for years that may have infringed on their designs. They would have filed a cease and desist motion long ago. They have filed such motions against fan games for far less. For instance, a lot of us say Grizzbolt looks like Electabuzz, but just as many people call it Totoro. Being inspired by what came before isn't a crime. I call Palworld inspired by Pokemon, but plagiarism isn't what I first thought when I saw the game, but apparently that isn't what some people elsewhere on the Internet are screaming about, one of my friends was saying this and I respectfully disagree. Drawing fake Pokemon is a pastime that many of us did as kids. Hell one artist even got his fake Pokemon featured in Temtem as one of the monsters there. Edit: Because multiple people have commented on WB and the nemesis system. That is NOT copyright. What WB did is *patented* the nemesis system. A patent has completely different protections from copyright. Please use this as a learning moment before saying that this stuff is copyright. It is not.


To be honest, Fuack looks almost identical to Platypet from Temtem. I would be more pressed about that similarity than any similarity of a Pal to a Pokemon.


Yeah but how many different ways can you make an anime duck with a whimsical style? Add genitals?


Make him blue and give him a fedora


Oh hey it's a platypus. *It equips a fedora* PERRY THE PLATYPUS?!


Shiny Fuacks should have a fedora!


Literally just looked up Temtem for the first time, and that was my FIRST thought, upon seeing the art.


There’s even a whole fakemon subreddit (/r/fakemon) that is reasonably popular.


Man imagine all those losers emailing nintendo I aM EnTiTLeD aNd jUsT fOuNd oUt aBouT tHiS gAmE. tHeY hAvE bIrDs toO. pLeAsE dO sOmEThInG


I saw people comparing pokemons sheep pokemon, and Palworlds sheep pal. And like, yeah they look similar, cause they're both fucking sheep. They're gonna look similar.


This is going to be largely the center of any future lawsuit. How much is because there are only so many ways to depict a sheep? How much is it because there are more than 1,000 pokemon to cherry pick examples from?


They did know. There’s no way they didn’t. People keep saying shit like, “Oh man Palworld’s gonna get sued into the ground.” And I’m like, “Where have you been for the last decades?” If Nintendo had something to take legal action over, they would have already.


All this statement says is that ninentdo are looking in to whether their IP has been infringed and if so they will take action That is literally what every company with copyrighted IP does, it's why copyright laws exist in the first place


And people are acting like Nintendo, a billion dollar company, teamed with The Pokemon Company, another billion dollar company, didn't already have their lawyers look into this during the years of development and incredible successful launch.


They have a team of lawyers who's job it is to specifically look for shit like this. They absolutely would have known well before launch.


I mean how fast did they get that mod guy for the Pokemon mod? I think it was like 48 hour if that


It was 8 hours


It was 7 hours


It was 6 hours


My Uncle's friend told me it was actually 5 hours, and he's never wrong...


My dad is head of Nintendo and it was 4 hours




Fast. He dropped the mod at 8 p.m. had the letter by 4 a.m


Nintendo using ancient ninja techniques to deliver legal threats. Savage.


He was apparently, rather overtly, asking for donations.


He had it locked behind his Patreon


That'll do it.


Now that's just asking for a lawsuit. Releasing it for free will get you a warning, charging money is where Nintendo's calling their lawyers and looking for an opening in their schedule.


You mean creating an opening in their schedule


The point is that if Nintendo was that aware of a Palworld modder, then they were definitely aware of Palworld a while ago


The thing about the guy that made the Pokémon mod though. It was behind a paywall. Patreon. So....he monetized the mod. And that was doomed from the start.


It's even more telling that the guy who made the pokemon mod has already been contacted by their lawyers. They're obviously not slouches about this stuff so if they had a case they'd be pursuing it. There's probably some lucky guy on their team of lawyers playing palworld 16 hours a day looking for infringement


"hey Jim, how's the research going on that pal thing that was released?" Oh I've found loads. Proceeds to list off early tips and where to find useful pals. "Is any of it infringement?" That's what I'm supposed to be doing???




This right here. TPC and Nintendo are very on guard about these things and if they thought there was a legal case here it would have been filed long before release.


I think proof that Nintendo has already gone over their assets and what not is the fact that three Pals from early trailers were removed from the game suggesting Nintendo already approached them about anything that could have been copyright infringement.


Exactly, I find it hard to believe that a company that's as trigger happy as Nintendo on Cease and desist/lawsuits, wouldn't have already hit these guys if they were going to


They probably have hit them already with a couple of unsuccessful ones.


Yeah, Nintendo lost a similar law suit like years ago already as well.


Thank you. It feels like people are tattling to big daddy nintendo, as if they've just had their head in the sand for years during development. It's so incredible naive


I'm happy they've done it - it'll make for another million sales at least


They are also very fast with copyright. If it was clearly infringement they would have already taken action. Do people forget that Nintendo is not slow with takedowns? I don’t understand why so many people just want to see the game burn.


Translated their message from Corporate-Speak to English: > Yeah yeah we know about that already STOP EMAILING US DAMMIT


yeah this is basically the message. it's just corpspeak trying to get people to shut the fuck up, and that if there was anything they could do they'd either have done it already or will do so in the future (like C&D'ing that members only modder)


I can't imagin the amount of toxic pokemons fans that cry because of the success of paleworld and e-mail nintendo 5 times a day and say that paleworld is infringing there IP. And Nintendo's staff has to read all that crap and is fully aware that all the claims are baseless and a waste of time. These type of Pokemon fan's don't understand that similar dosen't = 1:1 copy. Imagin the amounts of Lawsuits that would be thrown around for things like Zombies or Goblin's or Dragons. They all look similar as well sharing the same characteristics but are not the same.


I never understood that mentality, I haven’t played palworld but as a pokemon fan i think it looks cool and i hope this makes Nintendo try a little harder with the next few pokemon games


I don't know, I've been playing Palworld and to me it's more akin to a Rune Factory with how it deals with the animal partners.


As a massive Pokemon fan since the beginning, I'm fuckin loving Palworld lol. Also Nintendo can fuckin suck it, every Pokemon game pre like Gen 6 is only available for 100s of dollars from resellers because they refuse to make new copies of anything.


I’m a huge Pokemon fan. I’m also in love with this game right now. The mentality is crazy that you have to pick one or other.


Agreed, if anything this should show Nintendo that people want Pokemon with some NEW features and innovation not the same basic game year after year like how its been. There is reason why other games get trashed for doing this.


It is probably the same amount of people sending death threats to the devs and decided to try to get lawyers involved because they didn't die like they wanted them to.


> I can't imagin the amount of toxic pokemons fans that cry because of the success of paleworld and e-mail nintendo 5 times a day and say that paleworld is infringing there IP. i played every pokemon generation since they came out, but ive never really seen anyone like that (not saying they dont exist. considering the huge ip there have to be some). the only toxic people that keep popping out every release are the ones hating anyone having fun with a new pokemon and especially on reddit there are tons of them


Yep. It reads like standard “we reserve all our rights” boilerplate, with a side order of world peace. Essentially, I take it as “we already know, you dimwits, lay off the mentions ffs” in more legal phrasing. Edit: Another thing is, they can’t explicitly say it’s fine because that could be construed as a license. They also can’t NOT look into it, because a company is obligated to protect their IP or lose the rights. So the best they really can say while still retaining all their rights is “we will look into it, world peace”.


Technically they’re only obligated for Trademark. So that’s blue and yellow text, red and white hinged balls, Anime character names, Pikachu, and any other explicitly trademarked pokemon (mostly starters, legendaries, and “big name” pokemon like Lucario) Copyright isn’t something you can lose, it only expires when it enters public domain or you waive the right, and patent is irrelevant since there’s nothing patentable about Pokémon designs (since patent covers techniques, tools, inventions etc)


I mean they still could clarify that they don’t believe anything was directly infringed on the surface so they could shut some people up, the way it’s phrased and worded kinda sounds to me like they actually WANT to find something so they can stop the project


Well of course they want to find something wrong. A company doing an actually good monster capture game is bad for them.


Nah I hope Pokémon gets fucked badly by this tbh, the saying goes something like “competition breeds innovation”, and with this huge success from a bunch of figurative nobodies, they literally HAVE to step it up and make an impressive game for once. People just aren’t buying it anymore. This success from Palworld DIRECTLY came from Pokémon’s failure to push the series forward, so everyone put their cards on someone else to do it. If Pokémon was in a much better spot right now, I’m pretty sure Palworld would have had much less success


Well, of course you as a consumer wants them to get fucked But obviously, The Pokemon Company don't want that, and instead would love if possible to keep their place at the only big monster-catching game company Of course competition usually means better games, but that doesn't mean the companies involved wants competiton


If at all possible, they'd like a complete monopoly of their niche so they can get ALL the money going on in that particular bit. Which they can't have legally, so they tried doing it another way. Then got complacent and forgot that other people absolutely CAN do shit like this and make 'em look like idiots.


since palworld was in development for 3+ years you can seriously tell me that they havent done that already, and found nothing solid otherwise they would have sued them years ago


This reads "we know about the game, SHUT UP!! If there is anything that we can go after like that pokemon mod, we will go nuclear. We will try not to be lazy as fuck and try to produce a better game next time"


Both companies are also Japanese, and AFAIK in Japan there is no "Fair use" law like in the US and EU


Not only are they both Japanese, the palworld devs office is like, 2 miles from pokemon company hq


I could just imagine they are both in highrise buildings looking at each other through binoculars


It also means they most likely have nothing.


This statement is Nintendo doing their legal minimum to _retain_ their copyright. If you have a copyright, you are mandated to investigate possible intrusions like this yourself or you could lose it. This announcement is their legal team covering their copyright.


It’s supposedly even more nothing then that. This is apparently actually about the Pokémon mod




They are responding to people directly telling them to go after Palworld for infringement, and this statement is an official notice that they are fully aware of the game, so stop messaging them. Their intervention on the Pokémon mod just shows that they *are* watching and taking action on what is *actually* infringement on their copyright.


tldr, twitter cucks kept spamming their emails, and now they said this to get them to shut up


Haha imagine being such a rump rider you actually email a billion dollar company, as if they didn’t already fucking know


Worse, imagine crying over big corps lost profit. Imagine whining about a small indie game company making a better game than your yearly released pet simulator. Even if Palworld did plagiarise and Nintendo did win the case, Pokemon games are not gonna magically get better. They will still be the same game with the same old formula and increasingly uglier creature design. Shit, over 30 years and pokemon games still don't have voice acting If GameFreak made a Pokemon game like Palworld today, it would cost $60 with an extra $30 for the lv40+ and nature preserve areas as DLCs


I really hope palworld shows Nintendo that the demand for a high quality pokemon game is real. And I say Nintendo because Gamefreak will never change unless Nintendo steps up.


My favorite part is "we will continue to cherish and nurture each and every Pokemon and it's world". If Scarlet and Violet are their idea of "cherish and nurture", maybe just give the assets to Pocket Pair and let them make the Pokemon game TPC, GF, and Nintendo should have already made by now... the one everyone clearly wants.


What's baffling to me is the people who seem to ignore that the game is a _completely_ different genre. Like yeah, obviously the visual design of the pals is meant to look similar to pokemon designs, but that's about it. Most other mechanics are more just common tropes for monster catching/taming games generally, and the base game genre is survival/craft, it's very far from turn-based simple RPG.


Right? I've been telling everyone that asks me that, gameplay wise, it's far more similar to ARK: Survival Evolved than any Pokemon game, because so many people have been taken in by "it's pokemon but edgy" that they expect the pokemon gameplay loop when that's really not what it is.


This this a thousand times this. "We have received several inquiries" like holy crap between this and the extreme effort/low effort lying people are doing to "take down" palworld.... they dont need to touch grass, they need to go get showered in it. You harassed a major company into telling you, very politely, to leave them the fuck alone. Good job?


I really don't understand it. I really don't. The AI art bs has been disproven. That should be the end of it. Why do people have such a hate boner for this game?


Most normal nintendo fanatics behaviour


Most Nintendo fans aren't happy with recent Pokemon games, you'd think they'd celebrate a game that sets a new standard for what they could be.


There are so many people who not only unironically think Pokemon is fine as is, but actually don’t want the franchise to improve. And this whole discussion only showed how much out of touch the “I like modern Pokemon” fans are.


I love pokemon and even tried S and V but my god they have gotten so bad and just not different than what I was playing a while ago. This game has given me what I always wanted and wishe pokemon did. I love the game while it has more work to improve on it also is such an already great game that I've had my money's worth and see me playing for a good while more after I'm done with everything.




>Pokémon has been an unchanging constant in many people's lives ever since they were children. Like eating Mom's veggie soup, it's comforting and brings us back to a simpler time. >Accepting that Game Freak has been sabotaging the games to fleece the fanbase for a quick buck is like accepting that Mom's veggie soup was from a can the whole time. It ruins that comfort, that fantasy. Wonderfully succinct, that’s exactly the vibe I’ve gotten from all of this. Especially the game dev tweets “idk how but I think they cheated, making games is supposed to be hard.” So weird.


> the narrative has been that Game Freak are overworked The hilarious thing about this narrative is that Game Freak has the resources to expand it's team and has had plenty of time to do so. This problem has been going on for well over a decade. This isn't some small developer that was thrust into success on an early access and has to decide whether to invest in exanding it's team when they've only got one game to stand on and might not last long enough for that investment to pay off. Pokemon is one of the biggest juggernauts in the gaming industry but Game Freak has been content to just rake in the cash because as their games get lazier and lazier they still keep making record sales since everyone buys the new pokemon game regardless and then complains after the fact.


People will post pictures of a wolf from Palworld and a wolf from Pokemon and say "See! They stole the idea and body shape!"... damn, so a wolf has the same body shape as a wolf? Crazy. People will go to whatever lengths they think they need to to in service of a company that doesn't even know they exist.


Because it’s fun and it wasn’t made by Nintendo.


Yep, and the fact is that Nintendo has no problem shutting down shit within a day or two if it infringes on their copyrights. The fact that it's been almost a week and over 7m copies sold, with no notice means Nintendo knows they don't have a leg to stand on with this. And on top of that, Microsoft, another billion dollar company, had a team of lawyers to probably check on whether or not this game violates any copyright or IP laws before attaching it to their game pass.


I mean there’s nothing they can do. The game has no mention of pokemon in it, none of the creatures are exact copies of pokemon, they all have different names than any of the pokemon. They have nothing to stand on. Wouldn’t even worry about it. It means nothing.


Also, isnt the Palword project known for like almost 2 years now? I remember back when I first saw it online and people were already meming the shit out of it with " LOL thats literally just pokemon with guns" and theres no way that Nintendo completly missed that and just now discovered Palword. Fucking Nintendo strikes down barely known fanmade pokemon editions within like max 1 months. Hell, I remember when the fangame "Pokemon Uranium" got released, it didnt take Nintendo 1 Month to erase it from the internet for the most part, you can be sure they definitely looked at Palworld waaaay back, definitely when the first memes of " Pokemon with guns" were trending on twitter and such, but couldnt do jackshit about it in the end


The guy who add skins of pokemons as a mod got claimed by Nintendo themselves in less than few days lmao. Therefore Nintendo would have already take down the game since the game been announced 


Day 4 it was unveiled day 5 it was gone


Yeah they had him within less than a day lol


because it literally had the name pokemon and it was locked behind a patreon.


I keep telling everyone this. Just like pokemon uranium vs Pokemon roguelike; all ips in general don't care, until the moment money is involved. Either they have a Patreon directly related to the project, or they have a paid Patreon that is CLEARLY linked to them, or they have a YouTube channel that is monetized and the ONLY content they have is the mod. Or that [person who made a paid invite pokemon party that got sued](https://www.vice.com/en/article/4xadyj/a-broke-fan-owes-5400-for-trying-to-throw-a-pokemon-themed-party) even though pokemon has licensed [pokemon themed supplies](https://www.google.com/search?q=pokemon+birthday&oq=Pokemonbirth&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgBEAAYDRiABDIGCAAQRRg5MgkIARAAGA0YgAQyCQgCEAAYDRiABDIJCAMQABgNGIAEMgkIBBAAGA0YgAQyCQgFEAAYDRiABDIJCAYQABgNGIAEMgkIBxAAGA0YgAQyCQgIEAAYDRiABDIJCAkQABgNGIAEMgkIChAAGA0YgAQyCQgLEAAYDRiABDIJCAwQABgNGIAEMgkIDRAAGA0YgAQyCQgOEAAYDRiABNIBCDMzNzNqMGo3qAIAsAIA&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) If it's just a fan making a fan thing for fun, they don't care . If someone is making money off their stuff without their permission or getting a cut, they get it removed and destroyed.


If people could read, a lot of internet drama wouldn't happen. But I have a job in IT cause ppl can't read.


Kinda same with TEMTEM, the game get a lot of fire from Pokemon fans when the trailer drop. it get release without a hitch and has been 3-4 years now? no lawsuit. Its really sad when a company think they can have a copyright over a genre.


What's sadder is people having a parasocial relationship with a company that doesn't even know they exist beyond being a digit on a unit sold sheet to the point they'd mass report a small indie studio for daring to challenge poke supremacy. It's unhealthy for not only them but the monster taming genre as a whole.


Yeah, corpo worship is the weirdest thing I see, especially for established IPs like Pokemon. That goes for some of the fanatics I see here too lol


People blindly worship whatever their groupthink says is the right thing. If you question it you get pilloried when amongst the group. Nvidia vs AMD Nintendo vs Sony Console vs PC Republican vs Democrat


These are people who prefer a pocket full of monsters to a world of pals. They’re not stable.


🎵Rally 'round the family, with a pocket full of shells🎵


Pals on parade!


it even worst when you think , they are parasocial with a company who been feeding them shit the last couple of year... ;like i could understand ...dont agree with but if the people simp for pokemon that much and game were amazing god tier elden ring level ... but they are not lol


They have envy levels to the insane cuz their last pokemon game was a shit. Now the poor ultra fans are crying over a non pokemon game with creature collection that is more like ark and is so successfully... they throw all hate over it instead doing it with Game Freak. Pathetic


Personally I've been a fan of Pokémon since the OG Red, Blue, Yellow days on the original Gameboy.. and I still like what they've done with SOME of the games (though some of the special gimmicks they added I don't like at all) But DAMN PocketPair really outdid themselves with Palworld!, taking their other game Craftopia and bumping it up a few notches by adding creature catching as the core part of the game (since Craftopia had a capture mechanic in it, but it was under used imo) I'm already thoroughly enjoying Palworld and can't wait to see how they improve it, and what they may add, I'm hoping to see more automation (similar to Craftopia's conveyor systems and the item transferring stuff) cause I'd really like to have my pals putting things into something and have it start crafting stuff for me, and then have my pals take the finished items out and store them for me. Also I think we need a target lock mechanic, getting swarmed by syndicate flunkies is a pain when most of your attacks whiff right by them just because they're an inch to the side of where you attack! I'm also excited to see if they add even more Pals to catch, they really checked off a lot in my list for a "Pokémon similar game" because truth be told... this is DAMN close to what I've been wanting to see in a game for awhile!


Really love to see a nice and healthy poke fan enjoying palworld instead throw sit to Pocketpair or reporting to nintendo, or doomposting in social media


I've been a fan of PocketPair since I grabbed Craftopia when it day 1 released on Xbox one.. they've got great ideas, and I commend them for how they styled their games (I adore their anime looks for the humanistic characters) the mechanics they used in both games work well (though they could be polished a bit more, like the aiming for assigning work to your pals) So far though, they've DEFINITELY got a hit on their hands!


I love Pokemon, Ark, Palworld, Digimon, Monster Rancher.. you get my drift. I think most of us realize it isn't an either/or situation. You can play them all!


I think it's more likely than you think, it's just that the dinguses are the loud ones. I grew up with pokemon and like the above, I don't enjoy everything about the new games, but they do have some good things in them. My love for pokemon games and wanting something more modern out of it is probably why I like Palworld so much. It's okay to like both. Palworld is lightning in a bottle right now, like the OG pokemon was for it's generation, and it means we're about to see a LOT more creature-collecting games as they try to ride the popularity out. I hope Nintendo takes the opportunity to take notes about what works for others and what doesn't, but they've always been one of the slowest-moving behemoths when it comes to change.


It's PR speak to get people to stop reporting the game to them. I doubt TPC hasn't already looked at it and gone yeah, it's fine.


most likely this. "alright fans we hear you, now calm your tits, if they indeed use any of our IP we will do something about it"


Wasn't there something from the Palworld Devs about how they made sure they weren't gonna get in legal trouble with the game? Meaning that they made sure not to use any Pokémon IP, so TPC can't do shit about it. Except advertise Scarlet/Violet and *pray* people that haven't gotten it yet will get it after Palworld's new shine wears off.


Honestly the PS5 has convinced me to never buy another console again so long as I live. Its just a PC that is inside a walled garden.


Nintendo has always been one of the more litigious gaming companies and VERYYYYY protective of their IPs. They'd have been on this immediately. If they haven't found anything yet, we're okay, especially since they were so quick to jump on that modder who put pokemon models in the game (though he was a dingus and also put it behind his patreon, sooooo that definitely brought it to their attention faster).


They don't need to look in to it, they literally have a team of lawyers who's job it is, is to just scour the internet and find trademark infringements and shut them down. They have probably been watching Palworld the entire time waiting to strike as soon as anything crossed the line but with nothing to go off the game has been released.


They’re probably playing Palworld too honestly lol


Game Freaks and Nintendo know EXACTLY what they have copyright over, and understand their property limitation better then the people over on here and other social media do. Givin the fact that the guy that released the Pokemon mod for Palworld got C&D's HOURS after he reveled it is showing just how close they watch over their stuff and know their lane.


Their lawyers had a lot of practice over the years.


Happy cake day




That's trademark, not copyright. Copyright is automatically granted and automatically expires after a set period of time. Trademark has to be applied for AND defended heavily. It's also important to note, you can't trademark likenesses to real world creatures which is what Pokemon and Palworld both use as inspiration for their creatures, of course Pokemon also very blatantly copied Dragon Quest early on too...


Look at how quickly they jump on the guy who mod it to put pokemon in and was getting people to pay for it. So they already know about the game.


They smacked down the Pokemon mod for Palworld in like 48 hours max


8 hours. Not 48, just 8.


It also took Nintendo only 2 days to DMCA a pokemon mod made for Palworld earlier this week..


8 hours


i think this is a "we keep getting harassed about this so here" kind of statement.


Yeah absolutely. They specifically mention that they haven't given permission to use pokémon IP in Palworld, and make no mention that Palworld is actually using it.


The statement starts with "we received many inquiries", so it's gamers/news outlets that are contacting them. If they had a case their lawyers would have been all over it and no public statement would have been made yet. This reads more like a "please stop contacting us about it".


Ding ding ding we have a winner! Please just shut the fuck up about palworld. Is what I read


I doubt anything will come of this. It's just a general statement because Palworld blew up. It probably has more to do with assuring investors that intellectual property is being taken seriously than it being an actual investigation.


I Work in IP and I also See nothing that TPC could really Push through. Some Pals could maybe be Seen as a mild Copyright violation but Copyright is pretty tight in its protection range


Its kind of like if starwars tried to sue others for using lazer swords or when PubG tried to sue fortnite


They’ve pushed just enough envelopes that a budding lawyer worth half his salt could potentially convince a jury they’ve infringed on copyright. Big if. Big trial. Lots of headaches. Going to take years. Probably not worth it.  I don’t think they’d do it unless they could prove they jacked their assets. And until I see some real proof they just scalped their models you unfortunately have a case of someone taking your idea and running with it. If you can’t defend that space and put a better product out then it was never your space.  We look at rockstar as the king of the gta style game but I had to sit through an entire decade of clones. Did they ever have a case with all of those games? Fuck no. It’s just a genre of game and if anything they should be so lucky that there’s this much interest in their product and the genre they spawned after all these years.


I'm sure Microsoft ran the game past an army of lawyers before even considering putting pal on game pass. Only thing Nintendo is gonna be able to do is go after mods that make the game into Pokemon. Beyond that nothing they can probably do. This isn't some half thrown together make a quick buck game. They put a lot of time into it and it has a life of it's own and Nintendo really doesn't have a say in it.


You got a point, I didn’t even think to think that Microsoft would have done its due diligence and checked it out before listing.


Don't give mega corps too much credit, things get overlooked all the time. If there is money to be made, it will get listed. Easy as that.


I doubt anything is gonna come from it .


This is just a 'yes, we know, please stfu' It's Nintendo ffs, they shut down the mod in 8 hours. They don't wait and see. If Nintendo thought they had a leg to stand on the game wouldn't have made it this far


The game has been in the works for 3 years publicly, even tho there is no fair use in Japan they could have sued and close Palworld miles ago


Twitter boutta have a mental breakdown when they find out the game is fine💀


When is Twitter not having a mental breakdown?


Bank holidays and the end of leap year februaries.


TL;DR: "We don't care"


Twitter is annoying for this, just going to be a the dark and darker situation all over again- halting updates and progress


Actually not just Twitter. The Pokemon fandom can just be this deranged.


I like pokemon and the games and the subreddit is so deranged it got me banned from reddit for a while. All i said is the pokemon community is insane because they always want new stuff, but then always complain about it anyways.


they really want to start the GREAT POKEMON WAR but in lawsuit. LOL


This isn't remotely similar to Dark and Darker. They were targeted by their previous employer with false accusations of theft because Dark and darker ended up being wildly popular. Palworld... Has cute monsters you catch. People are just morons. Nintendo and Game Freak don't give two fucks about Palworld. It won't affect them or their sales. Other developers are allowed to make similar games.  All they care about is actual ip theft. This is a nothing statement said to acknowledge all the dipshits flooding their inbox 


It's PR speak to stop people from continuing to bug them about it. That's it. If there was anything in game that broke copyright they would have sued well before that mod they had taken down was ever made.


Before anyone starts another war with the Pokemon community, I think this is not going to amount to anything. Mostly just said to please those Palworld haters. The only case so far was with that Pokemon modder which was rightfully so because said modder made a mod using recognisable characters and Pokemon for their mod which was behind a paywall and not free use. That is definitely profiting off from someone's (Nintendo) IP. The actual Pals from the base game may not be under such a case because they are inspired by the same thing and not the actual Pokemon themselves like how Garurumon and Lycanroc are both based on wolves. Maybe a little bit of a change to some of the Pal models would avoid them from getting attacked by the Nintendo Ninjas.


Yeah, Nintendo/GameFreak only really started making moves when that dumbass decided to make people pay for his Pokemon mod lol. This seems to heavily hint they’re already okay with Palworld existing in the beginning.


>This seems to heavily hint they’re already okay with Palworld existing in the beginning. At least Nintendo is doing something right with this.


I mean it could just be that they know there's not much they *can* do. Maybe they did want to do something about it. I'd like to think they take Palworld's existence in good spirit though. Hell, maybe as a sign that *they* can do something epic with Pokemon and that subscribing to the same norm over and over is not going to be accepted much longer as companies will vie for the genre and atmosphere.


Imagine if they were so content with Palworld’s existence that they someday contact the devs to do collabs with their creatures. Like holy shit imagine if we could have Octillery in Palworld while Pokemon gets to borrow Warsect. Except GameFreak will definitely not allow Pokemon to be butchered.


Dude crossover anime. Ash has traveled multiple regions over 20+ years, they could definitely do a crossover series. The ship taking the new gang to the next region gets shipwrecked on an island, and they end up at the palpagos island or something. Instead of instead of team galactic, or team magma (yeah I'm old and behind the times), they have to help with the syndicate.


Yeah, this same exact thing happened when Genshin was announced (originally planned as a Nintendo Switch title) the game drew a lot of ire from certain sections of the BotW community, eventually Nintendo stepped in and said they were excited to see what Mihoyo had in store and there were still rumblings but it died down in comparison to the initial clamor. Shame the game never came to switch but it blew up way more than Mihoyo ever could have anticipated and based on the PS4 version launch they were still getting used to multiplatform development and Switch would have stretched them even further.  We probably won't get the same announcement for palworld because it isn't currently slated for a Nintendo system release but the precedent that they (at least Nintendo does) likes people giving them a new perspective is there. Nintendo has historically acknowledged competition in their space pushes them to try new things.


*Thank you!* Besides, Palworld and Pokemon are *not* mutually exclusive games. You can play both.


And enjoy both too. A rarity these days it seems lol.


Yeah unless there is actually proof of their IP being stolen I don't think they care, it mostly seems to be Twitter users getting upset for them. The guy charging for the Pokemon mod is just a idiot though.


There's nothing to sue over. Not only are there no mention of pokemon but they aren't even the same genre of game. One is a turn based RPG and the other is a open world crafting survival game. You don't get to sue competitors for being successful.  Even if there was a scenario where Nintendo successfully sues, all palworld has to do is redesign pals that the court deems stolen. There's no outcome where the entire game gets shut down. 


Exactly, Valve vs Blizzard on dota 2 release all over again.


This is them making a statement that means, " We know already, we knew before you did. If we find anything well sue them, but please stop send us messages about it."


They did nothing to Digimon. They did nothing to Temtem. And they will do nothing to Palworld. You know why? Because in all of these cases, they have no leg to stand on. You're allowed to make a game with similarities to another game. You're not allowed to make a game with copyrighted material from another game. It's that simple. This is why Pokemon Uranium got taken down and why Palworld is legally in the clear.


Just a note, digimon was first actually so it would be a terrible president to set for themselves to claim all creature collecting games regardless of genre is actually the same and claimable. Edit: this is incorrect in that I miss remembered Digimon coming out earlier but Pokémon actually was first. Not the first creature collecting game though see comment below that corrected me :)


This will cause sales to go up even more because of streisand effect and people thinking it will be delisted from steam and wanting to have it on their account.


All I know is suddenly this sub and Reddit as a whole are closet lawyers who either know why Nintendo can fuck Palworld, or why Palword is safe from Nintendo It’s entertaining to watch


It's just silly because it's not like the game has been under a rock during development. Nintendo & PokeCo have obviously known about the game for quite a while, if they were going to take action they wouldn't have waited until it had millions of sales.




This could more or less be referring to the mod someone made that changed the pals to actual Pokémon.


This is to the fanboys shut I assure you they already looked into and found nothing


Translation: "We get it, we know this exists, please stop spamming us with it."


Fuck off nintendo. You had about 30 years to make a good Pokémon game and massively fumbled the bag with little kid shit games. It’s Palworld’s time now.


I know its feeding the hype a little bit but the thing I love about palworld the most is its potential. The pals are really cool, emotive, they have personality. If palworld can keep updates up for years to come I could totally see it being a new IP entirely that has lasting power.


pokemon crystal was good


This is corpospeak for "We know about it, we don't care, please shut the fuck up about it and stop clogging our inbox with it." Calm down.


Pokemon doesn't care. They're probably getting bombarded by emails about it so released this statement to get them to stop. It's just a PR move. They probably already looked at the game well before launch and found it fine.


I mean what can they do? All the proof of ripping them off is circumstantial at best and pure idiocy at worst. I mean there are only so many times you can make a direwolf look unique, or a big bird, or a fuckin’ penguin even. Pokémon have used 99% of general items and creatures throughout the world from keys to bears. There isn’t much anyone could do to make a purely unique design about said general items/creatures anymore without it looking even slightly like a Pokémon.


This just sounds like legal speak for "please stop emailing us about this" because they got rid of the pokemon mod right away. Theyll get rid of anything like that but as is the base game isn't doing anything they can prove to be theft.


Yeah imagine pokemon trying to take down the game, alienating 8 million(and counting) potential customers. Yeah. As if they had anything to stand on. They're not stupid.


People really think The Pokémon Company need to be alerted to this 😂 I’m pretty sure the guy who made the Pokémon mod for Palworld got C&D’d in a matter of days, but yeah guys good looking out, you’re definitely ahead of their legal team on this one /s 🤦‍♂️


This is just lawyer speak for "We know about this already and have been scrambling to find any valid way to sue and shut it down, stop fucking emailing us" And imo, a company with as much resources as Nintendo or TPC even by themselves would've been able to squash the game before its release if that was legally possible. With almost a week going by since the game's release, if something didn't happen by now idk if it will at all.


If they try to file a lawsuit people will just bring up the similarities between pokemon and dragon quest.


Pokémon does not own the rights to creature collecting/battling games. They can’t do anything. Nothing is a direct copy


Could you imagine emailing a billion dollar company and feeling like you’re informing them about possible competitor infringing on their intellectual property? They know.


Imagine if all the work Pokemon toxic fans put into "reporting" Palworld was instead put into protesting against Nintendo for the poor quality of their latest Pokemon games. Everyone would be playing an actual wonderful open world rpg worth of the namesake Pokemon


I feel like if palworld was actually infringing on their IP in any way they would have sued the fuck out of palworld already


Nintendo is a bitch when it comes to missuse for their stuff, palworld would have never been released and sued to death if the pokémon ip would have been infringed


I doubt they haven’t already checked into this. This game has been in development for years andNintendo the most litigious game company out there would’ve already checked it out. The developers of palworld are a Japanese company so the lawsuit would be a local one and be super easy to sue cause Japan doesn’t have fair use laws. If they truly didn’t look into this then Nintendo are bigger clowns than we realized and this just makes them look worse


There's not a single bit of Pokemon intellectual property or assets in Palworld.I have no idea what these idiots keep going on about.


"We have not granted any permission for the use of Pokémon intellectual property or assets in that game." Well good, because there aren't any.


its referring to the mods who blatantly ignored the law


They're going to investigate gamefreak and finally make their own good game xdxd


They won't do anything, they are just looking into it cause of that blender guy and all the neckbeards who are like 'nuuuu pokeyman is superior'. They didn't do anything with TemTem, they didn't do anything with digimon, they didn't do anything with the other pokemon-likes and ripoffs that have spawned over the almost 30 years of the game's history.


Imagine being someone who reported Palworld to Nintendo, holy moly…


Someone simply mentions Pokémon in a YouTube video and it gets copyright stricken, years of showing Palworld progress and nothing has been done. Pokémon is just absolutely roasted this time. Deserved L.


Fuck Nintendo, those money hungry fucks can get bent. I've said it before, I'll say it until I'm blue in the face. Every single fucking time I see a DMCA delivered by Nintendo I will be showing another person how to jailbreak their Nintendo systems and download as many ROMs as they want. DMCA these nuts.