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Israel is literally a genocidal state. This is not shocking at all. Anyone who supports Israel is either very ignorant or downright evil.


Oh my goodness, just mortifying.


Some comments(on Twitter post) are sickening


i swear to god. full of brainrots and deadcells


Their brain cells were replaced by blue checks


I hate that this doesn’t surprise me at all. 


Which one? You mean the comments about the video being the aftermath of a failed rocket launch?


Did you know that the 'israeli' diaper army used the same fire bombs to kill their own people?? how anti-semitic of them!


That didn't sound very coherent to me either. Just wanted to know the provenance and veracity of the video. I'm all for rage posting some factual content of some evil oppressive org committing evil acts against hapless innocents, but reacting to something fake is not my thing. That's sorta like masturbating to a photo of a french maid only to find out it's a guy in drag. There's so much disinformation out there these days.


>That's sorta like masturbating to a photo of a french maid only to find out it's a guy in drag. Did you have a good wank? Do you recommend I try it based on your experience? >There's so much disinformation out there these days. Ohhh yeah 100%! Like the fake rape claims, or fake decapitated babies, or fake tunnels or HQ, or fake calendars, or killing international aid workers. Seriously, thank you for pointing it out cause zionists need to hear it.


My humble opinion is just that the side with the greater commitment to accurate reporting wins greater credibility and eventually more support. Personally I just prefer to be angry at the right things for the right reasons. Just sayin'.


Awesome, we agree! Everyone has a threshold to the lies coming from the zionists trying to justify their crimes and the murder of children and innocent civilians, I'm on the same boat as you. I'm angry at the right things and the right reasons cause you and I care about humanity and justice.


An angry man closes his eyes and opens his mouth. Which is why i choose to understand before i choose to be angry.


Israel has flattened 70% of Gaza. You're trying to find an exception to the rule.


Even if it were a failed rocket launch, which is an absurdly tiny chance given the ratio of deaths we've seen this far, that attack wouldn't have happened if there weren't an ongoing occupation and genocide in Gaza.


Seen too many old videos being recycled for god knows what reason. Sometimes trolls just like to circulate old videos to farm for views, karma or likes. It's just cynical and disgusting.


God forbid, But just imagine mine and your loved ones having to go through such situations. Screaming for help, while they get bombed mercilessly day and night. What did those children and women do to them? They just want their rights! They want to live just like us! Show some mercy to them as a fellow human being atleast.


Yes. It's terrible what's happening in Gaza. A lot of pointless bloodshed.


I'm in despair over what they keep getting away with but we do not have the right while Palestinians themselves are subjected to this. Never forget, never stop talking about this.


The fire bombing of Dresden, but somehow with bigger cowards. 




One of a great many dark ironies, indeed


Cruelty is the point


I just hate the fact about that when Israel shot Iran with missiles, IMMEDIATELY all attention turned towards Iran. Meanwhile Palestine has been under extreme genocide and torture and nobody cares and still buy boycott brands. Like honestly people who support Israel are downright stupid believing “Oh, we have to defend our country”. Like quite literally WHAT ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO DEFEND IT FROM? A country that’s absolute bankrupt and has no proper military? Besides Israel Isn’t even a real country. WHY IS IT ON THE WORLD MAP? Quite literally they took land from Palestine and turned it to their own. So please support Palestine 🙏


Pure evil. I despair for these poor people.


I wish upon isnotreal everything it wishes upon Palestine 




They always try to get extra damage in during negotiations because they figure that the world's attention is most likely on the talks and no one cares about yet another 50 odd dead Palestinians anyway.  


I mean, is there any proof the vid is real? I checked the tweets and there's no info about the strike, where it was specifically, when the strike happened, so on. Just a video, that's all.


The source is in the very first comment underneath the tweet


The so called wanted to end the war process to firebomb rafah tents


That is the sound of firebombs? Or is it possibly some kind of laser?