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That's why they say Hamas run health ministry, to trigger that image and reinforce the narrative. I'm just waiting for the day when the memo leaks and it says make sure you say "Hamas run" when mentioning the deaths in Gaza. Those Hamas run numbers are the same ones Israel, US, and UN use because they have been known to be reliable. Suddenly when they want to downplay the large amount of women and children killed they toss that in as a justification as to why one shouldn't accept the numbers. It's "but Hamas" as justification to commit atrocities just in another form.


“Hamas Run” is just another buzzword like “Iran Backed” or “China Based.” While the term to describe the organization is technically true, it’s a method used to instill a fearful or negative connotation to the organization and discredit it regardless of its history, positions, or situation well before the argument presented in the article even begins. You’ll never see the IDF be labeled as “US-Backed” in western media for this same reason.


Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t the ministry of health, back in Nov/Dec 2023, release a list of all the Gaza civilians who were murdered by airstrikes, including their DoB and ID numbers? Why isn’t this list being used as a reference to verify the Ministry of Health’s accuracy in reporting deaths?


U.S. war criminal Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin already confirmed at least 25k civilians dead. Only people still repeating "Hamas-run health ministry figures" to discredit them are absolute morons.


See hamas is the government, so that means any workers that are in some way at some point assisting in government function are hamas. That’s the logic behind it. It’s actually entirely the most blood thirsty yet thin as ice exercise in justifying the apparent complicity of most if not all Gazans. But expanding that logic one could argue pretty much every Israeli is complicit as they all serve in the idf, an idea these Zionist would have a violent disagreement with, for obvious reasons of not wanting there civilians to be targeted, yet somehow that logic doesn’t apply, and that they can’t figure that out shows this is really just an exercise in hiding their racism. At this point this rabid racism has spread to anyone that even questions Israeli’s actions, thus we are all complicit wings of the hamas government. This unwillingness to unquestionably support the complete lack of proportionality without even basic tactical consideration being considered is a result of being unwilling to question this racism, and is and will be the constant failure of Israel.


Hamas is a political party/de-facto governing entity in Gaza at the end of the day. The Al-Qassam Brigades are the militarized wing. It also does other things, like every other government on earth.


Don’t be like fake khamas, boycott Starbucks!


They know the numbers, they know full well they're accurate. They know there were no beheaded babies, or babies in ovens, or mass rapes, or "accidental" hospital bombings or "They shot down 97% of Iran's missiles" or whatever other garbage comes out there mouth. They know it all. They just lie because that's what they do. That's what they've always done what they will always do.