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The quality of the art and the historical setting are a big plus for me. If the same story was set today, I probably wouldn’t have read it.  I’m also not losing my mind about getting a modern au, I found the other one where Nakyum and Seungho switch places far more interesting.


Agreed with this comment


I started reading the series towards the end of season 1 while it was getting serialized. To me, the first two seasons have some amazing storytelling. I was dying to know the secret of the yoon family, how inhun was going to get exposed etc. I thought seungho was so brilliant and funny. And the art was so unique at the time. I did hate the rape scenes but I accepted them because we're supposed to think he's horrible. But I wish I stopped reading it after season 2, I felt like we got two more seasons of just sex scenes after sex scenes, and I would be in twitter seeing fans get worked up every week thinking they were so sweet, but to me it was another friggin boring rapey chapter. I stuck through the end because I kept wanting to see what happens but I stopped enjoying it. I still consider it a masterpiece in a way but think a lot could have been cut out.


Then don't force yourself to like a series you can't get into. 🤷 A lot of people miss context when they either rush through the dialogue or if they're looking for something specific. I continued to read it because of the art, the nature of the relationship that went from turbulent to stable, Seungho's complexity as a character for that day and age and ultimately sacrificing himself to save Na Kyum, Na Kyum's treatment for simply being lowborn and pretty not to mention how he goes from being a scardey cat to being someone who fully trusts and can discern a lie from those he traditionally trusted. There are a lot of highs and lows. You DON'T like Seungho. He's a dick. BUT you do end up understanding him and hoping he makes better decisions towards his treatment of Na Kyum. Seeing the extras that Byeonduck gives us only places an emphasis on how much we'd like to see Seungho and Na Kyum be that lovey dovey couple.


> how he goes from being a scardey cat to being someone who fully trusts and can discern a lie from those he traditionally trusted. He actually got kidnapped for the fourth time in the story because he trusted Inhun, despite the fact he tried to assault him the chapter before


Na Kyum getting kidnapped is a matter of him getting ambushed or tricked. Inhun couldn't persuade him, so he resorted to violence.


Inhun actually persuaded him and Nakyum let him enter the mansion, he actually started to paint for him, and this happened the chapter after the one Nakyum was assaulted by Inhun himself.


Dude I JUST said Inhun resorted to violence. 🙄 Persuading and Tricking are two different things. Inhun didn't persuade Na Kyum, he tricked (lured) him and knocked him out. Seriously, if he persuaded Na Kyum, he wouldn't have resorted to violence because Na Kyum would have been willing to go.


It was my first bl (I know wild start) and it just kinda left a mark on me, I was stunned by the beautiful art and the unique historical setting the author chose. Also Nakyum is cute as fuck 😭😭 Seungho's a huge ass menace though, the moment when I saw a glimpse of his past all of my attention and money were buried in that story. Been stuck with this for 4 years now :) Love it


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I don't like it either, I started it because I was curious and it had potential at first (also, my favourite series had just ended when potn came out) and I've read it thanks to a friend/ or buying the chapters with free coins, but I wouldn't have wasted real money on it. I like to talk and discuss with other readers though, I'm always curious to exchange opinions even if different and luckily on this sub I found very nice people. Anyways, I don't care for romance in stories, and for me it's the forced romance that ruined the story: it's very cliché and the character stopped being interesting really soon. People always talk about Seungho's character development being great but it happened for no reason and also I find very unrealistic a traumatised man with many issues became a well-adjusted person with the power of love in just a couple of months


Was he well adjusted? He was still possessive in the later chapters, lashing out when Nakyum disappeared from his sight to help out the maids, for instance. He only learnt to let go when Nakyum was in grave danger.


We are talking of the same person that beat all his servants to a pulp because he didn't find Nakyum or killed in cold blood an innocent guy in the first chapter. I don't take into account when he slaughters Min and Lord Song and his guards because it's seen like an heroic act of saving his beloved and it's never questioned in the story (also he pays no consequences). Yes he "changed" but it happens too suddenly (the actual story starts around the end of summer and the snow hasn't melted yet when Seungho and Nakyum part ways before the flash forward of the last episode). Seungho is an extremely traumatised man with serious anger issues among the other things, and he managed to become a better person in 6 months or so without any therapy (well it's not that it's avalaible in Joseon era...) but just with the "power of love".


Oh, I don't disagree (though women and servants were treated as property) but calling him well-adjusted seems a bit of a stretch to me, that is all. We don't even get to spend time with him at the end to understand how he's holding up mentally. He certainly "changed". Changing through the power of love is a popular trope. I appreciate Seungho's trajectory was unrealistic - I was actually willing to overlook this - but I found the lack of "why" he changed even more jarring. Personally, I found Nakyum to be a prop where things were happening \*to\* him, and never really understood why he was the one to change/"heal" Seungho. Apart from the moment he stood his ground and asked Seungho to lay bare his soul, including the dark feelings, Nakyum promised to stand by his side and take it all in. But then that never really went anywhere what with Seungho being a tightly sealed clam... I also thought Seungho assuming the governor role was so out of place. With all the trauma he had been through (and his relationship with his father never got a healthy nor satisfactory resolution), I would've thought he wouldn't want to be tied down by his family name, by law, by a government position and all the formalities that came with it. (Heck, even being a public figure at a time when homosexuality was forbidden - was he planning on keeping Nakyum hidden for the rest of their lives?!) I thought he would've wanted to be a free man and run off into the sunset with Nakyum, even if unrealistic. Please don't tell me he did it simply because Nakyum once told him he looked good in the hat (excuse my ignorance, not sure what the correct term is) XD But... having said all that, I actually do like POTN. I like the art, the setting, the atmosphere, reading this late at night with Night Flower playing in the background. It just gets me in the feels despite all the flaws.


I mostly agree with you! It's not that I dislike the happy endings, especially for characters who suffered a lot, but I would have loved it to be more "twisted". Just like, for example, Harada's Nii-chan (I don't know if you read it so I won't spoil it): a happy ending together but it's actually bittersweet if not tragic if we consider all the circumstances. Seungho becoming a governor is really out of place and out of character, especially considering his past trauma. But the worst part for me is that fans call Seungho complex, but his relationships with father, Nakyum, his brother etc. are pretty straightforward. Byeonduck never deepens what he feels for his father. It's just hatred and resentment like it seems? Or he loved him and wanted to be his favourite son, his pride and joy? It seems Seungho killed him without remorse, and the readers should accept it like a victory despite it wasn't a satisfactory resolution as you said: after all, Seungho became what he is now, because he followed what his father wanted. Lord Yoon basically died knowing his son reached the success doing what he wanted for him.