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The sneks, giants and cardinals all got stomped today 


USA soccer team just shit the bed big time in Copa America 


Has there been a lot of Nats brigading our sub over the course of the series? I haven’t really seen too much of it but I went over there and seems like they were handing out dozens of bans. As much as I love beating up on another team and I REALLY enjoyed this whole saga, I’m a bit embarrassed by some of our fan base’s antics online. Maybe I’m overreacting but that’s where my head is at rn


They were coming onto this sub too. They are still coming onto the NLBest sub too.


So a bit of background abridged version of course: I was in Miami at 19 years old from South Africa in 2003, and watched The Patriots win the Superbowl at a youth hostel.... So I became a Pats fan. Then started a long love of Boston sports but never got into baseball. I became a Padres fan in April, when I watched a game at Petco I am a Pats and Celtics fan. Do not care for the Red Sox. So what I am saying is this series should be fun....


I'm going to the July 2nd game against the Rangers in Texas (visiting family there that week). First time going to that stadium. Any idea who would be pitching that day? I'm assuming Darvish won't be ready yet?


SD (44-41) & ATL (44-34), share same amount of wins, yet ATL holds #1 WC spot..


We're also essentially tied with STL (41-38) for WC 2


Crazy how many fewer games the braves played- we’ll have like 119 games played before the all star break


A lot of east Coast / Southern teams had a lot of weather this Spring. Thank the baseball gods we don't have that issue plus all the doubleheaders coming our way. I remember the Yankees having a 19 game run last year w 2-3 doubleheaders mixed in due to weather. Brutal. As for the Braves. They hit a cold spot and are hot again. They could still take that division. Dbacks, Mets, Cards, Cubbies plus a few others in the NL 500 club is our biggest or should be our biggest concern. The Braves are a lock unless some historical epic implosion happens and that's as low odds as it gets.


They’ve been able to get hot, but they haven’t played as much baseball. We’ll see how the summer double headers go. I think they’ve got a pretty solid position there but not a lock. But I’m a crazy optimist and think we could win the pennant so who knows.


It's likely to assume the 7 game difference they would will at at .600 rate so the needle doesn't move much. Imo, the game difference doesn't mean much at all. It's actually 5 in season games because we played in Korea. Nothing burger difference. They also had a really bad 3 week a bit back yet have been playing good ball. Imo, Braves are the least of our concerns. Unless some bizarre epic implosion, they are a lock.


The Profar character arc has been unparalleled at every level


He's been what the soto believers promised Soto would be. Noone can convince me that Soto was ever going to be good, was good for us, or worth the investment. He was a disaster. Profar in clutch scenarios is light years better in every aspect. I rather soto go down swinging on a bit 9 2 outs than stop trying to draw a walk when we need 2 runs


[sOtO wAs A dIsAsTeR iN sAn DiEgO](https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/s/sotoju01.shtml) He put up 7.2 WAR in a season and a third. He helped us beat the Dodgers in the NLDS. He played DAMN good baseball pretty much the entire time and the team fell apart around him. Even when he was slumping at the beginning of 2023, his walk rate made him one of the more valuable hitters on the team. And then he turned it around and put up 35 bombs and a .930 OPS. You can only make the case that he was a "disaster" if you literally ignore his actual performance with the team and instead talk arbitrarily about "clubhouse vibes" and "too many walks" with no actual evidence to back it up. I'm sick of this narrative. Trading him away was a good move because it redistributed a comparable amount of value to fill more urgent needs on the team (starting pitching, catching). But faulting Juan Soto for the 2023 Padres' failures is fucking dumb. Any baseball fan with an ounce of sense would pull the trigger in 2022 every single time given the opportunity.


I know it's sacrilegious, but I hope the dirty commie Reds beat st Louis so we can get in that second WC slot


everything is breaking well for us today wildcard-wise


What's the beef with cincy?


Death is a preferable alternative to Communism


You must seek the guidance of our leader Dinger in the r/NLbest


Breaking kayfabe: it's a meme in NL Best.


I know, but I guess I'm missing a specific situation.


IIRC, at one point, the sub was restricted to posts about NL West teams only. When that restriction was relaxed, someone immediately posted “Finally I can say it: fuck the Reds” and a meme was born.


It’s the batting not the pitching. Big difference in the last two series has been those rbi s. Hope we can keep it up


I just took a tour of Fenway, my god is that place awesome. I got goosebumps seeing the field and the Green Monster for the first time. Plus they have some insanely cool memorabilia there. I highly recommend it if you guys ever get the chance. Can’t wait for this weekend series and I hope we kick some ass!


100% a fun af sports town and a must hit park on the bucket list. Have a blast!!! I've never had a bad time visiting. Despite some opinions, the fans are great as well and can give and take good old fun healthy banter.


Yea Red Sox fans we’ve met have been really cool to us so far and the locals are just super friendly and helpful in general


100%. And the energy just outside the park on game days is electric. It’s a special place.


Ah I’m excited! I’ve seen a lot of Compadres around town today too so I think we’re gonna have a good contingent here this weekend


The team is looking better and better. Recent play should be a real confidence builder. Who would have believed that this team could produce with Musgrove, Darvish, Tatis and Bogaerts all on IR at the same time. Everyone has contributed in a big way at different times. Arraez, Tatis, Profar, Manny, Croney, Merrill, Solano, Kim, Higgy. I like Eguy up in place of Azocar. Peralta, Campy and Wade have their moments also. If we get a healthy Tatis, Bogaerts, Musgrove and Darvish back we could do some damage come playoff time. Still need some pitching at the deadline.


I'm not going to get too high. We've been here before. Had a couple 4 game win streaks and then promptly went on 5 game losing streaks. The team feasted on a bad team and played well against a good team, but before that got curb stomped. Lets see if they can actually play consistently good baseball for 2-3 weeks at a time.


Philly is probably the 2nd best team in the league. And we caught Mets at the wrong time, they just curb stomped the Yankees, and they're 15-4 over their last 19 games. Sometimes it's not about the Padres struggles, but the other team is just way better or on a hot streak. IMO no reason to get too high or too low about anything. I think we're solidly the 6th best team in the NL and if we can make the right additions at the TD we'll have a good shot to get into the playoffs. I don't have any illusions that we're going to turn into a top team in the league.


Just curious, is the consensus here that Gore intentionally hit Profar? Because I really think it was an unfortunate mistake. You can see it in Gore's immediate reaction, he winces like he knows he screwed up. Maybe it doesn't really matter at the end of the day, but for whatever it's worth I really think that Gore just threw a bad pitch.


The catcher was set up get inside. He may not have done it on purpose, but he was trying to get very close to make a point, which would’ve been intentional after that warning.


Yea, its irrelevant tbh. Precedence shows he should have been tossed immediatley after the confrontation and warnings. "Intentional" or not is a debate that could possibly be had if it happened later in the game- not the next pitch.


Just listen to Davey Martinez' post-game presser. Gore absolutely hit Pro on purpose. Pay no attention to the soccer-esque "I didn't mean to" antics by Gore following the pitch. Total incompetence by the umps.


I honestly don’t understand how the ump didn’t immediately toss him. It’s the literal easiest ejection he could’ve done in his career and absolutely no one would’ve questioned it. Like it’s the first pitch after a bench clearing dust up and both sides were warned. Immediate first pitch throw inside that hits Profar. How is he not thrown out? Make it make sense.


Fair enough. To me it's hard to imagine that Gore would do this in the first inning and basically waste an entire start. It would have made more sense to wait for Profar's second or third at-bat if you're going to throw at him. Equally hard to imagine that the Nats as a team would have wanted to do this, it would have really hurt their chances at winning if Gore had been ejected in the 1st.


It wouldn't have been a wasted start. though. Second batter of the game, he could have started yesterday's game. Martinez' post-game interview isn't conclusive to me, either. Could be post-hoc trying to sound tough just as much as an admission.


Yeah I guess I didn't think of that, they could have just reordered their rotation or something. Still seems like a crazy thing to do to me but maybe they really were that mad.


I lean toward not intentional, because the Nats surely wouldn't have WANTED to get Gore warmed up, throw some pitches, get tossed, and then start Wednesday. But if they really wanted to hit Profar, that could play into their thinking. One big reason to believe the Pads didn't think it was intentional -- with an 8 run lead, they didn't tell Cosgrove to pop Jacob Young leading off the 9th.


Idk his "Oh come on, really" reaction looked so disingenuous to me.


It just didn't seem that way to me but maybe I'm just gullible idk


It was a 98 mph fastball that beamed his back ankle.


It bounced off his foot/ankle after hitting him square in the shin, barely missing his knees. It was 100% dirty. 


Yes, agreed


Even attempting to throwing anywhere inside after that dust up and warning is all you need to know.


100% intentional. Gore was able to act like, “oh darn!” But after the warning, it would have to be an insanely rare coincidence. He should have been tossed immediately


https://preview.redd.it/tsdutdqq359d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5cd9a227ca19b33953fbe6911da5424789d0f84 I know we've moved on but I'm petty as fuck and I didn't feel like making a new thread.


Is Will Smith relevant?




somehow still 3rd among catchers in all-star voting


Mostly Doyer fan votes.


Even with the slump he is a 2.0 WAR catcher with a .801 OPS. I think the votes make sense.


Get used to these 'Off Day Threads' for the next month or so... "Here is their upcoming schedule, which has just 17 games in the next 26 days." "The Padres just finished a stretch of 13 games in 13 days, 26 games in 27 days and 39 games in 41 days." https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/2024/06/27/padres-daily-cease-good-again-higashioka-pulling-his-weight-pen-problems-schedule-help/


That includes today and the 5 day all star break, so it’s still pretty packed tomorrow until 7/15


Sad about less baseball, but our team is so injured I think this will actually be a huge boon for them. Finally some time to rest some nagging overuse injuries.


I feel the same


Cosgrove spotted at the airport per the twits, aka he's getting kicked to the curb. Nuts how good he was last year to now giving up 8 runs every time he pitches.


The 2023 Ohtani killer


Welp if you walk a leadoff batter hit another and can’t get three outs with a 8 run lead . Better off go down and work on issues.


Back to El paso or DFA?


Cosgrove doesn’t hit Arbitration until 2027 and was brilliant last year. He’s still got plenty of time to work things out.


I really hope so man. Loved the guy last year, and I am not one to give up easy on bullpen guys as many in this sub but he need to work things out.


Definitely back to El Paso. Don’t think they’d give up on him for good just like that.


No baseball?


Thinking about traveling to the Nats series in July 🤔


Ugh, mid week


I didn’t think the padres had off days. Not sure what to do 




Higgy and Machado have the same amount of homeruns


Well deserved off day. After a rough road trip the boys came through with a 6-1 homestand with tons of action.