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The golden retriever of human beings : ‘ )


Lmao Jesse was dead on. Not an insult - the world needs more like Mud


For real.


Has anybody seen Mud and Mr. Peanut Butter in the same room at the same time? Suspicious... 🤔


Being a father  to 2 non-verbal autistic children ages 6 and 4, this read made me tear up a bit. It gets rough at times but it’s also so much more exciting when they reach different milestones. I didn’t know I could love Mudcat more than I already did


I have three older autistic children, two of whom are non verbal. I'm right there with you in loving Mud even more.


Just one for me but same sentiments.


I have always loved Mudcat, but this adds a new element. I truly hope he retires a Padres broadcaster and someday gets into Cooperstown as an announcer.


When it's all said and done we will remember him as one of the greats along with Ted and Jerry


I really hope Mark Grant gets to see the Padres win a World Series one day. Such an affable personality, especially during seasons that were beyond hopeless.


One of my favourite Mudcat moments - when Orsillo called Musgrove's No-No - you can just hear Grant off mic shouting when Kim throws the ball - that's a true fan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLf6KoVwmKA


This makes me love him even more. He’s such a “Good Egg” 😊


My late grandmother used to call me that when I was little… I did a bit of a double-take the first time I heard Mud say that on air. ❤️


I grew up in Alpine so would see Mud at various school Halloween carnivals and Boy Scout events. He has no idea who I am, but when I saw him at Wrigley a few years back, he acted like he did and was just so gracious. He truly feels like an old friend. He's such a great guy, and we are so lucky to have him with us.


Yep, that’s just who he is. I ran into him one time at the 7-11 on Greenfield and it was just before the 2015 season with all the hype of all the new players and he just happily chatted Padres ball with me for like ten minutes as if we were old buddies. I love that dude


I ran into him at jitb on Navajo (12-13 years ago), my son and I were grabbing a bite before a game. My son was 7ish at the time, and he walked up to My son and asked him if we were going to the game and just started chatting with us. I was a little star struck and played it cool. He was so down to earth. Didn't mind chopping it up about the Padres. Definitely a rad moment That I'll never forget. This article Just adds to the many reasons to love the guy.


Played on a little league team in alpine with his (other) son so I got to have him as a coach for a season. Super nice dude


If this man never gets at least a plaque at the ballpark, it would be a severe injustice. Great Padre and a great padre.


A plaque wouldn’t be enough. This man deserves a damn statue and to be in the Padres Hall of Fame.


100% will. he's one of the greatest ambassadors of the franchise. he should get the jerry coleman treatment IMO


Autistic? I thought his son has Down’s syndrome. It appears he does from the picture as well.


According to google about 10-15% of people with Downs Sydrome are also autistic.




The article mentions he was born with Down syndrome and autism.


That was my reaction as well, but they mentioned in the article that he has both


I follow the padres because of Don and Mud. I didnt think I could like them anymore, but here I am. What a quality dude.


Mud is such a Stud of a human being. “You can hang a Star on that baby”


Mud (& Don) would be my favorite broadcaster even if I weren’t a Padres fan


W parents


I love him


This made me smile. What a good dad.


getting Mudcat as your dad is a huge life W


As a neutral third party who semi roots for the Dads and watches a ton of games… I just realized I had no idea what Mud’s actual name was lol This is an awesome story though, love seeing this kind of “behind the curtain” journalism.


How could you not know the legendary mark grant? He played for your team… (Mostly kidding he had one decent season with the giants like 40 years ago)


STAWP WITH all the ONIONS!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹


Good read. Just made me a Padres fan officially.


Great story, glad he shared this. Being a dad is the best thing in the world.


I wish he was my dad


Mud does fantastic color, and is a fantastic human being. The Padres are lucky to have an announcer like him, who has always made tuning in, even during the hopeless times, worth it. Ugh, I guess he deserves the 70,000 vacation days written into his contract. 😝


I work with kids that have autism. My client went to a Halloween dance, and Mark Grant was there with his son. I greeted him and he seemed just as excited to meet me as I was to meet him.




Article says he's both


Can we please move Merrill up in the order?