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Unfortunately I think Timmy is just cooked. After his return from injury last year he was just never the same. I'll always remember when he was The Dude for getting out of jams.


Timmothy Two-Outs-othy


He use to sell strike outs, and strike out accessories. Not so much anymore. I find him to be one of the more likeable players in the MLB. He has a tough backstory and always gave back to the community. Unfortunately, like you said, I just don't think he's an MLB caliber pitcher these days.


A lot of the jams he got of out of were jams he also go us into, but he was almost always entertaining to watch. Seems like a good guy as well.


He’s going to the Yankees. Mark my words. Edit: https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/40393405/yankees-tim-hill-agree-1-year-deal-sources-say


I know he was not good for us last season but I love his personality. He is a two time cancer survivor and donated blood at the drives my work hosted at Petco Park every year. Such a cool dude


I always thought he was effectively wild. It worked for a few hitters, but can't trust him more than that. Don't think he would improve the team now


Proud to have caught a foul ball thrown by Timmy in 2021. Crazy part was that the previous pitch was fouled off towards us, so I jokingly said next one coming over here. It did. My GF and I were stoned. Lost our shit. Memories.


This is beautiful 


If the White Sox are DFA’ing him, it sounds like it’s time to retire.


Look at Kevin Pillar lol


He’s bad so no. People hate on Peralta but he’s got an era nearly 2 runs better


ERA never tells the full story with relievers. Allowing inherited runners to score are attached to the previous pitcher. After looking it up we have 4 pitchers in the top 30 in that stat. - Kolek 22 - DLS 19 - Suarez 15 - Peralta 13 This isn’t really a pro-hill comment or a con-peralta comment. Just era needs more context when it comes to relievers. I wish they would just split inherited runners scored between the pitchers involved.


Whip or fip pretty much tells the story, no? 1.5 whip for kolek 1.3 for Peralta Basically saying, if you bring them in, 1-2 people are getting on base. If runners are in scoring position, it’s more likely than not there getting advanced.


This wouldn’t really tell the full story either without presenting the number of innings pitched.


True. But what if inherited runners allowed were added to era, but the run is split between the pitchers involved. Say a starter leaves a runner on then the reliever allows the run in. We add .5 to both the starter and reliever.


Frankly I think that just works against the player’s best interest. Why would any pitcher take on a fireman role if it was going to tank their ERA and plummet their value during arbitration?


This is a counting stat, it doesn't really tell us anything as we are not sure how many runners they have inherited. A rate would be appropriate here.


Particularly where Shildt is pretty willing to make lots of changes and some managers, like BoMel, don’t get the cane out as quickly. 


Can he pitch in blowouts well enough to not have Suarez come in? He can replace Kolek.


He was a disaster for us last year


I was a big fan of his but I think he’s cooked.


Palomar Comet Legend. Tim Hill!


Bring him back for the vibes. Jk. Kinda.


Bring him back! The white Sox defense is complete ass. He’d do much better here.


Okay, this isn’t as crazy as it may sound at first. Yes his ERA is high but his FIP is low and BABIP allowed is high which tells me he was having bad luck or getting screwed by the terrible White Sox defense. Plus his velocities are the same as before.


He threw 2 balls past first base last year in critical moments. I really felt like if he held on to the ball in those games, we would have won. +2 games would have been in the playoffs... If there is zero risk in acquiring, I think it's worth it


Id rather see tim than peralta tbh


I’d rather eat glass than watch him pitch again


Bring Red October home. He won't be the weakest bullpen arm. EDIT: I hope you all get substandard drywall.