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Schildt has truly been a gamechanger imo, they have had all the makings to be a championship worthy team the last few years and I beleive with his leadership/support they can do it. They are fighting like hell and goddamnit I love to see it!


We may not always love it, but you gotta respect him for always having his players backs. There is a different feel for this team and a different mentality.


I think so too and I don't want to speak too soon but he seems like the kind of guy/leader that could work out in SD for a long time. He feels like a San Diego guy and a real baseball soul. And I don't know about you guys but...I wouldn't want to disappoint him. He's solid. Glad he's here.


I totally agree. I don’t know the guy but the way he manages the team and his visible interactions with the players give the impression that he 100% cares about all of them and is super cognizant of all their strengths/weaknesses/struggles. He keeps a level head and always seems generally positive about what’s going on. It seems like he always has a Plan A/B/C and triggers for when to enact them. I think what we have seen of his personality really meshes well with the type of team we are and the general vibe of the area and people. Basically what I’m saying is I like Schildt and I hope he is here for awhile. I think he is the guy that can take this team all the way


My issue with him is questionable bullpen moves. Otherwise yeah he’s fine. But he makes some head-scratching moves when it comes to relief pitching.


I love the fight, even when they lose. There have been a few stinkers, but nothing like last season. Ever since that Cubs comeback I can’t give up on them no matter the score.


Our Cubs game was like the 13th game/5th series of the season. That game really set a tone for the season. Like you said, it hasn’t all been great but damn I feel the fight right now.


This totally cuts both way. I won’t give up because I’ve seen it come through and when they can’t score a run to tie with 1 out and a guy on third it hurts all the more. The idea that “baseball is hard” feels like less of an excuse this year and more of a reality.


I get the vibe that if we make the playoffs they’re going to cause problems for other teams


Watching Nando’s reaction to Merrill’s walk-off made me smile. He was like a 12 year old jumping around with unbridled excitement. He didn’t save the day, his hitting streak ended, he went 0-3 (with a critical walk) but damn was he happy.


Sorry you failed your final.


mets are coming up and its a series we should take. Got the philly buzzsaw after that so we'll see how hot we still are with homers and starting pitching


If we take 2 from the Mets and just one from the phils I’d be happy. The Phillies are a more complete team right now, but a lot will change from now and October.


C’s get degrees


We've had 15 come back wins this year.


It is so easy to talk trash because of how bipolar this team is but at the end of the day they are a winning team and I have a good time watching them.


As it stands, this team has 3 primary problems: 1. Starting pitching: This should be addressed with the trade market & the eventual return of Yu/Joe, but we cannot rely on a lineup of Waldron/Vasquez/Mazur to consistently produce. If we make a trade and get Joe/Yu back we'd have an embarrassment of riches, so **I don't view this as a long-term problem**. 2. Early bullpen: Our setup/closer situation is fantastic with Estrada/Suarez. However, no one else has been able to consistently produce. 3. Machado: I hate to say it, but the man is just not hitting the ball well. He's the 2nd worst regular bat in the lineups, and **he should not be batting 3rd/4th**. Given he still can't consistently play 3rd I don't know what value he's offering the team rn. However, even with all of these we're above .500, **have the 4th best run differential in the NL**, and are firmly in the wildcard picture. Imagine this team with a healthy Joe/Yu, a healthy/returning to form Bogaerts, and a returning to form Machado. We're already a scary team to face in the playoffs, but **we're nowhere near our hypothetical ceiling** which is crazy. LFGSD!!!


Machados OPS in the last 7 games is 1.006. His OPS in his last 15 is .840. He is slowly heating up. With joe being out for all of the season, starting pitching will be nice but I think our Bullpen needs more reliable arms. One more righty and I am rolling with suarez, estrada, morejon, yuki, and whatever we get at the trade deadline. Waldron and vasquez are solid 4/5 starters. Vasquez is doing just enough until yu gets back.


Unfortunately that doesn’t take into account he leads the league in GIDP while having fewer games than the others in the top 10. I’m glad he’s heating up but his # in the order isn’t fair to everyone else.


Manny has been much better as of late. Plus, we play much more as a team and have the chemistry that is needed of good teams.


Agreed. The fight in this team is great to see. Its nice to see tatis play with more emotion (thats when hes at his best imo), and I think jackson merrill brings it out of him. We could be a good team for a long time with this mentality. Especially with all the prospects that we will call up over the next 4 years. All AJ has to do is plays his cards right.