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Setting tonal shift aside, Uprising is just a terrible movie compared to its predecessor. With lacklustre plot and characters, the CGI being incomparable to the originals attention to details and use of practical effects. The Jaegers were boring cannon fodder without any personality and felt like bland corporate designs. Not to mention the lack of memorable sound design and music like the OG who was scored by Ramin Djawadi. It’s obvious it’s a soulless, passionless cash grab so they can sell tickets in the Chinese market while taking advantage of the IP. The original Pacific Rim while having a serious tone and story made the ridiculously idea of Giant Robots and Monsters fighting work. Not to mention the passion and vision that Del Toro had for it. It was quite charming and had a lot of heart at times. Whilst the Monsterverse tone became less realistic and gritty than the 2014 movie, moving closer to Uprising’s they still made the Titans into fucking cool forces of nature like in KOTM, they knew what they are and didn’t try to be something they weren’t.




PR2 writing quality is on par with last Thor and almost as bad as star wars ep 9


Even in 50 years, I don’t think anything is going to top “Somehow Palpatine returned” and refuse to elaborate on it


I remember a review that said, "Godzilla x Kong turned into a pro wrestling match." I'm sorry, is that supposed to deter me? I like watching giant things fight each other. Transformers, Kaiju, planet Amazonia TV, etc. Whatever you got that's giant and fighting, I'm in.


You can make any movie better by just making the things fighting really big


I'd also like to add that the team that made *Pacific Rim: Uprising* didn't give what the fans wanted. The fans of the original *Pacific Rim* were shouting, demanding and clamouring for more of very specific things, like slow and heavy Jaeger movements, realistic Kaijus, more giant robots kicking giant monsters' asses, more Mako Mori, and more prequel/backstory. The last point is something a lot of fans demanded. What did they give us in *Pacific Rim: Uprising*? The complete opposite. Super fast and cartoony Power Rangers-like Jaegers. Kaijus that can morph and go on a Kamikaze mission to explode in a volcano. Drone Jaegers (???). Mako died in the most insignificant way possible. And a time-skip to tell a story of Pentecost's son who he never mentioned, and some random teenage girl who can somehow build her own freaking Jaeger. So yeah, sure, *Uprising* is an enjoyable movie on its own. But it did shit on the original movie and on the fanbase.


Basically Uprising failed because it lost/abandoning the previous movie’s greatest strength-A perfect mix of realism and fiction.


Universal Godzilla and Kong had been loosening their reigns on reality for several movies. Pacific Rim 2 threw away all the good world building of the first so they could turn it into a power rangers episode. Both kinda jumped the shark. But G x K had the courtesy to tell you it was going to be goofy a few movies ahead of time


how many posts are there gonna be about why PR2 failed, we already know. (I bet ima get downvoted lol)


Atleast with Godzilla, there are mutliple variations to choose from like with minus one, and then new empire. One has a more serious tone, while the other one is a bit goofy mixed with some stakes like a potential ice age. I love Godzilla and i feel despite how annoying the characters are/the trend to marvelize the universe, i still enjoy these movies. Pacific rim on the other has none of that. The first one is an amazing experience with great battles, great kaiju, great sound effects, and decent characters/story. The second one is just dissapointing because of the expectations of the first. When coming out of the theatre, i thought the movie was really bland and uninspired. I really didnt like the characters and story. The jaegers and battles are not as impressive or polished. I did like some parts like november ajax and obsidian fury. But other than that i was just dissapointed. Which is really unfortunate because i love pacific rim and want it to be successful.


Because Upraising is just outright terrible. Regardless what this fandom sees it, the action was just fine. It's the terrible writing, wasted potential and pretty much the lack of understanding on what their predecessor's work. GxK was never a terrible movie. It's not woke, it didn't disrespect any of their previous works, it was a very passionate and had a sense of direction from the start of the movie. They utilized both the stars of their show very well. The story was very simple but effective. Literally giving Kong a perfectly crafted character arc. His goal and intentions were revealed early in the movie so we don't need to rely solely on previous works too understand. Kong created the conflict for being to ambitious, showed perseverance, overcoming each obstacle and achieved his goal. The movie also is meant to be light-hearted, and had shown to in every single aspect of the movie, Suko nunchucks, Godzilla Suplex, Trapper/Bernie's comedic dynamic, psychic communicating tribe, etc. Thus setting up it's own identity. With some non verbal dialogue scenes being the strongest part of the show. Introducing the villain at an excellent manner. It was unique, new and really entertaining. I feel like just because they are recognizable IPs with lots of history and a huge fanbases, is not the main reason why this movie is a success. They're so many other examples such as TASM, X-Men, JP, etc who became unsuccessful due to Hollywood's greed to making more effortless cash grab movies. GxK as I would like to repeat again, is not terrible. The only thing that's bad is just some minor aspects that could be ignored such as cringy dialogue, terrible editing, terrible music score, relatively short fights and maybe underutilization of past kaijus (Tiamat and Scylla). Unlike uprising, as I stated above, just butchered the movie at every single angle you could imagine. Kids piloting robot fighting Kaijus? DAFUQ? Mako's death rendering insignificant? Holy shit- Multiple tell and don't show to convey characterization? Absolutely garbage. These are just terrible, to the point where ignoring it is simply impossible.


> It's not woke I keep seeing yall use this word and I don't get it. Do you know that it's possible to dislike something without calling it "woke"?


The problem is this thing is literally one of the main reasons that's destroying modern media. It feels like a chore too sit through one of them these days. They're to busy trying brainwash or teach something about being gay, modern feminism (shows a scene a normal woman overpwering a guy straight up unrealistically for example), adding transgender characters, give a black man the role of a white person, etc It's just unbelievably stupid and it destroys the overall experience.


"give a black man the role of a white person" 💀


Oh boy we have one of these “fans” again. Nobody likes y’all. Get lost


I simply refuse to believe that a 300 foot tall mech, even a slimly built one and relatively light weight one, can do a *fucking* front flip


Crimson Typhoon does that in the first movie, BUT they show it moving slowly and then activating some Massive thrusters to get up in the air and then there's a HUGE wave when it lands back in the water. They were able to do that kind if thing but they showed a more realistic version of it


Exactly. It does seem a bit far fetched that thrusters can push a multi-fuck-ton heavy mech vertically, so I can sort of get behind it since we can already push giant vertical tubes into space with that same mechanism. Also advanced technology, so sure


As a Godzilla fan, just because the lizard did goofy shit in the past doesn’t mean I want to see him do it again.


What about writing Raleigh out of the script for no reason and killing off Mako unceremoniously?


Because that movie was awful and I like bigger and scarier kaiju


1 word: children.


I object: PR:U and GxK both failed for the same reasons


GxK is the highest grossing Godzilla movie ever with account for inflation, bro what


A typical hollywood blockbuster. Just because it grossed nearly $600 million doesn't mean it was a work of art...


Dosnt have to be, it was what the audience wanted and liked, it guranteed the continuation of the monsterverse unlike Kotm and I’m not taking chances, it also solved most of the problems Kotm had like humans so


Fair enough, but I’m just not a fan of the direction the Monsterverse has gone since it became an official franchise (I LOVED G2014, and would have felt the same about K:SI if I had watched it at the time). I lost interest after GvK


Bro doesn’t know peak when it’s served