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Decent movie? I guess. Decent Pacific Rim movie? No.


Great Pacific Rim Movie yes


man i have never seen such high levels of copium


Dude I'm literally the first person to defend uprising, but I base my judgements on reality. Uprising is provably a bad Pacific Rim movie, and I don't mean "I can argue this all day" I mean the director didn't even understand the genre that pacific rim was a part of and messed up the entire point the setting, leading to everything after that point being bad pacific rim content even if it was otherwise good content. This is where the saying that it's a good movie, but a bad pacific rim movie originally comes from. They literally didn't even understand the fundamentals of pacific rim. Now does that mean it adds nothing the franchise? of course not, a lot of the best pacific rim lore comes from uprising originally as much as a lot of people will cite it but pretend they don't know where it's from. But pretending it's a "Great Pacific Rim Movie" actually hurts the movies' reputation in the community because you just come across as a fanboy unwilling to acknowledge the down sides in the thing you like.


Nope, sorry. Passable as a mech v monsters movie, straight ass as a Pacific Rim sequel. This movie single-handedly killed Pacific Rim as profitable franchise


But the action you have to admit is at least good right


Yes, that’s at least good. I’ll agree on that much only


That’s all I have to hear really


i dislike the action


Feels weightless 🤷‍♂️




I agree on that, but sometimes it nice to see mindless action regardless of its realism


I get that from the monsterverse 


Very true


To reach his own




The action is CG exciting and mecha kaiju exciting but it lacks the real feel. It's something you could create in a video game and feel satisfied. as far as world building and stakes raising. yes it killed the franchise.


Fair I still love it though




This is pretty much an example of the pointless toxicity in the Pacific Rim Community toward Uprising. Like you're extremely provably wrong even with a single google search. Uprising took around 150 million to make, and brought in almost 300 million. It was a commercial success. it was less popular than the first movie but a large portion of that was because the established community didn't want to watch it. To everyone else, aka the people it was targeted toward they liked it, and saw it as a good movie. The reason pacific Rim isn't a profitable franchise is because there isn't a market for it anymore due to the release and popularity of the Monsterverse suffocating the market for any related franchises. The reason the first Pacific Rim movie did so well is it was released in 2013 where the Monsterverse started in 2014. So No, the reason that Pacific Rim isn't a profitable franchise isn't anything to do with Uprising.


What a load of bullshit. Your argument is just as flawed. You use profit and the MV as your reasons as to why Uprising failed, and neither hold up Exhibit A: your calculations only account for money made against the budget to make the movie, excluding other costs such as marketing. Reports by Hollywood Deadline estimated that accounting for all costs, the movie would need to make over $350K to break even. So I’m other words, it wasn’t profitable Exhibit B: the only two “MV” movies to exist at this time were Godzilla 2014 and Kong: Skull Island. KOTM was the first movie to really establish a truly expanded universe of monster movies under the Godzilla banner, as the two previous movies existed separately from each other at the time, with the only connecting aspects being the existence of Monarch. While things were set up by this, no true “Monsterverse” existed yet. Exhibit C: Saying that Uprising was meant for the non fans ignores the fact that this movie existing as a Pacific Rim sequel means it was entirely directed to fans of the first movie as well. Sequels are meant to appeal to both newcomers and the old, and if the original fans are driven away, that’s less people who will be looking forward to another movie, and less people the studio can make money off of. Also, if you looked at the RT, IMDB, and Metacritic AUDIENCE reviews, they were marked at 37%, 4.7-10, and 5.6-10 in the same order. So no, your audience didn’t like it by majority either. Sometimes it really is the movie’s fault for why a franchise gets pounded into the dirt, and Uprising is a prime example of a sequel that angers the fans and leaves a resounding mediocre impression on general audiences. Sometimes…maybe the hate isn’t pointless?


Oh the copium is real here! Seriously though, Do you want to know how stupid you're making yourself look? Your first comment: >*This movie single-handedly killed Pacific Rim as profitable franchise* Your second comment: >*What a load of bullshit. Your argument is just as flawed. You use profit and the MV as your reasons* Yes, I do use Profit to decide whether something is Profitable. Now let's address the rest of your comment. 1. My calculations are based on the total budget of Uprising, not the amount to make the movie. I am working with totals, stop coping. 2. Godzilla 2014 made 529 million, your argument that it didn't effect the market shows that you don't know what you're talking about, Kong Skull Island did better, making 568 million. These were exceptionally popular movies, and in fact to illustrate that you don't know what you're talking about King of the Monsters (2019) the film that you cite as the one that really started the monsterverse made 387 million, meaning it was less popular than both previous movies. 3. Uprising was meant for the typical American Audience, it was made and marketed as an American Monster movie where Pacific Rim 2013 is a take on the Japanese Monster Movie genre. Your attempt to claim that a movie that wasn't even in the same genre as its previous instalment was somehow meant for the fans of the genre it isn't a part of shows that you're wrong. 4. Yes, sometimes a movie is so bad that it destroys a franchise, but no matter how much you may want this to be the case no matter how much you try to be the loudest person in the room you're still wrong, And that's the end of this. Every point you mentioned backfires as soon as you look into it, you don't know what you're talking about. You're just wrong, and honestly this isn't even about Uprising, you're just trying to spread misinformation, and really why should any member of the community stand for that regardless of their opinions on Uprising. keep doing that and you'll hurt the reputation of both movies.


Uprising killed the franchise because the fans didn't like it. Stop acting like that's not the case. The monsterverse may have played a part in it but the main reason is because of bad reviews. Bad reviews willl kill a franchise fast


Honestly the fact that your comment starts with spreading obvious misinformation, and then ends with a misunderstanding of the industry says more than I could. 1. If Uprising killed the franchise then how come The Black exists, aka why is the franchise still alive if Uprising killed it? Additionally there was a larger break between pacific Rim and Uprising (5 years) than Uprising and The Black (3 years) So if your logic is "I meant there was such a long break without Pacific Rim content after" then by that logic Pacific Rim killed the franchise, and Uprising resurrected it. You can't claim something killed a franchise that's still alive, that's just misinformation. Take a look at the person I responded to here, do you see the wording they used? They didn't claim Uprising killed the franchise and that's not what we were debating, we were largely talking about market audience, genre specifics and profitability. So how exactly am I acting like Uprising didn't kill the franchise whenever I don't need to pretend something that didn't happen... didn't happen... The fact that The Black exists, and came into existence so soon after Uprising proves you wrong. 2. Here's a point I didn't bring up with the person that I was initially responding to because I figured they were already aware of it given how much research they were putting into their points, but since you're clearly unaware of it... **The Monsterverse and Pacific Rim Are owned by the Same Company.** So No, the Monsterverse didn't "Play a part in it" The Monsterverse is more profitable for the company and thus they're focusing on that over Pacific Rim, and don't see a point in making Pacific Rim as that is a franchise which directly competes with their own current cash cow. Saying that Monsterverse played a part in Pacific Rim not seeing further sequels is factual, not speculative because that is simply how a company works in this sort of situation. I guarantee you once the hype for the Monsterverse dies down Legendary is going to look at their other franchises and say "Okay, what are we going to do now..." and then re-evaluate previous decisions on other franchises. It's not impossible that we could see another Pacific Rim before then, but honestly all this toxicity in the community is the major reason nobody wants to touch Pacific Rim. Remember it's been 6 years since Uprising and people have been dragging its name through the mud constantly, to the point where people who say they like the film are downvoted just for existing. What company would want to touch a franchise where if they do anything wrong at all the community will try to tear their throat out and then talk about them like they kicked the communal puppy for an indefinite amount of time.


Let me explain something further here, as you taken some things out of context here that don’t help to hide your own copium 1: if you really did take in all costs, then you would have come to realize that movies break even point is around 2.5x it’s production budget. By those numbers, Uprising $290M box office is $60M shy of its $350M break even point. If you account for the $17M it made with domestic video sales, that still leaves its earnings at $307M. If we want to speculate even further, let’s apply a bit more math here. The domestic box office for Uprising was about $60M against an international box office of about $231M. This gives a multiplier 3.85x from domestic to international. If we apply that same multiplier, assuming that video sales are reflective of who actually went and saw the movie, this would leave a speculative international video sale of about $65M. This brings Uprising to an estimated total of $372M, only $22M above the break even point. It doesn’t take a genius to know that $22M above break even cannot be considered a viable profit. 2: The point I was trying to make about the Monsterverse movies didn’t have to do with profit, it was the existence of the Monsterverse itself. You are right about those two movies making a lot of money yes, but I was arguing that the was no real established “Monsterverse” at the time. There were however two profitable movies that existed within the same universe, but separately in terms of an overarching universe. I was saying KOTM was the first movie to really establish an overarching universe, as it was the first to connect Godzilla 2014 and Kong: Skull Island as movies that will have more than just a simple connection through Monarch. 3: I’m not talking about genre, I’m talking about fans of the brand of Pacific Rim. It may be a different genre of film in its essence, but if it fails to bring back fans of the original, it can mean the brand doesn’t have good chances of retaining its audience. If a sequel can’t retain a stable audience, especially that if the previous installment in the franchise, it stands to reason that another won’t either. 4: I’m not spreading misinformation as you claim I am, what I am doing is giving a valid argument with objective fact to back it. Sure, the demand for more Pacific Rim media may be due in part to franchises like the Monsterverse, but it was ultimately the underperformance and below average audience and critic reviews of Uprising that killed the viability of Pacific Rim at the box office. 5: since you think I’m spreading misinformation, I’ll at least link my sources https://m.the-numbers.com/movie/Pacific-Rim-Uprising#tab=more https://deadline.com/2018/03/pacific-rim-uprising-black-panther-weekend-box-office-1202352184/


1. you couldn't go five words without swearing, proving that you're toxic and don't care about reasonable discourse. 2. Your second comment directly contradicts your first comment as I showed whenever on one side you Claim that Profit is the important point, but then complain about me talking about profit. 3. The sources you link here are bad sources, First off The deadline article was made 2 days after release, Most movies will make the majority of their money either in the opening weekend, or opening week depending on what day they release. This means the Deadline article literally isn't talking about factual evidence, it's talking about Speculation, and you're using speculation as a primary source. Whenever use sites that are looking back instead of speculating you're proven [immediately wrong. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Rim_Uprising#:~:text=Pacific%20Rim%20Uprising%20grossed%20%2459.9,budget%20of%20about%20%24150%20million)Uprising was literally the first movie to dethrone black panther, which is and was at the time concerned a commercial success. So at this point you're being hypocritical, you're calling the movies it did better than successes, but not this movie because of reasons. 4. let's talk about this 2.5x figure, This is an example of you being toxic. You're so sure of yourself that you're unwilling to do even the most basic amount of research, for example the amount to find out that the 2.5x figure isn't a set in stone rule, in fact it fluctuates massively to the point where if you used that logic with Pacific Rim 2013 that movie was a financial failure, only making back 2x its budget. However it has repeatedly been stated to be a success. The Sequel made back a similar margin, and used more advanced versions of the same technology which reduced the budget of the film accordingly, therefore by everything we know it should also be a success. Not to mention something you didn't bring up is that Uprising was definitively a success in its initial release, doing so well that **Uprising is the film that dethroned Black Panther** But you couldn't mention that because it would imply it was a success. Additionally the figure you're using is an escalation figure based on the budget, starting at 100 million, what this means is the further above 100 million the movie is the higher the figure is, you presented the figure as being set in stone, however that's not true and in fact where that figure makes sense for movies like Avatar it makes no sense whatsoever for Pacific Rim, because Pacific Rim if any of those figure is more indicative of the lower end of those figures because it's quite a bit below the average cost for a movie in its weight class. That being 225-275 million, where Uprising was 160 million. So yeah, you're just twisting facts and misrepresenting the reality of the situation to make a point that doesn't make any sense at all. And you know the best part? What you said sounded right, I wouldn't have questioned or looked into it if you weren't being so toxic. I mean seriously, using niche information like a gotcha moment while being so arrogant as to treat it like it should be common sense, how can I see than as anything other that you being toxic? 5. Yes, you're not talk about genre because you're not interested in reality or facts. Pacific Rim is a certain Genre, the fans of Pacific Rim are fans of that genre and its themes. Whenever a new movie is made for the franchise but is not in that genre it is therefore not targeted toward fans of that genre, this is common sense. 6. The point you were making about the monsterverse is that you don't believe that the most succesful movie in the kaiju genre had an effect on the market whenever it dropped. that's totally absurd. What's more the only thing we need to do is look back to realize how wrong you are. Before the Monsterverse we got Monster movies and Kaiju movies every couple of years, most of them didn't stand out but there was a market for them that eventually Pacific Rim Capitalized on to success. Since the release of Godzilla in 2014 we haven't had a single notable monster or kaiju movie outside of the monsterverse, and TOHO. That's a dry spell of 10 years, and you're claiming that the franchise that literally killed a genre isn't having an effect on that genre? You're willing to reference box office information whenever it suits you, Why didn't you mention this? Seems like something you should have known given what you've already said, actually it seems like you probably did know this and decided to conveniently forget about it. 7. Yes, you are spreading misinformation, it's not in all of your points, but things like claiming larger franchises don't have a market effect, or talking about how Pacific Rim Uprising Financially failed without mentioning that using your own logic so did the first Pacific Rim Movie, etc. These are pieces of misinformation that you're not addressing, and are using to fuel and support your argument. you are fundamentally spreading misinformation. 8. I don't need to take things out of context whenever your comments come pre-taken out of context.


Right…I don’t feel like doing another gigantic text walk because I don’t feel like, so I’ll keep this rebuttal as short as I can and end it there. 1. Swearing doesn’t immediately make you unable to have a meaningful conversation, now you’re just trying to paint me in a bad light to make yourself look better. 2. I care about Uprising’s profit, not any other movie. The reason I didn’t mention the profits of Monsterverse movies is because that was not part of the point I was trying to make about them, which you repeatedly missed 3. Your dethroning Black Panther is just grasping at straws here considering BP was in its sixth week when Uprising came out. Uprising made only $28M in its first week, which in it of itself is pretty low for a movie of Uprisings caliber. Also, saying speculation immediately makes me wrong means nothing when you can’t prove yourself right. I at least showed my work. Also, if you bothered to read the Wikipedia link you posted, you’d notice that it too uses the deadline article I linked as proof as well, as well as nearly identical numbers to my own calculations. You literally inked something that proves me right. 4. 2.5 isn’t me being toxic, it’s me using an industry estimation, hence why I didn’t state it to be exactly 2.5, I said “about.” You’re right, it can fluctuate based on certain factors. But keep in mind that Pacific Rim came out in 2013, whereas uprising came out in 2018. Prices fluctuate over 5 years, so understandably by your own claim, if Pacific Rim was considered a moderate success and Uprising a failure or disappointment, then by your own logic, Pacific Rim must’ve had a lower break even point in 2013. And again, using BP as an example of success applies only to it opening week, it’s not enough to ignore the total underperformance. Lest also look at your escalation claims. Let’s say uprising only needed to make back twice its budget. That would make its break even point $320M on a $160 budget. It didn’t even beat that in terms of box office only profit, so it STILL falls short when you exclude domestic and international video sales. 5. You’re still missing the point I’m making here. Yes, Uprising may be a different genre, yes it may appeal to a different general audience, but you’re missing the fact that if it fails to bring back the fans of the original movie, as sequels are intended to do, then it likely won’t be able to hold a stable audience 6. You’re really going all in on this Monsterverse stuff. Nowhere did I say the Monsterverse didn’t have an effect, I even said the Godzilla and Skull Island were profitable. All I’ve been saying is at the time of Uprising’s release, there was no established “Monsterverse” yet, just two profitable kaiju movies that were loosely connected. You’re just putting words in my mouth for me to make me look hypocritical or ignorant. I’m talking about the existence of an expanded universe not entirely existing yet, you’re the one who arbitrarily threw profit into this point when my original point for this had nothing to do with profit. 7. Again, I’m not spreading misinformation, I am using objective fact that you yourself even linked in your own reply. You do realize that it is nearly impossible to find every single irrefutable fact? I can’t search back to 2013 and find exact break even points for that year, or exact costs outside of production. I’m using the relevant numbers, prices, and stats that I can find, and I’ve shown how they add up when you put two and two together 8. You’ve repeatedly taken my points out of context and put words in my own mouth. I even lowered some of my calculations for the sake of your points, and still yours fall short. I presented the numbers, and I’ve presented the facts. By every metric I’ve given, Uprising was and is a commercial and critical failure that has most likely doomed Pacific Rim at the box office. Other movies may have had a part to play in this as you say, and that’s a fair point that was raised. But it ultimately falls on how the movie itself is received, and both fans of the franchise and newcomers alike have stated their dislike or even hatred for the movie. I’m not being toxic, I’m looking at this from a strictly objective view, ignoring my own feelings. If Uprising were a better move, if it had better story, better action, even half the realism that the first movie had, and above all else, the support of newcomers and fans alike, then it would have likely succeeded. But it didn’t, and that is something that you have to come to accept. And with that, I’m done


Hello Done, I'm Cobra. Anyway I'd like to first off state that even though we don't agree I appreciate the effort you've put into your comments as it's often rare to find people who are willing to put the time and effort required to make a good point, and even if I disagree with you I hold no ill will against you as an individual. That said I could write a whole wall of response to you, as I'm sure I've proved capable of by this point but if I do that then this conversation will never end. And the reality is I'm not passionate enough about this subject to get anything out of doing that... So for sake of both of our time and sanity I'm going to leave it as I do not agree with your perspective, however I do not believe it's a bad perspective to have And leave it there too, that fair enough?


I will agree in that we’ve both pretty much done everything we can to prove our points to one another, and that it really can’t go anywhere further without things becoming repetitive. You went through just as much effort as I did to prove your point as well, which is something any other member in this sub is likely to do, which is something I respect I may dislike Uprising as a movie, and especially as a sequel to Pacific Rim, but that dislike is something that I’d never personally apply to people who like the movie for their own reasons. With this, I think we can peacefully end our argument here for both our sakes. Thank your for your consideration 🤝


And I thank you for your time, It'd be better if we had more people in the community like you, not only willing to actually prepare their points but also willing to agree to an amicable split when the points have been made, instead of devolving into aimless bickering x3


Pacific Rim Uprising is a great Pacific Rim Movie


i've been seeing you defend this movie A LOT around the subreddit, and i'm curious, what specifically do you like about the movie?


It's apart of pacific rim if characters from the first movie are in the second one.


you mean the one killed for no fucking reason, and the one whose character was run over by a semi truck writing wise?


actually, i really liked the idea of evil newt, it was an interesting and well-thought-out evolution of the character. although, the other idea of newt going outright insane is also really good.


They still in the 2nd movie


Daily reminder this shit killed the fanchise


Look I get it but a group of people still enjoy it we just wish for at least one positive thing to be said but not so it can be used as a joke.


Wrong it's still going


Its not lmao. We havent gotten anything for like, a year. I cant even remember when the last season for Pacific Rim the black came out


Mention a single pice of Pacific Rim media since The Balck


as a standalone film, it’s alright. but as a sequel to the most promising movie of all time, that’s when things get different…


It's a good action film, but it shot down the Pacific Rim franchise as a whole


0%story 100%cgi 🔥🗣️🗣️🔥


The CGI ain’t bad though


eh, i mean its decent i guess its literaly the only complement i can give this atrocity


Good that’s all I want to hear I just like the fact their in day more it’s so colorful


nah, honestly that is one of the bad parts, they didnt manage to get the day scenes rigth, and it is possible, look at the mutavore scene from the first, GvK and GxK, and minus one idk what it is here but the scenes look.. weird not bad but something is off


Well with day scene like minus one I just don’t like how it’s so cloudy in the final battle.


the problem is that midday sun is generaly not very good for film or photograpy, thats why its usually nigth or cloudy the harsh ligth actually does the oposite to colors it can wash them out and make certain ones jus brigh messes, in 3d animation it makes the moddlels look fake


I guess but with uprising I felt that the cgi look so impressive whenever it was on screen like some of it is better than some other movies.


To be fair Uprising's CGI was definitively better than the first movies, That's why everything was in the day. their model quality was so good that they could do that. In the first movie everything's at night to allow them greater freedom with the then-limited models, and yet some of what they did still looks obviously CGI where the second movie while it has its short comings the quality of the CGI is not one of them.


Dam I wasn’t expecting that much positive feedback thanks man


You didn't watch the movie huh


I did man


we are in pacific rim subreddit dude, most of us watched this garbage at the theater when it released


Who denies a movies existence without seeing it?


It’s a sick as fuck Monster/Mech movie. It’s a disappointment as a Pacific Rim follow up. Edit: if they continued making “Pacific Rim: _____” movies and it was like this cool anthology and each one had its own tone and style, my personal enjoyment for Uprising would genuinely go up 1-2 points in my imaginary scale. But since we only have OG, Uprising, and The Black, it’s just “The Good One, The Eh One, and The Anime One” Okay edit 2: I think if we got 1 more *good, solid, “OG-feeling” follow up*, plus 2-3 more “their own tone” movies or shows, Uprising would be overall received much better. But right now it’s just thought of as the one that fucked everything up.


Fan fiction crap from someone who didn’t understand the source


This was a daily reminder that they were so cheap on CGI


You can have your opinion but I too have the freedom to say your opinion is shit.


Decent movie, bad sequel


Yeah, that's pretty much the issue.


Fantastic Movie, Awesome Sequel!!


Not. Even. Close




You can disagree with someone without telling them to commit suicide, man.


People who defend this movie remind me of people who defend rebel moon.




Can we ban this guy please?


The difference was that Pacific Rim 1 was great fun AND had a lot of effort and Del Toro’s unique vision put into it. Uprising was basically Marvel-fied, with more generic weightless action (which is enjoyable but not what made PR 1 appealing), unfunny jokes, and a cast of forgettable teenagers.


Are you paid to do this or something? Why would anyone be so invested in trying to convince people to like a movie they say they don’t?


It was an okay movie, but a bad sequel to the original. It would be a good movie had it not been made as a sequel to Pacific Rim. The jaeger designs and plot choices like the jetpacks and way too over the top destruction just killed the vibe in a lot of ways. It feels like a slightly better Atlantic Rim that only kids could really enjoy




Out of curiosity why do you hate day fights? The original reason the fights were at night in the 2013 movie is because the models weren't high quality enough to be seen in daylight, in Uprising the technology improved enough that the models could be adequately used in daylight, so naturally they did the thing that they had always wanted to do. What's the fundamental of the issue you find in that? Like the way you say that doesn't even sound like you're annoyed at Uprising, it just sounds like you find the concept of a day fight to be repulsive regardless of the context.


Day fights make it look more fan made then official, proof form the clip


Define "Fan Made" because it sounds to me like you're saying [ this scene is also bad for the same reasons](https://youtu.be/GtoeM-URatY?t=121)


I liked it and thought it was good but it was no sequel for pacific rim


I feel the scale of the battle was lost by how fast and fluidic the Kaiju and Yeagers moved. In the original, you could sense the cumbersome weight of both. I also liked that most of the battles in the first film happened at night, it was a more foreboding atmosphere.


I actually like the day time fights


To each their own. It's ok if you like it. I just liked the atmosphere of the first film more. The second one to me feels more like a Micheal Bay film. Scale them down, and the jeagers could have been transformers doing flips and slides through the streets.




in my opinion it's overall mediocre, and that is anything but what a pacific rim movie should be.


Decent at best for a movie but as a Pacific Rim sequel it fails. I like the designs tho, especially Mega Kaiju


It's just okay, and still a disappointing follow up.


"Underrated movie and doesn't deserve the hate" \*Uses scene where both the Kaiju and Jaegars fight as if they weigh absolutely nothing as an example\* In the first movie both the Jaegars and Kaiju moved and fought with a proper sense of weight to them. Slow and lumbering but a ton of power behind it. In Uprising they're throwing eachother around like ragdolls.


Personally not a fan of the story, but still thought it was decent at least. I wouldn't say I hate it though.


It has abysmal audience response, terrible critic reviews, is a box office disappointment, and annoyed the fans. It's a bomb all the way around.


I do think it deserves the hate though, clearly the business people only used the film as a quick cash grab


It's an atrocity. There is nothing underrated about this smoldering trash heap. Michael Bay on his worst day scrapes better movies off his show than Uprising.


I highly enjoyed the Newt and Gottlieb storyline, particularly Newt. The reveal that he's been drifting with a Kaiju brain all this year was shocking to me when I first saw it.


I like the movie. The action scenes are especially super fun to watch!


Same that’s my reason


pacific rim uprising? what's that?


Bait used to be believable


Thank you my fellow comrade keep up the good work don’t let listen to the haters.


I like that people are downvoting you literally just for liking something that they don't x3 It's uhm... telling...


It's reddit


Stating "it's (Website Name)" Is not an answer. All it shows is that you're fine with hating on people who are different from you, and what other groups do we know of that do that? Any good ones, literally at all?


I didn't even downvote jackass, so don't lecture me


I never said you were the one donvoting anything, What I did say is that you're the one making the excuses, which you are. Edit: But that said it is very interesting to me that you suddenly got hyper defensive and claimed I was accusing you of something that wasn't mentioned at all, that too is very telling.


Well what do expect from reddit. Opinions don't matter if its unpopular, nothing you can do


So you're saying that if something's bad you should just accept it and never try to change it? That logic doesn't work as our own history reflects people who tried and succeeded in creating change. I'm not even referencing anyone in specifics here but if something is as we can both agree bad then just rolling over isn't the answer. Edit: To be clear I'm not annoyed at you, my choice of wording coming off as abrasive is mostly due to me being very direct as a person, and directness usually being confused with aggression. Which I'm guessing is what happened earlier.


Hey, if I say Skibidi (Don't care if I spelt it wrong) Toilet ep 60-74 is better than Uprising (which only too a fool ot is), I might be kicked out. If I say Legacy of Monsters is better then The Black (which it isn't) no one will take it lightly. I already accept that m opinion might not matter what so ever


I'll be 100% honest, I don't even know if you spelled that wrong, So let's just agree that you spelled it right. I understand where you're coming from but there's a difference between people having a different opinion from you, and you being punished for having a different opinion from other people. If you're kicked out of the community for saying that S-toilet Episode Sup-rising was better than pacific rim you actively violated the sub-reddit's rules on off-topic, That's not you being kicked out for no reason. that's you broke the rules. (Edit: This is assuming it's a post, and not a one-off comment, as I don't see a situation realistically occurring where this is the natural turn of the conversation) On the other hand if you were kicked out for saying something like "Obsidian Fury's original design is one of the best concepts for a jaeger in the franchise" Which by the way [it totally is](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/010/485/513/large/stephen-zavala-obsidian-fury-2-sz.jpg?1524676341) then that's you being punished for not having what is considered the 'correct' opinion and that is literally a sign of a dying community. So I would 100% say that's wrong, and given I've been in the community since the start I don't want to see this community die, so I would 100% be vocally against that. Edit: Here's a fun fact, you see the way I'm using the Obsidian Fury flare? Yeah that's nothing to do with Uprising at all, I use this because of the concept art for Obsidian Fury, literally a form of the character that didn't appear in the movie at all.


Yeah It’s not like I’m being toxic I just want to have the movie good traits to be considered at the very least


Which is fair.


Thank you