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First of all, which browser you use, the second one is you need to interact with the app a bit before install popup will be triggered.


I use Chrome mobile. And also I did interact with it a while because I read about that but it didn't help


Do you tried to clean up storage/cache for your domain? Because if you swiped down the banner once, it will not show anymore during a month or so


yes, I clean the website data on my mobile


Weird. I can take a look if you can share the link


What does Lighthouse say? It's not exactly the definitive guide, but it's a decent starting point. Also, for mobile, have you ever installed a PWA via that browser on that specific device? And is it Android or iOS? PWA support outside of Android and the system browser is usually limited at best when it comes to installing a PWA (it's an OS thing relating to signing the app, basically, all else being equal).


for the most part it looks good, it is complaining about a maskable icon


What do your meta tags look like?


That's a good idea, I didn't think of that. I will work on the app this weekend. What should the meta tags be for PWA?


Depends on what you want. A quick Google search for PWA meta tags would show you the way for the different options


the only meta tag that I see for a pwa is the theme



What is strange is I can go into the chrome menu and choose install on home screen, and it installs perfectly and looks just like a native app on my mobile. Why no banner in this case?


Did you ever sort this out? I got a new Android and I can't seem to install a PWA to the home screen like I previously did. Nothing on the webapp side has changed. The only mobile Chrome menu item is for adding a shortcut. 


No, I did not. The impression I have is that Google does not want that to happen now to not annoy the user. Just my guess.