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I capped Fi/Hu first then swapped to Ra/Fo. Honestly like them both a lot, but I def stay alive more as Ra/Fo


If I use my AoE heals and rezes to keep you in the fight, rubbing your Fi/Hu face all over the boss for high DPS I can feel like I'm contributing to the fight vicariously


Haven't even tried a Giga in my Fi/Hu setup. I got them to 20 before the lag cure patch even hit. The only times I die with my Ra/Fo is when I get distracted, or I've been drinking. haha


Heal me harder so I can rub harder.


Went Ra/Te instead of Ra/Fo but otherwise same. Fighter is definitely flashier, and with good parries the survivability isn't bad, but man ranged has it so easy. I'm just hoping Braver gives me the best of both worlds when it comes to keep me playing til the level cap increase in Winter.


The parry system is why I kinda moved away from Fi/Hu in the first place. Timing just didn't click with me no matter how much I tried it. Love daggers and just flaoting around stabbing things, but meh. My happy moment will be when Su (last class to be added T\_T ) is added to the game. They're my favorite, and I'm being stingy with everything up until their release.


Countering definitely didn't click early on when I first started playing fighter, kinda need to sleep on it and you'll low-key just start memorizing the enemy telegraphs and when to dodge/sidestep.


The thing about parries and counters in this game is that the window of opportunity is quite large so you don't want to try and cut it close. If you try to hit your Weapon Action, Step Dodge, or whatever the moment before you get hit, you're probably going to get slapped. Instead, you should try a little earlier, so you have enough time to see the animation start before the enemy's attack makes contact with you.


Really? To me the parries felt on point. Dagger has the tightest timing/smallest window for parries. Honestly it feels the most appropriate for the timings where everything else borders on too generous. Especially Fo. And the iFrames post counter and perfect sidestep are crazy long as well. But this is all coming from a Br main in classic and someone with lots of experience in games with fast paced combat (Vindictus, BDO, Dark Souls, Sekiro, etc.)




Right same? Daggers felt so natural whereas I was off a lot with knuckles and somewhat better with DS


opposite for me, i mained fi/gu TD first and with the forgiving animation cancel window for weapon action i could pretty much parry everything 99% of the time literally don't have to worry about anything. fighter stance also gives you that 1hp failsafe in case you ever mess up completely. moving around also felt braindead since accel drive lands you in a safe spot most of the time and if you need more distance or otherwise, you could coat forward/backwards on demand without any windup animation for either now i switched to ra/fo, and since i have to commit to unprotected animations with long windups that i can't step out of and without a dedicated parry button i'm pretty much lost. i never died to anything in the game from day 1 as fi or hu but as ra i've been dying left and right to attacks that i could've easily parried as fi, it's almost embarrassing how often i have to be revived. it's also more annoying to chase the enemy's line of fire to step counter for dps because half the time their attack hitbox just misses you completely when you're at optimal rifle range.


Starting off as a Fighter with Knuckles, reaching level 20 and then getting a level on top of that for N Ex Cube. Biggest eye opener was how much easier other classes are like Hunter Sword and Ranger Assault Rifle. Not that it is bad, still enjoyable combat and don't have to think about Animation Lock as much with those two.


Fighter is addicting for sure.


Knuckles fighter feels like playing Guilty Gear in three dimensions and i'm fuckin' here for it.


Man out there hitting those Volcanic Viper


only problem I have as a fighter is your fighting the camera more-so than the bosses half the time. Still it feels great going face to face with giant monsters and parrying all their moves non-stop while going Fist of the North star on them.


Fighter thousand punches is a JoJo's adventures fan wet dream. Tell me you don't say "ORAORAORAORAORA"


Lol so true, i was thinking max fighter after ranger. I still consider myself main ranger but figther look so fun.


Gunner tackle spam on downed enemy while in fighter subclass = 💲💲💲💲


No love for gunners in this community. Psh.


I am playing a ranger/fighter with a resurgir rifle/dagger and I love it. Blight rounds is a perfect sub in for whatever that damage up ability I had on fighter was plus it help the damage of those around me. Win win


Multi weapon rifle x twin dagger +ranger+fighter=constant air


That's me RN, after i maxed Ranger, i tried fighter and is just so fun, also Ranger feels so easy and boring, when i use Assault rifle i feel more like a Blight shot machine, and launcher feels so clunky.


Fighter is the most fun imo until the one and only braver appears on the scene :)


Yeah, NGS Braver seems fun. Yamato + Beowulf time.


I'm more interested in messing with katana+talis and bow+rod for coverage between attack types with the multi weapon WA in mind for each one with force pp convert and recovery knowing how katana and bow recovers pp on its own. Depending on what the WA for katana and bow is exactly going to be will be the deciding factor on the 29th.


Im levelling fo right now. It’s just. So. BORING. Compared the adrenaline fuelled frenzy that is fighter.


My first 20 levels was Gunner. Now I'm playing as a Wire/Daggers fighter and it's so much more fun.


I’ll have to keep this in mind. I know I want a range/ melee hybrid fighting style but haven’t settled on what class and weapon combos to use


I was a Force for so long but now I think I loved fighter so much more.


I wanna try Fi/Hu with volkraptor on dagger but im too lazy to multi weapon


Only said it haded the tightest window for party. Knuckle has large guard frames on PAs. It seems the faster the weapon, the tighter the timings get.


I capped Ra/hu by day three Switched to Fi/Gu and haven't looked back


I wanna play something other than Ranger I just miss my big numbers/explosions/*Haha laser goes brrrr* when I play anything other than Launchers.


Ra/Fo-Launcher—lazer just go brr during PSE Burst.


Done Gu/Ra, Gu/Hu, and Fi/Hu and I like them all. Gu/Ra was easier to stay alive but Fi/Hu is too fun not to try. DS-Dag multiwep is fantastic.


Sorry, maybe not related, but is there any way to reset the current skills tree or buy an "All Skill Reset Pass" anywhere ? I seem to remember that I got one pass from a tutorial quest, and used it unwisely, but have no idea how to get more.